
Terms for subject Weightlifting containing left handed | all forms | in specified order only
left hand bent press左手单臂推举
left hand clean and jerk左手单臂挺举
left hand curl左手弯举
left hand dead weight lift跨举式左手硬拉
left hand press左手推举
left hand side press两腿伸长上体右倾极度弯曲的左臂侧推举
left hand snatch左手单臂抓举
left hand swing左手直臂摆举
left-hand bent press体侧倾左手单臂推举
left-hand clean and jerk左手单臂挺举
left-hand curl左手弯举
left-hand dead weight lift跨举式左手硬拉
left-hand press左手推举
left-hand side press左臂侧推
left-hand snatch左手单臂抓举
left-hand swing左手直臂摆举
one hand snatch with the left arm左手单臂抓举
one-hand snatch with the left arm左手单臂抓举