
Terms containing leading | all forms | exact matches only
busin.analysis of leading sector structure主导部门结构分析
busin.assume leading position担任领导职务
comp.name.Australia's Leading Logistics Association澳大利亚物流协会
tech.average gradient of track leading to crest of hump驼峰推送线平均速度
tech.axis of leading marks导标轴线
adv.back leading缩小行空
gen.be in leading-strings…的严格管束
gen.be in leading-strings处于幼稚阶段
avia.blunt leading edge钝头进气边
tech.bracket leading jetty托架式导堤
gen.bradfield leading-in insulator天线引人线绝缘子
tech.by-pass convention to promote someone to leading post破格提拔
tech.card leading edge卡片前沿
tech.casing test leading line套装测试引线
tech.cause directly leading to death直接死因
tech.chain leading锚链方向
tech.chain leading aft锚链朝后
shipb.chain leading after锚链朝后
tech.chain leading forward锚链朝前
busin.competent leading body有能力的领导集团
busin.composite index of leading indicators主要经济指标综合指数
tech.composite index of leading indicators先行经济指标综合指数
busin.composite leading indexes综合先行指数
busin.composite leading indicators综合领先指标
busin.current position of leading averages主要股票平均价格现状
securit.current position of leading stocks averages目前主要股票的平均头寸
sport.Devers of the United States was leading up to the final hurdle, over which she tripped and fell美国的德弗斯一路领先、直到她跨越最后一个栏架时、绊倒在地上
securit.disclosure leading to fluctuation of stocks' prices披露导致股份波动
tech.double crossing leading mark首尾导标
avia.drooping leading edge下偏前缘
tech.electric leading screw sounding machine电动丝杠式触探机
tech.electrical leading screw sounding machine电动丝杠式触探机
tech.elements of leading marks导标要素
tech.elevation angle of leading marks导标仰角
busin.formal leading coefficient形式首项系数
tech.formal leading coefficient形式的首项系数
tech.front leading lamp前导灯
tech.front leading light前导灯
tech.front leading mark前导标
desert.geochemical leading element地球化学标准元素
securit.Government's Index of Leading Indicators政府先行指标指数
tech.head and stern leading marks首尾导标
tech.height of leading marks导标高度
gen.highest leading body中央
avia.hot air thermal anti-ice leading edge system热空气热防冰前缘系统
avia.hot air thermal deice leading edge system热空气热除冰前缘系统
sport.In the women's 10,000m race, a dark horse from China Xing Huina overtook the leading Ethiopian runners in the last lap. She won a gold medal for China at the 28th Olympic Games女子 10000 米比赛中跑出一匹黑马一一中国运动员邢慧娜在最后一圈超越领先的埃塞俄比亚运动员、在第 28 届奥运会中她为中国赢得一枚金牌
avia.inboard leading edge station内侧前缘站位
busin.index of leading indicator主要指标的指数
busin.index of leading indicators先行性指标总指数
securit.index of leading indicators先导指标指数
busin.indirect leading间接领导
China, lawinducement leading to confession诱供
tech.infinitely sharp leading edge无限陡前沿
avia.inside leading edge flaps内侧前缘襟翼
avia.inside leading edge spar内侧前缘梁
mil., air.def.jitter of pulse leading edge脉冲前沿抖动
gen.KNOWAY is a leading international producer of slippers, sandals and hiking boots. The company has strong capabilities in the whole line of product design, manufacturing and marketing挪巍是国际著名拖鞋、凉鞋、远足靴品牌,在产品设计、生产、市场营销方面有着超强的实力
tech.laser leading marks激光导标
avia.launch leading team发射领导组
tech.leading ahead拎头
avia.leading aircraftman主飞行员
avia.leading aircraftswoman等空军地勤女技师
avia.leading aircraftwoman主飞行员
tech.leading anchorage device镦头锚具
tech.leading and lading应收账款的挪后补前
securit.leading and lagging提前或延后 (收付)
AI.leading and lagging design早开迟闭设计
mil., air.def.leading-angle track前置角跟踪
busin.leading article为吸引顾客的特别廉价商品
busin.leading article廉价吸引顾客的货品
tech.leading article特价品
shipb.leading article特别廉价商品
busin.leading astray导入歧途
agric.leading axis主轴
tech.leading axle前轴
tech.leading axle引导轴
tech.leading band仰斜矿房
securit.leading bank牵头银行
securit.leading bank主办银行
securit.leading bank主导银行
tech.leading beacon导向标
tech.leading beacon导航叠标
tech.leading beacon导航标
tech.leading beacon定向标
construct.leading black信号前的黑尖头信号
tech.leading black超前黑色
nautic.leading block导块
tech.leading block导向滑车
tech.leading block
tech.leading block导向滑轮
nautic., tech.leading block舵链导轮
shipb.leading block of chain导链滑车
sport.leading body领导机构
tech.leading bogie前转向架
tech.leading brush引前电刷
tech.leading buoy导航浮标
tech.leading cadre of float-and-sink浮沉试验负责人
tech.leading cadre of laboratory化验室负责人
tech.leading cadre of sizing test筛分试验负责人
racingleading car领先赛车
tech.leading chain领头链
tech.leading channel进口水道
gen.leading character主角
busin.leading class领导阶层
outd.leading climbing先锋攀登
tech.leading coach引导客车
tech.leading collector进口干道
tech.leading collector进水干管
sport.leading committee领导委员会
tech.leading commodities主要货物
busin.leading company著名公司
chem.leading concept ammonia process帝国化学工业公司超前概念合成氨生产工艺
chem.leading concept methanol process超前概念甲醇生产工艺
tech.leading control打头控制
tech.leading crank导曲柄
desert.leading crop主要作物
agric.leading crops主要作物
busin.leading currency主币
securit.leading currency主导货币
tech.leading current导前电流
AI.leading design绿灯早开设计
tech.leading diabolo roller导向凹面镇压轮
tech.leading dimension当前维
tech.leading down wire引上线
tech.leading draughtsman主要绘图员
busin.leading economic indicator领先经济指标
securit.leading economic indicator主要经济指标
sport.leading edge前沿
tech.leading edge进气边
tech.leading edge门窗锁安锁的一边
tech.leading edge
tech.leading edge门窗扇开关侧边
tech.leading edge穿孔卡前端
tech.leading edge导边
tech.leading edge前缘
agric.leading edge犁体垂直切刃
golf.leading edge铁杆杆面的下缘
agric.leading edge犁体胫刃
agric.leading edge前刃
avia.leading edge analysis program前缘分析程序
avia.leading edge devices前缘增升装置
avia.leading-edge devices前缘增升装置
avia.leading edge down前缘襟翼放下
tech.leading edge during driving导向边 (打桩时)
avia.leading-edge extension前缘锯齿
avia.leading-edge extension前缘突出部
avia.leading edge extensions前缘伸出
avia.leading-edge flap前缘襟翼
avia.leading edge flap actuation system前缘襟翼作动系统
avia.leading edge flap drive unit前缘襟翼驱动装置
avia.leading edge flaps前缘襟翼
avia.leading edge flight test前缘飞行试验
avia.leading edge image process前缘图像处理
tech.leading edge locus前缘轨迹
avia.leading edge maneuver flap前缘机动襟翼
avia.leading edge notch前缘缺口
tech.leading edge of a shield盾构前缘
tech.leading edge of a shield盾构前沿
geol.leading edge of a slide滑坡前沿
avia.leading edge of mean aerodynamic chord前缘平均气动弦
avia.leading edge of mean aerodynamic chord平均气动力弦前缘
avia.leading edge of mean aerodynamic chord平均空气动力弦前缘
tech.leading edge overshoot前沿过冲
nautic., tech.leading edge plate舵叶导边板
tech.leading edge pulse time脉冲前沿上升时间
tech.leading edge pulse time脉冲前沿时间
avia.leading edge rib radius前缘翼肋
avia.leading edge root extensions前缘根部伸出
avia.leading edge sawtooth前缘锯齿
tech.leading edge septum前沿切割板
avia.leading edge slat前缘缝翼
avia.leading-edge slat前缘缝翼
avia.leading edge slat前缘缝翼条
avia.leading edge station前缘站位
avia.leading edge structure subsystem前缘结构子系统
avia.leading edge subsystem前缘子系统
avia.leading-edge sweep前缘后掠形,角
tech.leading edge time前沿时间
mil., air.def.leading-edge track前沿跟踪
mil., air.def.leading-edge tracking前沿跟踪
tech.leading edge tracking前沿跟踪
avia.leading edge tracking前缘跟踪
avia.leading edge up前缘襟翼收起
avia.leading edge up前缘向上
avia.leading edge up前缘收上
avia.leading-edge vortex前缘涡流
avia.leading-edge vortex lift前缘涡升力
tech.leading electrode引导电极
chem.leading electrolyte先行电解质
desert.leading element标准元素
tech.leading end引导端
tech.leading-end clamp前端夹板
securit.leading enterprise领先的企业
securit.leading enterprise领头企业
securit.leading enterprise行业中的龙头老大
tech.leading exploration line主导勘探线
tech.leading exporter主要出口国
tech.leading face工作面
tech.leading face超前工作面
tech.leading face正面
tech.leading face迎水面 (叶片)
tech.leading factor主导因子
busin.leading factors in economic development导向经济发展
tech.leading fairway of lock船闸引航道
tech.leading feature主要特性
desert.leading feature主要特征
sport.leading finisher最后阶段领先选手
avia.leading fire前置射击
busin.leading firm大户
busin.leading firm主行
busin.leading firm主要商行
tech.leading flange导轮缘
wushu.leading foot前脚
desert.leading fossil标准化石
tech.leading frame槽板 (施工放线用)
tech.leading frame构架
tech.leading frame主构件
bridge.leading from honors大牌首攻
mil., air.def.leading front edge脉冲前沿
tech.leading ghost超前超重像
tech.leading ghost超前重影
tech.leading graphic前导图开字符
tech.leading graphic引导图形符
tech.leading graphic标题形
tech.leading green signal phase前期绿灯信号显示
tech.Leading group environment Protection un der the State Council of China中国国务院所属环境保护领导小组
tech.Leading group environmental Protection un der the State Council of China中国国务院所属环境保护领导小组
tech.leading half axle前进半轴 (拖拉机转弯时)
tech.leading hand领班
tech.leading hand工长
tech.leading hand第一把手
CNCleading hand工作组长
tech.leading heading超前煤巷
tech.leading heading超前平巷
tech.leading hook前端弯钩
tech.leading-in box进线箱
tech.leading-in box引入箱
tech.leading-in bracket进线架
tech.leading-in cable进局电缆
tech.leading-in cable引线电缆
tech.leading-in end入端
tech.leading-in equipment引船进坞设备
tech.leading-in gear引船进坞装置
tech.leading-in girder导梁
tech.leading-in insulator引入绝缘管
tech.leading-in line进场线路
tech.leading-in line进站线 (路)
tech.leading-in phase超前相
tech.leading-in phase超前项
tech.leading-in pole引入杆
tech.leading-in terminal引入端子
tech.leading-in track进站线 (路)
tech.leading-in tube引入绝缘管
tech.leading indicator先行经济指标
busin.leading indicator经济活动的超前指标
tech.leading indicator先导指标数字
busin.leading indicator composite主要综合指标
consult.leading indicator method超前指示数法
busin.leading industry主导工业
busin.leading industry先导工业
busin.leading industry领先工业
tech.leading industry先导产业
bridge.leading-inhibiting bid抑制首攻叫牌
agric.leading ion前导离子
chem.leading ion先行离子
tech.leading ion主要离子
tech.leading-Isotope age铅同位素年代
tech.leading jetty导堤
tech.leading jetty船闸导航墙
tech.leading knitting system主成圈系统
tech.leading levee导堤
tech.leading light导航标灯
tech.leading light后桅灯
tech.leading light导向灯标
tech.leading light
tech.leading light引导灯 (桩)
tech.leading line叠标导航线
tech.leading line导索
tech.leading line导向线
desert.leading line一般走向
tech.leading line of bearing from an objective beyond chart方位引示线
tech.leading line of navigation导航线
busin.leading links principle主导环节原则
tech.leading load电流超前的
tech.leading load电容性负荷
tech.leading locomotive本务机车【铁】
tech.leading manufacturer主要厂商
tech.leading mark道路标志
tech.leading mark方向标
tech.leading mark
tech.leading mark叠标 (导航)
busin.leading mark货物识别标志
busin.leading mark唛头
busin.leading mark识别标志
tech.leading mark认识货物的标志
busin.leading market大市场
tech.leading marks method导航标法
tech.leading marks method导标断面测深法
tech.leading marks method导标法
busin.leading merchant领先商人
tech.leading minor主子式
busin.leading motive主要动机
adv.Leading National Advertisers-Publishers Information Bureau美国广告大客户及出版商信息局
chem.leading of gasoline汽油加铅
tech.leading-off rods引出杆
busin.leading operators领先经营者
tech.leading ore铅矿
tech.leading-out terminal出线端
tech.leading-out terminal引出端 (子)
nautic., tech.leading-out terminal引出线端
nautic., tech.leading-out terminal for lighting照明引出线端
nautic., tech.leading-out terminal for socket插座引出线端
tech.leading-out wire引出线
avia.leading particulars主要特征
tech.leading pass终轧前孔型
chem.leading peak前峰
tech.leading peak谱带伸长
tech.leading peak谱峰伸前
tech.leading peak前沿峰
tech.leading pedestrian phase行人先走信号显示
agric.leading peptide前导肽
China, lawleading person directly in charge直接负责的主管人员
China, lawleading persons领导人员
China, polit.leading persons领导干部
China, polit.leading persons of State organs国家机关领导人员
avia.leading petty officer上士
tech.leading phase超前项
tech.leading phase angle超前角
tech.leading phase angle相位超前角
tech.leading phase feeding section引前相供电臂
tech.leading phase operation进相运行
tech.leading place超前工作面
sport.leading player主力球员
tech.leading plug前置火花塞
tech.leading pole导磁极
tech.leading pole tip磁极前端
tech.leading port authorities主要港务管理机构
tech.leading portion前导部分
tech.leading portion前段
busin.leading power factor超前功率因素
busin.leading price大户价
busin.leading price领导价格
busin.leading products"龙头"产品
mil., air.def.leading-pulse compensation technique导向脉冲补偿技术
mil., air.def.leading-pulse curve脉冲前沿曲线
mil., air.def.leading-pulse curve前置追击曲线
adv.leading question诱导性问题
adv.leading question诱导提问
tech.leading radiator前缘散热器
tech.leading ramp引入滑轨
tech.leading ratio铅比
agric.leading role主导[作用]
tech.leading roller导轮
adv.leading room引导空间
tech.leading room急救洞室
tech.leading room主要洞室
tech.leading schedule主要附表
chem.leading screw导螺杆
tech.leading screw导杆
CNCleading screw lathe丝杠车床
tech.leading screw support导螺杆轴承
busin.leading sector主要部门
busin.leading share主要股份 (stock)
tech.leading sheave导向滑轮
tech.leading ship导航船
tech.leading ship领导船
agric.leading shoot主干顶枝 (stolo terminalis)
agric.leading shoot主枝
tech.leading shoot主梢
tech.leading snow fence防雪栅
agric.leading soybean variety主要大豆品种
agric.leading species主要种
busin.leading speculators领先投机者
tech.leading spiral导入螺线
tech.leading spurious signal超前乱真信号
busin.leading standardization超前标准化
securit.leading stock领导股
securit.leading stock领先股
securit.leading stock热门股票
securit.leading stock牵头股票
gen.leading stoker司炉长船上的
tech.leading stone极磁铁矿
sport., med.leading strand前导链
avia.leading sunspot前导黑子
tech.leading support超前支护
tech.leading surface先导工作面
tech.leading tap螺母丝锥
tech.leading tape引带
tech.leading tectonic system主导构造体系
gen.leading telegraphist报务班长
gen.leading telegraphist一级报务员
securit.leading the decline领跌
securit.leading the market引领市场
securit.leading the market主导市场
securit.leading the slide领跌
busin.leading time前置时间
tech.leading time超前时间
tech.leading transient前沿瞬变
tech.leading truck前进履带
tech.leading truck前导转向架
tech.leading truck导向架
tech.leading truck前转角架
tech.leading turn绿前转弯
securit.leading underwriter首席承销人
securit.leading underwriter主承保人
securit.leading underwriter主承销人
tech.leading up cable引上电缆
tech.leading uranium age method铅铀年代测定法
tech.leading uranium ratio铅铀比
busin.leading variable首项变量
agric.leading variety主要品种
tech.leading variety当家品种
tech.leading vehicle头车
tech.leading vehicle前导车
tech.leading wagon引导货车
tech.leading wall前壁
tech.leading wattless load无功电容性负荷
gen.leading wedge前缘
agric.leading wheel前轮
agric.leading wheel前导轮
tech.leading wheel驱动轮
tech.leading wheelsets前导轮组
tech.leading white超前白色
tech.leading wind direction主导风向
tech.leading wire爆破母线
tech.leading wire导线【电】
tech.leading zero引导零
tech.leading zero suppress删去前零
tech.leading zero suppress消去前补零
multimed.leading zeros前导零
tech.logic leading end逻辑前端
busin.market-leading commodities市场领导商品
tech.method of leading marks and angle导标一角法
tech.minimum useful range of leading marks导标最近作用距离
securit.mixed form of ownership with public ownership taking the leading role公有制主导下的混合型所有制形式
tech.non-leading axle非主动轴
China, polit.Office of the Leading Group for Western Region Development of the State Council国务院西部开发领导小组办公室
avia.outboard leading edge station外侧前缘站位
sport.Pharmaceuticals, household goods, gems, toys, and sports goods are the leading exports医药产品、家用产品、宝石、玩具和体育用品是主要的出口品
avia.pneumatic leading edge boot气动前缘除冰带
securit.price leading定价领先 (一家大公司提高价格后,其他公司跟上)
securit.price leading定价先导
tech.pulse leading edge time脉冲前沿时间
avia.pylon leading-edge fairing吊挂前缘整流罩
nautic., tech.radius of leading edge导边半径
tech.rear leading mark后导标
tech.reason leading unreasonable exploratory degree勘探程度不合理的原因
busin.relevant leading department主管部门
China, lawreserve leading persons后备领导人员
tech.resin leading树脂浸析
tech.return wire leading roll转向导网辊
tech.reverse leading反向引导
avia.right leading edge flap右前缘襟翼
tech.rotor's leading apex转子导前角顶
tech.rounded leading edge圆形导边
tech.sensibility of leading marks导标灵敏度
mil., air.def.split gate leading-edge track分裂门双波门前沿跟踪
tech.subway leading to platforms站台地道
tech.subway leading to platforms车站站台间地道
tech.subway leading to platforms通站台的地道 (车站)
busin.The high quality of the products will secure their leading status in the market place产品的高质量将确保其在市场的领先地位
avia.the leading edge前缘
avia.thin leading edge薄前缘
tech.track leading from receiving yard to hump驼峰推峰线【铁】
tech.transition leading marks过渡导标
tech.transitional leading marks过渡导标
tech.trapezoidal leading mark梯形导标
tech.two-leading shoe brake双助势蹄制动器
tech.untwining for leading lines线路疏解
tech.useful range of leading marks作用距离
shipb.We are one of the leading exporters of machine tools and are enjoying an excellent reputation through twenty years business experience.我们是一家重要的机床出口商,有 20 年良好声誉的业务经验
gen.We are the gold supplier of Alibaba, a leading manufacturer and exporter with experience in Argentina, Chile, Brazil, Germany and France我们是阿里 <-> 巴巴的金牌供应商,是顶级制造商和出口商,与阿根廷、智利、巴西、德国和法国都有贸易往来
tech.wedged leading edge楔形进气边
busin.weekly report of leading defects每周首要缺陷报告
avia.wing leading-edge机翼前沿
avia.wing leading edge anti-ice机翼前缘防冰
Showing first 500 phrases