
Terms for subject Business containing keeping | all forms | exact matches only
aid in keeping equipment record协助保管设备档案
aiding in keeping equipment record协助保管设备档案
automatic static keeping自动定位
book keeping by card system卡片式簿记
book keeping machine活页簿记机
book keeping of system簿记制度
cost keeping成本登记
evidence for keeping account记账凭证
family book-keeping家庭簿记
government book keeping政府簿记
house keeping家庭经济
house keeping工商业财产及设备保养
house-keeping account book家庭收支簿
house-keeping book家庭收支簿
house-keeping expenses家庭费用
house-keeping function辅助功能
house-keeping instruction辅助指令
house-keeping module整理操作模块
house keeping money家庭生活费用款
interest keeping保息
interest keeping insurance保息保险
keeping and handling expense保管和处理费用
keeping and handling expenses保管及装卸费用
keeping equipment record保管设备记录
keeping expense保管费用
keeping house匿居避债
keeping house躲债
keeping track of projects undergoing alterations in technology清理技术措施项目
ledger-less book keeping无分类账簿记
loading by keeping gaps空隙装载法
record keeping记录管理
record keeping档案保管
record keeping记录保管
record keeping system档案保管制度
record keeping technique簿记技术
stock-keeping unit库存保管装置
stores keeping库存材料
system of attendance keeping考勤制度