
Terms containing late | all forms | exact matches only
agric.additional application of fertilizer at a late stage of plant growth作物生长后期追肥
tech.alkoxy late烷氧基化
busin.arrive late晚点到达
busin.arrive late晚到
gen.as late as...迟至…才
gen.as late as...只是在…才
gen.as late as...一直到…
gen.better late than never迟做总比不做好
agric.continuous double-crop late rice双季连作晚稻
busin.declaration of native clubbed mails late posted补缴总包邮资清单
agric.double-cropping late rice双季[作]晚稻
gen.early and late从早到晚
gen.early-late gate前后选通门
gen.early-late gate前后波门
mil., air.def.early-late gate range tracker前后波门距离跟踪器
gen.early or late早晚
gen.early or late终究
gen.early or late迟早
tech.early summer or late spring夏初或春末
agric.early vs late genes前期基因对后期基因
agric.early vs late genes前期与后期基因比较
agric.extremely late极晚[熟]的
agric.extremely late maturing极晚熟的
agric.extremely late variety极晚熟品种
tech.fine for paying late滞纳金
gen.For late check-out, we'll charge you 3 dollars per 30 minutes延迟退房,每30分钟收费3美元
agric.formation of late wood晚材形成
tech.German Late Gothic德国后哥特式 (style, 建筑)
tech.glyco late乙二醇盐
gen.He often watched the boats returning to the Port Arthur in the late afternoon他常常看到小船在傍晚回到阿瑟港
gen.how is it you are late你为什么迟到
gen.I am sorry to call you so late对不起,这么晚打电话来
gen.I apologize for the late asking, but we want to make sure the correctness of our implementation ASAP很抱歉现在才进行询问,但是我们需要尽快核实执行信
gen.I lay fast asleep on the couch, which was as soft as down, and did not wake until late in the morning我在软如绒毛般的长沙发椅上睡着了,一直睡到早晨很晚才醒来
gen.I'll arrive late, but please keep my reservation我会晚一点到达,请保留所预订的房间
gen.I'm awfully sorry. The only thing we can do is to contact CAAC office in Paris. Maybe they will wait for you if you are not too late非常抱歉。我们唯一能做的就是联系巴黎的中国民航办事处。如果没有迟到很久,也许他们会等你们的
gen.I'm sorry. late because of rainstorm不好意思,我因为暴风雨来晚了
gen.in the late seventies在 70 年代末期
gen.it is too late to来不及
biol.Japanese late cherry日本晚樱 (Prunus serrulata var. lannesiana (Carr.) Rehd.,蔷薇科)
busin.late acceptance迟到承诺
busin.late acceptance延迟接受报盘迟于报盘的有效期限
securit.late adjustment收市后的调整
securit.late adjustment收盘后的调整
adv.late adopters后期采纳者
adv.late adopters后期采用者
geol.late Aftonian晚阿夫顿冰期
tech.late Alpine geosyncline晚阿尔卑斯期地槽
sport.late arrival迟到
tech.late art nouveau晚期新艺术运动
tech.late art nouveau晚期新艺术风格
tech.late art nouveau后期新艺术风格
gen.late at night在深夜
agric.late autumn晚秋
agric.late autumn rearing晚秋饲育{蚕}
agric.late autumn rearing season晚秋饲育期
agric.late-autumn sowing晚秋播种
agric.late bagging晩套袋指杂交
agric.late bark期树主要为薄壁组织及少数小筛管及筛细胞
tech.late bark硬皮
tech.late Baroque arch后期巴洛克建筑形式
tech.late Baroque style后期巴洛克艺术风格
chem.late barrier晚势垒
chem.late barrier后势垒
tech.late bids迟到标书
agric.late blight叶枯病芹菜
agric.late blight黑胫病烟草
agric.late blight晚疫病茄科
biol.late blight of eggplant茄晚疫病 (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary)
biol.late blight of potato马铃薯晚疫病 (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary)
biol.late blight of tobacco烟草黑胫病 (Phytophthora parasica var. nicotiamae (Breda de Hana) Tucker)
biol.late blight of tomato番茄晚疫病 (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary)
agric.late blooming迟开花的
agric.late blooming晚花的 (tardiflorus)
agric.late blooming延迟开花
agric.late bolting晚抽薹
agric.late booting迟孕穗
biol.late bottle-brush buckeye晚发小花七叶树 (Aesculus parviflora var. serotina,七叶树科)
agric.late branching晚期分枝
agric.late budding variety晚熟品种
agric.late burning干季烧除清理林地,防火
tech.late burning晚期用火
tech.Late Caledonian geosyncline晚加里东期地槽【地】
tech.Late Cambrian epoch晚寒武世
tech.late Cambrian extinction晚寒武世绝灭【地】
tech.Late Carboniferous epoch晚石炭世【地】
biol.late celery blight芹菜斑枯病 (Septoria apii (Bnosi et Cav.) Chester)
desert.Late Cenozoic event晚新生代事件
geol.late Cenozoic glaciation晚新生代冰川作用
desert.Late Cenozoic times晚新生代
securit.late certificate delivery迟付交割证券
securit.late charge迟付罚款
busin.late charge延迟费
securit.late charge逾期罚款
tech.late charges拖延债务的罚款
tech.late charges延期罚款
gen.late check-out延迟退房
agric.late clean fallow晚期绝对休闲地
agric.late clean fallow晚期绝对休闲
agric.late clearage最近开垦地
agric.late clearage新近开垦地
agric.late closing of crop迟封行
agric.late closing of crop迟封垄
tech.late come first served后到先服务
tech.late come first served后先出法
busin.late comer后来者
agric.late commitment过期交付[农管]
tech.late commitment晚期支付
tech.late commutation延迟换向
plast.surg.late complication晚期并发症
tech.late contact后动触点
desert.Late Cretaceous晚白垩系
desert.Late Cretaceous晚白垩纪
tech.late cretaceous climatic zonation晚白垩世气候分带
tech.Late Cretaceous epoch晚白垩世【地】
tech.Late cretaceous extinction晚白垩世绝灭【地】
tech.Late cretaceous regression晚白垩世海退【地】
agric.late crop晚熟作物
agric.late crop hay晚割干草
agric.late crop rotation晚期轮作
agric.late cultivation晚期耕作
agric.late cultivation晚期栽培
tech.late curing后期养护
tech.late curing后期养生
agric.late cutting晚插{园艺}
agric.late cutting晚割
securit.late day trade过时交易
securit.late day trade收盘后交易收市后进行的买卖交易
tech.late delivery迟交货
geol.late Devonian晚泥盆世
tech.Late Devonian epoch晚泥盆世【地】
gen.late dinner午〔晚〕餐
securit.late dividend elections延期派息选择
agric.late dormancy晚休眠
agric.late dough stage蜡熟后期指成熟度
agric.late drought晚期干旱
agric.late-duration variety晚生育期品种
tech.late effect晚发效应
tech.late effect晚期效应
tech.late effect延迟效应
tech.late effect远期效应
agric.late effect迟发效应
tech.late effect远期影响
agric.late elongation晚拔节
agric.late elongation迟拔节
agric.late emergence stage迟出苗期
agric.late-emerging head晚抽穗
life.sc.late endosome晚期胞内体
agric.late enzyme后期酶
agric.late enzyme迟发酶
agric.late etiolation晚期黄化[现象]
agric.late fall大秋
agric.late fall晚秋
busin.late fall crop晚秋作物
agric.late fall crops大秋作物
tech.late-fall irrigation晚秋灌溉
agric.late fall ploughing晚秋耕
tech.late fallow生草休闲
agric.late fallow放牧休闲
agric.late fallow放牧休闲地
desert.late fallow晚期休闲地
agric.late fattening晚期肥育指猪
agric.late feathering晚长羽[毛]鸡
busin.late fee延迟费
busin.late fee过时补加费
busin.late fee电报、电话超时费
busin.late fee letter过时补加费
agric.late fermentation迟发酵
agric., chem.late fertilizing后期施肥
med.late fetal deaths后期胎儿死亡率
busin.late finish time最迟完成时间
biol.late flowered enkianthus晚花吊钟花 (Enkianthus serotina Chun et Fang,杜鹃花科)
agric.late flowering迟开花
agric.late flowering迟开花的
tech.late flowering开得迟
tech.late flowering晚开
agric.late flowering materials迟开花材料指试验用
agric.late-flowering plant晚开花植物
agric.late flowering strain迟开花品系
biol.late fragrant sumac晚香漆树 (Rhus aromatica var. serotina,漆树科)
tech.late-Frankish architecture晚期法兰克式建筑
tech.late-Frankish architecture法兰克晚期建筑艺术
adv.late fringe晚间时段21:00至停播
agric.late frost黑霜
agric.late frost黑冻
desert.late frost晚霜
agric.late frost damage冻霜害
tech.late frost damage晚霜害
agric.late frost in spring春季晚霜
agric.late fruit species晚结果树种
agric.late-function gene迟发功能基因
tech.late gate后闸门
tech.late geometric晚期几何形体式 (装饰)
tech.late geometric lattice晚期几何形窗花格
tech.late geometrical晚期几何形体式 (装饰)
tech.late geometrical lattice晚期几何形窗花格
tech.late-geosyncline stage晚地槽阶段
agric.late germination迟萌发
tech.late glacial deposit后期冰川沉积物
tech.late glacial epoch晚冰期
desert.late glacial loess后冰期黄土 (美国科罗拉多州和内布拉斯加州)
desert.late glacial loess皮奥里亚黄土
tech.late glacial period crust movement晚冰期地壳运动
tech.late Gothic hall church晚期哥特式教堂
tech.late Gothic hall church后期哥特式大厅教堂
tech.late Gothic royal chapel后期哥特式王家礼拜堂
tech.late Gothic tracery后期哥特式几何窗格
tech.late Gothic vault后期哥特式尖拱
agric.late grains晚熟谷类作物
agric.late grape晚熟葡萄
agric.late green back后返青指谷类作物
agric.late green back迟返青
agric.late group晚熟类型指稻品种
agric.late-grown potato晚栽马铃薯
desert.late growth后期生长
desert.late growth晚生草
agric.late-growth stage生长后期
busin.late half下半周,月,季
busin.late half后半期
agric.late harvest迟收获
agric.late harvest晚收获
agric.late harvesting后收割
agric.late heading晚抽穗禾谷类
agric.late heading迟卷心甘蓝类
agric.late heading迟抽穗
agric.late heart stage晚心期指胚
tech.late Hercynian geosyncline晚海西期地槽
desert.Late Holocene晚全新世
agric.late hotbed晚播温床
tech.late ignition迟点火
tech.late impoundment后期蓄水
gen.late in在…之末〔后期〕
securit.late in, first out后进先出法
gen.late in the 1970's在 20 世纪70年代后期
gen.late in the day失时机
gen.late in the day很晚
gen.late in the day为时太晚
gen.late in the field出场太晚
gen.late in the field有失战机
gen.late in the field参战过迟
geol.Late Kansan晚堪萨斯冰期
tech.late-kinematic granite晚构造期花岗岩
geol.late LanghianN1晚兰哥期
biol.late lilac红丁香 (Syringa villosa Vahl; Syringa bretschneideri Lem.,木犀科)
agric.late lodging最近倒伏
agric.late lodging后期倒伏
tech.late magmatic mineral deposit晚期岩浆矿床
tech.late magmatic ore deposit晚期岩浆矿床
adv.late majority后期从众者
agric., chem.late manuring后期施肥
China, lawlate marriage and late childbirth晚婚晚育
agric.late maturation晚熟
desert.late-maturation xerophytes晚熟旱生植物
agric.late maturing晚熟的
agric.late maturing cropland晚熟作物地
agric.late maturing cropland晚茬地
agric.late maturing cultivar晚熟栽培品种
agric.late maturing group晚熟类型
agric.late maturing habit晚熟[习]性
agric.late maturing stage晚熟期
agric.late maturing type晚熟型
agric.late maturing variety晚熟品种
agric.late maturity晚熟度
agric.late maturity晚熟性
sport., med.late-maturity晚熟
tech.late maturity river晚成熟期河流
agric.late maturity species晚熟性种
agric.late maturity strain晚熟性品系
agric.late milk stage乳熟后期
agric.late milking迟灌浆指禾谷类种子
agric.late millet夏播谷子
agric.late millet晚谷
tech.late-model新型 (的)
tech.late modern architecture后期现代建筑
tech.late modern style后期现代派
tech.late modern style后期新式艺术风格
mil., air.def.late network entry迟人网
adv.late night凌晨时段1:00至停播
gen.late night深夜
gen.late night凌晨
tech.late nt growth period潜伏生长期
tech.late opus近期作品
tech.late opus晚期艺术作品
geol.late ordovician晚奥陶世
tech.Late Ordovician epoch晚奥陶世【地】
tech.Late Ordovician extinction晚奥陶世绝灭【地】
tech.late origin theory of petroleum晚期生油学说【地】
tech.late-orogenic basin晚造山期盆地
tech.late orogenic phase晚造山相
bridge.late pair迟到的一对牌手
tech.late payment逾期付款
securit.late payment迟到付款
tech.late period晚期
tech.Late Permian epoch晚二叠世【地】
tech.Late Permian extinction晚二叠世绝灭【地
tech.Late Permian regression晚二叠世海退【地】
agric.late phase晚期
agric.late picking晚采
agric.late picking晚收
agric.late picking晚摘
tech.Late Plantagenet style晩期金省花王朝式建筑
tech.Late Plantagenet style英国晚期不兰他日奈工朝式建筑
agric.late planting晚植
agric.late planting晚种
agric.late planting晚栽
agric.late planting culture晚播栽培
agric.late planting culture晚栽栽培
bridge.late play补打
geol.late Pleistocene晚更新世
tech.Late Pleistocene epoch晚更新世【地】
tech.Late pointed style后期哥特式
tech.Late pointed style后期尖拱式
tech.late pointed style晚期尖头式
tech.late pointed style晚期垂直式
tech.Late pointed style英国哥特式建筑风格之后期垂直线建筑风格
tech.Late potassium biphthalate苯二甲酸氢钾
agric.late potato晚熟马铃薯
geol.late Precambrian晚前寒武纪
busin.late presentation延迟提交
busin.late presentation信用证受益人过期提示单据迟延提示
agric.late protein后期蛋白
tech.Late Proterozoic extinction晚元古代绝灭【地】
tech.Late Proterozoic glacial stage晚元古代冰期【地】
tech.Late Proterozoic transgression晚元古代海浸【地】
tech.late pruning晚期修剪
desert.Late Quaternary第四纪晚期
tech.late radiation effect延迟辐射效应
tech.late radiation effect辐射远期效应
tech.late radiation effect远期辐射效应
agric.late raising抑制栽培
agric.late raising晚期栽培
agric.late raising晚熟栽 .培
securit.late rally in the session尾盘反弹
tech.late reaction迟发反应
agric.late reclamation新近开垦
multimed.late reflection后反射
agric.late regeneration后返青指谷类作物
agric.late regeneration迟返青
math.late register后寄存器
tech.late release延迟关闭
tech.late Renaissance后期文艺复兴式【建】
tech.late Renaissance architecture后期文艺复兴建筑
securit.late reported sales晚报交易
busin.late retirement延后退休
agric.late rice晚[季]稻
agric.late rice in a double-cropping双季晚稻
agric.late ripeness晚熟度
desert.late ripening晚熟的
agric.late roguing晚期去杂去劣
tech.late Roman晚期罗马风格
tech.late Romanesque晚期罗马式建筑
tech.late Romanesque church仿罗马式教堂
agric.late season季末
agric.late season晚季
agric.late season culture晚期栽培如夏播作物
agric.late season culture晚季栽培如晚稻
agric.late season variety晚期品种如夏播作物品种
agric.late season variety晚季品种如晚稻品种
agric.late seeding后播
agric.late seeding晚播
agric.late seeding stage迟出苗期
agric.late seeding time晚期播种
tech.late shift夜班
busin.late shipment延迟装运
agric.late shooting晚抽薹
agric.late shooting迟抽薑
tech.late slope detection迟斜检测法
agric.late soil cultivation晚期土壤耕作
agric.late sowing迟种
tech.late sowing迟播
desert.late sowing晚播
tech.late spark迟火花
agric.late spring春末
agric.late spring晚春
agric.late spring暮春
desert.late spring cold倒春寒
desert.late spring coldness倒春寒
agric.late spring sowing晚春播种
agric.late spring sowing春播
agric.late spring weeds晚春杂草
agric.late stage后期指生长
tech.late stage晚期
tech.late start迟启
consult.late start manpower loading晚开工人力分布
agric.late stomatai closure气孔晚关闭
geol.Late Stone Age晚石器时代
agric.late strain晚熟品系
securit.late submission of claims迟交的索赔申请
desert.late successional plant species演替晚期植物种
agric.late successional stage后演替阶段
agric.late successional stage演替后期
agric.late sucker无效分蘖指甘蔗
agric.late sucker晚分蘖
agric.late summer夏末
agric.late-summer buckwheat秋养麦
agric.late-summer buckwheat夏播养麦
agric.late-summer soybean秋大豆
agric.late-summer soybean夏播大豆
agric.late-summer spraying夏末喷射
sport., med.late systolic murmur收缩晚期杂音
securit.late tape延迟行情显示
agric.late tassel晚生雄穗
agric.late tending后期田间管理
agric.late thinning晚间苗
agric.late tillage晚整地播种前
agric.late tillering晚分蘖
agric.late tillering stage分蘖末期
tech.late timing延时
agric.late top dressing晚期追肥指表面施肥
agric.late topping晚打顶
securit.late trading迟到交易
securit.late trading过时交易
agric.late training后期整枝
agric.late transplantation晚移栽
agric.late transplantation迟移植
agric.late transplanting rice晚插秧
agric.late transplanting rice迟插秧
biol.late tree美国朴树 (Celtis occidentalis L.)
biol.late tree朴属 (Celtis L.,榆科)
tech.Late Triassic climatic zonation晚三叠世气候分带
tech.Late Triassic epoch晚三叠世【地
agric.late tuberization迟块茎形成
life.sc.late tulip郁金香
biol.late tulip郁金香 (Tulipa gesneriana L.,百合科)
avia.late-type star晚型星
desert.Late Valdai glaciation晚瓦尔代冰川作用
AI.late-variable binding后期变量联编
tech.late variety晚熟品种
agric.late variety of rice晚稻品种
agric.late vine晚熟葡萄
agric.late vintage晚熟葡萄收获期
agric.late weeding晚期去杂
agric.late weeding晚期除草
agric.late wetting浸种
biol.late wheat shoot fly晚麦花蝇春麦蝇,Phorbia genitalis Schnabl.,麦蝇科
agric.late wilting蹲苗
agric.late winter冬末
agric.late winter晚冬
tech.Late Wisconsin晚维斯康辛【地】
desert.Late Wisconsin晚威斯康星冰期
geol.late Wisconsin晩威斯康辛冰期
chem.late wood晚木材
chem.late wood夏材
agric.late wood晚材 (lignum latum)
tech.late wood ratio晚材率
tech.late wood ratio秋材率
tech.late work后期作品
desert.Late Würm晚武木冰期 (欧洲阿尔卑斯山)
biol.late yellow daylily童氏萱草 (Hemerocallis thunbergii Baker,百合科)
agric.late zymotic efficiency of soil土壤迟发酵效率
gen.latter ®late后面〔半,者〕的
gen.latter ®late近来的
gen.latter ®late最近的
gen.latter ®late现今的
gen.latter ®late末了 〔尾〕的
gen.latter ®late的比较级之一
gen.Let's hail a cab, so we don't have to ride the subway so late我们招一辆出租车好吗?这样就不用这么晚还乘地铁
securit.London Late Eurodollars伦敦延期欧洲美元
agric.medium-late maturing variety中晚熟品种
tech.mid-late carboniferous transgression中晚石炭世海浸
tech.mid-late Jurassic climatic zonation中晚侏罗世气候分带
agric.middle-late variety中晚熟品种
gen.My flight just arrived late, and I need to know what to do我搭乘的航班晚点了,我想知道是什么情况
gen.of late最近
gen.of late近来
gen.of late years近几年来
gen.of late years这几年来
gen.of late years近来
gen.Oh, yes. But the plane was late, so they won't be there on the 11 th是的。但是飞机延时了,他们11号不能到那里了
tech.pay sundry fees on late迟交运杂费
tech.penalty for late shipment clause延迟装运罚款条款
gen.Please be informed that time's up. Do you need late check-out?您时间到了,需要帮您加时间吗?
biol.potato late blight马铃薯晚疫病 (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary)
agric.proportion of late wood晚材率
tech.recovery of late payment要求支付欠款
gen.running late晚点
agric.semi-late rice中[季]稻
agric.single-crop late-maturing rice variety单季晚稻品种
gen.So far it looks like we will be leaving two hours late, but keep checking the departing flights status board just in case目前看来会延误两小时,不过,请多查看飞离航班信息牌,以防万一
agric.surplus late crops极晚熟作物
earth.sc.Symposium on Late Neogene Epoch Boundaries晚第三纪界线会议
securit.tape is late行情显示滞后交易量过大,致使交易记录公布时间推迟
biol.taro late blight芋晚疫病 (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary)
biol.tomato late blight番茄晚疫病 (Phytophthora infestans (Mont.) de Bary)
tech.very end of the late Gothic style哥特式风格的最末期
agric.very late appearing antigen极迟出现抗原
agric.vigorous late-growth characteristics晚期健壮生长特征
gen.we were afraid lest he should get here too late我们恐怕他会来得太迟
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