
Terms for subject Information technology containing light | all forms | exact matches only
ambient light漫射光
ambient light环境光
colored light transmission彩色光传输
fiber-optic light source光纤光源
fill light填充光线
light activated silicon controlled rectifier光激活可控硅整流器
light activated silicon controlled switch光激活可控硅开关
light activated thyristor光控晶闸管
light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation激光 (laser)
light amplifier光放大器
light analyzer光分析器
light antenna光天线
light attenuation光衰减
light button光钮〔键〕
light button
light communication光通信
light conduit光导管
light-controlled oscillator光控振荡器
light coupled device光耦合器件
light current光电流
light-dependent resistor光敏电阻
light detection and ranging光检测和测距
light duty connector光负载连接器
light-emitting diode coupler发光二极管耦合器
light-emitting diode display发光二极管显示器
light-emitting polymers发光聚合体
light frequency光频
light leakage loss漏光损失
light leakage loss光泄漏损失
light modulator光调制器
light of sight propagation视距传播
light-operated switch光控开关
light pen光写人头
light-pen detection光笔检测
light pen system光笔系统
light pen tracking光笔跟踪
light quantity光通量
light quantum光量子
light-sensitive cell光敏电池
light-sensitive resistor光敏电阻
light transmission error透光错误
light valve array光阀阵列
light visible radiation光可见辐射
light wave communications光波通信
light weight process轻权进程
organic light emitting display有机发光显示器
photocell light check光电校验
photomultiplier light pen光电倍增器光笔
sound and light control声光控制
terminal/light-pen system终端/光笔系统
thermal display light热显示灯
time-coherent light时间相干光
travelling wave light modulator行波光调制器
travelling-wave light modulator行波光调制器
ultrasonic light diffraction超声波光衍射
ultrasonic light modulator超声波光调制器
ultraviolet light紫外光
unpolarized light非偏振光
velocity of light光速
visible light可见光
visible light-emitting diode可见发光二极管