
Terms for subject Economy containing last | all forms | exact matches only
All those fees accrue monthly on the last day of each month所有那些费用在每月最后一天自然增长
At last we came to terms and struck the bargain我们终于达成协议成交了
Because of the severe storm of the last few days we had to put off the shipment for three days由于前几天的大风暴,我们不得不将装船日期推迟3 天
Because of the world economic recession, sales in the company were down to single figures last week由于世界经济衰退,该公司上周的销售不上十次
Convention on the Jurisdiction of the Selected Forum in the Last Cast of International Sales of Goods the Hague, 15 April 1958 1958年海牙关于国际货物买卖上选择法院管辖权的
first in, last out先进后出
first in last out method先进后出
He still owes the company for the shares he bought last month他上个月买公司股票的账还欠在那里
Hotel bookings rose sharply last week上周旅店客房预定数急剧增加
I'm certain that you'll surpass last year's total sales我敢肯定你们会超过去年的销售总额
In accordance with your instructions they deposited the money in your current account last week按照贵方的指示,他们上周已把钱存入贵方的往来账户上
It is said the shares performed badly last week据说上星期股票下跌
last-come first served后入先出法
last day for pay purposes薪资截止日期
last-half year前届前期 (or term)
last hurrah最后尝试努力
last in, first out后入先出法 (库存估价方法)
last in, first out后进先出
last in first out后进先出
last in first out method存货后进先出法
last in last out存货后进后出法
last in, last out后进后出
last level末级
last major shipment最后一批主要货物交货 (delivery)
last pay certificate最后付款证明书
last-period forecast根据近期资料预测
last port最后停泊港
last resource最后手段
last scale最末尺度
last tender day通知交货最后日期
last term后项
last term末项
last term前期
last trading day抵销交货最后日
last word最新产品
last word最新成就
last word新产品
last word最新式样
last word最新型
Last year we gave them an oral undertaking not to compete with them我们去年口头承诺不与他们竞争
lender of last resort最后贷款银行 (指中央银行)
lender of last resort最后放贷者
lender of last resort最后贷出人
lender of last resort最后贷款者
method of last in, first out后进先出法
method of price of last purchase最终进货成本法
Most clients feel great hesitancy about accepting last year's manufactures大多数客户对接受去年的制品有很大顾虑
Our favourable balance of trade reached more than $100.000.000 last year去年我国贸易顺差额超过一亿美元
Our sales are showing a sharp improvement over last year我们的销售额比去年有很大的增长
Our telefax of the 21st last month strongly underlined the feasibility of this practice我们上月21日的电传特别强调这项措施的可行性
Over the last half of the year, they earned profits of 100%下半年,他们获得了 100%的利润
Prospects for the market are better than those of last year今年市场前景比去年的好
She paid an electric bill of £ 15 last month上个月她付了 15英镑的电费
The administration block was on fire last night行政管理大楼昨天发生火灾
The association published the incomes of its members last week协会于上周公布了其成员的收入情况
the balance brought over from the last account前期结转余额
The bill receivable in our company was up to $500.000 last week我公司上周应收账单款达50 万美元
The company doubled profits last year公司去年利润翻了一番
The company fell behind their competitors last month该公司上个月落在同业者之后
The company gained no pecuniary advantage last year去年此公司没有挣到什么钱
The economy declined during the last government in that country在该国上届政府期内,经济出现衰退
The flood at this place last-ed several days, therefore, we cannot effect shipment on time本地洪水持续了好几天,因此我们不能按时发货
The German delegation visit-ed our factory last month德国代表团于上月参观我厂
The inflation rate was 15% last year去年的通货膨胀率是
The Landlord made $180.000 from real estate deals last year该房主去年在不动产经营中赚了 18 万美元
the last decade of the 20th century二十世纪最后十年
The last delivery extinguished order No. 888最后一次发货结清了第888号订单
The last grade is difficult to sell末等货难以出售
The last-know sales figures shall be reported to the sales manager immediately最新获悉的销售额数字应立刻报告给销售经理
The merchant got a tax rebate om exports last month那位商人上月得到了出口退税
The profits of our company have level led off over the last few years过去几年以来,我公司的利润稳定不变
The purchasing power of this currency has fallen over the last 3 years这种货币的购买力在过去的3年内下降了
The report of the director summarized the progress of his department last month该主任的报告总结了上月他那个部门的工作进展情况
The samples were airmail-ed last Friday样品于上星期五经空邮寄出
The Secretary keeps the minutes of the last meeting for reference秘书保存了上次会议的记录,以备査考
There is a 25% gain over the turnover last year营业额比去年增长了 25%
They anticipated that the mark would rise in step with the Japanese yen during the last quarter of the year他们预计四季度马克将与日元一起升值,升值率相同
They elected a new chairman of board last week他们上星期选出一位新董事长
They got a pay rise retroactive to last October他们得到了从去年10月起补发的工资增额
They took out a patent for a new type of instrument last month上个月他们得到了一种新型仪器的专利权
This ship was damaged in heavy storm of last week and had to put into the port of Shanghai for repairs该船在上周的暴风雨中损坏,不得不送到上海港修理
to the last degree非常
to the last degree极度地
We are in urgent need of the goods ordered last month我们急需上月所订的货物
We did a voluminous business with that company last year去年我方与该公司做了大量的交易
We discontinued manufacturing this type last year去年我们已停止制造这种型号
We do not think such an abnormal phenomenon will last long in the stock market我们认为股票市场的反常现象不会持续很久
We express our thanks for being hospitably received by you when we were visiting your company last week上周我们访问你公司时,受到热情招待特此表示感谢
We had a long wait for our goods ordered last year我们等候去年的订货已很久
We impressed on you the necessity of insuring your goods against theft and fire in our last letter我方在上一封信中提醒你方注意必须给你们的货物投保失窃险和火险
We remember having particularly mentioned this question in our last letter我们记得在上封信中特别提到过这一问题
We were glad to learn from your letter of 27th of last month of your interest in our product我们很高兴从你方上月27日来信得知你方对我方产品感兴趣
We wrote this letter last month to explore the possibilities of develop big trade with you我们上月写这封信是想探索与你们发展贸易的可能性
Your turnover is down in comparison with last year与去年相比,你方的营业额下降了