
Terms for subject Economy containing letter of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
A formal letter of invitation is required for the visa application为申请签证,需有正式邀请函
a green clause letter of credit绿色条款信用证
a guaranteed letter of credit凭保证开出的信用证
a letter of appointment委任书
A letter of credit will be established immediately if the said licence is approved如该许可证得以批准,将立即开出信用证
A letter of guarantee shall be established in our favour应开立一份以我方为抬头的保证书
a letter of ratification批准书
a letter of recommendation推荐书
a letter of recommendation介绍信
a letter of renunciation弃权书 (随新股一道发给股东的表格,股东可填表拒收新股而售给他人)
a letter of trust信托书
a letter of undertaking担保书
a non-confirmed letter of credit不保兑信用证
a non-transferable letter of credit不可转让的信用证 (L/C)
a short-established letter of credit一份金额少开的信用证
a specially negotiating bank letter of credit特别指定结汇银行的信用证
a transferable letter of credit可转让的信用证
a traveller's letter of credit旅行信用证
advised letter of credit通知信用证
amendment to a letter of credit修改信用证
an applicant for letter of credit信用证申请人
an avalanche of letters雪片般的来信
anticipatory letter of credit提前付款信用证
application for opening letter of credit开立信用证申请书
application for opening letter of credit开发信用证申请书
As a rule, we do not accept any revocable letter of credit通常我方不接受任何可撤销的信用证
assignability letter of credit可转让信用证
back-to-back letter of credit偿付信用证
bill drawn under a letter of credit附有信用证的汇票
cash letter of credit现金信用证 (L/C)
claused letter of credit附条款的信用证
commercial letter of credit商业信用书
commercial letter of credit商业信用证书 (L/C)
conditions in the letter of credit信用证的条件
confirmed letter of credit确认信用证
confirmed letter of credit确认银行信用证
confirmed letter of credit保兑信用证
counter letter of credit补偿贸易对开信用证
counter letter of under taking反担保
cumulative letter of credit可累积使用的信用证
customer's letter of credit liability客户的信用证负债
definition of a letter of credit信用证的定义
delivery of cargo under letter of guarantee凭担保提货
document not conforming to the provisions of the letter of credit单证与信用证规定不符
extend a letter of credit展延信用证
extend the letter of credit准信用证展期
fixed letter of outlay固定支出单
fixed letter of revenue固定收入单
Further to our letter of 8th inst., we have sent them the sample mentioned继我方本月8日函,我方已寄出所说的货样
general letter of hypothecation一般抵押书
general letter of hypothecation一般压汇质押书
He the handwriting on the letter as that of his manager他认出信上的笔迹是他经理的
His letter of 21st October was duly received他10月21日来信已按时收悉
I am in possession of his letter of February 9我收到他2月9日来函
In continuation of our letter dated September 9, we inform that the sample required have been sent out继我方 9 月9日起,特告知你方所需样品已发出
In our letter of June 15, We made a detailed explanation on the key questions我方在6月15日的信内对这些关键问题作了详细的说明
In your letter of 10 December, you confirmed our telex of the 3rd relative to cashmere coats在你方 12 月 10日的信中,你方确认收到我方3日关于开司米外衣的电传
irrevocable drawn without recourse letter of credit不可撤销的对出票人无追索权的信用证
irrevocable letter of authority不可撤销的委托拨款证
irrevocable letter of credit不可撤消信用证
irrevocable letter of credit不可撤销的信用证
irrevocable without recourse confirmed letter of credit不可撤销无追索权的保兑信用证
It is agreed by both parties that the payment shall be made by way of letter of credit双方同意采用看用证付款方式
legal aspects of letter of credit信用证的法律问题
letter of accusation检举信
letter of advice商业通知书
letter of advice发货汇款通知书
letter of advice通知书【单】
letter of agreement协定【议】书
letter of application投保书
letter of authority授权书信用证
letter of authority使用许可证
letter of authorization委托书
letter of commitment偿还保证书
letter of conservatorship法院发出的监护人证书
letter of credit government to government政府间信用证
Letter of credit is often abbreviated to L/C信用证经常缩写成L/C
letter of credit with bank's acceptance承兑汇票信用证
letter of credit with red clause红色条款信用证 (受益人在备齐单据之前可预支部分损金额的信用证,因该条款用红字划印,故称)
letter of credit with T/T telegraphic transfer reimbursement clause附电汇信用证,附跟单电汇赔偿条款的信用证
letter of delegation授权收款书
letter of deposit抵押证书
letter of deposit存款凭单
letter of evaluation鉴定书
letter of guarantee信用保证书
letter of guarantee保证信
letter of guarantee保证函
letter of hypothecation质押财产证书
letter of hypothecation押汇负贷书
letter of hypothecation质押给银行的证书
letter of hypothecation押货预支书
letter of hypothecation抵押财产
letter of hypothecation质押书
letter of indemnity担保提货书
letter of indemnity损害补偿保证书
letter of indemnity船货损坏证明书
letter of indemnity赔偿保证书
letter of instruction信用函通知书
letter of instruction指示信
letter of insurance保险信
letter of legitimation居留许可证
letter of legitimation合法证
letter of licence债权人给债务人延期还债书
letter of lien留置权书
letter of mart捕押特许证
letter of offer and acceptance交货验收单
letter of proposal建议书
letter of protest损失证明
letter of reference推荐书
letter of reference保存书
letter of reference证明书
letter of reference调査信
letter of regret认购已满通知书
letter of renunciation股东拒受多额派股书
letter of renunciation放弃权利声明
letter of representation代理证书
letter of testamentary遗嘱执行人
letter of testamentary授权书
letter of the law法律条文
letter of transmittal传达指示信
letter of transmittal转送书
letter of transmittal来往文件
make a xerox copy of a letter用复印机复印一封信
negotiable letter of credit可议付信用证
negotiable letter of credit议付信用证
Of course, we file your letters and catalogues for our future reference当然,我们把你们的来信和目录存档备査
open letter of credit无特殊条件的许可证
original letter of credit原始信用证
packing letter of credit打仓信用证
Partial delivery is to be permitted according to your letter of credit根据你方信用证,可允许分批运货
Party A grants to Party B a non-exclusive license to use the process covered by the letters of Patent甲方同意乙方以非独占许可方式使用该专利证书项目下的工艺
payment by irrevocable letter of credit payable against shipping documents不可撤销的凭装船单据付款的信用证付款方式
payment with letter of credit信用证支付
Please accept our apologies for ignoring what you said in your letter of Feb 21请原谅我们没有注意到你在2月 21日信中所提之事
Please send us your firm offer by letter indicating trade discount and terms of shipment请用信报实盘,并注明同业折扣和装运条件
Please state terms of payment and quantities of nylon stockings for ladies you require in your letter请在信中说明付款条件及你方所需女用尼龙长统袜的数量
prime letter of credit主要信用证
red clause letter of credit红色条款信用证 (受益人在备齐单据之前可预支部分损金额的信用证,因该条款用红字划印,故称)
restricted letter of credit限押信用证
revocable letter of credit可撤消信用证
revolving letter of credit限额循环周转信用证
revolving letter of credit循环信用证 (L/C)
scrutiny of letter of credit审查信用证
scrutiny of letter of credit审査信用证
She wrote her letter of resignation to the managing director, asking for resigning from her post as production manager她写辞职信给总经理,要求辞去生产部经理之职
shipper's letter of instruction装运指令
Some of the words in the letter are illegible信上有些字无法辨认
source of law of letter of credit信用证的法律根据
sources of law of letter of credit信用证的法律依据
sources of law of letter of credit信用证的法律根据
stand-by letter of credit保证信用证
stand-by letter of credit担保信用证
standby letter of credit备用保证信用证
standing letter of credit常备信用证
standing letter of credit长期信用证
straight letter of credit指定式信用证
straight letter of credit一次性信用证
Tell me the gist of the circular letter, please请把通知的要点告诉我
Thank you for your letter of October 18 containing your order No186谢谢你方10月18日的来信及所附的186号订单
The business was done on a Letter of Credit basis这笔交易是用信用证支付的
The captioned company you inquired about by your letter of June 3, 1991, has been maintaining an account with us for the past 14 years你公司1991年6月3日函询的公司,过去14年一直与我们有账户往来
The clause referred to in your letter of Sept. 15 shall be amended你方9月15日函中所提之条款应作修改
The contractor shall implement the terms of the agreement to the letter承包商应不折不扣地履行该协议
the escrow letter of credit记账易货信用证
the escrow letter of credit对开信用证
the extract of a letter函件摘要
the letter of credit信用证券
The letter of guarantee will arrive in the short term保证书近期到达
The letter was misunderstood because of its ambiguity这封信因解释含糊而造成了误解
the rush letter of credit速开信用证
The seller has the responsibility to amend the letter of credit卖方有责任修改信用证
The trouble is caused by the hazy wording of your letter of 8th inst.问题出在你方本月8日来信词意含糊
They have a lot of letter to send, and a large correspondence to take care of他们有许多信件要发出,又有大量信件要处理
They will present the draft to you through your bankers under their Letter of Guarantee他们将出具保证书,通过你方银行向你们提示汇票
This letter of credit is transferable这种信用证是可转让的
time letter of credit限期付款信用证
transferable and divisible letter of credit可转让与可分割信用证
unconfirmed letter of credit未保兑信用证
unconfirmed letter of credit未予确认的信用证
usance letter of credit延期付款的信用证 (L/C)
usance letter of credit远期信用证 (L/C)
usance payment letter of credit远期支付信用证
We acknowledge your letter of 20th December, from which we learn that the goods of your order No. 45 have reached you in a good condition收到 12月20日来函,知悉你方第45号定单项下货物已收到,货物良好无损
We adj. acknowledge your letter of 20th December, from which we learn that the goods of your order No. 45 have reached you in a good condition收到 12月20日来函,知悉你方第45号定单项下货物已收到,货物良好无损
We are in receipt of your letter of the 2nd of October in which you insisted that our letter of credit for the above order be opened in RMB, and not in other currencies收到你方10月2日来信,知悉你方坚持信用证要用人民币而不用其他货币开立
We have specified in our letter that all materials shall be of good quality我们已在信中说明所有材料必须质地优良
We have telexed them again with the result that they confirmed the offer you made in the letter of April 20我们再次和他们用电传联系,结果他们确认了你们4月20日信中的报价
We impressed on you the necessity of insuring your goods against theft and fire in our last letter我方在上一封信中提醒你方注意必须给你们的货物投保失窃险和火险
We informed you in our letter of 7th May that we could handle these goods on a consignment basis only我们已在 5 月7日函告你方,我们只能按寄售办法销售这批货
We informed you of this arrangement in one of our previous letters我方在以前的一封信中,已把这种安排通知你方了
We insist om payment by irrevocable letter of credit我们坚持凭不可撤销的信用证付款
We refer you to your letter of the 10th May and our reply thereto of the 20th idem请参阅你方5月10日来信和我方同月20 日对该信的答复
We shall present the draft to you under our letter of guarantee我方将出具保证书,向你方提示汇票
We were glad to learn from your letter of 27th of last month of your interest in our product我们很高兴从你方上月27日来信得知你方对我方产品感兴趣
We wrote this letter last month to explore the possibilities of develop big trade with you我们上月写这封信是想探索与你们发展贸易的可能性
world-wide circular letter of credit世界流通的信用证
Your letter of the 20th May addressed to our corporation in Shanghai has been passed on to us for attenuation and reply你公司致我上海公司的5 月20日函已转我公司办复