
Terms containing lack of | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
gen.a certain lack of缺少一定的
gen.a certain lack of缺少一些
gen.a certain lack of clarity remained仍然不太清楚
expl.A long-term lack of water has blasted all the trees around here长期缺水令周围的树木全部凋零
fin.acute lack of confidence in the markets市场信心严重不足
avia.aircraft grounded for lack of parts飞机缺件停场
avia.aircraft grounded for lack of parts因缺乏零件停飞的飞机
avia.aircraft not operationally ready due to lack of equipment飞机因设备不全不能飞行
avia.aircraft not operationally ready due to lack of maintenance飞机因维修不良不能飞行
avia.aircraft not operationally ready due to lack of parts飞机因缺件不能飞行
gen.by lack of因无
gen.by lack of因缺乏
hydroel.st.claim based on lack of conformity of the goods不符合合同要求引起的索赔
econ.claim based on lack of conformity of the goods因货物不符合同而产生的债权
interntl.trade.claim based on lack of conformity of the goods货物不符合同所产生的索赔诉权
econ.claim based on lack of conformity of the goods诉权
busin.claim based on lack of conformity of the goods因货物不符合同而产生的诉权
sport.fall short of success for lack of a final effort功亏一簧
gen.for lack of因无
gen.for lack of因缺乏
dril.for lack of因缺乏.....
gen.for lack of因〔由于〕缺乏
gen.from lack of因无
gen.from lack of因缺乏
interntl.trade.give due notice of a lack of conformity正式通知货物不符合同规定
econ.give due notice of a lack of conformity正式通知不符合合同规定
busin.give due notice of a lack of conformity正式通知货物与合同规定不符
gen.have no lack of丰富
gen.have no lack of不缺乏
tech.inter-bead lack of fusion焊道间未熔合
econ.It is rather inconvenient for us to move all these packages for lack of handcart or other carrying implements由于没有手推车或其他搬运工具,我们运送这些包裹非常不方便
gen.it lacks 5 minutes of nine9 点差 5 分
gen.lack of没有…
gen.lack of未…
shipb.lack of缺少
auto.lack of没有
auto.lack of缺乏
gen.lack of…欠佳
gen.lack of…不足
gen.lack of缺乏〔少〕…
econ.lack of. a market销路不佳
busin.lack of a market销路不佳
China, polit.lack of accessibility and affordability of medical treatment"看病难看病贵"
China, polit.lack of accessibility and affordability of medical treatment and education上学难上学贵、看病难看病贵
plast.lack of adhesion欠黏
auto.lack of alignment不同轴
tech.lack of alignment中心线偏斜
busin.lack of alignment中心线偏科
auto.lack of alignment中心线偏斜
auto.lack of alignment歪斜
tech.lack of alignment准线偏斜
mount.lack of appetite食欲不振
busin.lack of attention疏忽
busin.lack of awareness不了解
met.lack of axial symmetry失去轴对称性
met.lack of axial symmetry轴不对称
econ.lack of balance不均衡
el.lack of balance失去平衡
spacelack of balance不平衡 (性)
auto.lack of balance不平衡度,性
econ.lack of balance缺乏平衡
tech.lack of balance非均衡
busin.lack of bias偏斜度不足
tech.lack of biologically mature trees缺乏生物学上成熟的树木
textilelack of capital资金不足
tech.lack of capital缺少资金
oillack of coating漏涂
agric.lack of colour无色{显技}
manag.lack of confidence失去信心
busin.lack of confidence信心不足
el.lack of conformity不协调
el.lack of conformity货物不符
el.lack of conformity不匹配
interntl.trade.lack of conformity不符合
tech.lack of conformity缺乏一致性
el.lack of connectivity失去连结性
busin.lack of control控制不足
busin.lack of coordination不协调
gen.lack of credibility in缺乏凭据
gen.lack of credibility in不可信
China, lawlack of criminal evidence缺乏罪证
tech.lack of definition不清晰
textilelack of demand需求不足
econ.lack of demand需要不足
chess.term.lack of development出子不足
footb.lack of discipline缺乏纪律性
anim.husb.lack of dominance部分显性
anim.husb.lack of dominance半显性
anim.husb.lack of dominance不完全显性
anim.husb.lack of dominance无显性作用
agric.lack of dominance无显性
agric.lack of drying uniformity干燥均匀度缺乏
econ.lack of due diligence未克尽职责
busin.lack of due diligence未恪尽职责
busin.lack of equality违反公平原则
dril.lack of equipment缺少设备
tech.lack of equipment设备不足
tech.lack of equipment设备缺乏
proj.manag.lack of evidence缺乏证据
China, polit.lack of evidence of crimes证据不足不构成犯罪
tech.lack of filling power木器漆塌渗
tech.lack of filling power枯瘦
plast.lack of fill-out未填满〈增强塑料〉
el.lack of fit配合不良
tech.lack of fit不适合
busin.lack of fit配合不够
tech.lack of fit不相称
gymn.lack of form动作姿势欠佳
dril.lack of fuel缺乏燃料
auto.lack of fuel燃油缺乏不足
tech.lack of fuel燃料缺乏
textilelack of fullness at chest衣服塌胸
textilelack of fullness at chest衣服塌胸
tech.lack of fusion熔合不良
met.lack of fusion未熔合
plast.lack of fusion欠焊〈焊接缺陷〉
oillack of fusion未完全熔合
tech.lack of fusion焊接熔化不良
auto.lack of fusion焊接未熔合
steel.lack of fusion不完全焊透
tech.lack of fusion未焊透
tech.lack of fusion熔化不全
tech.lack of fusion熔化不良
auto.lack of gasoline缺汽油
auto.lack of gasoline汽油缺乏
tech.lack of hiding遮盖力弱
busin.lack of homogeneity缺乏一致性
busin.lack of interaction相互作用缺乏
busin.lack of interest利益不足
met.lack of interpenetration中间未熔透
tech.lack of interpenetration层间未焊透
met.lack of interrun fusion中间未熔合
tech.lack of inter-run fusion层间未熔合
tech.lack of joint penetration接头未焊透
textilelack of jurisdiction无管辖权
interntl.trade.lack of jurisdiction法院无管辖权 (of a court)
busin.lack of knowledge缺乏知识
busin.lack of labor劳动力缺乏
econ.lack of labour劳动力缺乏
nurs.lack of lactation缺乳
gen.lack of light
tech.lack of lubrication缺乏润滑
manag.lack of man缺乏人力
busin.lack of man人力不足
busin.lack of manpower人力不足
tech.lack of manpower缺乏人力
manag.lack of material缺乏材料
tech.lack of materials缺乏材料
tech.lack of materials材料短缺
tech.lack of materials缺乏存货
telecom.lack of memory capacity存储容量不足
refrig.lack of miscibility可混性丧失
met.lack of molten flux for infiltration液态保护渣流【渗】人不足。
fin.lack of money钱荒
anim.husb.lack of mothering缺乏母性
nurs.lack of mucosal luster黏膜缺乏光泽
busin.lack of necessities生活必需品缺乏
tech.lack of offer缺少报盘
auto.lack of oil缺机油
auto.lack of oil机油缺乏
refrig.lack of oil缺油
tech.lack of order缺少订货
mount.lack of oxygen缺氧
auto.lack of oxygen氧气缺乏
auto.lack of parking spaces停车场地不足
auto.lack of parking spots停车场地不足
auto.lack of parts零件不足
archit.lack of penetration假焊
oil, transp.lack of penetration未熔穿
oil, transp.lack of penetration未焊透
dril.lack of penetration未穿透
auto.lack of penetration未熔合
tech.lack of penetration未熔透
sport., med.lack of physical activity身体活动不足
agric.lack of planning in production生产盲目性
el.lack of power功率不足
auto.lack of power功率不足下降
el.lack of power缺电
auto.lack of power乏力
busin.lack of proper facilities工作环境欠佳
busin.lack of property无产
gymn.lack of proportion比例失调
tech.lack of rainfall缺雨
refrig.lack of refrigerant制冷剂不足
tech.lack of registration配准不佳
fin.lack of regulatory oversight缺乏监管
construct.lack of resolution析像力不足
telecom.lack of resolution分辨力不足
tech.lack of resolution分辨率不足
spacelack of resolution鉴别率不足
spacelack of resolution清晰度不良
tech.lack of resolution清晰度欠佳
tech.lack of resolution鉴别力损耗
fin.lack of resources缺乏资金
tech.lack of root fusion根部未焊透
met.lack of root penetration根部未焊透
busin.lack of sample没有样品
tech.lack of sharpness不清晰
tech.lack of side fusion侧面未熔合
manag.lack of skill熟练程度不够
auto.lack of skill技术不熟练
auto.lack of skill无经验技术
met.lack of space空间不足
met.lack of space面积不足
chess.term.lack of space缺乏回旋余地
auto.lack of space场地不足
auto.lack of space缺乏空间
tech.lack of space缺少空间
auto.lack of spare parts备件不足
auto.lack of spares备件不足
gymn.lack of stability缺乏稳定性
met.lack of strict monochromaticity缺乏精确的单色性
busin.lack of success成事不足
busin.lack of success成果缺乏
econ.lack of supplies货源缺乏
manag.lack of supplies缺乏供应品
busin.lack of supplies供应不足
busin.lack of supply供给不足
busin.lack of supply货源缺乏
el.lack of synchronization失步
chess.term.lack of time缺乏时间
tech.lack of tolerance缺乏耐性
fin.lack of transparency缺乏透明度
el.lack of uniformity不均匀性
el.lack of uniformity失去一致性
tech.lack of uniformity不均衡性
tech.lack of uniformity品质欠均匀
tech.lack of uniformly optimal plan一致最优方案的不足
econ.lack of universality违反普及原则
busin.lack of universality违反普遍原则
interntl.trade.lack of value缺乏对价
agric.lack of vitamins维生素缺乏
tech.lack of water缺水
agric.lack of water control缺水控制
manag.lack of work assigned缺乏指定工作
cytog.lacked the chromosome of the B-genomeB 基因组缺 5-染色体指小麦
commer.Many small plants closed down for lack of fuel因缺乏燃料许多小工厂关闭了
proj.manag.Mr. Brawn seems to have encountered the same lack of candour in his discussions about rather larger sums than my now-reduced overdraft在讨论远高于我如今被削减了的透支额度的金额时、 布朗先生似乎遇到了同样的不直率
interntl.trade.notice of lack of conformity货物不符通知
econ.our work suffered from lack of coordination我方工作互不配套
econ.Owing to lack of funds, little headway has been made由于资金缺乏,进展不大
econ.Owing to the lack of raw materials a lot of machines in the factory were made idle由于缺乏原料,工厂里的许多机器被闲置
anim.husb.partial lack of traverse直线丝条脱出移丝钩造成
tech.quantity of oxygen lack缺氧量
interntl.trade.raise a plea of lack of jurisdiction提出关于无管辖权的抗辩
tech.random lack-of-fit structure随机不贴合性结构
tech.random lack-of-fit structure随即不贴合性结构
interntl.trade.rely on a lack of conformity以货物不符为理由
econ.rely on lack of conformity货物不符合合同
interntl.trade.remedies for lack of conforming对于货物不符合合同规定的法律救济
busin.remedy for lack of conforming关于货物与合同规定不符的补偿
fin.remedy the lack of non-convertibility of currencies弥补因货币不可兑换造成的短缺
tech.resulting from lack of tolerance因缺乏耐性所致
interntl.trade.right to rely on lack of conformity因货物不符合合同而提出主张的权利
interntl.trade.safeguard against forfeiture for lack of working防止因不使用而撤销专利
busin.safeguard against forfeiture for lack of working防止因不使用而撤销
econ.The lack of raw materials will cause a delay of about 20 days原材料的缺乏将造成20天左右的延误
econ.the safeguard against forfeiture for lack of working防止因不使用而撤销 (专利)
surg.theory of inhibitor lack抑制物缺乏学说
econ.They are restricted by temporary lack of supplies to offering us only 50 000 dozens of jeans限于暂时货源缺乏,他们只能提供我方五万打牛仔裤
econ.This problem proceeds from a lack of vigilance此问题是由于缺乏警惕而产生的
gen.through lack of因无
gen.through lack of因缺乏
gen.what with moisture, what with lack of care, the instrument is badly damaged部分由于潮湿,部分由于缺乏保养,这仪表损坏得很厉害
tech.work being held up for lack of materials停工待料