
Terms for subject China containing key | all forms | exact matches only
application of key technologies关键技术应用
construction of key energy conservation project重点节能工程的实施
develop general and key energy-saving technology开发节能共性和关键技术
emphasis on key projects确保重点
expenditures on key projects重点支出
focus on key areas突出重点
give priority to key areas突出重点
identify key areas突出重点
include in the list of the key places for security列为国家重点警戒目标
key area for cooperation重点合作领域
key areas and crucial links重点领域和关键环节
key city重点城市
key class重点班
key controversial issues重大争议问题
key energy-using unit重点用能单位
key entity重点单位
key fire safety spots消防安全重点部位
key information infrastructure关键信息基础设施
key infrastructures重要基础设施
key laboratory重点实验室
key object of supervision重点监管对象
key organs核心机关
key posts主要 岗位
key safety spot安全重点部位
key school重点学校
key social and public welfare重点社会公益性
key technology and equipment重大技术、装备
key tourist city重点旅游城市
key water areas for aquaculture重要养殖水域
make a key-note speech作主旨演讲
make breakthroughs in key areas实现重点突破
non-key class非重点班
non-key school非重点学校
put more emphasis on key areas突出重点