
Terms for subject Business containing leading | all forms | exact matches only
analysis of leading sector structure主导部门结构分析
assume leading position担任领导职务
competent leading body有能力的领导集团
composite index of leading indicators主要经济指标综合指数
composite leading indexes综合先行指数
composite leading indicators综合领先指标
current position of leading averages主要股票平均价格现状
formal leading coefficient形式首项系数
index of leading indicator主要指标的指数
index of leading indicators先行性指标总指数
indirect leading间接领导
leading article廉价吸引顾客的货品
leading article为吸引顾客的特别廉价商品
leading astray导入歧途
leading class领导阶层
leading company著名公司
leading currency主币
leading economic indicator领先经济指标
leading factors in economic development导向经济发展
leading firm主行
leading firm大户
leading firm主要商行
leading indicator经济活动的超前指标
leading indicator composite主要综合指标
leading industry领先工业
leading industry先导工业
leading industry主导工业
leading links principle主导环节原则
leading mark唛头
leading mark识别标志
leading mark货物识别标志
leading market大市场
leading merchant领先商人
leading motive主要动机
leading operators领先经营者
leading power factor超前功率因素
leading price大户价
leading price领导价格
leading products"龙头"产品
leading sector主要部门
leading share主要股份 (stock)
leading speculators领先投机者
leading standardization超前标准化
leading time前置时间
leading variable首项变量
market-leading commodities市场领导商品
relevant leading department主管部门
The high quality of the products will secure their leading status in the market place产品的高质量将确保其在市场的领先地位
weekly report of leading defects每周首要缺陷报告