
Terms for subject Economy containing less | all forms | exact matches only
a gross-less-allowance valuation method毛值减备抵计价法
allowance ...% more or less clause有若干%增减的宽容条款
cost less depreciation原价值减去折旧
cost less depreciation成本折旧
cost less depreciation减价值
cost less depreciation原价值减去折旧价值
delivery of 5% more or less5%溢短装交货
depreciation by changing percentage of cost less scrap按余值变率法
depreciation charging percentage of cost less scrap method余值变率折旧法
How shall we treat the property sold at a price less than its fair market value?我们应如何处理卖价不到公平市价的财产问题?
knocked-down in less than carloads拆散为低于包车的最低重量
least less developed country最不发达国家
less developed countries发展中国家
less discount of 5%打九五折
less discount of 5%减价5%
less energy-intensive耗能较少
less favourable currency弱币
less favourable currency软币
less favoured area处境较差的地区
less industrialized country欠工业化国家
less known and error brand杂牌
less privileged country条件差的国家
less than car load零担货物装载 (lot)
less than carload零担货物装载
less-than carload rate包裹运价
less-than carload rate零担货运费率
less than container load拼装/拼拆
less than container load未装满载集装箱
less than container load拼箱装载货物
less than container load拼箱货物
less than fair value低于公平价格
less than fair value低于公平价值
less-than-carload零担 (货物)
less-than-carload car沿途零担车
less-than-carload freight零担货运费
less-than-carload freight零担货物
less-than-car-load lot零担货运
less-than-car-load lot零星货运
less-than-carload rate包裹运费
less-than-carload rate零担运价率
less tian container load/full container load拼装/整拆
less time-consuming way省时的办法
marginally less略低
more or less溢短装
none the less依然
none the less仍然
Our profits are less than expected我们的利润比预期的少
purchase at less than book value低于帐面价值买入
Rates of wages and allowances paid by the contractor are not less than the minimum recognized by trade unions承包商支付的工资和津贴不低于工会确认的最低标准
require less money, produce quicker results, earn more profits花钱少,见效快,利润大
sell at less than cost蚀本出售
stock issued at less than book value低于面值发行的股票
Such devices will not be sold at less prices than those prescribed by us此类装置不得以低于我方规定的价格出售
sufficiently attractive but less liquid financial assets有足够吸引力但流动性较小的金融资产
The analyst has had an analysis made and he reports that the chemical content is ...%, less than guaranteed化验员已作过化验分析,他报告说化学成份为…%,低于确保数
the cent s-less accounting整元会计
The company will sell less if it raises its price如果公司提价,其销售额就会减少
The prices are on a c.i.f. Hamburg basis for the amount of not less than 40 gross价格为成本加保险费、运费到汉堡价,数量不得少于40罗
There are less people employed in computers than in textiles计算机业的雇员少于纺织业的雇员
They can allow less than 5% commission他们可以付给 5%以下的佣金
This is the price less 5% discount这是减去 5%折扣的价格
We may compromise with them, but the compensation cannot be less than $1000我们可以和他们妥协,但赔偿费不能少于1000美元