
Terms containing left | all forms | exact matches only
gen.A crab was left stranded on the beach when the tide ebbed退潮时,一只蟹被困留在沙滩上
avia.aircraft nose left机头向左
gen.are there any more bolts left此外还剩得有螺栓吗
tech.arithmetic shift left算术左移
gen.be left
gen.be left behind留下
gen.be left behind遗留
gen.be left behind忘记携带
gen.be left on one's own放任不管
gen.be left out in the cold被冷落
gen.be left over剩下
gen.be left over from从 …遗留
gen.be left till called for邮件等留局待领
gen.be left to itself听其自然
gen.be left to itself听任它
gen.be left to itself不理
gen.be left to the tender mercies ofM 任由 M 摆布
gen.be left to the tender mercy ofM 任由 M 摆布
gen.be out in left field大错特错
gen.be out in left field神志错乱
gen.be out in left field不适时
gen.be out in left field不可能的
gen.be out in left field不适应
gen.be out in left field发疯
gen.bear left向左〔右〕转弯
tech.bottom left-hand corner图幅左下角
gen.be bounded on the left左〔右〕边有界的
avia.buttock line left左纵剖线
tech.by-pass left turn绕行左转
tech.circle left盘左
tech.circle left正镜【测】
sport., med.complete left bundle branch block完全性左束支传导阻滞
tech.cursor left光标左移
tech.deviation to left偏左
avia.double left shift双左移
gen.Drive along this street, turn right, turn left, keep straight. OK沿着这条街开,右转,左转,一直往前。好的
sport., physiol.electromyogram of the left anterior tibial muscle随意收缩时的左前胫骨肌肌电图 (voluntary effort)
sport., physiol.electromyogram of the left biceps femoris muscle随意收缩时的左股二头肌肌电图 (voluntary effort)
avia.eyeballs left向右加速
avia., inf.eyeballs left把飞行员压向座椅左侧的过载
tech.face left正镜【测 (position)
tech.face left盘左 (position)
avia.final approach fix/left最终进近定位点左转弯
CNCFleming's left hand rule弗莱明左手规则
multimed.flush left左对齐
tech.general left recurrence一般左递归
gen.Glassware, the cup and saucer are placed to your right, while the napkin, bread plate and butter spreader to your left玻璃器皿、杯子和碟子放在右手边,而餐巾、面包盘和奶油刮刀则放在左边
gen.Go along the street, on the third cross you will find it on your left沿着这条街往下走,走到第三个路口,它就在你的左边
gen.Go along this street and then turn left. It's next to the post office沿着这条街直走然后左拐,就在邮局旁
gen.Go down those stairs right over there and turn left, you'll see the signs directing you to Gate 10. You won't miss it下那边的楼梯左拐,你们会看到去10号登机口的指示牌,顺着它走不会错
gen.have a shaft left in one's quiver还有办法〔本钱〕
gen.have an a shaft left in one's quiver还有办法
gen.have an arrow left in one's quiver还有办法
gen.Head straight up the street about two blocks, then turn left顺着这条街一直走约两个街区,然后左转
avia.heavy left重左梯队 (right)
sport., med.high voltage of left ventricular左心室高电压
sport.hold weight on left leg重心左脚
gen.How many exposures have you left?还可以照多少张?
tech.hug the left bank紧抱左岸航行
gen.I have no money left on my metro card. Is there a place to charge it nearby?我的公交卡没钱了,附近有充值的地方吗?
gen.I left my bag here, but it was gone when I came back我把包放在这,但是回来就不见了
gen.I must have left my passport in the taxi我肯定是把护照落在出租车上了
sport.If we let the fastest runner No. 8 set the pace, the other runners will be left behind如果我们让跑得最快的 8 号运动员定步速、其他队员就会被抛在后面了
gen.I'll check to see if there's any space left. Luckily, only one left. Mind you, boarding time is 9:20 am我查查看还有没有空位。很幸运,还剩一个。请注意,登机时间是上午9点20分
gen.I'm sorry. We don't have any single room left. Would you like a double room?对不起,我们没有剩余的单人间了,双人间可以吗?
sport., med.incomplete left bundle branch block不完全性左束支传导阻滞
tech.intentionally left blank空白页
tech.intermediate axle left wheel brake tube中桥左轮制动管路
gen.is there any oil left?还有油吗?
gen.It's a pleasant and productive trip for me. You have left me a great impression, and I am deeply moved by your hospitality. I think our friendship will last forever对我来说,这是一次愉快而颇有裨益的旅行。你给我留下了很好的印象,我被你的热情深深感动了。我觉得我们的友谊会天长地久
gen.Jack, get three forks from the cutlery chest on your left杰克,从你左边的刀叉餐具柜里拿三把叉子出来吧
gen.Keep the knife in your right hand and the fork in your left右手拿刀,左手拿叉
gen.Keep this exchange memo. You will need it to convert any money you have left when you leave America把兑换单收好。在您离开美国时,需要兑换余下的外汇时也许有用
tech.kelly left-handed joint方钻杆上接头
wushu.kick with the left heel左蹬腿
tech.Lang's left hand lay左搓钢丝绳
avia.left aft propulsion system左后推进系统
avia.left aileron左副翼
avia.left air data computer左大气数据计算机
avia.left air intake左发入口
tech.left alignment左边对齐
tech.left anterior左前
tech.left anterior descending branch左前降支
sport., med.left atrioventricular orifice左房室口
sport., med.left atrioventricular valve左房室瓣
sport., med.left atrium左心房
sport., med.left auricle左心耳
tech.left-averted photography左偏离摄影术
sport., med.left axis deviation轴左偏 (心电图)
tech.left bank左岸【地理】
tech.left bank左岸 (面向下游)
avia.left bank左倾斜
tech.left bank tributary左岸支流
avia.left body左边机身
avia.left body buttock line左侧机身纵剖线
avia.left bottom plug〔客〕左下插头
sport., med.left bundle branch左束支
avia.left bus tie relay左侧总线连接继电器
avia.left buttock line左侧纵剖线
avia.left center左中心
multimed.left click左击
gen.left comer bottom-up左角自底向上
avia.left control display unit左侧控制显示装置
tech.left conveyor reverse cover左侧输送机回动盖
sport., med.left coronary artery左冠状动脉
badm.left court左场区
badm.left court反手区
badm.left-court player左场区球员
sport., med.left crura膈的左脚
sport.left-curving fairway左弯道 (woodball)
tech.left-cut tool左切刀
gen.left defense左后卫
avia.left display左侧显示
tech.left-distributor cover左侧分配器盖
gen.left door左门
tech.left driving靠左行驶
tech.left driving左侧行驶
tech.left entry左侧记入
tech.left exit turn驶出左转弯
gen.left eye左眼
tech.left fold左褶皱
avia.left front左前
tech.left front electrical equipment mounting左前方电气设备安装
avia.left gear weight on wheel左起落架轮承受重量
avia.left gunner左〔侧〕炮手
tech.left half axle左半轴
tech.left half axle housing左半轴壳
badm.left half court左场区
badm.left half court反手区
gen.left hand左向的
avia.left hand左手方向
gen.left hand左旋的螺纹
gen.left hand左面的
gen.left hand左侧
gen.left hand
tech.left-hand airscrew左旋螺旋桨
gen.left-hand circular polarization左侧圆极化〔作用〕
gen.left-hand circularly polarized左侧圆极化的
tech.left-hand continuity左方连续
avia.left-hand corner左转
tech.left-hand crusher左侧型破碎机
tech.left-hand crusher左式破碎机
tech.left-hand digit高位数位
tech.left-hand digit左边的数字
tech.left-hand drive左御 (车)
avia.left hand drive左侧驱动
tech.left-hand drive左座驾驶
avia.left hand drive左侧操纵
gen.left hand drive左侧操纵汽车等旬机座位设在左侧
tech.left-hand drive car左转向盘车辆
nautic., tech.left hand engine左旋发动机
tech.left-hand engine左转发动机
avia.left hand engine左发动机
tech.left-hand facing tool左削平面车刀
securit.left-hand financing不良融资
securit.left-hand financing不合理融资
avia.left hand forward equipment bay左前设备舱
tech.left-hand helicity左螺旋
tech.left-hand helix左向螺旋线
tech.left-hand helix左侧螺旋线
tech.left-hand hinge左向铰链
tech.left-hand lang-lay同向左捻
gen.left-hand lay左转〔反时针方向〕扭绞
tech.left-hand lay左转扭绞
gen.left-hand lay
tech.left-hand magneto左转磁电机
tech.left-hand mark左侧标
tech.left-hand member左边部分
CNCleft hand mill左旋铳刀
refrig.left hand motor rule左手电动机法则
tech.left-hand movement左传动机芯
tech.left-hand nut左旋螺纹螺母
nautic., tech.left-hand nut左向螺母
tech.left-hand ordinary lay交叉左捻
avia.left hand panel左侧壁
badm.left-hand player左手执拍球员
tech.left-hand polarization左向偏振
tech.left-hand reverse door左手外开门
nautic., tech.left-hand revolving engine unit左转机组
ecol.left hand rotating fan左转风机
avia.left-hand rotation propeller左旋螺桨
tech.left-hand rotation reamer左切铰刀
tech.left-hand round edge external corner左侧圆角阳角砖
refrig.left hand rule左手法则
tech.left-hand screw左螺旋
tech.left-hand screw左旋螺钉
tech.left-hand screw thread左旋螺纹
securit.left-hand side左手方牌价
gen.left hand side左侧
tech.left-hand side左边
tech.left-hand side左面
gen.left hand side左边
tech.left-hand side back link左端回指连线
avia.left hand side console左侧操纵台
avia.left hand side console左侧控制台
tech.left-hand side outlet elbow左手测流肘管
tech.left-hand side outlet tee左手测流三通
tech.left-hand side tool左削侧刨刀
gen.left-hand singularity左半平面奇异性
tech.left-hand spin左螺旋
tech.left-hand switch左向道岔
tech.left-hand tools左削刀具
tech.left-hand turning左向转弯
nautic., tech.left-hand turning左旋
shipb.left-hand turning propeller左旋螺旋桨
tech.left-hand turnout左侧道岔
tech.left-hand turnout左开道岔
tech.left-hand twist rail左扭钢轨
tech.left-hand upper derivative左方上导数
tech.left-hand zero左边零
comp.left--hand zero左边零
gen.left handed右〔左〕转的
gen.left handed用右〔左〕手的
gen.left handed右〔左〕旋的
gen.left-handed modes左旋圆极化模
sport., med.left-handed rotation左转
gen.left-handed space左旋坐标空间
nautic., tech.left-handed thread左螺纹
gen.left hand/right hand左旋-右旋的
avia.left heat exchanger precooler〔支〕左预冷器
tech.left hemisphere左半球
avia.left hydraulic左液压系统
sport.left in the clouds不知所措
avia.left inboard左内侧
kick.volley.left inside左内卫
avia.left instrument panel左仪表板
multimed.left justification左对齐
tech.left justified左侧调整
tech.left justified text左对齐文本
tech.left justify左对位
tech.left lane多车道道路的左边车道
plast.surg.left lateral decubitus position左侧卧位
desert.left-lateral fault左侧断层
tech.left lay左顺捻
tech.left lay rope左捻钢
tech.left limit左极限
tech.left line左线
avia.left line select key左行选择
tech.left linear form production左线性形式产生式
tech.left longitude左经度
geol.left lower quadrant左下象限
tech.left-luggage office行李寄存处
avia.left main左主起落架
tech.left main exhaust port左侧排气主口
avia.left main gear左主起落架
avia.left main landing gear左主起落架
tech.left margin左端
tech.left margin左缘
avia.left middle plug左中插头
avia.left middle plug左中部插头
tech.left-most bit最左位
tech.left-most cell最左单元
tech.left-most derivation最左导出
tech.left-most terminal set左端终止集
tech.left-most tree最左树
avia.left multifunction display左多功能显示器
tech.left-normal-slip fault左行正向滑动断层
avia.left nose机头左侧
mil.left observer〔炮兵〕左观测手
avia.left outboard左外侧
consult.left over from the past遗留问题
avia.left overlap load左重叠载荷
tech.left part左部
tech.left part list左部表
tech.left part of a rule规则左部
avia.left pressure transducer unit左压力传感器装置
avia.left primary flight computer左侧主飞行计算机
sport., med.left principal bronchus左主支气管
sport., med.left pulmonary artery左肺动脉
tech.left rail左股钢轨
avia.left rear左后
tech.left recursive definition左递归定义
tech.left recursive rule左递归规则
tech.left recursive way左递归方式
tech.left-reverse-slip fault左行逆向滑动断层
shipb.left right左右
tech.left-right deviation左右偏差
tech.left-right guidance左右制导
tech.left-right indicator左右方向
tech.left-right indicator零位指示器
avia.left right indicator左右指示器
tech.left-right needle左右方向指针
tech.left-right needle左右向指针
avia.left-right needle左右指针
tech.left-right parse左到右分析
tech.left-right staggered junction左右错位式交叉 (口)
avia.left rudder左方向舵
tech.left screw左侧螺旋桨
tech.left screw左螺旋
avia.left seat左侧座椅
badm.left service court左开球场
badm.left service court左发球区
tech.left shift左移 (位)
tech.left shift向左移 (位)
tech.left-shift times of multiplier乘法器左移次数
tech.left side反面
tech.left side bank左岸 (面向下游)
tech.left side of the figure图的左侧
sport., med.left-side paralysis左半身不遂
gen.left-sided completely reducible左完全可约
tech.left slope angle左坡角
badm.left square左场区
badm.left square反手区
tech.left square bracket左方括号
tech.left stair左转楼梯
tech.left staircase左转楼梯
avia.left strut switch左压杆开关
tech.left subtree in a binary tree二叉树中的左子树
tech.left swing line左向旋转绳索
tech.left tapered plate左转弯楔形衬砌环
avia.left tie relay左侧连接线继电器
avia.left top plug左上插头
avia.left top plug左上电阻
multimed.left-to-right mark自左至右标记
tech.left-to-right parser左到右分析算法
tech.left-to-right reading正像
avia.left train arm左配平准备
tech.left translation左平移
avia.left trim arm左配平臂
avia.left trim control左配平控制
avia.left turn左转
tech.left turn左转变
tech.left-turn ban禁止向左转
tech.left-turn direct ramp直接左转弯匝道
tech.left turn lane交叉门处的左转弯车道
tech.left-turn lane左转专用车道
tech.left-turn lane交叉口外的左转车道
tech.left-turn leg左旋转支柱
tech.left-turn leg左旋转撑脚
tech.left-turn ramp左转弯匝道
tech.left-turn ramp左转匝道
tech.left-turn slot左转弯专用道
tech.left-turn stand左转支座
tech.left-turn stand左转站立
tech.left turn switch左开道岔
tech.left-turning traffic左转行车
tech.left turnout左开道岔
avia.left upfront display左前上显示器
sport., med.left ventricle左心室
sport., med.left ventricle ejection function左室射血功能
sport., med.left ventricle systolic function左室收缩功能
sport., med.left ventricular ejection time左室射血时间
sport., med.left ventricular hypertrophy左心室肥厚
sport., med.left ventricular hypertrophy左心室肥大
tech.left verge tile左边缘瓦
avia.left view drawing左视图
avia.left wheel speed sensor左轮速传感器
avia.left wind down左翼向下
avia.left wing左大翼
gen.left wing左前锋
avia.left wing down左坡度
avia.left wing down左翼向下
avia.left wing drop tank quantity左翼副油箱油量
avia.left wing station左机翼站位
avia.left wing station左翼站位
comp.left- zero左边零
tech.limit on the left左极限
tech.linear left-to-right scan自左至右线扫描
avia.lower left左下方
gen.My extra cloth and a city map are left in my traveling bag我的多余的衣物和市区地图遗留在旅行包里
gen.My wife left her shoulder bag on a number one-o-one bus. Has anyone turned it in yet?我太太把单肩包掉在101公交车上了。有人捡到送去你们那里了吗?
tech.no left turn禁止左转 (弯)
gen.no run left气力用完
avia.nose left机头左侧
gen.Oh, you? re staying at the downtown Radisson. Then, you go down two blocks this way and turn left. You'll find it on the right噢,你是住在城中雷迪森饭店,那么你往前走两条街,然后左转,在右边就可以找到了
gen.On the left side of this hallway s end. Go downstairs and you'll find the room on your right在这个走廊尽头左边,走下楼梯,你就会在你的右手边找到洗手间
avia.outside left左外方
multimed.pan left左摇
tech.quasi-regular left ideal拟正则左理想
sport.Quickening his pace, he soon left all the others behind.他加快速度、一会儿就把其他的动动员都甩在后面了
multimed.ragged left左边未对齐
comp.ragged left/right左/右边参差[不齐]
tech.raised left side反面拉绒
tech.reversed left to right左右翻转的
tech.ribbon left guide色带左导向
tech.ribbon left mechanism色带左向机械装置
gen.right and left左〔面〕和右〔面〕
tech.right and left左右
gen.right and left向〔从〕左右
gen.right and left两边
gen.right and left到处
gen.right and left向〔从〕四面八方
gen.right and left左〔和〕右
tech.right-left bearing indicator左右方位指示器
mil.right left bearing indicator左右偏位指示器 (RLBI)
avia.right left bearing indicator左右方位〔角〕指示器
tech.right-left needle左右摆动式指针
tech.right-left signal左右方向指导信号
tech.right-left traverse of the arm机器人的臂部左右移动
tech.right-and-left-hand chart左右手程序图
tech.right-and-left nut牵紧螺母
tech.right-and-left nut左右纹螺母
tech.right-and-left nut连接螺母
tech.right-and-left screw左右旋螺栓
tech.right-and-left threaded左右螺纹的
tech.right-to-left interchangeability左右方零件互换性
multimed.right-to-left mark从右向左标示
multimed.right-to-left mark右至左符号
tech.right-to-left parser右到左分析算法
tech.right-to-left reading反像
gen.second from the left左起第二
sport.server's left half court发球员的左半区
tech.shift left左移 (位)
tech.stage left由观众厅看舞台的右方
tech.stage left上座
tech.stage left上首
tech.stage left舞台左侧 (以演员面对观众时为准)
avia.stores management display-left存储管理显示左侧
gen.take a turn to the left向左转弯
avia.the axis of left wing front spar左机翼前梁轴线
gen.The empire was left only Constantinople and the Morea拜占庭帝国现在仅存君士坦丁堡和摩里亚地区
gen.the left左派
gen.the road swerves to the left道路向左转弯
gen.there are a few more bolts left此外还剩得有一些少许,许多,没剩下螺栓
gen.there are many more bolts left此外还剩得有一些少许,许多,没剩下螺栓
gen.there are no more bolts left此外还剩得有一些少许,许多,没剩下螺栓
gen.there are some more bolts left此外还剩得有一些少许,许多,没剩下螺栓
gen.there is a little more oil left此外还剩得有一些少许,许多,没剩下
gen.There is a small scratch on the left side左边有一点刮痕
gen.there is much more oil left此外还剩得有一些少许,许多,没剩下
gen.there is no more oil left此外还剩得有一些少许,许多,没剩下
gen.there is some more oil left此外还剩得有一些少许,许多,没剩下
avia.thrust reverse left左反推装置
gen.to the left of在…的左方
multimed.track left左移镜头
multimed.track left左移跟踪拍摄
avia.trailing edge left左后缘
avia.turn coordinator left左转协调器
sport.turn left向左转
gen.turn to the left向左转
gen.Turn left at the first light. You can't miss it在第一个红绿灯向左转,你不会错过的
gen.turn sharp to the left急向左转
gen.turn sharp to the left突然向左转弯
gen.turn to the left向左转
gen.Walk along the street, then turn left at the corner, and you will find the toilet沿着这条街走,在街角处左转就是厕所
tech.walk on left sign行人靠街左走标志
sport.Walker No. 8 received a caution because his two feet left the surface of the ground at the same time in race walking8 号竞走运动员受到警告处分、 因为他的两只脚同时离开地面
gen.We offer free-of-charge service of delivery in our hotel and left-luggage service我们为您提供店内免费运送或寄存行李服务
gen.What exactly should I do with the foreign exchange certificates left with me?如果外汇兑换券用不完该怎么办?
avia.window heat control unit-left左侧风挡加温控制装置
gen.You will see a BP gas station on your left在你的左手边你会看到一座英国石油公司加油站
gen.Your sense of direction is better than mine. I need right or left?你的方向感比较好,我该往左走还是往右走?
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