
Terms for subject Business containing line | all forms | exact matches only
above ground line线上
above line线上
above the line线上预算
above the line经常预算收支账目
above the line expenditure线上预算支出
above the line expenditure经常预算支出
above the line expenditure线上项目支出
above the line promotion线上促销
accept a line接受承保额
acceptance line接受线
adjustment of output in line with consumer preference依消费者偏好调整产量
administrative line管理线
advance decline line股票行情涨跌线
advance-decline line升降比例
advance-decline line价格涨落线
advised line of credit信用额度已通知
aerial line航空线
aerial line空中航线
agate line报纸广告单位
air line reservation system飞机定票系统
appropriation line拨款界线
assembling line流水作业
assembling line method流水作业法
automated production line自动化生产线
automatic assembly line自动装配线
automation line自动生产线
average edge line平均宽度
average number of customers in waiting line队列中消费平均数
backup line备用信贷额
bank line银行信贷安排即银行向客户承诺,在一定限额,一定时期内,随时可借取一笔款项
bank line银行提供借款人的贷款清单
bank on-line teller system银行联机出纳系统
bank to bank line of credit guarantee银行间受信额
banker's second line of defence银行第二道防线
banking on-line system银行联机系统
barge line内陆货船航线
barge line驳船运输线
basic credit line基本信贷限额
basis of line基本路线
batch or multimodal assembly line多产品批次装配线
bee line直线
below-the-line expenditure线下支出
below-the-line expenditure线下预算支出
below-the-line expenditure线下项目支出
below-the-line payment and receipts线下项目收支账目
below-the-line payment and receipts线下收支
below-the-line promotion线下推销
below-the-line promotion activity线下推销活动
below-the-line promotional activity私下推销活动
belt line production传递带式流水生产
belt work line传送带流水线
best fitting least squares line最佳拟合最小二乘线
best fitting straight line最佳拟合直线
beyond-line-of-sight path超视距传播路径
bit-sense line位读出线
bold line黑线
bottom line底行数字指企业损益表末行的损益数字
bottom-line management底线管理
broad-line strategy宽产品系统战略
broken line统计点线
broker's line经纪人专线
building line建筑物界限
bulk line cost大宗生产成本
bus line公共汽车公司
bus line公共汽车路线
business line经营范围
by line副业
by line报刊署名
by line铁路支线
capacitance of air-line架空线电容
capacity of line线路容量
capital marketing line资本营销线
capital marketing line资本市场线
cargo operating line装卸作业线
cash on the line凭单证付款
cash on the line签约即付款
cash on the line货到即付
cede line保险分出分保部份
ceded line分保额
central line test中线测试
centre line average平均高度法 (method)
centre line average平均高度 (method)
characteristic line线性最小二乘方回归线
characteristic line统计图回归线
characteristic line element特征线素
class of line用户类别
class-of-line of monopoly独占分类
class-of-line of pollution污染等级
class-of-line of pricing practice按级定价
closed line最后确定的保险额
closed line最后保险完成额
combination passenger-cargo line定期客货轮
commercial toll line商用长途线
conducting economic activities in line with economic law按经济规律办事
conference line vessel班轮公会航运船
confidence interval for regression line回归线置信区间
connect data set to line把数据连接起来
constant cost line固定成本线
constant expenditure line固定支出线
constant product line固定产品线
consumption possibilities line消费可能线
container marine line system集装箱海运班轮制
continuous line班船
contour line of relative advantage相对利益轮廓线
correction by drawing a straight line划线更正
cost budget line成本预算线
cost control line成本控制线
credit line透支额度
credit line信贷限额银行给予工商业者贷款限额及向国外同业行取得的授信限额
cross line正交线
curve-line graph曲线—直线图
data line数据传输线路
data line数据转输线
dead-line delivery date交货截止日期
decision line决策线
delay line迟延线
demarcation line in policy政策界限
direct line organization直线式组织
direct on-line processing直接联机处理
directed line有向线段
direction line导线
divergent line发散线
dock-line system码头选择机制
double line二重线
duplicate line双直线式
equal profit line等利润线
equal-cost line等值线
equal-cost line等成本线
equality line均等分布线
equal-product line等产量线
equation in line coordinate线标方程
equation of the least square line最小二乘方程
equidistant line等距线
excess of line reinsurance超自留额再保险
exclusive line专卖商品
expansion of the product line扩大生产线
expansion of the production line增加产品品类
expected length of the waiting line预期排队长度
express line快运航线
express line快运公司
fast line火车快车车次
feature of line organization直系组织特征
features of line organization直系组织特点
fiducial line准线
finite waiting line有限等候线
finite waiting line model有限等候线模型
fitting of a straight line直线拟合
flat line reinsurance统一规定分保
freehand line徒手描绘直线
free-hand trend line徒手画趋势线
front-line management第一线管理
general-line wholesaler百货批发商
generating line生产线
glass delay-line memory石英玻璃延迟线存储器
goods line货物经营范围
grocery line食品杂货行业
gross line of reinsurance accepted最高分保接受额
guide line for bank lending银行贷款准则
guide-line for investment activities in developing countries发展中国家投资活动准则
guide-line for noninflationary wage increase非通货膨胀性工资增长准则
guide-line for recurring transactions重复发生交易的处理准则
hair line测量线
hair-line pointer瞄准器
hair-line pointer指示器
half line半行
half straight line半直线
half-maximum line breadline半峰线宽度
half-wave length line半波长线
hard line强硬路线
harmonic line调和直线
hunger line饥饿行列
hunger line贫穷线
impact line printer击打行式打印机
in one's line在行
in one's line内行
in-line date processing成簇数据处理
income line收入线
incommensurable line segments不可通线段
individual line专用线
industrial line工业专用线
initial direct line起始方向线
isocost line等值线
isoprice line等价格线
isorevenue line等收益线
isoutility line等效用线
items below the line线下项目
items of below the line线下项目
Kappa line卡普线
Kappa lineK线
land and water communication line水陆交通线
lane line路面分道线
lay in on the line付钱
lay on the line筹足款项
lay on the line出钱
layout by straight line按直线布置
layout of line production生产线配置图
layout of production line生产线配置图
least line criterion最短直线准则
least square straight line最小平方直线
least squares line最小平方直线
length of line直线长
length on summer load water line夏季满载吃水线长度
lent line租用线路
life line货运主要路线
life line重要航线
life line商业生命线
limited-line store品种有限商店
limited-line store有限品种商店指专售某类或几类商品的商店
limited-line strategy有限产品线战略
line activity直线活动
line and functional organization直线职能组织
line and functional staff直线职能参谋制
line and functional staff organization直线职能组织
line and staff control直线参谋管理
line and staff organization垂直参谋组织
line and staff organization集权与分权相结合型的企业组织
line and staff organization structure垂直参谋组织结构
line and staff organization system垂直参谋组织系统
line and staff system垂直参谋制
line and staff type of organization垂直职员式编制组织
line and staff type of sales organization垂直职员式销售组织
line assembly在装配线上装配
line assistant生产线助理
line-at-a-time printer行式打印机
line authority垂直职权
line balance线性平衡
line balance生产线平衡
line balance analysis生产线平衡分析
line belt传送带
line boss生产线指挥人员
line busy电话占线
line capacity生产线能力
line circuit用户电路
line control直线组织管理
line control routine生产线控制程序
line coordinates equation线算方程
line critical graph线临界图
line department垂直领导部门
line department业务部门
line drop用户吊牌
line executive业务主管
line failure生产线故障
line flow assembly order流水作业线装配指令
line function垂直领导职能
line function staff and committee直线职能参谋和委员会制
line functional organization垂直职能组织
line, functional staff and committee organization直线、职能参谋和委员会组织
line graph线型图
line graph统计线状图
line haul陆路长途运输
line haul长途运输
line industrial engineering线式工业工程
line information data base用户信息数据库
line item分列项目
line item详列项目
line-item appropriation分项经费
line item economic order quantity货品项目经济订货量
line level生产线水平
line manager生产线管理人员
line map线图
line mechanic线务员
line of approach处理方法
line of balance余额线法
line of balance technique平衡线法
line of business经营范围
line of business行业
line of command经理直线指挥体系
line of credit信贷限额额度
line of duty值勤
line of duty公务
line of equidistance等距线
line of estimation估计线
line of general trend一般趋势线
line of maintenance线路维护
line of manufacturing装配线
line of operation营业范围
line of perfect equality完全均等线
line of perfect forecast完全预测线
line of prediction预测线
line of product layout产品流程布置法
line of production生产部门
line of regression of x on yx倚y回归线
line of regression of y on xy倚x回归线
line of reinsurance accepted分保接受额
line of related product相关产品系列
line of the delegation of financial authority财务权限从属关系
line of the value of work performed完成工作价值线
line-of-sight coverage视距范围
line one's pocket肥私囊
line operated运营线路
line operated营运线路
line operation行业经营
line organization垂直式组织
line organization行业组织
line out of service停产
line-picking duplicator扫描复印机
line plotting画线
line policy行业政策
line polling procedure线路轮询程序
line position各级负责情况
line production线路生产
line production流水线生产
line production流永生产
line production system生产线系统
line radio communication有线载波通信
line relationship垂直关系
line replaceable unit线性重置单位
line responsibility直线职责
line sampling线式抽样法
line shipping定期航行
line staff organization直线参谋组织
line staff relationship直线参谋关系
line staff system直线参谋系统
line supervision生产线监督
line supervisor生产线监工员
line technological procedure流水工艺程序
line telephony有线电话
line traffic线路业务
line transect线截面
line transmitter有线发报机
line up a job安排一项工作
line-up of numerically-controlled machine tools数字控制机组
line-up period调整周期
line up-keep线路维护
line utilization线路利用率
linear arithmetic trend line线性等差趋势线
linear semilogarithmic trend line线性半对数趋势线
live-line work带电作业
lower decision line下决策线
lumber line木材载重水线
main business line主要营业项目
main trust line主干线
margin line边线
margin line极线
mass line in enterprise management企业管理群众路线
materials management on-line integrated system线上总合物料管理系统
maximum likelihood line最大似然线
maximum line capacity最大通过能力
mean length of the waiting line平均队长
mixed-model assembly line混合模型装配线
multi-line insurance多险种保险
multiple face line多面直线
multiple -line办理多种保险的
multiple -line经营多种行业的
multiple-line insurance company综合保险公司
multiple-line insurance company经营多种保险的保险公司
national line国家航空公司
national line本国航运公司
navigation line chart航线图
net line分保中自留责任额
net line自留责任净限额
net line保险净最高限额
net retained line clause净自留额条款
new product line新产品生产线
off line线外
off line installation线外装置
off line operation脱机操作
old-line company老字号公司
old-line company历史悠久的公司
on-line automatic recognition在线自动识别
on-line comparisons联机比较
on-line maintenance联机检修
on-line memory联机存储器
on-line model联机模式
on-line procedure联机程序
on-line process联机过程
on-line program联机程序
on-line rate本地航线运价
on-line real time processing联机有效处理时间
on-line real time system联机即时系统
on the line在制
on the line付现钱
one-line consolidation单线并合
one line vote整笔拨款
operating line生产线
operation line生产线
opportunity line机会线
optimum least squares line最佳最小平方线
oriented line有向直线
out of line线外
out of line外部
out of line脱离常规
out of line with the market与市价不符
out-of-line process外部过程
out-of-line rate离线工资率
outside line organization跨行业组织
over line跨行业
over line超线
pay cash on the line立即付现金
pay cash on the line立即付现款
perfect forecast line完全预测直线
pilot line指导行
plimsoll line载重线标志
plimsoll line载货吃水线
pointed line点线
price line一批同一定价的货物
price line一批订价相同的货物
primary line主线
primary line干线
process line生产程流水线
product line系列产品
product line产品生产线
product line costing产品线成本核算
product line costing产品生产线成本核算
product line evaluation系列产品评价
product line group系列产品组
product-line profit and loss statement系列产品损益表
product-line profitability系列产品获利能力
production learning line生产学习线
production line evaluation生产线盈利能力评价
production line test生产线试验
pure line organization纯直线组织系统
reconstruction of existing line旧线改造
recurrent line回归线
regression line for job and salaries职薪回归线
regression line for job and wages工资回归线
regression line of X on YX 对 Y 的回归直线
regression line of Y on XY对 X 的回归直线
regular air line常规航空线
regular air line定额航线
remove product from assembly line由装配线移动产品
revenue above the line预算外收入
revenue below the line预算内收入
revolving line of credit周转信贷限额
revolving line of credits周转信贷额度
runs above central line中心线上通过
runs below central line中心线下通过
scale line比例线
scatter around estimating line估计散射在周围的射线
second line of reserve二线准备
securities market line证券市场线图
serialized production-line manufacture序列化流水线生产
service line服务范围
ship line班轮
short-line company短线公司
side line支线
side line兼职
side-line business副业
side-line occupation副业
side-line product副业产品
side-line store兼营商店
single-line manufacturer专项商品制造商
single-line representative专项商品代理商
single line store单项商品商店
single line wholesaler专营批发商
single line wholesaler专项商品批发商
sky line地平线
slope of a line直线斜率
sloping control line超出控制线
special-line consultant专业咨询
staff and line organization职责与部门交叉管理法
straight line直线式流程
straight-line amortization直线摊销指各期平均摊销
straight line approximation method直线逼近法
straight-line depreciation直线折旧法即平均折旧法
straight line depreciation method直线折旧法
straight line depreciation plus average interest直线折旧加平均利息法
straight line depreciation with rate changes折旧率变更的直线折旧法
straight line method of amortization直线摊销法
straight line method of depreciation直线折旧法
straight line modified by usage factor使用系数限定直线法
straight line operation直线操作
straight line plus average interest method直线与平均利息法
straight-line rate直线费率
stream line flow流线型流动
stream line form流线型
subsidized line补给线
supply line供给线
synchro assembling line同步装配线
That is just under our line of business我们生产这种产品
total production line总生产线
tracking a moving line跟踪运行线路
transfer within appropriation line各款经费内流用
transmission-line model传输线模型
travelling line旅行路线
trolley line无轨电车公司
truck line卡车运输公司
trunk line service长途通信
type line型线
type line指纹线型
unconstrained least squares line无约束最小平方直线
unconstrained least squares line无约束最小二乘直线
uni-line tariff单一税率
unsecured line of credit未动用透支限额
van line〈美〉长途运输公司
wage trend line工资趋势线
water line船舶吃水线
weighted regression line加权回归线
whole line of a manufacturer's product制造商生产的全部产品
zigzag line之字形线
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