
Terms for subject Agriculture containing junction | all forms | exact matches only
adhering junction黏着连接 (junctio adherens)
anomalous junction异常接合
cell junction细胞接合
cell-cell junction细胞-细胞连接
cell-cell junction细胞间连接
desmosomal junction桥粒接合
four-way junction四通管接头
gap junction缺口接合
intercellular junction胞间连接 (junctura intercellularis)
junction and communication接合与联络
junction and communication接合与交通
junction bench mark连测水准标点
junction drain汇流排水沟
junction drain集水沟
junction drain接合排水管
junction field effect transistor结面型[电] 场效应晶体管
junction in membrane膜接合
junction of pipes管道接口
junction point接合点
junction temperature接合温度
left splice junction左剪接点
liquid junction potential液体接界电位
nature of junction接合性质
neuromuscular junction肌神经接点
presynaptic junction突触前连接
right splice junction右剪接点
septate junction有隔接合 (junctio septata)
splice junction剪接点
synaptic junction联会接合
tight junction紧密结合
trunk junction中继线连接线
type of junction接合型
ultrastructure of junction接合超微结构
warehouse for junction中继地仓库指联接地区的仓库