
Terms for subject General containing less | all forms | exact matches only
a little less少一点儿
a proper fraction is one whose numerator is less than the denominator真分数是其分子小于其分母的一种分数
a year less three days一年少3天
any the less更少〔小〕一些
be less known不大著名
be less prone to不致老是
become less widespread不大普遍了
Do you charge less for kids?小孩子吃饭便宜么?
even less何况
even less用于否定更不用说
far less少得多
far less多〔少〕得多
give less cause for complaint thanM 与M相比人们的意见要少一些
give less cause for complaint thanM 比 M 要受欢迎一些
grow less减少
in a less degree程度较少的
in less than a year不到一年
in less than no time马上
in less than no time一眨眼工夫
in less than no time立刻
in machines less work is got out than what is put in输出的功小于输人的功
in machines less work is got out than what is put in在机械里
M is N times less heavy than RM的重量为 R 的 1/N
M is N times less than RM 为 R 的 1/N
less and less愈来愈少〔小〕
less certain不太有把握
less certain不太保险
less likely可能性较少
less likely不太可能
less persistence短余辉余辉时间较短
less than 80小于 〔不到〕80
less M than更多地不是M而是N (N)
less than不足
less than a 10fold increase不到〔小于〕十倍
less than satisfactory不令人满意
little less than大致…与相等
little less than不下于
little less than几乎不下于
little less than大致与…相等
little less than几乎不下于
M matters less thanM不如N重要 (N)
more or less近乎
more or less有点儿
more or less多少
more or less在不同程度上
more or less程度不同
more or less或多或少
more or less大约
more or less大体上
more or less或多或少
much less更谈不上
much less更不用说
much less用于否定更不用说
much less何况
much less小得多
much less少得多
neither more nor less than正是
neither more nor less than正好
neither more nor less than简直
neither more nor less thanM 和M完全一样
neither more nor less than不多不少
no less依旧
no less虽然那样仍然
no less尽管如此还是
no less a person thanM 级别〔身份〕不低于M
no less a person than级别〔身份〕不低于
no less M than同N —样的M (N)
no less than…有…那么多
no less than和…一样
no less than简直是
no less than...那么多
no less than...简直是
no less than...在…方面不亚于
no less than...和…一样
no less than正是
no less than正好
no less than不少于…
no less M than在M方面不亚于N (N)
not less than至少
not less than至少不比… 差
not any the less虽然那样仍然
not any the less依旧
not any the less尽管如此还是
nothing less than简直是
nothing less than无异于
nothing less than恰恰是
nothing less than无非是
nothing less more than只不过是
nothing less more than不外是
nothing less more than简直是
nothing less than
nothing more or less than正是
nothing more or less than正好
nothing more or less than不多不少
Of course, we have child meal for infant which is suitable for infants less than 2 years old. Those items are easy to bite, chew and digest当然有。我们专门准备了婴儿餐。适用于两岁以下的小孩,易于咬嚼和消化
of less importance比较不重要的
of less importance没有那样重要
of less importance次要的
of less weight更〔较〕轻的
OK, there will be a cab waiting outside in 10 minutes. It will take less than 5 minutes to check out好的,十分钟后会有一部出租车在外面等您。退房最多只需五分钟
2 per cent less than…比 …少〔差〕2%
Some stores even offer express lane for customers with 10 items or less有些商家会为购物数目为十件以内的顾客提供快速收银服务
something less少一些
still less何况
still less表示否定更少
still less更不用说
still less用于否定更不用说
Taking the subway would be a lot less stressful than driving坐地铁就不会像开车那样精神紧张
The less you? re in the supermarket, the less junk foods you're likely to want逛超市的时间越少,就越不会去买那些垃圾食品
the mixture should be the concrete mix, less the coarse aggregate这种混合料应是没有粗粒料的混凝土拌合料
the weight of the metal can plus the air inside would be much less than a similar volume of water这个金属罐本身再加上其中的空气的重量会比同容积的水的重量要轻许多
to a less degree程度较少的
When you discover that the only alternative to the standard V-6 is a V-6 hybrid, you understand in which direction the industry is headed: better fuel economy and less torque留意一下就会发现,唯一用来替代标准V-6引擎的是一款 V-6混合动力引擎,可见汽车业发展方向是:更高的燃油经济性,更小的扭矩