
Terms for subject Nautical containing lights | all forms
all-round flashing yellow light黄色闪光灯
anchor lights锚灯 (riding light)
beacon light boat航标灯船
bi-colored light双色舷灯
blinker light
bodily light具有正浮力的〔潜艇〕
bodily light体轻的
boiler ignition light oil pump锅炉点火泵
clear sight of light透光尺寸
communication light on topmast桅顶通信灯
dead light风暴盖 (blind cover)
emergency light personal flotation device应急灯个人漂浮装置
fish luring light boat诱鱼灯船
flash light control box闪光通信灯控制箱
flashing turn light转向闪光灯
foremast light前桅灯
forward anchor light前锚灯
green all-round light绿环照灯
green side light绿舷灯
green stern light绿尾灯
ice light waterline冰区轻载水线
infrared communicating light红外线通信灯
inorganic light emitting diode无机发光二极管
light ballasts component within fluorescent light fixtures灯用镇流器荧光灯设备中的部件
light breeze微风
light buoy crane航标起重机
light buoy room航标舱
light dead weight轻吨
light derrick boom轻型吊杆
light detection and ranging光达技术
light displacement轻载排水量 (floating dock)
light displacement of a ship空载排水量
light displacement of floating dock空坞排水量
light distribution curve配光曲线
light draft浅吃水
light draft of floating dock空坞吃水
light dues灯塔捐
light emitting diodes发光二极管
light fittings灯具
light intervention轻型修井作业
light line speed空钩绳索
light multipurpose vessel近海多任务舰
light multirole vehicle轻型多用途车
light running margin轻运行裕度
light sector光弧
light service draught轻载航行吃水
light service draught最深分舱载重线
light side scuttle轻型舷窗
light telegraph gong灯光传令钟
light trap for plankton浮游生物光诱捕装置
light weight浮船坞空坞重量 (floating dock)
light weight空船排水量
light weight LW空船排水量
navigation light controller航行灯控制器
navigation lights号灯
not under command light操纵失控灯
organic light-emitting diode有机发光二极管
pendent navigation light吊升式号灯
pendent rigging of navigation lights号灯吊升索具
perimeter lights周界灯
polar light and skylight observation room极光夜光观测室
port side light红舷灯
portable communicating light手提通信灯
pyrotechnical light信号烟火
pyrotechnical light chest信号烟火箱
red all round light红环照灯
red side light红舷灯
red stern light红尾灯
reserve navigation light备用号灯
riser-less light well intervention无立管修井
self-igniting buoy light自亮灯浮
side scuttle side light舷窗
starboard light绿舷灯
status lights状态灯
stay light前锚灯
submersible navigation light潜水式号灯
topmast light桅顶灯
tricolour stern light三色尾舷灯三色舷灯
truck flashing light桅顶灯
ultra-light aerogel超轻气凝胶
white all-round light白环照灯
white stern light白尾灯
yellow stern light黄尾灯