
Terms for subject China containing limitations | all forms
apply limitation of liability according to law依法申请责任限制
extend the limitation of action延长诉讼时政溯间
International Convention on Limitation of Liability for Nuclear Damage国际核能损害责任限制公约
limitation fund责任限制基金
limitation fund for maritime claims liability海事赔偿责任限制基金
limitation of action诉讼时效期间
limitation of electricity consumption限电
limitation of liability赔偿责任限额
limitation of liability for maritime claims海事赔偿责任限制
limitation of time for the exercise行使期限
limitation period时效期间
limitation period时效
limitation period时限
limitation period for arbitration仲裁时效期间
limitation period for arbitration仲裁时效
limitation period for bringing an action诉讼时效
limitation period for criminal prosecution追诉时效期限
right to limitation of liability stipulated by law法律规定的责任限制的权利
security limitation安全缺陷
suspension of limitation period时效中止