
Terms containing law | all forms | exact matches only
tech.Abbe photometric law阿贝光度定律
tech.Abbe radiance law阿贝辐射率定律
tech.Abbe's sine law阿贝正弦定律
securit.abide by the law遵守法律
sport., med.action-reaction law作用力与反作用力定律
sport.action-reaction law作用力和反作用力定律
avia.actuation law of fuze引信启动规律
avia.adaptation law适应律
avia.adaptive control law自适应控制法
avia.adaptive law自适应律
sport.advantage law有利法则
tech.Agricultural Chemicals Regulation Law农药管理法
tech.Agricultural Chemicals Regulation Law农业化学品管理条例
shipb.Air Pollution Control Law《空气污染防治法》
shipb.Air Pollution Law《空气污染法》
ecol.air pollution prevention and control law大气污染防治法
avia.Airborne Law Enforcement Association航空法实施协会 (美国)
sport., physiol.all or none law全或无定律
sport., med.all-or-none law全或无定律
securit.American Business Law Association美国商法协会
sport., med.Amonton's law阿蒙登氏摩擦定律
gen.ampere turn law安匝数平衡〔相等〕定律
gen.commit an offence against the law犯法
gen.commit an offence against the law违反法律
sport., med.anabolic law同化规律
securit.antiracketeering law反敲诈勒索法
geol.apex law脉尖法
securit.applicable law适用法
securit.applicable law准据法
nautic., tech.applicable national law所适用的国内法
sport.application of an experimental law使用实验规则
nautic., tech.Arbitration law of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国仲裁法
tech.area law面积定律
tech.Arrhenius law阿伦纽斯定律
refrig.Avogadro's law阿伏加得罗定律
tech.basic law and governing formula of seepage渗流基本定律与公式
tech.Basic Law for Environment Pollution Control环境污染管制基本法
tech.basic law of price change价格变化基本规律
tech.basic law of seepage渗流基本定律
tech.basic principle of environment law环境法的基本原则
tech.basic principle of environmental law环境法的基本原则
securit.bear independently civil liability according to law依法独立承担民事责任
horticult.Beer-Lambert law比尔-兰伯特二氏定律有关溶液吸收光线的定律
securit.behavior breaking law or regulation违法违规行为
sport., med.Bell-Magendie law贝麦定律
avia.Bell's law贝尔定律
desert.bioclimatic law生物气候律
ecol.bioclimatic law生物气候定律
tech.biological resource protection law生物资源保护法
tech.Blondel-Rey law布朗德尔一雷定律
securit.blue sky law蓝天法美国各州政府为防止欺诈凭空发行股票证券而订立的各种法律,统称"蓝天法"
securit.blue sky law股票交易控制法
tech.Boltzmann's distribution law波尔兹曼分布律
tech.Boltzmann's emission law波尔兹曼发射定律
tech.Bouguer's law波格定律
avia.Boyle's law pressure suit波义耳定律加压服
tech.Brazil law巴西律
tech.Brazil twin law巴西双晶律
tech.breach of law违法
shipb.British Maritime Law Association英国海事法协会
gen.brother-in-law姐 〔妹〕夫
consult.building law建筑条例
gen.capacitance-resistance law电容电阻定律
gen.capacity-resistance law电阻电容定律 •
avia.Cassini law卡西尼定律
ecol.Center for Legal Assistance to Pollution Victims at the China University of Political Science and Law中国政法大学污染受害者法律援助中心
avia.Charle's law查理定律
sport., med.Charles' law查理定律
avia.Charles Law查理定理
refrig.Charleys law査理定理
tech.checking law票据法
comp.name.China Maritime Law Association中国海商法协会
tech.circuital law环流定律
tech.city planning law城市规划法 (规)
tech.city planning law城市规划条例
avia.classical control law经典控制律
avia.Clausius statement of the second law of thermodynamics克劳修斯说法
securit.client secrecy law客户保密法
securit.committing serious infractions of the law严重违反法例
securit.common law business trust普通法商业信托
securit.common law trust普通信托
securit.common law trust普通法信托
securit.common-law voting普通法表决
sport., med.commutative law交换律
securit.commutative law互换定律
gen.complementary law互余〔补〕律
avia.compressible law可压缩法
securit.conditions provided in Security Law for the issuance of new shares证券法规定的新股发行条件
securit.consciousness of law-observing management守法管理的意识
avia.conservation law守恒律
desert.constitutive law of soil土的本构关系
tech.continuity law连续性定律
avia.continuous control law连续控制律
avia.control law控制规律
avia.control law design控制律设计
avia.control law of flareout拉平控制律
sport., med.Coulomb's law库伦定律
securit.credit law信贷法
tech.current law现行法律
sport., physiol.Dalton's law达尔顿氏定律
refrig.Dalton's law of partial pressure道尔顿分压力定律
avia.decentralized control law分散控制律
avia.defender guidance law防卫指导律
securit.Delaware Corporation Law Section 101a特拉华州公司法第101节a
securit.Delaware General Corporation Law特拉华州一般公司法
securit.Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Law of the People's Republic of China on Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprises中华人民共和国外资企业法实施细则
tech.differential law微分法则
securit.diminishing returns law收益递减法则
avia.discrete optimal control law离散最优控制律
tech.dispersion law色散律
tech.dispersion law离散定律
tech.displacement law置换定律
tech.displacement law放射性位移定律
desert.displacement law迁移定律
ecol.distribution law分异规律
tech.distributive law分布率
sport., med.distributive law分配律
securit.due process of law法律正当程序
avia.dynamic inversion control law动态逆控制律
securit.enforceable at law法律上可强制执行
securit.entities formed under foreign law符合外国法律的实体
ecol.environmental protection law enforcement inspection环保执法检查
desert.erosion control law防侵蚀法
tech.Federal Emergency Relief Law联邦紧急救济法 (美国)
tech.Federal Fair Housing Law联邦平等居住法 (美国)
tech.federal law联邦法律
tech.Federal Reclamation Laws联邦垦务条例 (美国)
desert.first law of human ecology人类生态学第一定律
avia.first law of thermodynamics【物】热力学第一定律
nautic., lawfisheries law渔业法
ecol.Fisheries Law of the People's Republic of China中华人民共和国渔业法
sport., med.Fitts' law菲兹定律
avia.flight control law飞行控制律
ecol.Food Hygiene Law of the People’s Republic of China中华人民共和国食品卫生法
securit.force of law法律强制力
ecol.forest law森林法
ecol.Forest Law of the People’s Republic of China中华人民共和国森林法
ecol.forestry law森林法
refrig.Fourier's first law of heat conduction傅里叶导热第一定律
tech.Fourier's law傅立叶定律
gen.Franklin Pierce Law Center富兰克林皮尔斯法律中心
securit.fraudulent conveyance law欺诈侵占转让法
sport.game law狩猎狩猎法
refrig.Gay Lussac's law盖吕-萨克定律
avia.Gibbs law of partial entropies吉布斯定律
refrig.Gibbs-Dalton law吉布斯-道尔顿定律
soil.Golden's law of settling velocity戈尔登沉速定律
tech.Graham's law格拉海姆定律
tech.Green's law格林定律
securit.Gresham's Law格雷欣法则劣币驱良币法则
tech.groundwater law地下水法
tech.Hagen-Poiseuille's law哈根一伯肃叶定律
gen.Hastings College of the Law黑斯廷斯法律学院
ecol.heat and mass transfer law热质迁移规律
plast.surg.Hering's law双眼神经支配定律两眼的肌肉受相等的神经支配
plast.surg.Hering's law赫林定律
sport., med.Hick's law海克定律
ecol.Hocke's law胡克定律
tech.Hookean law虎克定律
gen.Hooked law胡克定律
ecol.Hopkin’s bioclimatic law霍布金氏生物气候法则
ecol.hydrological-ecological law水文生态规律
tech.hyperelastic law超弹性规律
ecol.implementation of resource law资源法的实施
securit.improve the law observing awareness of the main players提高大股东的守法意识
gen.in the eye of the law从法律上看
gen.in the eye of the law根据法律
gen.in the eyes of the law从法律上看
gen.in the eyes of the law根据法律
bridge.inadvertent infringement of law非故意犯规
ecol.industrial water law工业用水法规
ecol.infiltration law入渗规律
securit.Insider Trading Law内部交易法
avia.institute of international air law国际航空法学会
comp.name.Institute of International Law of Transport国际运输法学会
nautic., tech.International Anti-dumping Laws国际反倾销法
gen.International Association for Water Law国际水法协会西班牙
ecol.International Atmospheric Environment Protection Law国际大气环境保护法
ecol.International Dangerous Substances and Activities Management Law国际危险物质和活动管理法
ecol.International Environmental Law国际环境法
ecol.International Freshwater Resource Utilization and Protection Law国际淡水资源利用和保护法
ecol.International land Resources Protection Law国际土地资源保护法
ecol.International Law for the Protection of Natural Resources国际自然资源保护法
ecol.International Law of Atmosphere Protection国际大气保护法
ecol.International Marine Law国际海洋法
ecol.International Ocean Environmental Protection Law国际海洋环境保护法
ecol.international waste management law国际废物管理法
gen.inverse cubic law立方反比率
tech.inverse power law逆幂法贝
tech.inverse square law平方反比定律
tech.inversion law反演律
securit.investment incentive law奖励投资条例
securit.investment law投资法律
securit.iron law of risk and return风险收益铁律高收益高风险规律
ecol.Jungle Law丛林法则
tech.Knudsen cosine law努森余弦定律
sport., med.Lamarck's law拉马克氏法则
avia.Lambert Law朗伯定律
avia.Lamberts law兰伯特定律
ecol.land management law土地管理法
securit.law and rules construction of securities market证券市场的法制建设
gen.law case案件
securit.law day支付日
securit.law day到期日
securit.law firm律师事务所
shipb.law for commodity inspection商品检验法规
shipb.law making for product quality产品质量立法
securit.law merchant商业惯例习惯法
avia.law of area面积定律
bridge.law of balanced distribution平衡分配规律
securit.law of cause and effect因果定律
comp.law of composition组合法则
ecol.law of conservation of mass质量守恒定律
ecol.law of conservation of matter物质守恒定律
sport., med.law of conservation of moment momentum动量矩守恒定律
securit.law of constant return固定受益法 (交易所用语)
securit.law of contract契约法
comp.law of contradiction矛盾律
avia.law of corresponding state对比态原理
refrig.law of corresponding states对应态定律
avia.law of cosine余弦定律
securit.law of decreasing return收益递减法则
securit.law of demand and supply供求规律
sport., med.law of denervation去神经定律
securit.law of diminishing cost成本递减法则
desert.law of diminishing fertility of soil土壤肥力递减定律
sport., med.law of disuse用进废退法则
desert.law of dynamical similarity动力相似性定律
consult.law of economic contracts经济合同法
avia.law of energy conservation and conversion能量转化与守恒定律
avia.law of equivalence当量定律
ecol.law of fixed proportion定比定律
ecol.law of gas diffusion气体扩散定律
ecol.law of gravitation重力定律
horticult.law of growth生长法则
sport., med.law of growth and development生长发育规律
refrig.law of hydraulic similitude水力相似性定律
securit.law of increasing returns回报递增法则
sport., med.law of indestructibility of matter物质或质量不灭定律 (or mass)
securit.law of insolvency破产清算法
securit.law of interest权益法
ecol.law of land resources土地资源法
comp.law of logarithm对数定律
ecol.law of natural protection自然保护法
ecol.law of natural resources自然资源法
securit.law of obligation债权法
securit.law of one price单一价格定律一种确定的证券应只有同一价格的定律
sport., med.law of over-regeneration过度再生定律
ecol.law of population distribution人口分布规律
sport., med.law of power function功率函数定律
securit.Law of PRC on Certified Accountants中华人民共和国注册会计师法
ecol.Law of Prevention and Elimination of Radioactive Pollution放射性污染防治法
bridge.law of progressive bridge轮转式桥牌规则
ecol.law of radioactive decay放射衰变律
sport., med.law of reciprocal innervation交互支配定律
sport., med.law of rotation转动定律
securit.law of rule法治
ecol.Law of Special Environmental Protection特殊环境保护法
desert.law of superposition地层叠置法则
soil.law of super-position叠置定律
avia.law of superposition叠覆律
sport., med.law of surface area表面积定律
bridge.law of symmetry对称规律
ecol.Law of Territory国土法
ecol.law of the jungle丛林法则
desert.law of the minimum最小因子法则
shipb.Law of the People's Republic of China on Economic Contracts中华人民共和国经济合同法
ecol.Law of the Peoples Republic of China on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution中华人民共和国水污染防治法
ecol.Law of the People's Republic of China on Wild Animals Protection中华人民共和国野生动物保护法
securit.Law of the PRC on the Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment中华人民共和国中外合资经营企业法
nautic., lawlaw of the sea海洋法
avia.law of thermodynamics热力学原理
desert.law of tolerance耐受性法则
ecol.Law of Water and Soil Conservation水土保持法
ecol.Law of Wild Plant Protection野生植物保护法
ecol.Law on Energy能源法
ecol.Law on Fishery渔业法
ecol.Law on Management of Poisonous and Harmful Materials有毒有害物质管理法
ecol.Law on Management of Waste废弃物管理法
ecol.Law on Natural Heritage Protection自然遗迹保护法
ecol.Law on Nature Reserve自然保护区法
ecol.Law on Noise Control噪声控制法
ecol.Law on Pollution Prevention and Control污染防治法
ecol.Law on Pollution Prevention and Control of Chemicals化学物质污染环境防治法
ecol.Law on Pollution Prevention and Control of Electromagnetic Radiation电磁辐射污染防治法
ecol.Law on Prevention and Control of Marine Pollution海洋污染防治法
ecol.Law on Prevention and Control of Pollution from Environmental Noise环境噪声污染防治法
ecol.Law on Resources Recycling and Utilization资源循环利用法
ecol.Law on Species Protection物种保护法
desert.Leibig's Law of the Minimum莱比格最小定律 (群落中每个种的生存都需要一定的条件,如果外界条件低于该限制条件、则该物种不能存活)
refrig.lenz's law楞茨定律
desert.Liebig's law李比希定律
securit.M&A law firms公司并购律师事务所
sport., med.Marey's law马莱氏定律
ecol.Marine Environmental Protection Law海洋环境保护法
tech.Mariotte's law玻意耳定律
tech.Mersenne's law梅逊定律
ecol.Mineral Resources Law矿产资源法
securit.minimal capital required by law规定最低资本额
avia.missile guidance law导弹导引律
avia.mode control law模式控制律
tech.model law相拟定律
tech.model similarity law模型相似律
tech.modular law模律
tech.modulation law调制定律
desert.Mohr-Coulomb Law摩尔库仑定律
tech.moment-curvature law弯矩曲率定律
securit.Moore's law摩尔定律此定律揭示了网络经济与信息技术发展的规律
tech.Moseley law莫塞莱定律
bowl.mother-in-law7 号瓶
desert.mother-in-law's tongue短叶虎尾兰
tech.motion law运动定律
tech.name of water resources law水资源法的名称
bridge.National Laws Commission全国规则委员会
ecol.nature reserve law自然保护区法
securit.negotiable instrument law可转让票据法
avia.Newtonian second law牛顿第二定律
avia.Newton's second law of motion牛顿运动第二定律
ecol.noise control law噪声管制法
securit.non-forfeiture law无没收规定
avia.non-linear control law非线性控制律
avia.non-linear guidance law非线性制导律
desert.normal law of errors平均误差率
gen.nth law receivern 次方调制特性接收机
gen.nth power-law receivern 次方调制特性接收机
gen.n-th power-law receiver显像管有 n 次幂调制特性的电视接收机
ecol.occurrence law发生规律
ecol.occurring law发生规律
desert.ocean law海洋法
ecol.offensive odor control law恶臭管制法
tech.ohm's law wheel欧姆定律轮
tech.orientation law取向律
ecol.origin of environmental law环境法渊源
soil.Oseen's law of settling velocity奥森沉速定律
tech.parabolic law抛物线定律
tech.parabolical law抛物线定律
ecol.Pareto's criterion/law帕累托法则又称帕累托收入分配定律
tech.Pascal's law of fluid pressure帕斯卡液压定律
tech.personnel mobility law人才流动法规
avia.Planck's radiation law普朗克辐射定律
tech.plane law面律
tech.planning law规划法
tech.plasticity law塑性定律
gen.power-law decay幂函数式衰减
sport., med.power law of practice练习动力定律
avia.predicted guidance law预测导引律
gen.proclamation of martial law宣布戒严
tech.propositional law命题定律
ecol.protection law of wildlife野生动物保护法
tech.public nuisance law公害法
avia.pyrolysis law裂解规律
tech.quasi-elastic law准弹性定律
tech.quasi-stable distribution law拟稳定分布律
sport.question of law裁判中有关规则问题
avia.radiation fourth power law辐射四次方定律
tech.reciprocity law反比定律
tech.reciprocity law互易定律
tech.reclamation law回收律
securit.revaluation of assets law资产重估价法
ecol.riparian law河岸法
tech.root-time law时间平方根定律
consult.royal charter & by-law皇家特许及规章
tech.scale model law比例模型律
avia.scaling law比例法则
sport.scout law童子军守则
refrig.second-law efficiency火用效率
securit.Securities Investment Fund Law证券投资基金法
securit.Securities Law China证券法
securit.securities law exemptions证券法豁免
securit.securities law problem证券法问题
gen.shield law保护法
shipb.ship's navigation law船舶航行法规
avia.similarity law相似法则
tech.sine law正弦律
gen.sister-in-law who is a sister of one's wife
gen.South Texas College of Law南德克萨斯法学院
ecol.space variation law空间变化规律
tech.spectroscopical displacement law光谱位移律
sport.sports law体育法
gen.square law平方法则
avia.square-law compensation平方律补偿
sport., med.square-cube law平方-立方定律
sport., med.Starling's law施他林氏定律
sport., med.Starling's law of heart斯塔林氏定律
tech.Starling's law of the heart斯塔林定律
securit.state law provisions limiting国家法律条文限制
avia.Stefan-boltzmann law of thermal radiation斯特潘-玻耳兹曼定律
refrig.Stefan-Boltzmann's law热辐射定律
refrig.Stefan-Boltzmann's law斯蒂芬-波尔兹曼定律
soil.Stokes'law of settling velocity斯托克沉速定律
securit.strengthen securities law enforcement加强证券法的执行力度
tech.substitution law替代规律
gen.suffer the last sanction of the law被处死刑
tech.summation law累加定律
securit.sunset law日暮法
securit.sunset law日落法
securit.sunshine law阳光法法律制定时必须公开讨论,制定后必须公布于众
securit.super-fund law超级基金法
tech.superposition law叠加法则
sport., psychol.surface law体表定律
sport., physiol.surface law体表面积定律
avia.Sutherland's law萨瑟兰定律
tech.tangential law正切定律
tech.tariff law税法
desert.ten percent law10%定律 (在食物链的一个营养级中,只有10%的化学能能够转入下一个营养级)
avia.the first law of thermodynamics热力学第-定律
gen.the law of chance says you should get 50 heads and 50 tails in 100 tosses of a coin机会律指出,掷100次硬币,理应有50次是正面朝上,50 次是反面朝上
gen.The law permits you to bring in two bottles of wine or liquor and a carton of cigarettes duty-free法律允许您携带免税的两瓶酒和一条香烟
gen.The law permits you to bring in two bottles of wine or liquor and a carton of cigarettes duty-free, if purchased in a duty-free shop如果东西是在免税商店购买的话,法律允许你免税带进两瓶葡萄酒或烈性酒及一条香烟
securit.the present law本法
gen.the reign of law in nature自然界中法则的支配
avia.the second law of thermodynamics热力学第二定律
desert.the 2/3 thinning law2/3 自疏法则
avia.the third law of thermodynamics热力学第三定律
avia.the zeroth law of thermodynamics热力学第零定律
avia.Thevenins law等效发生器定律
avia.Thevenins law戴维宁定理
sport., med.Thorndike's law of effect桑戴克效应定律
tech.trademark law商标法
tech.trademark registration law商标登记法
tech.transfer law传递定律
tech.Trouton's law特鲁顿定律
tech.twin law孪晶律
gen.under martial law在戒严地区内
gen.under martial law在戒严期中
securit.Uniform Law on Bills of Exchange and Promissory Notes统一汇票及本票法
shipb.uniform sales law统一销售法
securit.Uniform Securities Agent State Law Examination统一证券代理人州级法律考试
securit.usury law禁止高利贷法限制贷款利率上限的法规
tech.variance law变分律
avia.variance-covariance propagation law方差一协方差传播律
tech.velocity defect law流速亏损律
tech.velocity distribution law速度分布定律
gen.Vermont Law School佛蒙特法律学校
gen.violate a law违法
desert.volume law体积法则
tech.wastewater tax law污水征收法令
desert.water law水利法规
tech.water pollution control law水污染控制法规
tech.water pollution prevention and control law水污染防治控制
tech.water pollution prevention and control law水污染预防控制法
tech.water supply law供水法规
tech.water-cement ratio law水灰比定律
tech.water-cement ratio strength law水灰比强度定律
tech.weak large number law弱大数定律
ecol.Weber-Fechner's law韦伯・费希纳法则这是心理物理学确定感觉浓度和刺激强度间函数关系的基本法则
multimed.weber's law韦伯定律
gen.Western State University College of Law州立西部法律大学
tech.Wiedemann-Franz law威德曼一弗朗兹定律
tech.Wiedemann's additivity law威德曼加和律
desert.Wien's distribution law维恩辐射定律
desert.wind shear law风速廓线
sport.within the framework of the law在规则允许范围内
HRworkers' compensation law工人赔偿法
tech.working group of experts on environment law环境法专家工作组
gen.You can mail the ticket with a check for the correct amount. You also have the right to contest the violation in a court of law你可以将正确金额的支票和罚单一起寄出。你也有权利到法庭申诉
refrig.zeroth law of thermodynamics零定理
securit.zoning law分区规则
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