
Terms for subject Technology containing labor | all forms | exact matches only
abnormality of force of labor产力异常
absorb more labor power容纳更多的力
absorption of labor power吸收社会劳动力
additional labor cost附加人工成本
adjust the use of labor force调剂劳动力
adsorption of labor power吸收劳动力
all personnel labor productivity全员劳动生产率
allotment of labor配工
amount of labor劳动量
amount of labor劳动人数定额用工
amount of labor in a certain form一定形态的劳动量
amount of labor used用工量
animal labor畜力
annual abstract of labor statistics劳动统计年报表
antithesis between manual and mental labor体力劳动和脑力劳动的对立
arbitration in disputes between labor and capital调停劳资纠纷
attitude to labor劳动观点
auxiliary face labor工作面辅助工
auxiliary labor辅助劳动
availability of labor可利用的劳动力
average labor rate平均工资率
average labor-time expended in平均耗费的劳动时间
best-practice labor productivity先进企业的劳动生产率
board of labor劳动部门
builder's labor建筑工人
building construction labor建筑工程工人
building construction labor房屋建造工人
building labor建筑劳动力
building labor建筑工人
Bureau of Labor Insurance劳工保险局
Bureau of Labor Statistics劳动统计局
capital and labor劳资
capital-labor ratio资本一劳力比
casual labor office零工就业服务所
centralized labor allocation system统包统配的劳动制度
child labor童工
child labor laws童工保护法
clear-cut division of labor明确分工
clearing labor票据交换工
common labor非熟练工人
common labor杂工
compensation for labor object补偿劳动对象
compensation to living labor补偿活劳动报酬
complex labor复杂劳动
composite cost of labor and material工料合算价
composite cost of material and labor工料合算价
computational labor计算劳动力
concrete labor具体劳动
conditions of labor劳动条件
costing of labor劳务成本计算
day labor计日劳工
day labor计日工 (人)
day labor散工
day labor短工
day labor工作日
day labor临时工
day labor construction按日计酬施工
day labor system日工制
day labor system按日计工制
Department of Labor劳动部
detail labor局部工人
determining cost of labor设计的人工成本
direct employed labor直接雇工
direct labor直接劳动
direct labor直接雇佣劳动力
direct labor生产工人
direct labor非熟练工
direct labor直接
direct labor and indirect labor直接劳动与间接劳动
direct labor budget直接人工预算
direct labor cost直接工值
direct labor cost直接人工费
direct labor cost budget直接人工成本预算
direct labor expense budget直接人工费用预算
direct labor expenses直接人工费用
direct labor hour直接人工小时
direct labor standard标准时间
direct labor time直接工时
displacement of labor替代劳工
distribution according to labor按劳动分配
dis-utility of labor无效劳动
division of labor分工 (制)
division of labor and lines of specialities分业分工
division of labor and lines of work分业分工
division of labor and specialization分工与专业化
division of labor with individual responsibility分工负责 (制)
duplication of labor重复劳动
economizing labor time节约劳动力时间
effective labor有效劳动
efficiency of labor工效
efficiency of labor芳动生产率
efficiency of labor劳动效率
efficiency of labor time劳动时间效率
engage in labor to a very small extent附带劳动
engagement of labor劳务的雇佣
equal labor values system等劳制
equal performance of labor同等的劳动
exhausting labor繁重的体力劳动
export labor power输出劳动力
farm labor camp农业工人宿舍区
fixed number of labor劳动定员
floating labor流动劳动力
force of labor产力
forced labor强迫劳动
forced labor强制劳动
funds for labor protection劳动保护措施基金
gang of labors工作
gang of labors工作队
gang of labors工作班
gang of labors工作小组
general indirect labor cost普通间接人工费用
general labor普通工 (人)
general labor壮工
general labor process一般劳动过程
hand labor手工制作
hand labor method手工方法
hand labor method人工方法
handling labor保养工
handling of labor劳动力调配
handling of labor劳动力管理
handling of labor劳工管理
hand-work hand labor手工操作
hard physical labor重体力劳动
heavy physical labor重体力劳动
hired labor临时工
hired labor计日工作
hired labor rate工资率
hired labor rate计日工资
hiring of labor雇佣工人
hiring of labor招工
horizontal labor union同业工会
hostility between capital and labor劳资冲突
hours of labor劳动时间
human labor in general一般人类劳动
human labor power人的劳动力
idle labor失业工人
idle labor cost闲置人工成本
immaterial labor非物质劳动力
immaterial labor无形人工
implements of labor劳动工具
imported labor输入劳动力
individual labor个体劳动者
individual labor movement个别劳动力流动
Institute of labor health劳动卫生研究所
insurance law of labor accident职工意外事故保险法
irregular labor pains不规则阵痛
labor accident劳动事故
labor accounting人工会计
labor agreement劳务协议
labor allocation system劳动制度
labor and capital劳方和资方
labor and capital resources劳动与资本资源
labor and management劳方和资方
labor and material工料
labor and material analysis工料分析
labor and material payment bond人工材料费保单
labor and material payment bond工料付款承诺书
labor and material payment bond工料费合约
labor and salary office劳资室
labor and wage plan劳动工资计划
labor and welfare expenditures劳工及福利支出
labor arbitration劳动纠纷仲裁
labor arbitration system劳动仲裁制度
labor association劳工协会
labor-augmenting technical change劳力增加型技术变化
labor benefit劳动效益
labor bolding economic indicators劳动占用经济指标
labor budget人工预算
labor camp工人营地
labor camp劳工驻地
labor capacity工率
labor-capital dispute劳资纠纷
labor-capital relations劳资关系
labor charges工资费用
labor conciliation劳工争议调解
labor constant劳动定额
labor constant劳力常数
labor content加工工作量
labor contract劳动合同
labor contract固定劳动量
labor contract劳务合同
labor contractor劳务承包商
labor contractor承包人
labor contractor承包商
labor contractor承包者
labor control人工管理
labor cost人工费 (用)
labor cost劳务价格
labor cost劳力费用
labor cost劳动成本
labor cost劳动价值
labor cost劳动工资费
labor cost工人成本
labor cost account劳务费账户
labor cost differential劳力成本差异
labor cost in railway enterprise铁路企业人工成本
labor cost percentage method人工成本百分比法
labor cost ratio人工成本比率
labor cost saving plan人工成本节约计划
labor court芳资争议法庭
labor dispute劳动纠纷
labor distribution人工分配
labor distribution sheet人工分配单
labor disturbance工潮
labor economic effectiveness indicators劳动经济效益指标
labor efficiency劳动效率
labor efficiency劳动生产率人工效率
labor efficiency工率
labor efficiency of productive worker生产工人劳动效率
labor efficiency report人工效率报告
labor efficiency variance人工效率差异
labor employment劳务雇佣
labor emulation劳动竞赛
labor environmental quality assessment劳动环境质量评价
labor equilibrium劳动平衡
labor exchange职业介绍所
labor exchange劳力交换
labor exchange劳动力调配
labor exchange产品交换
labor-exchange team变工队
labor famine劳动力缺乏
labor feather bedding强迫雇佣劳动
labor flow table劳动流程表
labor force shortage劳动力短缺
labor force statistics劳动统计
labor forces劳动资源
labor grade劳动等级
labor health劳动卫生
labor hour劳动小时数
labor hour basis for overhead application制造费用分配的人工小时法
labor hour rate人工小时率
labor hour rate工时率
labor housing工人住房
labor hygiene劳动卫生
labor hygiene劳动卫生学
labor hygiene standard劳动卫生标准
labor in general一般劳动
labor in process在产工人
labor in process分步人工
labor in process分步人工账户
labor in progress在制人工
labor in the aggregate全体劳力
labor index劳动指标
labor information劳工资料
labor input投工量
labor input劳动量投入
labor instrument劳动手段
labor insurance cost劳保费
labor insurance expenditures劳保支出
labor insurance fund劳保基金
labor insurance regulations劳保条例
labor insurance system劳动保险制度
labor intensity劳动集约程度
labor-intensive enterprise劳动密集型企业
labor-intensive goods需要大量劳动力的货物
labor-intensive industrial product需要大量劳力的工业产品
labor-intensive industry劳动密集型工业
labor-intensive industry劳工密集工业
labor-intensive production劳动密集生产
labor-intensive project劳动密集型项目
labor-intensive technique劳力密集技术
labor management人工管理
labor management劳动管理
labor management of railway劳动定额管理
labor-management relations劳资关系
labor market with a hierarchical mobility分层次流动的劳动力市场
labor measurement人工测定
labor migration劳动力移动
labor mix variance人工搭配差异
labor mobility劳动流动性
labor mobility劳工流动性
labor of low productivity in agriculture生产率低的农业劳力
labor-only subcontracting只包人工的承包
labor only subcontractor承包劳动
labor organization劳工组织
labor organization劳动组织
labor organization工人组织
labor-oriented industry劳工导向工业
labor-output ratio劳动产量比率
labor overturn工作人员变动
labor personnel quota standard in railway transport enterprise铁路运输企业劳动定员标准
labor planned use计划用工
labor planning芳务计划
labor pool劳力供应源
labor population劳动人口
labor power人力
labor process劳动过程
labor productivity劳动生产率
labor productivity工率
labor productivity index劳动生产指数
labor productivity of stevedore装卸工人生产率
labor productivity plan劳动生产率计划
labor protect and safety devices防护设备配置
labor protecting standard劳动保护标准
labor protection act劳动保护法
labor protection medical care劳保医疗
labor protection payment劳保支出
labor quantity standard人工工时标准
labor quantity variance人工工时差异
labor quota劳动定额
labor quota劳动份额
labor rate劳动率
labor rate劳务价格
labor rate劳务费
labor rate standard人工工资率标准
labor rate variance人工工资率差异
labor realizes itself in commodities劳动物化在商品中
labor regulation劳动纪律
labor-related cost人工相关成本
labor relation劳资关系
labor relief失业工人救济金
labor requirement所需劳动力
labor requirement劳动定员
labor requirements per square meter单方用工
labor resources人力资源
labor resources劳力资源
labor right劳动用工权
labor room待产室
labor safety device劳动保护设施
labor safety measure劳动安全措施
labor saving省工
labor saving省力
labor saving人力节约
labor saving节约劳动力
labor-saving device省工装备
labor-saving device省工法
labor-saving device人工节约法
labor-saving device节约人工措施
labor-saving equipment节省劳动设备
labor-saving invention节省劳动发明
labor-saving investment节省劳动投资
labor-saving investment节约人工的投资
labor-saving machinery劳力节省机械
labor-saving machinery industry劳力节省机械工业
labor-saving machinery industry节约人工的机械工业
labor-saving ratio节省劳动比率
labor saving technique节约劳动力的技术
labor service charges劳务费
labor service charges劳动服务费
labor service company劳动服务公司
labor sheet计工表
labor shortage劳动力缺乏
labor slowdown惰工
labor specialization劳动专业化
labor stability index人工稳定性指数
labor standard人工标准
labor standard cost人工标准成本
labor statistics劳动统计
labor statistics of railway enterprise铁路劳动统计
labor statute劳工条例
labor strength劳动强度
labor stringency劳力不足
labor surplus劳力过剩
labor time variance人工时间差异
labor time variance人工效率差异
labor turnover劳动力流动 (率)
labor turnover人工周转率
labor turnover劳工周转率
labor union expenditures工会经费
labor unit劳力单位
labor unrest劳资争议
labor usage variance人工用量差异
labor variance人工差异
labor wage rate劳动工资率
labor weekly cost reports工人费用周报表
labor working on his own个体劳动者
law of labor safety and health劳动安全卫生法
level of fixed number of labor定员水平
list of labor and materials工料单
list of materials and labor工料单
loaned labor借用劳动力
local labor当地劳工
local labor当地劳动力
local labor地方劳力
manual labor手工
manual labor手工工人
marginal productivity of labor边际劳动生产率
market for general labor一般劳动力市场
market price of labor市场劳动力价格
material and labor工料
material and labor analysis工料分析
means of labor劳动资料
migrant labor流动劳动力
migrant labor外籍劳工
migrant labor流动工人
migrant labor housing流动劳工住房
migratory labor流动工人
model of input-output in labor consumption劳动消耗投入产出模型
moderate physical labor中等体力劳动
natural renewal of labor power劳动力自然更新速度
necessary labor time必要劳动时间
new entrants to the labor force新增就业人员
non-productive labor非生产劳动
non-productive labor非生产工人
non-productive labor非生产性劳动
non-wage labor cost非工资人工成本
norm for estimating labor requirements劳动定额
normal price of labor劳动的标准价格
Occupational Safety and Health Administration of Department of Labor劳动部职业安全与卫生管理局 (美国)
occupied amount of labor劳动占用量
on-the-site labor工地劳动力
on-the-spot transfer of surplus labor force就地转移劳动力
operating labor工作工人
optimum organization of labors劳动优化组合
organization of labor劳动组织
other labor expense其他人员工资
overall labor全部劳动消耗
paid labor有酬劳动
pauper labor贫困劳工
payment according to labor contributions按劳动分红
payment for labor劳动报酬
peasants voluntary labor民工建勤
planned performance rate of labor wages劳动工资计划完成率
pool of labor power劳动力资源
population not in labor force非劳动人口
port labor productivity港口劳动生产率
priced bill of labor and material工料定价单
priced bill of material and labor工料定价单
priced catalog of labor and material工料定价单
priced list of labor and material工料定价单
priced list of material and labor工料定价单
productive labor生产性劳动
productivity labor hours method生产工时法
prolonged labor滞产
prolonged secondary stage of labor二程延长
protection of child labor童工的保护
protracted labor滞产
providing labor service提供劳务
pure labor-cost theory of value纯劳动成本价值说
quantities of labor and material工料数
quantities of material and labor工料数
quota for repair labor修理劳动量定额
railway internal labor market铁路内部劳动力市场
railway labor organization铁路劳动组织
railway labor quota铁路劳动定额
railway transport labor productivity铁路运输劳动生产率
ratio of labor to cost劳动成本比率
required labor所需劳动力
restrictive labor practice限制性劳工措施
saving in labor节省劳动力
saving on labor time劳动时间的节省
saving social labor economy of social labor节约人工的投资
semi-skilled labor半熟练劳动 (力)
semi-skilled labor半熟练工人
simple labor简单劳动
site labor工地劳动力
skilled and semi-skilled labor熟练和半熟练劳动力
skilled labor熟练工 (人)
skilled labor熟练劳动
skilled labor-intensiveness of export products出口商品的熟练劳动密集程度
slack labor market萧条的劳动市场
source of labor supply人力供给来源
source of labor supply人力供应来源
spare labor force剩余劳动力
staff and labor职工
standard labor hour标准人工工时
standard labor time标准人工工时
standard of fixed number of labor定员标准
statute labor公役服务
store and yard labor仓库及堆置场劳务
sue and labor charges损害防止费用
sue and labor clause防止损害条款
sue and labor clause事故防止条款 (海上保险)
sue and labor clause施救整理条款
sue and labor clause损害防止条款 (海上保险船方的救护条款)
summary of labor cost人工成本汇总表
surplus labor剩余劳动力
system of all employees signing labor contracts全员劳动合同制
tap the labor potential发掘劳动潜力
technical labor技能劳动
the labor expense of freight transport货运人员工资
the labor expense of passenger transport客运人员工资
the organization of labor of railway enterprise铁路企业劳动组织
transferred labor转移人工
turnover labor替工
unproductive labor非生产劳动
unskilled labor生手工人
unskilled labor小工
unskilled labor壮工
unskilled labor普通工 (人)
unskilled labor非熟练工 (人)
unskilled labor简单劳动
unskilled labor粗工作
urban labor force resource城市劳动力资源
urban labor protection城市劳动保护
value of a day's labor日劳动价值
value of labor power劳工价值
value of output per unit of labor单位劳动产值
variable labor cost可变人工成本
very light physical labor极轻体力劳动
wage labor工资劳动者
wage labor雇佣劳动者
work in cooperation with a due division of labor分工合作
workers labor productivity工人劳动生产率
World Confederation of Labor世界劳工
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