
Terms for subject China containing line | all forms | exact matches only
a base line底线
alignment of the national border line界线走向
alignment of the national frontier line界线走向
be in line with conditions in China符合中国国情
be in line with specific situation of China符合中国实际
be in line with the actual work situation of people's congresses符合人大工作实际
be in line with the trend of the times in the world today符合当今世界发展潮流
destroy oil or gas pipe-line installations损毁油气管道设施
disabled in the line of duty因公致残
ensure implementation of the Party's line, principles and policies保证党的路线方针政策的贯彻实施
estate boundary location line权属界址线
follow the mass line走群众路线 (in legislative work)
hot line for reporting crime匪警
in line with local conditions从实际出发
in line with new situations针对新情况
in line with the Constitution and other relevant laws依据宪法和有关法律
in line with the procedures and standards for diagnosis and treatment符合诊疗规范
in line with the specific conditions and actual needs根据具体情况和实际需要
International Convention on Load Lines1966 年国际船舶载重线公约
lawful successor in the male line合法父系继承人
mass line群众路线
paternal family line父系
realigning and leading line治导线
stealthily connect one's telecommunications line with that of another person盗接他人通信线路
temporary security line临时警戒线
the Party's line, principles and policies党的路线方针政策
traffic line marking交通标线