
Terms for subject China containing leading | all forms | exact matches only
a relevant leading member有关负责人员
appointing and removing leading personnel人事任免权
be promoted to a leading post晋升领导职务
inducement leading to confession诱供
leading administrative cadre行政领导干部
leading administrative organ行政领导机关
leading and non-leading posts领导职务和非领导职务
leading cadre领导干部
leading cadre of the enterprise企业领导干部
leading disciplines高水平学科
leading force主导力量
leading group……领导小组
leading member of the customs海关主要负责人
leading person directly in charge直接负责的主管人员
leading persons领导人员
leading persons领导干部
leading persons of State organs国家机关领导人员
leading telecommunications business operator主导电信业务经营者
Office of the Leading Group for Western Region Development of the State Council国务院西部开发领导小组办公室
promote ideologically sound and well-educated young people to leading posts革命化、年轻化、知识化
put revolutionary and well-educated young people at the leading posts革命化、年轻化、知识化
realigning and leading line治导线
reserve leading persons后备领导人员
right to hold a leading position担任领导职务的权利
the leading force主导力量
the Party and government leading bodies党、政领导班子