
Terms containing last | all forms | exact matches only
gen.According to Christian belief, the Last Supper is the final meal that Jesus Christ shared with his twelve apostles in Jerusalem before his crucifixion基督教徒们相信,“最后的晚餐”是耶稣基督受难之前与他的十二个门徒在圣城耶路撒冷共同享用的一顿晚餐
busin.accumulated amount of corresponding period last year去年同期累计数
securit.after hours last sale收盘/收市后最后销售
tech.age at last birthday足岁
tech.age at last birthday实足年龄
busin.amount of corresponding period last year上年同期额
gen.as a last resource作为最后手段〔一着〕
tech.asymptote of the last part of the curve尾枝渐近线
gen.at last最后
gen.at last到底
gen.at last终于〔究〕
gen.At last, we are in the Big Apple! Now we have to take a subway to get to the village. Don't we need to buy a subway map?我们终于来到纽约!要去乡村的话我们就必须坐地铁。需不需要买一张地铁路线图?
gen.At last we were on the London-ward leg of our journey我们终于踏上了去伦敦的旅途
gen.at the long last好容易才
gen.at long last最后
gen.at long last终于
gen.at long last久而久之
gen.at the long last最后
gen.at the long last终于
gen.at the long last久而久之
gen.at the last gasp最后
gen.at the last gasp在最后关头
gen.at the last gasp在奄奄一息时
gen.at the last moment在最后关头
tech.audit of last account竣工决算审计
tech.average net penetration per blow for the last five blows打桩最后五击平均每击贯入度
busin.balance brought forward from last year上年度余额
tech.balance brought over from the last account前期结转余额
gen.be refuted down to the last point被驳得体无完肤
gen.breathe one's last (breath, gasp)
gen.breathe one's last断气 (breath, gasp)
busin.cancel last message上条电文撤销
securit.closing price of last trading day除息报价
securit.closing price of last trading day除净报价
busin.compared with last month与上月比
busin.compared with last year与上年比
tech.compared with last year与上年相比
gen.corresponding period of last year去年同一时
tech.court of last resort最高上诉法院
avia.cycle since last shop visit送车间修理后的周期
avia.cycles since last shop visit车间修理后的使用周期
tech.date of last repairs上次检修日期
agric.distance between auricle of the last two leaves最后两个叶叶耳间距
busin.dollar value last in, first out method美元币值后进先出法
tech.dollar-value last-in first-out method按美元价值计算的后进先出法
gen.down to the last detail非常详尽地
gen.draw one's last breath咽气
gen.draw one's last breath断气
gen.driven to the last ditch陷人绝境
tech.end stake number of the last receiver line未检波点线终了桩号
tech.Fermat's last theorem费马最后定理
bowl.firm last step固定最后一步
bowl.firm the last step固定最后一步
gen.first and last一直
gen.first and last整个地
gen.first and last总的说来
gen.first and last整个看来
gen.first and last就整体而论
gen.first and last总共
gen.first and last一共
gen.first and last始终
amer.first, last, and all the time绝对
amer.first, last, and all the time始终一贯
gen.first, midst and last始终一贯,彻头彻尾
gen.first, midst, and last彻头彻尾,始终,一贯
gen.first or last早晚
gen.first or last迟早
gen.for the last time第一〔第二,最后一〕次
gen.for the last time首先〔第二次,最后〕
gen.for the last time最后一次
gen.from first to last自始至终
gen.from first to last始终
gen.from first to last
securit.good to the last drop最后转移有效 (清算所成员有责任向当日未完成债务转移的其他成员提供帮助(交易规则))
sport.He began to pass the other runners in the last lap他在最后一圈开始超越其他赛跑运动员
sport.He began to pass the other runners on the last lap他在最后一圈开始超越其他赛跑运动员
gen.he is the last man to do it他最不适于做这件事
gen.he is the last man to do it他决不至于干这件事
sport.He won the 10,000 metres race in the last lap最后一圈他赢得了万米赛跑的胜利
gen.I did not sleep a wink last night. I was pestered with mosquitoes all night我昨晚整夜没合眼。蚊子骚扰了我一夜
gen.I started feeling kind of sick last night after dinner, but this morning the pain got really bad! Then I just doubled over昨晚晚饭过后我就开始有点不舒服,今早疼痛加剧,然后我就疼得直不起腰来了
gen.I want to buy a heavy-duty tool set that will last a lifetime我想买一套结实耐用的,可以使用一辈子的工具
gen.If you have been refused a visa, you can reapply at any time. But if your circumstances have not significantly changed since your last refusal, or if you cannot address the reasons for your refusal, we may refuse your application again如果您被拒签,您可以在任何时候再次申请。如果您的情况与上次申请时大致相同,或无法对上次拒签信中列明的拒签原因做出解释,您的申请可能会再次被拒
gen.If your flight reservation was made on another website or through a travel agent, you may view and save your reservation into your account by entering the confirmation number and your last name on our website如果您是在其他网站或通过旅行社预订的航班,则可以通过在航空公司官网输入确认编号和您的姓氏来查看,并将预订保存到您的账户中
gen.In 1863, Abraham Lincoln set aside the last Thursday of November as a national Day of Thanksgiving1863年,亚伯拉罕・林肯规定每年十一月的第四个星期四是全国感恩节
gen.in as a last resort不得已
gen.in as a last resort最后
gen.in as a last resort当一切均失败后作为最后的手段
gen.in May last四月底以前指去年五月
gen.in May last六月以后指今年五月
sport.In relay race, it is preferable to run the best runner last, the second best first接力赛中、应将跑得最快的运动员排在最后、次快的运动员排在第一、这种排列次序更好一些
gen.in the last account终于
gen.in the last account归根到底
gen.in the last resort不得已
gen.in the last resort最后
gen.in the last resort当一切均失败后作为最后的手段
sport.In the women's 10,000m race, a dark horse from China Xing Huina overtook the leading Ethiopian runners in the last lap. She won a gold medal for China at the 28th Olympic Games女子 10000 米比赛中跑出一匹黑马一一中国运动员邢慧娜在最后一圈超越领先的埃塞俄比亚运动员、在第 28 届奥运会中她为中国赢得一枚金牌
busin.inventory plans, last in, first out后进先出盘存法
gen.It was best suit John wore to the dance last night约翰昨晚是穿着他最好的一套衣服去参加舞会的
gen.it was not until last night that they finished the job直到昨天晚上他们才结束这工作
gen.it was not until last night that we debugged the system直到昨晚我们才排除了这系统的故障
gen.It's a pleasant and productive trip for me. You have left me a great impression, and I am deeply moved by your hospitality. I think our friendship will last forever对我来说,这是一次愉快而颇有裨益的旅行。你给我留下了很好的印象,我被你的热情深深感动了。我觉得我们的友谊会天长地久
busin.joint and last survivorship annuity联合与最后生存年金
busin.joint life and last survivor pension夫妻共享终身年金
sport.Kiptanui, the 3000 metres steeplechase world champion, ran unchallenged for the last three laps, building up a huge lead3000 米障碍赛世界冠年基普坦努伊在最后三圈大大领先于其他选手、无人能与之匹敌
avia.last acceptable on dock date〔客〕在码头最后接收日
tech.last account of contractor施工单位竣工决算
tech.last account of project建设项目竣工决算
securit.last accounting date最后结算日
tech.last ampler末级放大器
tech.last ampler终端放大器
geol.last appearance datum末现面
tech.last bid最后报价
securit.last bid price最后买盘价格
sport.last breath attack最后奋力进攻
agric.last bud晚熟性芽
gen.last but not the least最后但非最不重要
gen.last but not the least最后但非最不重要的
gen.last but one倒数第二
gen.last but one倒数第二〔三〕
gen.last but two倒数第二〔三〕
golf.last call最后比赛
securit.last call收盘叫价
sport.last call最后一次点名
securit.last call收市叫价
tech.last card最新卡片
comp.last character末字符
comp.last code末码
tech.last collision末次碰撞
tech.last column最后一行
tech.last come first served后到先服务
busin.last-come, first served后进先出
tech.last come first served后先出法
avia.last come first served后来先服务
desert.last community最后群落 (演替系列最后阶段的基本群落 (basic community) 或顶极群落 (climax))
tech.last contact复圆日
tech.last contact复圆月蚀
busin.last cost method最后进货成本法
agric.last crop后茬
agric.last crop后作物
agric.last cropping后作
gen.last cry最后的定论
busin.last cry最新风尚
gen.last cry最新时装
geol.last crystal to dissolve temperature最后一颗结晶溶解温度
agric.last cultivation最后中耕
agric.last current state当前最后状态
agric.last current state当前末状态
tech.last current state最后当前状态
tech.last cycle终止周期
busin.last data最新数据
comp.last data sample上次数据采样
tech.last date终日
tech.last date最后期限
busin.last day最后日期
busin.last day截止日
busin.last day for pay purpose薪金截止日期
busin.last delivery day最后交货日
busin.last detail group最后细目栏
tech.last detector末级检波器
gen.last ditch effort为了避免事故、灾难等而作的最后的努力
sport.last-ditch struggle最后挣扎
agric.last dressing末次施肥
agric.last dressing最终追肥
agric.last dusting最后喷粉防治病虫害
sport.last eight取得最后阶段比赛权的八名选手
sport.last eight参加四分之一决赛的八名选手
sport.last eight八强
agric.last element最后元素
tech.last element of chain链的最末元素
securit.last exercise day最后执行日期
tech.last exit edge最后出口边
agric.last-expressed juice末榨汁指甘蔗
agric.last-expressed juice末辗汁
agric.last fasting of silkworm蚕的最后一眠即四眠
agric.last feeding停食
agric.last feeding止桑
sport.last finisher殿军
tech.last finishing pass终轧孔型
tech.last fix上一次定位
sport.last four参加半决赛的四名选手
sport.last four取得最后阶段比赛权的四名选手
sport.last four四强
agric.last frost终霜
agric.last fruits最晚结果果树
gen.last generation上一代
geol.last glaciation晚期冰川作用
sport.last half of a game后半局
golf.last hole最后一洞
golf.last hole决定胜负的最后一次
golf.last hole最后一穴
busin.last hurrah最后尝试
tech.last ice终冰
tech.last ice date终冰期
tech.last in逆序换算
securit.last in, first out后进先出法记账法
gen.last in first out先卸货
comp.last in first out末进首出
gen.last in first out〈海〉后装货
gen.last in first out末进首出法
busin.last-in, first-out后进先出
busin.last-in, first-out后进先出法
tech.last-in first-out后到先服务
busin.last-in, first-out inventory layer后进先出盘存进货批次
busin.last-in, first-out list后进先出表
busin.last-in first-out met hod后进先出法计算存货方法之一
busin.last in, first-out method后进先出法
busin.last-in first-out method of inventory costing后进先出盘存成本计算法
busin.last-in, first-out queue后进先出排队
busin.last-in first-out stack后进先出货栈
tech.last-in first-out stack后进先出栈
busin.last in , last out后进后岀法
tech.last in last out后进后出 (法)
busin.last-in, last-out后进后出
busin.last-in, last-out method后进后出法
busin.last-in on hand后进现存法计算存货方法之一
busin.last-in still here后进还存法计算存货方法之一,与先进先出法相同
busin.last-in, still-here后进留库法
busin.last-in still-here后进还存法
tech.last-in still-here后进还存
busin.last-in, still-here method后进还存法
agric.last injurious frost晚霜
securit.last invoice cost method最后进价法
securit.last invoice cost method最新进价法
busin.last invoice method最近进价法
tech.last invoice price最后进价法
agric.last item末项
agric.last location最后位置
tech.last location最后单元
comp.last macro最后宏功能
tech.last macro instruction最后宏指令
desert.last major glacial period最后一次大冰期
agric.last maturing variety最晚成熟品种
agric.last maturity晚熟性
gen.last May四月底以前指去年五月
gen.last May六月以后指今年五月
multimed.last mile最后一英里
gen.last mile service最后 1 英里服务
agric.last mill juice末榨汁指甘蔗
agric.last mill juice末辗汁
avia.last-minute最后装上的货物 (cargo)
busin.last-minute application最后一分钟适用
avia.last minute changes最后时刻更改
tech.last moment emergency shut-down应急停堆系统
gen.last month上月
tech.last multiplier最后乘子
busin.last name欧美
gen.last night昨夜
golf.last nine九穴
golf.last nine后9洞
golf.last nine后半场
busin.last notice day最后通知日
tech.last notice day最后交割通知日
securit.last notice day最后交付通知日
agric.last number末号
tech.last number最后号数
tech.last number redial最末号码重拨
tech.last numbers最后号数
geol.last occurance datum末现面
AI.last-occurrence function最后出现函数
gen.last of all最后
gen.last of all到最末了
tech.last of ebb退潮末
busin.last office of destination终端收报局
tech.last office of destination最后的收报局
gen.last out多少时间使用
gen.last out拖过
gen.last out持到
tech.last page结束页号
tech.last-party release双方话终拆线
tech.last pass末遍
tech.last pass own code末遍扩充工作码
agric.last pass phase最后通过阶段指春化过程
tech.last pass phase最后通过阶段
tech.last-period forecast近期预测
tech.last phase残余相
agric.last picking最后采摘指采茶等
sport.last place最后一名
sport.last place倒数第一名
sport.last place winner殿军
gen.last play face-off在比赛停止的地点争球
tech.last port终点港
tech.last port最后到达港
busin.last port of destination最后目的港
multimed.last position memory最近位置的内存
busin.last position report最后位置报告
agric., meteorol.last quarter下弦 (of the moon)
tech.last quarter下弦 (天文)
desert.last quarter of the moon下弦[月的]
busin.last quotation最后报价
avia.last radio contact最后一次无线电联系
agric.last rain最后[下的]雨
busin.last received最后收到
avia.last received最后收到的
gen.last record最后记录
tech.last record of a set集的最末记录
securit.last reminder最后通知书
securit.last reminder最后提醒
securit.last reminder最后通知
tech.last resort最后手段
securit.last resort最后贷款机构指央行
gen.last resort最后的补救办法
securit.last resort最后贷款者
busin.last resort最后贷款
busin.last resort终审
gen.last resort最后一着
mil.last resort target最后目标
tech.last retarder末级缓行器
tech.last ride bonus最后乘次优惠
busin.last safe date最后安全日期
securit.last sale收盘出货
securit.last sale交易所当天收盘价
busin.last sale当天收盘价
securit.last sale最新成交
securit.last sale最后销售
securit.last sale reporting交易所当天收盘报告
securit.last sale rule最新成交规则美国证券业协会规定,交易中除价格之外,投资人有权知晓其他有关股票的信息
tech.last schedule末次会晤
tech.last scratch最后基准线
agric.last seasonal strain晚季品系
agric.last seasonal strain晚熟品系
sport.last season's champion上赛季冠军
tech.last sector最后扇段
avia.last sending最后发出的
gen.one's last shift最后的手段
avia.last significant bit最低有效位
busin.last significant figure末尾有效数字
sport.last sixteen十六强
tech.last snow终雪
sport.last speed最后冲刺
sport.last speed最后加速
securit.last split最后分拆
agric.last spraying最后喷药
agric.last spring frost晚霜
tech.last stage blade末级叶片
tech.last statement结算
tech.last step最后步骤
tech.last step最高梯级
tech.last step最后一档
tech.last-subscriber release双方话终拆线
tech.last subscript最后下标
gen.last Sunday上一个星期日
busin.last-survivor annuity最后健在者遗族年金
busin.last-survivor policy两人共投人寿险由在世者支付保费的人寿保单
tech.last symbol最后符号
securit.last tape报价延迟
securit.last tape最后行情
adv.last telecast最后播出日
busin.last tender day通知偿还最后日期
busin.last tender day交付最后日期
tech.last term最后项
tech.last terminal最后终端符
tech.last test最后测试
tech.last test step最后测试步
tech.last thread failure接头最末扣断裂
securit.last-three-minute call auction最后三分钟叫价拍卖
gen.last time上次
securit.last time buyer最终买方
securit.last time buyer最后买主
tech.last-to-freeze liquid残留金属液
agric.last top-dressing最终追肥
agric.last top-dressing最后一次追肥
agric.last top-dressing末次追肥
agric.last topdressing最终追肥
agric.last topping末次打顶
agric.last topping最终摘心
securit.last traded price最后交易价
busin.last trading day商品交易所规定的期货交货日仍未交货的合同最后冲销交易日
gen.last-train departure time末班车时间
sport.last trial最后一次试掷试跳等
tech.last trunk capacity终端中继线容量
tech.last turn最终轨道
securit.last twelve months过去12个月
agric.last variety晚熟品种
agric.last weeding最后去杂
agric.last weeding最后除草
sport.last whistle终场哨声
busin.last word最新品种
busin.last word定论
busin.last word最后一句话
busin.last word最新发明
tech.last word决定性意见
tech.last word最咼权威
tech.last word最新发明
tech.last word最先进的事物
avia.last word最后一字
busin.last work最新式样
busin.last work新产品
gen.last year去年
busin.last year cumulative上年累计数
agric.last year grain去年子粒
busin.last year's model去年型号
securit.lender of last resort最后贷款者对金融机构融资的中央银行
securit.lender of last resort紧急放款人
securit.loss carried forward following/from the last term上期结转损失
securit.loss carried forward following/from the last term前期结转损失
tech.loss carried forward from the last term前期结转损失
adv.Maxwell House, "Good to the last drop"麦斯威尔咖啡、 "滴滴香浓、意犹未尽"、奥美广告公司、1959 (Ogilvy, Benson & Mather)
tech.mean date of last snow cover平均终雪
busin.method of last-in, first-out后进先出法
busin.method of price of last purchase最近进价法
tech.method of price of last purchase最终购入价格法
busin.method of price of the last purchase最后购买价格法
tech.next to the last倒数第二
gen.Oh, that is a detailed application! You should remember that all questions must be answered in English. Besides, you are required to upload a photograph taken within the last six months噢!这是个很烦琐的申请过程。你要记住所有问题都需要用英语来回答。还需要上传一张近六个月之内拍的照片
gen.on Sunday last上一个星期日
gen.Our ship rounded Cape of Good Hope last night昨夜我们的船绕过了好望角
sport.out last比…持久
agric.point of last environment restart最后环境点再启动 (POLE restart)
avia.preflight last minute check起飞前最后检查
securit.pre-market last sale开市前最后销售
gen.ready to the last gaiter button已准备完毕
gen.ready to the last gaiter button有充分准备
nautic., tech.record of oil discharge monitoring and control system for the last ballast voyage最近一次压载航行的排油监控系统记录
securit.sale last day最后销售日
gen.see the last of赶走
gen.see the last of最后看见
gen.see the last of做完
gen.She wanted to go Dutch with me at the restaurant last night昨晚吃饭她想和我平摊费用
gen.She wore a bow-knot brooch to the party last night昨晚她戴着一枚蝶结形胸针参加了宴会
avia.since last inspection上一次检查以来
gen.suffer the last sanction of the law被处死刑
gen.that is the last thing to try那东西不值一试
gen.The exclusive brass peacock is available in different size and weight and the material will surely make it last for a lifetime这种黄铜孔雀独一无二,有不同的大小和重量,这种材料无疑能让它保存一辈子
gen.The incubation period lasts approximately 10—14 days after contact感染后的潜伏期大概会持续10至14天
gen.the last analysis毕竟
gen.the last analysis归根到底
gen.the last analysis总之
gen.the last but one倒数第二除去一个之后的最后一个
gen.the last cast孤注一掷
gen.the last cast不顾一切
gen.the last century最近的一百年
gen.the last century上一世纪
sport.the last leg最后一段
gen.the last month of the year一年的最后一个月
gen.the last of...之中的最后一个
gen.the last sacrifice献出生命
gen.the last sacrifice最大的牺牲
gen.the last shift最后的手段
gen.the last shout最时髦的东西
gen.the last shout最新式样
gen.the last straw导火线
gen.the last straw使人终于不能承受的最后所增加的负担
gen.the last two figures repeat最后两个数码〔字〕相同
gen.the last word onM 有关 M 的最新消息〔观点〕
gen.the last word onM 关于 M 问题的定论
gen.the month before last前月
gen.the month before last再上一个月
gen.the moon in its last quarter下弦月
gen.the night before last前夜
gen.The room's insulation is too bad. My husband and I could not get any real sleep last night. There was a construction going on all night outside房间的隔音设备太差了。我和我先生昨晚都没睡好觉。外面整晚都在施工
gen.The sink was still full of last night's washing-up洗涤槽里仍然摆满了昨天晚上没洗刷的餐具
gen.The snow crusted Lake Tjornin last night昨夜的雪使特约宁湖面结了冰
gen.the tire lasts up to 100,000 miles这轮胎可以跑十万英里
gen.the tractor which we got last year runs very well我们去年得到的那台拖拉机很好用
gen.the year before last前年
gen.this is the last thing in labour-saving devices这是节省劳力方面的最新产品
gen.this model has been continually improved over the last few years这种型号近几年间一直在改进
gen.till the last直到现在
gen.till the last直到最后
avia.time since last shop visit〔客〕自上次进厂后时间
gen.tire last轮胎耐久性
gen.to the last直到现在
gen.to the last直到最后
gen.to the last breath至死
gen.to the last degree极端
gen.to the last degree极其
gen.to the last extremity到穷途末路
gen.to the last gasp到最后一口气
gen.to the last gasp到死
gen.to the last man全部
gen.to the last man毫无例外
gen.Toyota's market in the U. S. is fading fast, with sales last year down by half丰田在美国的市场正在迅速萎缩,去年的销量下滑了一半
tech.tyre last轮胎耐久性
gen.We go to a concert last night to hear the symphony我们昨晚去演奏会听了交响乐
gen.Well, if you want, you can take the leftovers home. You could take the last one home with you如果你愿意,就打包带回去吧。你把最后那个带回家吧
tech.welted last沿条楦
gen.with the last breath最后
gen.with the last breath临终时
shipb.You know the price for this commodity has gone up a lot in the last few months.您知道近几个月来这种商品的价格上涨了很多
shipb.Your price is 20% higher than that of last year.贵方的价格比去年高了 20%
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