
Terms for subject Technology containing lasts | all forms
age at last birthday足岁
age at last birthday实足年龄
asymptote of the last part of the curve尾枝渐近线
audit of last account竣工决算审计
average net penetration per blow for the last five blows打桩最后五击平均每击贯入度
balance brought over from the last account前期结转余额
compared with last year与上年相比
court of last resort最高上诉法院
date of last repairs上次检修日期
dollar-value last-in first-out method按美元价值计算的后进先出法
end stake number of the last receiver line未检波点线终了桩号
Fermat's last theorem费马最后定理
last account of contractor施工单位竣工决算
last account of project建设项目竣工决算
last ampler末级放大器
last ampler终端放大器
last bid最后报价
last card最新卡片
last collision末次碰撞
last column最后一行
last come first served后到先服务
last come first served后先出法
last contact复圆日
last contact复圆月蚀
last current state最后当前状态
last cycle终止周期
last date终日
last date最后期限
last detector末级检波器
last element of chain链的最末元素
last exit edge最后出口边
last finishing pass终轧孔型
last fix上一次定位
last ice终冰
last ice date终冰期
last in逆序换算
last-in first-out后到先服务
last-in first-out stack后进先出栈
last in last out后进后出 (法)
last-in still-here后进还存
last invoice price最后进价法
last location最后单元
last macro instruction最后宏指令
last moment emergency shut-down应急停堆系统
last multiplier最后乘子
last notice day最后交割通知日
last number最后号数
last number redial最末号码重拨
last numbers最后号数
last of ebb退潮末
last office of destination最后的收报局
last page结束页号
last-party release双方话终拆线
last pass末遍
last pass own code末遍扩充工作码
last pass phase最后通过阶段
last-period forecast近期预测
last phase残余相
last port终点港
last port最后到达港
last quarter下弦 (天文)
last record of a set集的最末记录
last resort最后手段
last retarder末级缓行器
last ride bonus最后乘次优惠
last schedule末次会晤
last scratch最后基准线
last sector最后扇段
last snow终雪
last stage blade末级叶片
last statement结算
last step最高梯级
last step最后步骤
last step最后一档
last-subscriber release双方话终拆线
last subscript最后下标
last symbol最后符号
last term最后项
last terminal最后终端符
last test最后测试
last test step最后测试步
last thread failure接头最末扣断裂
last-to-freeze liquid残留金属液
last trunk capacity终端中继线容量
last turn最终轨道
last word决定性意见
last word最先进的事物
last word最咼权威
last word最新发明
loss carried forward from the last term前期结转损失
mean date of last snow cover平均终雪
method of price of last purchase最终购入价格法
next to the last倒数第二
tyre last轮胎耐久性
welted last沿条楦