
Terms for subject Technology containing letter of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
acceptance letter of credit远期信用证
accommodate by accepting time letter of credit通融接受远期信用证
adjustment the letter of credit as requested按要求修改信用证
advice of letter of credit信用证通知书
alter the letter of credit修改信用证
amend the amount of the letter of credit修改信用证金额
amend the terms of the letter of credit修改信用证条件
application for amendment of letter of credit修改信用证申请书
application for negotiation of drafts under letter of credit出口押汇申请书
application for partial transfer of letter of credit信用证部分转让申请书
application for transfer of letter of credit信用证转让申请书
auxiliary letter of credit附属信用证
back-to-back letter of credit背对背信用证
banker's letter of credit银行信用状
bid bond and performance bond letter of credit投标履约信用证
bill drawn on a letter of credit信用证汇票
blank letter of credit空白信用证
bureau of customs letter海关内部通知书
buyer's usance letter of credit买方远期信用证
cash of letter of credit现金信用证
clause letter of credit附条款信用证
clean letter of credit不跟单信用证
clean payment letter of credit全部预支信用证
condition in the letter of credit信用证的条件
confirmed letter of credit确认信用状
consignee's letter of guarantee收货人保证书
correspondent letter of credit通汇银行信用证
counter letter of credit对开信用证
counter letter of credit相对信用证
cumulative letter of credit可积累使用的信用证
cumulative letter of credit保兑信用证
cumulative letter of credit可累积信用证
customer's letter of credit liability客户的承兑负债
customer's letter of credit liability客户信用证负债
date of a letter发函日期
deferred payment of letter of credit延期付款信用证
deferred sight letter of credit付即期信用证
delivery against letter of credit凭信用证交货
divisible letter of credit可分割信用证
documentary bill of exchange with letter of credit附有信用证的押汇汇票
documentary bill with letter of credit凭信押汇汇票
documentary letter of credit押汇信用证
documentary letter of credit货物押汇信用证
draft drawn under travellers letter of credit旅行信用状汇票
escrow letter of credit条件交付信用证
escrow letter of credit托付信用证
establishment of letter of certificate开证
establishment of letter of credit信用证的开立
establishment of letter of credit开立信用证
exchange of letter换文
expiration date of letter of credit信用证截止有效日期
export letter of credit received收到出口信用证
export letter of credit received开来出口信用证
extend letter of credit延长信用证有效期
extended letter of credit延期信用证
extract of a letter函件摘录
fixed letter of revenue确定收入单证
full-value letter of credit全额信用证
general letter of credit一般信用证
general letter of hypothecation押汇总质押书
general letter of hypothecation一般押汇担保函
general letter of hypothecation一般押汇质权书
green clause letter of credit部分预支绿条款信用证
green clause letter of credit绿色条款信用证
guarantee letter of credit担保信用证
guaranteed letter of credit保兑信用卡
guaranteed letter of credit凭保证开发的信用证
import letter of credit进口货信用证
indivisible letter of credit不可分割信用证
irregular letter of credit不可撤消信用证
letter of acceptance投标接受书
letter of acceptance接受投标函
letter of acceptance接受信
letter of acceptance中标通知书
letter of advice发货通知书
letter of advice起运通知
letter of advice通知单
letter of advice汇款通知单
letter of advice汇款通知书
letter of advise通知书
letter of assurance航运许可证
letter of attorney代理证书
letter of attorney授权
letter of attorney委托书
letter of attornment转租通知书
letter of authority授权证书
letter of authority from manufacturer生产厂家的授权信
letter of award裁决书
letter of award判决书
letter of award决标书
letter of capacity能力判决书
letter of comfort同意协助书
letter of commitment委托书
letter of credence介绍信
letter of credit使用证
letter of credit银行信用证
letter of credit银行现金保证函
letter of credit charges信用证费
letter of credit issued ledger开除信用证分类证
letter of credit ledger信用证总账
letter of credit of government to government政府间信用证
letter of credit opened by brief cable简电开证
letter of credit payment凭信用证交货
letter of credit terms信用证条件
letter of credit without recourse不可追索的信用证
letter of endorsement背书信
letter of guarantee for bid投标保证书
letter of hypothecation抵押证书
letter of identification签字式样证明书
letter of indemnity保结书
letter of indemnity损失赔偿保证书
letter of indication签字式样证明书
letter of insurance卖方出具给买方的确认已保险信函
letter of intent申述意图函件
letter of intent契约条款释意信
letter of intent交付书
letter of interest意向书
letter of invitation邀请信
letter of licence延期索偿同意书
letter of lien扣押权信
letter of patent专利证 (书)
letter of reference介绍信
letter of representation审计客户表白书
letters of administration遗产管理委任状
negotiable letter of credit可流通信用证
non-acceptance usance letter of credit不承兑远期使用证
non-cumulative letter of credit不可累积使用的信用证
non-revolving letter of credit不循环信用证
non-revolving letter of credit非循环信用证
on deck bill of letter甲板货提单
open letter of credit无条款信用书
open letter of credit开放信用证
original letter of credit信用证正本
renewable letter of credit可继续的信用证
restricted negotiable letter of credit限制议付信用证
revocable letter of credit可取消的信用证
secondary letter of credit附属信用证
settlement of account by letter of credit信用证结算
sight letter of credit见票即付信用证
sight payment letter of credit见票即付信用证
special letter of credit特别信用证
specially advised letter of credit特别通知信用证
specially negotiating bank letter of credit特别指定结汇银行的信用证
specimen of letter of credit信用证格式
specimen of letter of guarantee保函格式
standard form for letter of credit标准的印就信用证
stand-by letter of guarantee保证信用证
straight letter of credit直接信用证 (一次使用信用证)
straight letter of credit指定受益人信用证
subsidiary letter of credit附属信用证
supplier's letter of guarantees供货商保证信函
supplier's letter of guarantees供货人保证信函
swing clause letter of credit交互计算信用证
task letter of certificate设计任务书
transferable and divisible letter of credit可转让分割信用证
transferable and separable letter of credit可转让与可分割信用证
transferable letter of credit可转移信用证
unconditional letter of credit无条件的信用证
unconfirmed letter of credit未确认的信用证
unused portion of letter of credit信用用部分