
Terms for subject Economy containing licensed | all forms | exact matches only
a licensed applicant执照使用申请
A licensed product may involve several patents, but only one royalty can be due一项获得许可证的产品可以涉及到多项专利权,但只能收取一项专利费
bonded store licensed warehouse保税关栈
bonded store licensed warehouse保税仓库
Claims covering the licensed devices are declared invalid by a court of final jurisdiction具有终审权的法庭宣判对特许设备的索赔已告失效
License mustn't grant to any third party sublicences to sell the licensed products without the licensor's prior written consent未经许可证方的事先书面同意,受让方不得授予任何第三方出售许可产品的分项许可证
licensed and public accountant注册公证会计师
licensed dealer注册股票经纪人
licensed dealer有照商人
licensed house经注册的商行
licensed premises特许烟酒店
licensed technology许可证转让的技术
Our agent must be a duly licensed salesman or broker我公司代理必须是领到正式执照的推销员或经纪人
Our application for export will be licensed soon我方申请出口不久将得到批准
Party A shall assign to Parly B all rights concerning the licensed products and continuations soon甲方将立即转让给乙方一切与特许产品和延长期等有关的权利
People in this country are not licensed to sell spirits这个国家禁止出售烈性酒
The licensed patent belongs to the joint venture company该许可转让专利归合资公司所有
We shall prepare the licensed products in accordance with the formula and standards designated by you我方将按照你方规定的方式和标准准备各种特许产品
We shall stop manufacturing the licensed products on the termination of this contract合同终止后,我们将停止制造该特许产品
We should take effective measures to prevent the unauthorized use of our licensed patent by others我方应采取有效措施来防止他人非法使用我方之特许专利
You must pay the registration fee of the licensed trademark你方必须付给特许商标的注册费
Your initial payment will be non-returnable, even though the licensed patent becomes invalid即使许可的专利权失效,定金也不退款