
Terms containing letter of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
busin.acceptance letter of credit承兑信用证
tech.acceptance letter of credit远期信用证
tech.accommodate by accepting time letter of credit通融接受远期信用证
tech.adjustment the letter of credit as requested按要求修改信用证
tech.advice of letter of credit信用证通知书
busin.advice of transfer of letter of credit信用证转让通知
busin.against the letter of credit凭信用证
tech.alter the letter of credit修改信用证
busin.amend a letter of credit修改信用证
tech.amend the amount of the letter of credit修改信用证金额
tech.amend the terms of the letter of credit修改信用证条件
busin.amount of the letter of credit信用证金额
busin.ancillary letter of credit附属信用证
busin.anticipatory letter of credit预兑信用状
busin.application for amendment of letter of credit申请修改信用证书
tech.application for amendment of letter of credit修改信用证申请书
busin.application for letter of credit申请信用证开证
busin.application for negotiation of draft under letter of credit出口押汇信用证申请书
tech.application for negotiation of drafts under letter of credit出口押汇申请书
busin.application for opening letter of credit信用证开发申请书
tech.application for partial transfer of letter of credit信用证部分转让申请书
tech.application for transfer of letter of credit信用证转让申请书
commer.assigned letter of credit转让的信用证
busin.assignment of letter of credit信用证转让
math.automatic partition of letters信件自动分拣
tech.auxiliary letter of credit附属信用证
tech.back-to-back letter of credit背对背信用证
busin.balance of letter of credit opened and received信用证开立与收讫的差额
busin.banker's irrevocable letter of credit银行不可撤销信用证
tech.banker's letter of credit银行信用状
railw.banker's letter of guarantee银行保证函
busin.beneficiary of the letter of credit信用证受益人
tech.bid bond and performance bond letter of credit投标履约信用证
tech.bill drawn on a letter of credit信用证汇票
securit.bill drawn on a letter of credit押汇票据
busin.blank letter of attorney无记名授权书
busin.blank letter of bill不记名票据
busin.blank letter of credit空额信用证
tech.blank letter of credit空白信用证
busin.body of the letter信函正文
tech.bureau of customs letter海关内部通知书
tech.buyer's usance letter of credit买方远期信用证
busin.cable letter of credit电报信用证
tech.cash of letter of credit现金信用证
busin.circular letter of credit巡回信用证由开证银行直接通知并交给受证人的信用证
busin.circular letter of credit旅行信用证与旅行支票相似
tech.clause letter of credit附条款信用证
busin.claused letter of credit附条款信用证
busin.claused letter of creditL/C附条款信用证
tech.clean letter of credit不跟单信用证
busin.clean payment letter of credit光票付款信用证
tech.clean payment letter of credit全部预支信用证
busin.commercial letter of credit商业信用证
busin.commission received on letters of credit信用证手续费收入
dragon.dance.composition of letter model组字造型
busin.condition in the letter of credit信用证条件
tech.condition in the letter of credit信用证的条件
busin.conditions in the letter of credit信用证条件
busin.confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit保兑并不可撤销的信用证
busin.confirmed irrevocable letter of credit保兑不可撤销信用证
tech.confirmed letter of credit确认信用状
tech.consignee's letter of guarantee收货人保证书
busin.continuous letter of credit循环信用证
busin.contra letter of credit对开信用证
tech.correspondent letter of credit通汇银行信用证
tech.counter letter of credit对开信用证
tech.counter letter of credit相对信用证
busin.counter letter of undertaking反担保
busin.counter letter of undertaking反担保书
busin.countervailing letter of credit对开信用证
busin.covering letter of credit信用证
securit.cumulative letter of credit递加信用证
tech.cumulative letter of credit可积累使用的信用证
tech.cumulative letter of credit保兑信用证
tech.cumulative letter of credit可累积信用证
securit.cumulative letter of credit累积信用证
busin.cumulative revolving letter of credit累积循环信用证
tech.customer's letter of credit liability客户的承兑负债
tech.customer's letter of credit liability客户信用证负债
tech.date of a letter发函日期
busin.date of letter信札日期
busin.deferred payment letter of credit延期付款信用证
tech.deferred payment of letter of credit延期付款信用证
busin.deferred sight letter of credit迟付即期信用证
commer.deferred sight letter of credit延付即期信用证
tech.deferred sight letter of credit付即期信用证
tech.delivery against letter of credit凭信用证交货
busin.direct letter of credit托转信用证指开证行寄给某特定分行,再由该分行转告受证人
busin.direct letter of credit直接信用证
securit.disciplinary punishment letter of intent纪律处分意向书
busin.divisible letter of credit可分割信用证指一笔信用证可分成数笔转让他人
tech.divisible letter of credit可分割信用证
busin.document not conforming to the provisions of letter of credit单据与所示信用证不符单证不符
securit.document not conforming to the provisions of the letter of credit单据与信用证条款不符
tech.documentary bill of exchange with letter of credit附有信用证的押汇汇票
tech.documentary bill with letter of credit凭信押汇汇票
tech.documentary letter of credit货物押汇信用证
tech.documentary letter of credit押汇信用证
securit.documentary letter of credit信用证单据
busin.draft drawn under travellers letter of credit根据旅行信用证开的汇票
tech.draft drawn under travellers letter of credit旅行信用状汇票
busin.escrow letter of credit有条件易货信用证
busin.escrow letter of credit记账易货信用证
tech.escrow letter of credit条件交付信用证
tech.escrow letter of credit托付信用证
tech.establishment of letter of certificate开证
tech.establishment of letter of credit信用证的开立
busin.establishment of letter of credit开信用证
tech.establishment of letter of credit开立信用证
busin.examination of letter of credit审核信用证
busin.examine the letter of credit审证
tech.exchange of letter换文
busin.exchange settlement certificate for letter of credit信用证结汇证书
busin.exhausted letter of credit已用完信用证
busin.expiration date of letter of credit信用证截止日期有效期
busin.expiration date of letter of credit信用证有效期
tech.expiration date of letter of credit信用证截止有效日期
tech.export letter of credit received收到出口信用证
tech.export letter of credit received开来出口信用证
busin.export letter of guarantee出口担保书
securit.extend a letter of credit信用证延期
tech.extend letter of credit延长信用证有效期
busin.extend the letter of credit信用证展期
tech.extended letter of credit延期信用证
tech.extract of a letter函件摘录
tech.fixed letter of revenue确定收入单证
busin.foreign traveller's letter of credit外国旅行信用证
busin.forward letter of credit远期信用证
China, lawfraud by means of a letter of credit信用证诈骗活动
tech.full-value letter of credit全额信用证
commer.general average letter of guarantee共同海损担保函
tech.general letter of credit一般信用证
tech.general letter of hypothecation一般押汇担保函
tech.general letter of hypothecation一般押汇质权书
busin.general letter of hypothecation总设定书
commer.general letter of hypothecation质押书
commer.general letter of hypothecation押汇总质权书
busin.general letter of hypothecation出口商向银行办理押汇时填交的一般押汇担保书
tech.general letter of hypothecation押汇总质押书
securit.general letter of hypothecation一般押汇责任书
busin.green clause letter of credit绿色款信用证
tech.green clause letter of credit部分预支绿条款信用证
tech.green clause letter of credit绿色条款信用证
tech.guarantee letter of credit担保信用证
tech.guaranteed letter of credit凭保证开发的信用证
tech.guaranteed letter of credit保兑信用卡
securit.guaranteed letter of credit有担保的信用证
China, polit.handle of people's petitions delivered via letters and visits信访工作
gen.I beg to acknowledge the receipt of your letter来函已收到
tech.import letter of credit进口货信用证
nautic., tech.import letter of credit进口开证
China, polit.improve handling of people's petitions delivered via letters and visits加强信访工作
China, polit.improve the handling of people's complaints made in letters or through visits加强信访工作
commer.indivisible letter of credit不可分割的信用证
tech.indivisible letter of credit不可分割信用证
busin.installment payment letter of credit分期付款信用证
busin.instant revolving letter of credit自动循环信用证
lawinter-agency letter of agreement机构间协议书
busin.international trade letter of credit国际贸易信用证
tech.irregular letter of credit不可撤消信用证
securit.irrelevance letter of credit无关信用证
busin.irrevocable drawn without recourse letter of credit不可撤销的无追索权信用证
busin.irrevocable letter of credit不可撤销信用证
busin.irrevocable letter of credit with documents attached不可撤销的跟单信用证
busin.irrevocable without recourse letter of credit不可撤销无追索权信用证
busin.irrevocable without recourse letter of credit不可撤销无追索权的信用证
securit.irrevocable without recourse letter of credit不可撤销的无追索权的信用证
busin.issuance of letter of credit开岀信用证
busin.issuance of letter of credit开出信用证
busin.issue of letter of credit开立信用证
busin.letter of abandonment委付书指在货运中发生推定全损时,由被保险人签署给保险人的委付书
tech.letter of acceptance中标通知书
tech.letter of acceptance投标接受书
tech.letter of acceptance接受投标函
tech.letter of acceptance接受信
securit.letter of acceptance接收通知
consult.letter of acceptance认标书
busin.letter of acceptance承兑函
consult.letter of acceptance认可书
consult.letter of acceptance承兑
securit.letter of acceptance承兑书
busin.letter of administration遗产管理委任状
tech.letter of advice起运通知
tech.letter of advice汇款通知单
earth.sc.letter of advice票据开出通知书
lawletter of advice发货〔汇款〕通知书
earth.sc.letter of advice送货通知书
tech.letter of advice通知单
tech.letter of advice发货通知书
securit.letter of advice发货单
avia.letter of advice送货票据开出通知书
tech.letter of advice汇款通知书
avia.letter of advice送货通知
tech.letter of advise通知书
avia.letter of agreement协议函件
securit.letter of allotment股票分配通知书
busin.letter of allotment核定认股书
busin.letter of allotment核定认股数额及交付期通知
securit.letter of allotment核定配股通知书
securit.letter of allotment股票分红通知书
busin.letter of allotment分配通知书
securit.letter of allotment配股通知书
busin.letter of an article条款明文规定
busin.letter of application申请书申请购买公司股票
busin.letter of assignment产权转让书
shipb.letter of assignment转让函
tech.letter of assurance航运许可证
tech.letter of attorney授权
tech.letter of attorney代理证书
tech.letter of attorney委托书
tech.letter of attornment转租通知书
busin.letter of auditor审计委托书
securit.letter of auditor审计书
busin.letter of authority委托购买授权证
tech.letter of authority授权证书
tech.letter of authority from manufacturer生产厂家的授权信
securit.letter of authority/authorization委托书
securit.letter of authority/authorization授权书
tech.letter of award裁决书
tech.letter of award判决书
tech.letter of award决标书
busin.letter of awareness知悉信
securit.letter of cancellation解约函
tech.letter of capacity能力判决书
tech.letter of comfort同意协助书
busin.letter of comfort慰告书
securit.letter of comfort安慰信
shipb.letter of commendation表扬信
securit.letter of comments意见书
securit.letter of comments评论
busin.letter of commitment公证委托书
tech.letter of commitment委托书
busin.letter of commitment偿还保证书
nautic., tech.letter of commitment承诺信
China, lawletter of complaint投诉书
China, lawletter of confirmation of ship's delivery船舶移交完毕确认书
shipb.letter of conformation确认函
busin.letter of consent同意书
busin.letter of conservatorship委托代管函
avia.letter of contract合同函件
tech.letter of credence介绍信
tech.letter of credit银行现金保证函
tech.letter of credit银行信用证
agric., busin.letter of credit信贷支付书
tech.letter of credit使用证
avia.letter of credit信用证
gen.letter of credit活支汇信银行发行的
AI.letter of credit advisor"信用证顾问"专家系统
securit.letter of credit agreement信用证协议
busin.letter of credit amendment修改信用证
earth.sc.letter of credit at sight见票即付信用证
busin.letter of credit beneficiary信用证受益人
busin.letter of credit by brief cable简电开信用证
tech.letter of credit charges信用证费
busin.letter of credit expiration date信用证截止日期
busin.letter of credit expiration date信用证有效额
busin.letter of credit expiration date信用证有效期
busin.letter of credit issued ledger开出信用证分类账
tech.letter of credit issued ledger开除信用证分类证
busin.letter of credit ledger信用证分类账
tech.letter of credit ledger信用证总账
busin.letter of credit of facility for export credit出口信贷项下的信用证
tech.letter of credit of government to government政府间信用证
tech.letter of credit opened by brief cable简电开证
tech.letter of credit payment凭信用证交货
busin.letter of credit shipping date信用证装运额
tech.letter of credit terms信用证条件
securit.letter of credit transaction信用证交易
busin.letter of credit with red clause附红色条款信用证指附预支条款
securit.letter of credit with red clause附红条款的信用证
busin.letter of credit with telegraphic transfer reimbursement clause附电汇条款信用证
tech.letter of credit without recourse不可追索的信用证
securit.letter of deficiency亏欠通知
securit.letter of deficiency改进通知书
avia.letter of definition定义书
avia.letter of definition定义函件
avia.letter of definition定义函
securit.letter of delegation代理委托函
busin.letter of deposit以股票或证券等作押抵押贷款书
busin.letter of deposit抵押品存单
securit.letter of deposit证券寄存单
tech.letter of endorsement背书信
busin.letter of engagement聘书
securit.letter of engagement聘任书
securit.letter of enquiry询价函件
China, lawletter of entrustment委托函件
railw.letter of guarantee信用保证函
gen.letter of guarantee信用保怔书
tech.letter of guarantee for bid投标保证书
busin.letter of guarantee for production of bill of lading提货担保书指货物已达目的港但提货单尚未寄到, 进口商为能及时提货,请求开证银行签具担保提货书,凭此向船公司换发小提单提货
tech.letter of hypothecation抵押证书
busin.letter of hypothecation押汇质权书
busin.letter of hypothecation抵押权证书
busin.letter of hypothecation货主以载货抵押证书
securit.letter of hypothecation抵押借款书
tech.letter of identification签字式样证明书
securit.letter of identification印鉴证明书
busin.letter of identity身份证书
busin.letter of identity身份证明
China, lawletter of indemnity保函
tech.letter of indemnity损失赔偿保证书
busin.letter of indemnity认赔函
tech.letter of indemnity保结书
securit.letter of indemnity赔偿保证书 (L/I)
tech.letter of indication签字式样证明书
busin.letter of indication印签证明书
securit.letter of indication介绍函
securit.letter of indication介绍信
busin.letter of instruction使用说明
busin.letter of instruction使用说明书
avia.letter of instruction函令
busin.Letter of Instructions说明书
busin.Letter of Instructions操作使用说明
busin.letter of instructions指令书
busin.letter of insurance认保书
tech.letter of insurance卖方出具给买方的确认已保险信函
securit.Letter of Intend意向书
tech.letter of intent申述意图函件
China, lawLetter of Intent合作意向书
tech.letter of intent交付书
tech.letter of intent契约条款释意信
securit.letter of intent意向书 (L/I)
China, lawletter of intent to lease租赁意向书
tech.letter of interest意向书
China, lawletter of intimidation恐吓信
tech.letter of invitation邀请信
consult.letter of invitation to tender邀请投标书
China, lawletter of law法律条文
busin.letter of legitimation合法证书
busin.letter of legitimation侨居执照
securit.letter of licence延期还债书
busin.letter of licence允许展期偿债证书
busin.letter of licence许可证书
tech.letter of licence延期索偿同意书
securit.letter of licence经营许可证
busin.letter of license许可证
tech.letter of lien扣押权信
securit.letter of lien留置权证
securit.letter of moral intent道义书
securit.letter of moral intent道义支持函
busin.letter of patent专利权证
tech.letter of patent专利证 (书)
busin.letter of payment付款书
busin.letter of pledge抵押权证书
securit.letter of pledge质押权利书
busin.letter of procuration委托代理函
avia.letter of program definition项目定义函件
busin.letter of proxy委托书
busin.letter of proxy委托函
busin.letter of ratification正式批准书
securit.letter of ratification核准书
securit.letter of receipt收据
securit.letter of recommendation from sponsor保荐人的推荐信
securit.letter of reference调查函
tech.letter of reference介绍信
securit.letter of reference推荐信
busin.letter of regret缺额派股书
busin.letter of regret认股已满致歉信
China, lawletter of rehabilitation responsibility治理责任书
busin.letter of reimbursement authorization归偿授权书
securit.letter of reimbursement authorization偿还授权书
securit.letter of release解除责任通知
securit.letter of release同意释款书
securit.letter of renunciation弃权书
busin.letter of renunciation认股弃权书
busin.letter of renunciation增股弃权书
securit.letter of renunciation配股弃权证书
securit.letter of renunciation股份分配弃权证书
tech.letter of representation审计客户表白书
busin.letter of reprisal没收通知书
securit.letter of rights权利证明
securit.letter of rights购股权利书
securit.letter of rights权益通知书
securit.letter of set-off抵消函
securit.letter of sponsor opinions保荐人意见书
busin.letter of subrogation代位授权书
busin.letter of subrogation权益取代书指但保人代偿债务后取代债权人
securit.letter of subrogation权利移转证书
construct.letter of tender投标函
lawletter of the law法律的条文
securit.letter of transfer过户函
busin.letter of transfer转让书
busin.letter of transfer权利转让证书
China, lawletter of transfer信汇
securit.letter of transfer转让信
securit.letter of transmittal转送信函
securit.letter of transmittal转交信函
securit.letter of trust信托代管函
busin.letter of trust信托证
securit.letter of trust委托书
avia.letter of understanding理解信函
busin.letters of administration遗产管理委任书
tech.letters of administration遗产管理委任状
busin.letters of credit信用证
busin.letters of credit: opened and received开出与收进信用证
securit.letters of exchange换文
gen.letters of procuratory委任状
busin.limited letter of credit限额信用证
busin.local letter of credit当地本埠信用证
busin.long-term letter of credit远期信用证
busin.master letter of credit主信用证
tech.negotiable letter of credit可流通信用证
securit.negotiation against letter of indemnity凭赔偿保证书交易
busin.negotiation under letter of credit信用证议付
busin.negotiation under letter of credit信用证的议付
busin.nominal forward letter of credit假远期信用证
tech.non-acceptance usance letter of credit不承兑远期使用证
tech.non-cumulative letter of credit不可累积使用的信用证
busin.non-cumulative revolving letter of credit非累计循环信用证
busin.non-negotiable letter of credit不可议付信用证
tech.non-revolving letter of credit不循环信用证
tech.non-revolving letter of credit非循环信用证
securit.non-revolving letter of credit非滚动信用证
tech.on deck bill of letter甲板货提单
busin.open a letter of credit开信用证
tech.open letter of credit无条款信用书
busin.open letter of credit无特殊条件信用证
tech.open letter of credit开放信用证
busin.original letter of credit信用证正本原本
tech.original letter of credit信用证正本
securit.override letter of credit转开信用证
commer.parties to a letter of credit信用证当事人 (大体包括:申请人 (applicant)、受益人 (beneficiary)、 保兑行 (confirming bank)、开证行 (issuing bank)、议付行 (negotiating bank)、通知行 (notifying bank)、偿付行 (reimbursing bank))
busin.payment with the letter of credit用信用证付款
securit.performance letter of credit履约信用证
commer.peruse a letter of credit仔细审阅信用证
busin.prescribe payment by sight letter of credit规定以即期信用证付款
busin.prime letter of credit主信用证
securit.provisional letter of allotment临时配股通知书
China, lawRecommendation Letter of Issuance发行保荐书
China, lawRecommendation Letter of Listing上市保荐书
securit.red clause letter of credit L/C红条款信用证证上预支条款用红色注明以引起注意
securit.reimbursement letter of credit偿付信用证
tech.renewable letter of credit可继续的信用证
tech.restricted negotiable letter of credit限制议付信用证
tech.revocable letter of credit可取消的信用证
commer.revolving cumulative letter of credit可累积循环信用证 (与非累积循环信用证 (revolving noncumulative letter of credit) 相对)
securit.revolving letter of credit循环信贷额度
commer.revolving letter of credit循环信用证 (包括:自动循环信用证 (instant revolving letter of credit),半自动循环信用证 (semi-instant involving letter of credit), 非自动循环信用证 (non-instant revolving letter of credit), 与非循环信用证 (non-revolving letter of credit) 相対)
securit.revolving letter of credit周转信贷额度
securit.rights letter of allotment优先认股权证
tech.secondary letter of credit附属信用证
commer.send a letter in acknowledgement of an offer致函对一项报盘道谢
commer.send a letter in acknowledgment of an offer致函对一项报盘道谢
busin.serial letter of bond债券记号
tech.settlement of account by letter of credit信用证结算
busin.shipper's letter of instruction装运指示书
shipb.shipper's letter of instruction装运扌旨示
commer.shipper's letter of instructions托运申请书
commer.shipper's letter of instructions托运委托书
securit.short-term revolving letter of credit短期循环信用证
tech.sight letter of credit见票即付信用证
tech.sight payment letter of credit见票即付信用证
tech.special letter of credit特别信用证
tech.specially advised letter of credit特别通知信用证
tech.specially negotiating bank letter of credit特别指定结汇银行的信用证
tech.specimen of letter of credit信用证格式
tech.specimen of letter of guarantee保函格式
tech.standard form for letter of credit标准的印就信用证
tech.stand-by letter of guarantee保证信用证
tech.straight letter of credit直接信用证 (一次使用信用证)
tech.straight letter of credit指定受益人信用证
busin.subsidiary letter of credit从属信用证背对背信用证
tech.subsidiary letter of credit附属信用证
commer.supplemental letter of credit补充信用证
tech.supplier's letter of guarantees供货商保证信函
tech.supplier's letter of guarantees供货人保证信函
tech.swing clause letter of credit交互计算信用证
tech.task letter of certificate设计任务书
busin.term letter of credit远期信用证
commer.The delay of shipment is not due to our inability to get the goods ready in time but to the late arrival of your letter of credit装运延误并非由于我方未能及时备货
commer.The payment is prescribed to make by letter of credit at sight规定以即期信用证作为支付方式
commer.The purport of our letter is a clarification of both partie' views on this issue本函的主旨是澄清双方对这一问题的看法
commer.The reason why we have to ask you to extend the letter of credit for 15 days is that shipping space has recently been exceptionally congested我方不得不要求你方将信用证展期十五天,是由于最近舱位特别拥挤
China, polit.the Regulations on Petitions in the Form of Letters and Visits《信访条例》
busin.time of opening of a letter of credit开信用证时间
busin.time revolving letter of credit时间循环信用证
busin.transferable and divisible letter of credit可转让可分割信用证指信用证受益人可把根据信用证开出汇票收款权利全部或部分转让给一个或几个第三者的信用证
commer.transferable and divisible letter of credit可转让可分割信用证
tech.transferable and divisible letter of credit可转让分割信用证
tech.transferable and separable letter of credit可转让与可分割信用证
tech.transferable letter of credit可转移信用证
busin.traveller's letter of credit旅行信用证
busin.tying fund letter of credit连锁基金信用证
busin.unassignable letter of credit不可过户转让的信用证
securit.unconditional and irrevocable letter of credit无条件并不可撤销的信用证
tech.unconditional letter of credit无条件的信用证
commer.unconfirmed documentary letter of credit不保兑跟单信用证 (与保兑跟单信用证 (confirmed documentary credit) 相对)
commer.unconfirmed irrevocable letter of credit不保兑不可撤销信用证 (与保兑的不可撤销信用证 (confirmed irrevocable credit) 相对)
busin.unconfirmed irrevocable letter of credit非保兑不可撤销信用证
busin.unconfirmed letter of credit未确认信用证
tech.unconfirmed letter of credit未确认的信用证
busin.under letter of credit信用证项下
busin.under-value letter of credit低估金额信用证
busin.unsecured letter of credit无担保信用证
busin.unused balance letter of credit信用证未用余额
tech.unused portion of letter of credit信用用部分
securit.usance letter of credit迟期付款的信用证
busin.usance payment letter of credit限期支付的信用证
gen.Wisconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters威斯康星科学艺术文学院
China, polit.work of addressing public complaints registered by means of letters and visits信访工作
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