
Terms containing lat | all forms | exact matches only
bodybuild.back lat spread背展背阔肌
oilelevator lat cher吊卡闩
oileop lat form太古代后地台
oileop lat form始地台
busin.fractional lat零票
weightlift.front lat spread正展背阔肌
bodybuild.front lat spread正展背阔肌
weightlift.high lat跪姿屈臂下压练习
busin.Lat Am Latin America拉丁美洲
desert.LAT framework石质营养/大气营养/海洋营养控制网络 (榧架)
bodybuild.lat high row高位划船机
geogr.Lat Krabang, Thailand莱卡邦:泰国
sport.lat machine扩胸器
bodybuild.lat machine背阔肌重锤拉力器
bodybuild.lat machine背阔肌锻炼机
bodybuild.lat pull背阔肌重锤拉力器
bodybuild.lat pull down高拉训练机
bodybuild.lat pull down behind the neck背阔肌颈后下拉
expl.Lots of trees were blown down lat night昨晚刮倒好多树
bodybuild.rear lat spread后展背阔肌
polygr.sheet-fed photogravure press ; sheet-fed gravure press ; lat-bed intaglio press单张纸凹印机