
Terms for subject Business containing labor | all forms | exact matches only
actual labor rate实际人工率
American Federation of Labor and Congress of Industrial Organization美国劳联一产联
benefit both labor and capital劳资两利
best practice labor productivity先进企业劳动生产率
bound labor合同工
building industry labor建筑业劳动
Bureau of Labors Insurance〈美〉劳工保险局
buying and selling of labor power劳动力买卖
capacity of labor劳动能力
chargeable labor可出账劳务费
charging a labor service fee收取劳务费
cheap labor廉价劳动力 (force)
child labor amendment〈美〉童工法修正案
clash bet ween capital and labor劳资冲突
cost of handling labor搬运劳务费用
dead labor无效人工
dead labor无生命劳力
decreased labor turnover降低劳动周转
detailed labor and time analysis劳动与时间详细分析
direct labor basis直接人工标准法
direct labor expense直接人工费用
direct labor hour basis for manufacturing overhead rate制造费用率的直接工时法
direct labor hour method直接工时法
direct labor requirement直接人工需要量
displacement of labor force劳动力转移
dual nature of labor劳动二重性
effective labor有效人工
effective labor demand有效劳动力需求
effective labor supply有效劳动力供给
eight-hour system of labor八小时工作制
elasticity of demand of labor劳动力需求弹性
enforcement of labour safety and improvement of sanitation for labor加强劳工安全与改善劳工卫生
equilibrium of labor market劳动力市场供需平衡
estimation of require labor force劳动力需要量估算
Fair Labor Standards Act合理劳工标准法
female labor女劳力
general tightening in labor discipline普通加强劳动纪律
high wage, low labor高工资、低劳力
labor accounting人工核算
labor administration and wages劳动工资部门
Labor Advisory Board劳工咨询委员会
labor age劳动年龄
labor agitation工人骚扰
labor amount劳动量
labor and capital劳资关系
labor and personnel management劳动人事管理
labor and personnel system劳动人事制度
labor and wage accounting劳动工资核算
labor and wage department劳动工资科
labor and wage management in Chinese-foreign joint ventures中外合资企业劳动工资管理
labor and welfare expenditure劳工及福利支出
labor aristocracy工人贵族
labor army劳动大军
labor arrangement, finance and materials人、财、物
labor assessment劳动考核
labor audit劳动审查
labor augmenting technical change劳动力增加型技术变化
labor augmenting technical progress劳动力增加型技术进步
labor availability劳动的可用性
labor bank劳工银行
labor belongs to the individual laborers劳动力归劳动者所有
labor body劳工团体
labor body工团
labor budgets and controls人工预算控制
labor bureau劳动局
labor campaign人工周期
labor campaign劳动周期
labor capacity劳动能力
labor-capital ratio劳动资本比率
labor-capital relation劳资关系
labor card劳动卡
labor certificate劳动券
labor classification人工分类
labor code劳工法
labor commanded value theory劳动决定价值论
labor competition劳动竞赛
labor conciliation劳资纠纷调停
labor-consuming process重体力劳动作业
labor content活劳动份额
labor content of products产品中的活劳动份额
labor-content per unit单位劳动量
labor contract包工
labor contract system包工制
labor contractor包工头
labor control system劳动管理制度
labor cost differential人工成本差异
labor cost per unit of output单位产量人工成本
labor cost per unit of product单位产品人工成本
labor cost percentage method人工成本百分法
labor cost ratio人工成本比
labor cost theory人工成本理论
labor council劳工会议
labor court劳资争议法庭
labor creates value劳动形成价值
labor cutback劳力削减
labor day人工日
Labor Day劳动节
labor day unit value人工日单价
labor day value人工日值
labor delay误工
labor delay variance误工差异
labor delegate工人代表
labor delegate劳动代表
labor demand and supply劳力供求
labor demand curve劳力需求曲线
labor department劳动部门
labor differentials劳动差别
labor due劳动义务
labor economy劳动经济
labor efficiency工效
labor efficiency人工效率
labor efficiency report工效报告
labor efficiency standard工效标准
labor efficiency variance工效差异
labor embodied value theory劳动决定价值理论
labor employed cost劳动雇佣成本
labor employed on the products产品人工占用
labor employment劳工就业
labor emulation incentive劳动竞赛奖
labor exchange劳工介绍所
labor exchange by means goods物的劳动交换
labor expended耗费人工
labor expended on products产品人工耗费
labor expenditure人工耗费
labor exploitation人工开发
labor-exporting country劳务出口国
labor factor人工因素
labor factor of production生产中的人工因素
labor featherbedding工会强迫资方雇佣多余劳动力
labor federation劳工联盟
labor flow matrix劳动力流动矩阵
labor flow table劳动流动表
labor force in commodity circulation fields商品流通领域的劳动力
labor force reserve and regulatory system劳动力调蓄体制
labor force sampling survey劳动力状况抽样调查
labor force statistics劳动力统计
labor force survey劳动力调查
labor foreman劳动监督
labor foreman工厂监督
labor fringe benefit雇主给工人的小额优惠
labor grade劳力等级
labor handbook劳动手册
labor hero劳动英雄
labor-hiring management雇工经营
labor hoarding储存劳力
labor hour basis for overhead application制造费用分配工时法
labor hour lengthening延长工时
labor hour method工时法
labor hours工时数
labor implication人工问题
labor in common共同劳动
labor in process在制人工费
labor in process account在制人工费科目
labor in service劳务
labor in service服务人工
labor in service trade服务业劳动
labor index人工指数
labor information劳动信息
labor injunction劳动禁令
labor input人工投入量
labor insurance administration劳保管理
labor insurance and well-being劳保福利
labor insurance benefit劳保待遇
labor insurance expenditure劳保支出
labor insurance expense劳保费用
labor insurance system劳保制度
labor-intensive economy劳动密集型经济
labor-intensive enterprise劳动集约型企业
labor-intensive goods劳动密集货物
labor-intensive industrial product劳动集约型工业产品
labor-intensive industry劳力密集工业
labor-intensive invention劳动密集创造
labor-intensive method劳动密集方法
labor-intensive model of economic development劳动集约型经济开发
labor-intensive products劳动密集产品
labor-intensive technique劳动密集技术
labor-intensive technology劳动密集型工艺
labor issue人工问题
labor issue劳动问题
labor legislation劳动立法
labor lost徒劳
labor management business劳动管理业务
labor management committee劳动管理委员会
labor-management confrontation劳资对立
labor management department劳动管理部门
labor-management talk劳资协议
labor-management talk劳资协商
labor market analysis劳务市场分析
labor market area劳务市场区
labor market condition劳务市场状况
labor market economics劳务市场经济学
labor market with a hierarchical mobility分层次流动的劳务市场
labor marketing劳务市场经营
labor mental health劳工心理卫生
labor mix variance人工配搭差异
labor mobility劳力流动性
labor movement劳工运动
labor note劳动券
labor of equal quality等同的人类劳动
labor of factor劳工要素
labor of love义务劳动
labor of private individuals私人劳动
labor of productivity劳动生产率
labor of social character社会劳动
labor of superintendence监督的劳动
labor-only subcontracting只包人工承包法
labor overturn工作人员更动
labor policy劳动政策
labor pool工人定员编制
labor power as commodity劳动力商品
labor problem劳动问题
labor problem劳工问题
labor process realized itself in a product在产品中实现的劳动过程
labor productivity of productive workers生产工人劳动生产率
labor productivity of the currency metal货币金属的劳动生产率
labor productivity of total workers全员劳动生产率
labor productivity of workers工人劳动生产率
labor profit share劳工红利股票
labor protection expense劳保费用
labor protection goods劳保用品
labor protection law劳动保护法
labor protection measures劳动保护措施
labor protection measures plan劳动保护措施计划
labor protection regulations劳动保护条例
labor protection system劳动保护制度
labor psychology劳动心理学
labor quality劳动质量
labor quota standard劳动定额标准
labor rate工资率
labor ratio劳动力比率
labor registers劳动登记册
labor related cost劳务相关成本
labor related fee劳务相关费用
labor relations adjustment劳资关系调整
labor relations law劳资关系法
labor remuneration differential劳动报酬差别
labor represented by value表现为价值的劳动
labor safety劳动安全
labor safety devices劳动安全设施
labor safety expense劳动安全费用
labor safety measures劳动安全措施
labor safety protection劳动安全保障
labor safety protection expense劳动安全保护费用
labor safety protection facility劳动安全保护设施
labor safety protection measures劳动安全保护措施
labor safety protection system劳动安全保护制度
labor saving劳力节省
labor-saving device节省劳力装备
labor-saving equipment节省劳力装备
labor-saving facility省工设备
labor-saving facility investment省工设备投资
labor-saving industry省力工业
labor-saving invention节省劳力发明
labor-saving investment节省劳力投资
labor-saving machinery省工机械
labor-saving machinery industry省力机械工业
labor-saving ratio省工比率
labor-saving technical progress节省人工的技术进步
labor saving technique省工技术
labor-saving technology省力工艺
labor schedule人工明细预算
labor service工役制
labor service account劳务账户
labor service as a commodity劳务商品
labor service charge劳务费
labor service expense劳务费
labor service export and import劳务进出口
labor service export and import company劳务进岀口公司
labor service marketing劳务市场经营
labor shortage劳力短缺
labor shortage area劳动力短缺地区
labor skate工会职员
labor spy工贼
labor squared自乘劳动
labor stability人工稳定性
labor stability index人工稳定指数
labor standard劳动定额
labor standard law劳动标准法
labor standard quota人工标准定额
labor substitution variance人工替代差异
labor summary劳动力汇总表
labor supply劳动供给
labor supply and demand curve劳动供求曲线
labor supply and demand curve chart劳动供求曲线图
labor surplus劳动力剩余
labor surplus economy劳动力剩余经济
labor syndicatist工团主义者
labor test人工试验
labor test测工
labor theory of value劳动价值论
labor-time balance table工时平衡表
labor time employed人工占用时间
labor time employed beyond plan计划外占用工时
labor time spent in producing one unit of products单位产品耗费劳动时间
labor-time value工时价值
labor union劳动组合
labor-union expenditure工会经费
labor unionism工团主义
labor unit人工单位
labor unit劳动单位
labor unrest劳动力不稳
labor-using invention利用劳动发明
labor-value theory劳动价值论
labor wage工资
labor yield人工收益率
labor yield variance人工收益率差异
lack of labor劳动力缺乏
law of labor relation劳资关系法
law of labor relations in public industry公有企业劳动关系法
law of labors safety and sanitary劳动安全卫生法
live by ones own labor自食其力
live labor活劳动
live labor productivity活劳动生产率
living labor活劳动
local labor market地方劳动力市场
localization of labor劳动地区化
lords of labor劳动的主人
lump labor总包工人
machine labor机器劳动
make the labor inefficient无效人工
management and labor劳资
market for labor劳动市场
market of labor劳动市场
material and labor材料与人工
materialized labor物化劳动
maximum usable labor time最大有效工时
measure of labor intensity劳动强度测量
mechanical labor机械工
minimum number of labor最少人工数
ministry of labor劳动部
mobility of labor劳力流动性
model of input-output in labor consumption人工消耗投入—产出模式
multiple of simple and unskilled labor倍加的简单和不熟练劳动
multiplied simple labor倍加的简单劳动
mutual aid in labor劳动互助
natural division of labor自然分业
natural division of labor自然分工
needs for labor劳动需要
net value productivity of labor劳动生产率净值
non-labor income非劳动收入
nonproductive labor非生产性人工
object of labor劳动对象
office of labor劳动科
output-labor ratio产出劳动比率
overall labor productivity全员劳动生产率
overall labor productivity in kind实物劳动生产率
paid labor有偿劳动
perfect division of labor完全分工
pool of labor劳动力储备
product of prison labor罪犯产品
production labor生产工人
production order direct labor cost summary生产批次直接人工汇总数
productive labor hours生产工时数
productive labor hours method生产工时法
productivity of social labor社会劳动性生产率
protection of child labor童工保护
protection of woman labor女工保护
quantity of labor人工量
quota system for use of labor定员制度
rate of labor input人工投入率
ratio of labor cost to net sales劳务费与净销售比率
real labor有效人工
real labor hour有效工时
recruitment of staff and labor招收职工
redistribution of labor劳动再分配
reduce labor intensity减轻劳动强度
redundant labor force多余劳动力
regional division of labor地区分工
remuneration of labor劳动报酬
remunerative labor有偿劳动
reproduction of labor-power劳动力再生产
resource of labor force劳动力资源
scarcity of labor人工不足
seasonal labor季节性劳动
seasonal labor季节工
semiskilled labor半熟练劳动
service type labor服务性劳动
shift labor轮班劳动
shortness of labor人工不足
skilled labor技术工
skills involved in the labor劳动中技术含量
soak up surplus labor吸收多余劳力
socially necessary labor-time社会必要劳动时间
solidarity through division of labor分工连带关系
specialization of labor劳动专业化
substantial labor surplus market劳动力大量剩余市场
supervision of labor劳动管理
supplies for labor conservation and protection劳保用品
surplus labor剩余劳动
surplus labor force剩余劳力
surplus labor time剩余劳动时间
sweated labor血汗劳动
technical labor工艺性劳动
territorial division of labor地域分工
theory of labor mobility劳力流动性论
theory of regional division of labor地域分工论
theory of territorial division of labor地域分工理论
transfer labor移转人工
unfair labor practice不正当劳动行为
unproductive labor无效人工
unused labor未用人工
upgrading of labor提高劳动技能
upward movement of labor劳动力向上流动
value of labor power劳动力价值
vertical international division of labor垂直型国际分工
vertical mobility of labor劳动力纵向流动
wage labor雇用劳动
young labor青年劳动力