
Terms for subject Economy containing law | all forms | exact matches only
a homestead law宅地法
a moratory law延期偿付法
a nationality law国籍法
a non-forfeiture law非没收规定
a provision of law法律条文
a tort law民事侵权法
a usury law重利限制法
a usury law重利法
abidance by law守法
abiding the law of planned and proportionate development遵循有计划、按比例发展的规律
According to The Individual Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China, a citizen should pay certain tax to the government if his income is above the stated level根据《中华人民共和国个人所得税法》,公民的收入超出规定水平时需向政府支付一定的税款
accounting law会计法
acts in the law法律行为
adjudicate according to law依法裁定
administration of law司法
administrative law管理法
advertising law广告法
agrarian law土地法
agricultural tenancy law佃农法
amendment of law法令的修改
American International Law美国国际法
American international law美洲国际法
an accountancy law会计法
an adjective law程度规则
an adjective law程序法
an anti-labour law反劳工法
an anti-monopoly law反垄断法
an anti-trust law反托拉斯法
an applicable law适用的法律
an attorney at law律师
an award enforceable at law可依法强制执行的裁决
an elective law选举法
an heir at law法定继承人
an immutable law of business事务上不易之法则
an unwritten law不成文法
annual reporting law年度也告决算法
anti dumping law反倾销法
anti trust law反托拉斯法
anti-labour law反劳工法
applicable law rules适用法律规则
arbitration in law按法律进行仲裁
artificial person created by law法人
as by law enacted如法律规定
assurance law保险法
audit law审计法
auditing law审计法
authorized by law经法律许可
auxiliary law手续法
bank law银行法
bankrupt law破产法
basic economic law of socialism社会主义基本经济规律
basic law根本法
basic law of price change价格变化的基本规律
basically law-abiding private industrial and commercial units基本守法的私人工商户
bills of exchange law汇票法
blue sky law青天法美国保护有价证券投资家的一种法规
blue-sky law"蓝天法" (控制有价证券的发行与分配以防止假证券的法令)
body of law法典
braze law of wages工资铁则
braze law of wages工资铁律
brazen law of wages工资铁则
breach of law不法行为
busines law商法
business law企业法规 (mercantile law, commercial law)
business law商事法 (mercantile law, commercial law)
business law企业法 (mercantile law, commercial law)
business law商法 (mercantile law, commercial law)
case law判例法 (以判决例为依据的法律)
case law制例法
category of the law of value价值规律范围
Certified Public Accountant Law执业会计法
choice of law clause选择法律的条款
choice of law rules选择法律的规则
civil law私法
class-action law共同起诉法
code of written law成文法典
code on treaty law条约法汇编
combination law集合法
commercial and industrial law and regulations工商法规
commercial law商法 (mercantile law, business law)
common law案例法
common law普通法
common law countries英美法适用国家
common-law courts made law普通法院判例法
common law trust普通法信贷
company law公司法 (law of corporation)
compensation law偿付法律
compensation law补偿律
competent law有效的法律
conflict-of-law rules法律冲突的法规
contemporary international law当代国际法
contract law契约依循的法律
contractual law合同法
Convention for the Settlement of Certain Conflicts of Law in Connection with Cheques Geneva, 19 March 1931 1931年日内瓦关于解决支票法律冲突的公约
Convention for the Settlement of Certain Conflicts of Laws in Connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Note1931年日内瓦关于解决有关汇票、本票若干法律冲突的公约 (Geneva, 19 March, 1931)
Convention on the Law Applicable to International Sales of Goods the Hague, 15 June 1955 1955年海牙关于国际货物买卖所适用的法律公约
Convention on the Law Applicable to the Transfer of Title in International Sales of Goods1958年海牙关于国际货物买卖上所有权转移所适用的法律公约 (the Hague, 15 April 1958)
Convention on the Stamp Laws in Connection with Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes1930年日内瓦关于汇票、本票印花税法的公约 (Geneva, 7 June 1930)
Convention on the Stamp Laws in Connection with Cheques1931年日内瓦关于支票印花税法的公约 (Geneva, 19 March 1931)
Convention on the Unification of the Law Relating to Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, and Uniform Regulation1912 年海牙关于统一汇票、本票法的公约及统一规定 (the Hague, 1912)
Convention Providing a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes Geneva, June 1930 1930年日内瓦关于制定统一汇票、本票的公约
Convention Providing a Uniform Law for Cheques1931年日内瓦关于制定统一支票法的公约 (Geneva, 19 March 1931)
Convention Relating to a Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of Goods the Hague, 1 July 1964 1964年海牙关于国际货物买卖合同成立的统一法的公约
Convention Relating to a Uniform Law on the International Sales of Goods the Hague, 1 July 1964 1964年海牙有关国际货物买卖统一法的公约
conventional international law协定国际法
cooling-off law撤销合同条例
cooperative by-law合作社章程
cording to law, the premises of the company shall be duly withheld and collected根据法律,该公司的房产将按时扣留和征收
corn law谷物法
corporation tax law公司税法 (rate, credit, 率、抵免)
customary commercial law商业习惯法
decide in accordance with the law依法处理
diminishing marginal utility law边际效用递减法则
diminishing return law law of variable proportions收益递减律可变比例律
discernible law可捉摸的规律
disclosure law报股法律
discriminatory law歧视性法律
due process of law正当的法律手续
ease law判例法
ease law案例法
economic law经济规律
enforcement of law and regulations法律规章的实施
engineering law工程法律
environment law环境保护法
equal pay law同酬法
equipartition law平均分配法
equivalent law等效法律
equivalent law互等定律
established principle of international law公认的国际法准则
eternal law永久法
excise law酒类买卖取缔法
excise law造酒法
extra territorial application of employment law雇佣法律的境外应用
factory law工厂法
Fair employment practice law平等就业实施法
fair trade law公平贸易法
fair trade law公平交易法
Farm Relief Law农场救济法
Farm Relief Law农场救济法
Fechners Law菲奈法则
Federal Emergency Relief Law联邦紧急救济法
Federal Emergency Relief Law联邦紧急救济法
financial law会计法
foreign investment encouragement law外国投资鼓励法案
form required by law法律要求的形式
free homestead law自由农地法
full subject of international law完全的国际法主体
function of the law of value in the economic use of time价格规律的节约时间的作用
fundamental law根本法
fundamental law基本法
general law普通法
general law一般法
Geneva Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, 19301930 年日内瓦统一汇票和本票法 (ULB)
Geneva Uniform Law on Checks, 19311931 年日内瓦统一支票法 (ULC)
Geneva Uniform Law on Cheque日内瓦统一支票法规
governing law管理法
governing law法律
government by law法治
Gresham's Law格雷欣法则
Gresham's law劣币驱逐良币法则
Gresham's Law格雷兴姆法则劣币驱逐良币法则
Gresham's Law格莱兴法则
Gresham's Law格雷沙姆法则
have recourse to law诉诸法律
health law卫生法
human law人为法
idea on the common law population公有人口她律的意见
ideas on the common law population公有人口她律的意见
immutable law of business事务上不变之法则
imperative law强制法
implied contract in law法律上的默认合同
in accordance with the law依法
industry law工业法
inheritability of law法律的继承性
inheritance at law合法继承
inheritance at law无遗嘱继承
insider trading law美国内部交易法 (US)
international law of bills国际票据法
international private law国际私法
interpretation of law解释法律
investment law投资法
investment law投资条例
iron law of wages工资铁则
job-safety law职业安全法
jungle law弱肉强食的原则
jurisdiction of courts of law法院审判权
kelvin's law凯尔氏定律
King's law康氏定律
King's law康氏法则
labour law劳工法
labour protection law劳动者保护法
labour protection law劳动保护法
labour relations adjustment law劳动关系调整法
labour standard law劳动准则法
labour union law工会组织法
land reform law土地改革法
law agent法定代理人
law-and decree法令
law and decree法令
law concerning foreign investment外资法
law enforcement agency执法机构
law enforcement official执法人员
law engineering法律业务人才
law expense诉讼费
law list高级律师名册 (每年由英司法协会公布)
law list高级律师名册由英司法协会公布
law load上议院法官
law lord上议院法官
law lord职业法官
law-making power立法权
law-making stipulation立法条款
law merchant商业惯例
law merchant商法
law of accounts会议法
law of accounts会计法
law of application诉讼条款
law of audit审计法
law of average平均律
law of average平均法则
law of average均值定理
law of average rate of profit平均利润率法则
law of bankruptcy破产法
law of bill票据法
law of bills of exchange and check关于汇票和支票的法律
law of bills of exchange and cheque关于汇票和支票的法规
law of business organization企业组织法
law of capitalist appropriation资本主义占有规律
law of capitalistic accumulation资本主义积累规律
law of cause and effect因果规律
law of company公司法
law of comparative advantage相对优势的规律
law of comparative advantage比较优势法则
law of comparative cost比较成本律
law of conservation of unemployment失业守恒规律
law of constant cost恒定成本律
law of constant marginal productivity边际生产力不变律
law of constant return固定受益法交易所
law of constant return恒定报酬律
law of consumption消费法则
law of contracts契约法
law of contracts合同法
law of convertibility兑换法
law of corporate supply and demand公司供需定律
law of corporation公司法
law of cost成本律
law of cost of production生产成本法则
law of criminal procedure刑事诉讼法
law of decreasing cost成本递减律
law of decreasing relative cost相对成本报酬递减规律 (return)
law of decreasing return报酬递减律
law of decreasing returns报酬收益递减法则
law of demand供求律
law of demand需求法则
law of demand需求律
law of demand and supply供求定律
law of demand and supply需供法则
law of derived demand引伸需求律
law of development发展规律
law of differential advantage差别利益法则
law of diminishing demand需求递减法则
law of diminishing intensity of want欲望强度递减率
law of diminishing marginal边际效用递减法则
law of diminishing marginal productivity边际生产递减律
law of diminishing marginal productivity边际生产力递减律
law of diminishing marginal utility边际效用递减法则
law of diminishing rates of profit利润率递减法则
law of diminishing rates of profit利润率低下法则
law of diminishing return law of variable proportions收益递减率可变比例律
law of diminishing return报酬递减律 (law of variable proportions)
law of diminishing returns报酬递减率
law of diminishing returns报酬收益递减法则
law of diminishing returns报酬递减律
law of diminishing returns收益递减律
law of diminishing returns of land土地收益递减法则
law of diminishing utility效用递减律
law of domicile居住地法
law of economic order of consumption消费的经济顺序法
law of economics of large scale production大规模生产的经济法则
law of effect感情影响法则
law of elasticity of demand弹性需求法则
law of environment protection环境保护法
law of equi-marginal productivity同等边际生产率的法则
law of equi-marginal productivity边际生产力均等法则
law of equimarginal utility边际效用均等法则
law of equi-marginal utility边际效用均等法则
law of equity衡平法
law of error误差法则
law of errors误差率
law of evidence证据法
law of exception常规例外原
law of exception to routine常规例外原则
law of exception to routine常规例外原
law of exchange of equal amounts of labour等量劳动相交换规律
law of family expenditures寥庭支出法则
law of functional growth功能增长法则
law of fund movement资金运动规律
law of great numbers大数法则
law of growth成长规律
law of harmony消费协调调和法则
law of health卫生法
law of imitation消费模拟法则
law of incidence租税负担法则
law of increasing cost成本递增法则
law of increasing marginal productivity边际生产方递增法则
law of increasing relative cost相对成本递增规律
law of increasing return报酬递增律
law of increasing returns报酬收益递增法则
law of indifference不关心中主法则
law of indifference无差别定律
law of indifference无择律
law of insurance保险法
law of interest股权法
law of interest权利法
law of international sale of goods国际货物销售法
law of jungle弱肉强食法则
law of labour relations劳动关系法
law of maritime commerce海商法
law of mass production大量生产法则
law of monopoly price垄断价格法则
law of motion运动规律
law of motion of capitalism资本主义运动规律
law of natural value自然价值律
law of nature自然法则
law of negotiable instrument流通票据法 (checks)
law of negotiable instrument票据法 (checks)
law of negotiable instruments流通票据法
law of negotiable instruments单证票据法
law of nonproportional returns报酬非比例法则
law of obligation债务法
law of one price一物一价法则
law of partnership公司法
law of pleasure享乐定律
law of population人口律法则
law of probability概率法则
law of production生产方法
law of profits利润法
law of property物权法
law of proportionality平衡律
law of real property不动产法
law of reciprocity互惠法
law of regularity常性率
law of regularity定性规律
law of rent地租率
law of return收益规律
law of sales and personal property动产及销售法规
law of satiable want欲望满足律
law of scarcity稀缺规律
law of sea conference海上会议法
law of settlement居住法
law of small numbers小数法则
law of subordination of want欲望从属律
law of substitution代用法则
law of substitution代替律
law of supply供给律
law of supply and demand供需法则
law of supply and demand供求律
law of tax税法
law of the current of money货币流通规律
law of the unity of opposite对立统一规律
law of uniformity of price单一价格定律
law of value and price formation价值与价格构成规律
law of variable proportions不定比例法
law of variable proportions变动比例法则
law of variable proportions变动比例法
law of wages工资定律
law relating to tariffs关于运价法律
legal person of public law公法人 (公法上的法人)
letter of the law法律条文
maintain the law维护法律
making of law法律的制定
marine insurance law海运保险法
marine law海上法
marine law海商法
marine pollution prevention law海洋污染防止法
maritime international law国际海商法
maritime law海洋法
minimal capital required by law法定最低资本额
minimum wage law最低工资法
mint law造币法
municipal law国内法 (national law)
Murphy's Law墨菲法则
nationality by law出生国籍
natural law自然法思想
natural law自然规律
natural law philosophy自然法思想
navigation law航海法规
negotiable instruments law流通票据法
new corn law英国新谷物法
new corn law新谷物法
new poor law英国新济贫法
new poor law新济贫法
organizational law组织法
outside the law超出法律范围
Pareto's law巴列图法则 (所得分配不平等程度的法则)
Parkinson's Law帕金森法则
particular international law特殊国际法
poor law济贫法
poor law恤贫法
poor relief law救免法
poor relief law济贫法
poor relief law救贫法
possession in nine points of the law占有者在诉讼中总占上风
power of law-making立法权
private law私法处理私人关系、财产等
proper law准据法
Provisional Law on the Importation of Specific Petroleum Product特殊石油产品进口暂行法规
Pubic Law美国公法
public treasury law公库法
punish by law依法惩处
quasi-stable law拟稳定分布律
reality of law物权法
reality of law财产法
reduced law简化律
regulatory law规章法
rule by law法治
rule of law法律性规则
Rules for the Implementation of the Income Tax Law of the People's Republic of China Concerning Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures《中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业所得税施行细则》 Rules for the Implementation of the Individual Income Tax Law of the Poeple's Republic of China (中华人民共和国个人所得税法实行细则)
rules of law relating to bills of exchange有关汇票的法规规则,规定
rules of the applicable law关于适用的法律规则
rules of the applicable law适用法律规则
rules of the applicable national law适用的本国法的法规
run foul to the law触犯法律
sale by authority of law据法院命令出售
Say's Law萨伊定律早期的古典经济学理论
Says law of markets萨伊市场法则
settlement of a law cose法津案件之解决
small-loan law小额贷款法规
source of law of letter of credit信用证的法律根据
sources of law of letter of credit信用证的法律依据
sources of law of letter of credit信用证的法律根据
stabilization and growth law安全及发展法
stretch the law滥用法律
subject of international law国际法主题
subject of international law国际法主体
succession law继承法
sue at the law法律起诉
sue at the law起诉
suffer law受法律处罚
sumptuary law禁止奢侈法
sumptuary law节约法令
supplemental rules of law法律补充规定
supplementary rules of law法律补充规则
surcharge according to port labour law港口劳工法附加税
the abuse of law滥用法律
the action at law诉讼行为
the advocate of the eternal law of value价值万岁论
the antiboycott law反联合经济抵制法
the anti-corn law league反对谷物条约同盟
the associative law结合律
the award enforceable at law可依法强制执行的裁决
the blue-sky law无信用股票取缔法
the blue-sky law股票发行控制法
the blue-sky law蓝天法
the corpus of civil law民法大全
the fellowship in international law国际法研究金
the inheritability of law法律的继承性
The intercourse between countries should abide by the international law国家之间的交往应遵守国际法
the iron law of wages工资铁律
the law enforcement执法
The law is in force这条法律有效
the law of diminishing returns报酬递减率
the law of Investments of Resources of Foreign Persons in Domestic Organizations of Associated Labour外国人对国内联合劳动组织投资法
the Law of Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment中外合资法
the law of one price一物一价定律
The law requires you to submit 50% of your extra income to the tax authorities根据税法要求,你应将50%的额外收入缴纳给税务机关
the municipal law国内法
the municipal law本国法
the non-compliance of tax law不遵守税法
the pass law通行证法
the prescriptive designation by the parties to a contract of the law applicable to their contract合同当事人指定的合同适用的法律
the rider to budget law预算法追回条款
The rights and interests of labourers are guaranteed by the Labour Law劳动法保障劳动者的权益
the rule of law法律性规则
the statute law国会立法
the statute law成文法
the strict enforcement of law and discipline严格法纪
the tax law税法
The validity of the agreement shall be governed by the law该协议的有效性应受到法律的约束
the violation of the law and branches of disciplines违法乱纪
theory of the internal origin of the law of value价值规律内因论
tort law民事侵权法
Uniform Boiler and Pressure Vessel Laws Society美国锅炉与压力容器统一法规协会
Uniform Law on the Formation for Contracts of the International Sales of Goods The Hague, 1964订立国际货物销售合同的统一法海牙, 1964
Uniform Law on the International Sales of Goods国际货物买卖统一法
Uniform Negotiable Instrument law统一流通票据法
United Nations Committee on International Trade Law联合国国际贸易法委员会
universal law一般法律
unwritten law习惯法
unwritten law不成文法
usury law重利限制法
usury law重利法
We can substantiate these claims in a court of law我们能在法庭上证明这些索赔是正确的
Webb-Fechner law of decreasing marginal effect韦布-费克纳边际影响递减规律
workingman's compensation law工伤事故补偿法
written law成文法律
yield power law生产力法则
You can apply the full power of the law to get your property back你可以充分利用法律的力量来收回自己的财产
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