
Terms for subject Business containing law | all forms | exact matches only
according to law根据规律
act in law法律行为
act in law签订合同时合法行为
act of law法律效力
act of law法律行为
additive law加法公式
additive law of probability概率加法公式
administration according to law依法管理
administration of law法律实施
administration of law执法
alien law侨民法
alien law移民法
analogous law类推法
annual reporting law年度决算法
annual reporting law年度决算报告法
anti-dumping law反倾销法
anti-injunction law反禁令法
anti-strike breaker law反罢工破坏者法
appellate law适用法律如合同等
arbitration by the law依法仲裁
arbitration in law按法律裁决
ascertained by law经法律确认
asset revaluation law资产重估法
assets revaluation law资产重估法
association law合伙法
association law结合律
authority conferred by law法律赋予的权力
authority of law法律权威
authorized by law法律许可的
award enforceable at law可强制执行的仲裁裁决
award enforceable at law依法律强制执行的裁决
Bachelor of Law法学士
banking law银行法
base on fact and take law as the criterion以事实为依据、法律为准绳
basic economic law基本经济规律
Bernoulli law伯努利法则
Bernoulli law of large numbers伯努利大数法则
bind to obey the law遵守法律
blue-sky law蓝天法
blue-sky law股票发行控制法
blue-sky law发行管制法美国各州为防止欺骗发行出售股票而制定
blue-sky law股票买卖
bound by law受法律约束
brazen law of wages工资铁律
bulk sale law整批销售法
bulk sale law全部销售法
business law商业法
by law附则
by law公司章程细则
cancellation law of multiplication乘法消去律
category of the law of value价值规律范畴
Certified Public Accountant Law执业会计师法
Certified Public Accountant Law〈美〉公证会计师法
characteristic function of the binomial law二项分布律特征函数
choice law选择法律
choice of law法律选择
choice of law rules法律选择规则
citation of law法律引用
codified law成文法
combination law结社法
commercial and industrial law工商法
commercial and industrial law and regulation工商法规
commercial relationship of a private law nature私法性质的商业关系
common law copyright普通法版权
common law corporation股份公司
common law corporation股份有限公司
common law exceptions普通法免责事项
common-law exchange习惯法中的兑换
common law procedure习惯法程序
common-law restraint on trade贸易上的习惯法限制
common-law trust商业企业信托
common-law voting按习惯法一股一票权
commutative law for addition加法交换律
competent law适用法律
complementarity law互补律
compound interest law复利律
concept of natural law自然法思想
conducting economic activities in line with economic law按经济规律办事
conflict of law rules法律冲突法规
constitutive law组织法
construction of law法律解释
consuetudinary law不成文法
consuetudinary law案例法
consuetudinary law习惯法
consumer protection law消费者保护法
contract implied by law准合同
contract implied in law法律默许的合同
contract shall be governed by the law合同受法律管辖
Convention on the Law Applicable to International Sale of GoodsThe Hague 1955关于国际货物买卖所适用的法律公约海牙,1955年
Convention on the Uniform of the Law Relating to Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes, and Uniform RegulationThe Hague, 1912关于统一汇票,本票法的公约海牙,1912 年
Convention Providing a Uniform Law for Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes Geneva, 1930关于制定统一汇票、本票的公约日内瓦,1930 年
Convention Providing a Uniform Law for ChequesGeneva, 1931关于制定统一支票法的公约日内瓦,1931年
Convention Relating to a Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sale of GoodsThe Hague, 1964有关国际货物销售合同统一法的公约海牙,1964年
conventional law惯例法
corporation tax law公司税法
council of law法律委员会
court of law法庭
created by law依法建立
current accounting law现行会计法
current law现行法规
dead law已废法律
dismissal of law case案件驳回
distributive law分布定律
Doctor of Civil Law民法博士
Doctor of commercial Law商法学博士
doctor of law法学博士
domestic law本国法
double denial law双重否定法律
Draft Uniform Law on International Bills of Exchange and International Promissory Notes联合国法律委员会国际汇票、本票统一法草案
dry law禁酒令
due process of law正当法律程序
economic contract law经济合同法
economic law of diminishing returns收益递减经济法则
Eight-Hour Law八小时工作法
elude the law规避法律
empiric law经验法则
enactment of law制定法律
enforce a law实施法律
enforce a law执法
Engel's Law恩格尔定律即:随着家庭收入增加,收入中用于食物的开支比例相对减少
English common law英国习惯法
environmental conservation law环境保护法
environmental preservation law环境保护法
equality before the law法律面前人人平等
error law误差法则
evade the law规避法律
evasion of law规避法律
exception law例外法
execution law执行法令
exemption law免税法
existent law现存法律
expiring law失效法律
exponent law of growth指数增长规律
exponential law of grow th增长指数律
exponential law of growth指数增长规律
extra law impurity极小杂质
factory law工厂法
fair trade law〈美〉公平贸易法
finance law金融法
financial adjustment law财务调整法
financial responsibility law财务责任法
financial responsibility law保险财务责任法
first law of the mean第一平均值定律
first principles of law法学通论
fiscal law财政法
fixed law定律
foreign investment law外国投资法
free banking law自由银行业务法
fundamental economic law基本经济规律
fundamental law基本规律
Gauss law of error高斯误差定律
general law of error一般误差法则
Geneva Uniform Law on Bill of Exchange and Promissory Notes 19301930 年日内瓦统一汇票、本票法
gentleman of law robe律师
get round the law规避法律
go to law诉诸法律
Gossen's Law高逊法则
governing law管辖法律
Gresham's law格雷沙姆定律即劣币驱逐良币法则
Gresham's law of planning格雷欣计划定律
Grosch's square law格劳希平方律
health law保健法
home preference law优先在当地购买法律
idempotent law幂等定律
immutable law of business事务不易法则
imperative rules of law强制性法律规定
income tax law of foreign enterprises外国企业所得税法
individual income tax law个人所得税法
individualized application of law法律个别情况适用
inertia law惯性律
instrument of law法律文件
intendment of law法律意图
international case-law国际判案法
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law Relating to Bills of Lading关于统一提单若干规则的国际公约海牙规则
interpretation of law法律解释
investment incentive law投资奖励法
iron law of wages工资铁律
judge-made law判例法
jungle law无法无天
keep the law守法
Kelvin's Law凯尔文定律
Kolmogorov's strong law of large numbers柯尔莫戈洛夫强大数定律
Kolmogorov's zero-one law柯尔莫戈洛夫零—壹定律
labor protection law劳动保护法
labor relations law劳资关系法
labor standard law劳动标准法
Labour Relation Adjustment Law劳资关系调整法规
Laplacian law拉普拉斯定律
law abiding守法的
law abiding守纪律的
law-abiding private industrial and commercial units守法的私人工商户
law adviser法律顾问
law agent法律代理人
law agent诉讼代理人
law breaker违法者
law clerk律师助手
law concerning foreign investment外国投资法
law court法庭
law enforcement office执法机关
law firm法律事务所
law for taxing excess profits暴利税法
law governing accumulation积累规律
law governing currency circulation货币流通规律
law governing the business cycle经济周期规律
law governing the development of productivity生产力发展规律
law governing the downward trend of average profit rate平均利润率趋向下降规律
law governing the economic cycle经济周期规律
law governing the value价值规律
law in operation现行法规
law merchant商业习惯法
law of a planned and proportionate development国民经济有计划按比例发展规律
law of accidental error随机误差法则
law of account会计法
law of accounting会计法
law of addition of probability附加概率定律
law of agency代理行为法
law of association结合率
law of average均值定律
law of average平均利润法则证券投资法则
law of average profit平均利润规律
law of average valve平均价值法则
law of bill of exchange and cheque关于汇票和支票的法规
law of business企业法
law of commerce贸易法
law of commerce商法
law of commercial transaction商业交易法
law of comparative cost比较成本法则
law of comparative judgement比较判断法则
law of conservation of unemployment失业保护法
law of constant relative cost相对成本不变原则
law of constant relative cost相对成本不变规则
law of constant returns报酬不变法则
law of constant returns报酬收益不变法则
law of contract契药法
law of copyright版权法
law of copyright著作权法
law of cost生产成本法则
law of decreasing relative cost相对成本递减法则
law of decreasing return报酬递减规律
law of demand and supply供求法则
law of diminishing enjoyment享受递减律
law of diminishing intensity of wants欲望强度递减律
law of diminishing marginal rate of substitution边际代换率递减法则
law of diminishing marginal return边际报酬递减律
law of diminishing marginal utility边际效用递减律
law of diminishing marginal utility边际效用递减规律
law of diminishing productivity生产力递减律
law of diminishing rates of profit利润率递减律
law of diminishing returns报酬递减规律
law of diminishing returns of land土地权益递减律
law of diminishing utility效用递减规律
law of diminishing utility of income收入效用递减律
law of distribution according to work done按劳分配法则
law of economic order of consumption消费经济顺序法则
law of economics of large-scale production大规模发展经济规律
law of equi-marginal utility边际效用均等规律
law of equi-profit rate利润率均等法则
law of errors误差律
law of exception to routine常规例外法则原则
law of expectation期望定律
law of exponential growth指数增长律
law of exponents指数律
law of falling rate of profit利润率递减法则
law of falling tendency of the profit rate利润率递减律
law of functional growth功能增长律
law of growth增长律
law of harmony协调法则
law of harmony消费协调法则
law of imitation模拟法则
law of imitation消费摸拟法则
law of immediate reinforcement及时强化律
law of income distribution收入分配律
law of increasing disutility费用递增法则
law of increasing marginal productivity边际生产力递增法则
law of increasing relative cost相对成本递增法则
law of increasing return报酬递增法则
law of index指数律
law of indifference无差别法则
law of interest产权法
law of international bill国际票据法
law of international bills国际票据法
law of international value国际价值规律
law of labor relation劳资关系法
law of labor relations in public industry公有企业劳动关系法
law of labors safety and sanitary劳动安全卫生法
law of light采光权法
law of market市场法则
law of marketing营销法则
law of maximum profit最大利润法则
law of merchandise商品法
law of merchant商法
law of motion of commodity economy商品经济运动规律
law of motion study动作规律研究
law of negotiable check流通票据法 (instrument)
law of negotiable check转让票据法 (instrument)
law of negotiable instrument票据法
law of numbers大数定律
law of one interest rate单一利率原则
law of population人口法则
law of production cost生产成本法则
law of production on a large scale大规模生产法则
law of profit利润法则
law of profit利润法
law of propagation of errors误差分布定律
law of property产权法
law of reinforce deprivation强化缺乏律
law of return回收法则
law of returns to factors of production生产因素中的回收法则
law of returns to scale规模回收法则
law of sate and personal property个人财产及销售法规
law of satiable wants欲望满足律
law of satiation欲望满足律
law of satiety满足法则
law of substitution代换定律
law of supply供给法则
law of the contract合同法
law of the equivalent of reciprocal demand互需求均等法则
law of the international sale of goods国际货物销售法
law of the iterated logarithm复对数定律
law of the jungle弱肉强食法则
Law of the People's Republic of China on Chinese-Foreign Joint Ventures中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法
law of the trade-mark商标法
law of torts侵权行为法
law of treaties合同法
law of value and price formation价值和价格构成规律
law of value of products产品价值规律
law of value operating in commodity production商品生产价值规律
law of value operating in noncommodity production非商品生产价值规律
law of value with competition竞争价值规律
law of value without competition非竞争价值规律
law of variable proportion可变对称定律
law of variable proportions factors生产要素间变动比例定律
law office〈美〉律师事务所
law on invention and trademark发明与商标法
law on sale买卖法
law on sale销售法
law on technological contract技术合同法
law on the promotion of investment促进投资法规
law on trademark商标法
law relating to bill of exchange汇票法
law relating to bill of exchange关于汇票的法律
law relating to negotiable instrument流通票据法
law relating to tariff运价条例
law relating to tariff关于运价的法规
legal person of public law公法人
management by law法制管理
market exchange law市场交易法
market reform law市易法
Master of Laws法学硕士
Master of laws in Commercial Law商业法法学硕士
Master of Patent Law专利法硕士
mathematical law of probability数学或然律
memorandum of law法律条例
mistake of law引用法律不当
mixed exponential response law混合指数响应率
model provision for national industrial property law国家工业产权法律示范条款
municipal law地区法
navigation law航运法
negotiable instrument law流通票据法
new tax law新税法
normal law常态律
normal law of distribution分布常态律
objective law of the proportionate development of the various branches of the national economy国民经济各部门按比例发展的客观规律
obligation relating to civil law民事责任
one-sided distributive law单侧分配率
organic law基本法
organization law基本法
organization law组织法
Pareto law帕累托定律
Pareto law of income distribution帕累托收入分配定律
Pareto's law帕氏定律
pass a law通过一项法令
Peter's law彼得定律
physical law自然规律
Poisson law泊松定律
positive law成文法
posterior probability law后验概率法则
price floor law最低限价法令
quantitative law数量规律
recourse to the law诉诸法律
regulations for the enforcement of the law of accounting会计法施行细则
regulations for the enforcement of the law of accounting会计法实施细则
regulations for the enforcement of the law of auditing审计法施行细则
repeal a law废止某项法律
retroactive law追溯法
Rhodian Law罗得法关于单独海损、共同海损的最早立法
rules of law relating to bills of exchange汇票法规
rules of law relating to bills of exchanges关于汇票的法规
Say's law赛伊法则
Say's Law塞氏定律塞氏认为货物供应增加,需求也增加
second-injury law第二次工伤法
securities and exchange law证券交易法
seizin in law法律上的占有
sine law正弦定理
square-law characteristic平方律特征
standing of law法律地位
strong law of large numbers强大数法则
student distribution law"学生"分布定律
subsistence law of wages最低工资律
sumptuary law限制消费法
take law as the criterion以法律为准绳
tariff law税率法
taxation law税法
technical law技术法规
the law of falling tendency of the rate of profit利润率递减规律
time law时间定律
time-to-failure law故障时间定律
tourism law旅游法
trade union law工会法
transition probability law转移概率法则
transitive law传递律
turnover tax law营业税法
Uniform Law on the Formation of Contracts for the International Sales of Goods The Hague, 1964 1964年海牙关于订立国际货物销售合同的统一法
Uniform Law on the International Sales of Goods国际货物销售统一法
Uniform Negotiable Instrument Law〈美〉统一流通票据法
violate a law犯法
violation of law违法
weak law of large number弱大数定律
workmen's compensation law劳工补偿法
workmen's compensation law工伤事故补偿法
zoning law区域划分法
zoning law市区划分法