
Terms containing jump to | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
sport.As all the competitors tying failed, the bar is lowered to 1.92m for another jump-off由于所有成绩相等的运动员均未能跳过此高度、横杆降至 1.92 米、进行第二次试跳、以决定名次
avia.correction angle due to windage jump侧偏修正角
tech.frame-to-frame jump帧间动
gymn.free jump to rear support向前直角摆越后成后撑
gymn.free jump to rear support木中向前直角摆越成后撑
sport.He failed to clear 2.31 metres on his third trial jump他第三次试跳 2.31 米未能成功
sport.I want to enter my name for the high jump我想报名参加跳高比赛
sport.In the high jump, the bar is set at a starting height and each competitor has three chances to clear it在跳高比赛时、横杆放在最初的起跳高度上、每名选手有三次机会跳越横杆
sport.In the second part of the movements in the triple jump, the jumper continues to leap forward, landing on the other foot三级跳远动作的第二部分、运动员紧接着向前跨跳、另一只脚着地 (step)
gymn.jump backward to front support后跳成俯撑
gymn.jump backward to headstand向后跳成头手倒立
gymn.jump backward to neck-support向后跳成屈体肩胛撑
gymn.jump backward ¹⁄₂ turn to forward somersault挺身后空翻转体180° 接前空翻
gymn.jump backward ¹⁄₂ twist to front support后跳转体180° 成俯撑
gymn.jump forward to handstand向前跳起成手倒立
gymn.jump forward with one twist to momentary handstand前跳转体360° 成短暂倒立
gymn.jump forward with two twists to front support前跳转体720° 成俯撑
gymn.jump in place to squat stand by double feet原地双脚跳成蹲立
kick.volley.jump off the ground to execute the service腾空发球
sport.jump out to a commanding lead遥遥领先
interntl.trade.jump to猛涨
gen.jump to a conclusion立刻下结论
gen.jump to a conclusion匆匆作出结论
gen.jump to a conclusion冒然断定
gymn.jump to a hang跳上成悬垂
gen.jump to a hasty conclusion草草作出结论
busin.jump to conclusion妄下结论
weightlift.jump to deep squat跳跃深蹲
el.jump to external port转移到外端口
gymn.jump to forearm-support跳上成前臂撑
bridge.jump to game in major suit跳叫高花进局
bridge.jump to game in major suit跳叫高花进局
gymn.jump to handstand跳起至手倒立
gymn.jump to handstand on one arm跳上成单臂倒立
gymn.jump to knee support跳上成跪撑
sport.jump to maximum跳到最高
gymn.jump to pike stand跳上成屈体站立
gymn.jump to pike-stand跳上成屈体站立
fin.jump to record or near-record levels达到或接近创纪录水平
gymn.jump to roll forward at end or middle of beam木端或木中跳起前滚翻
gymn.jump to squat stand with the right leg跳上成屈右腿的侧弓步撑
gymn.jump to straddle stand跳上成分腿立撑
gymn.jump to straddle-stand木中跳上成分腿立撑
ITjump to subroutine转子例程
el.jump to subroutine转移到子程序
ITjump to subroutine instruction转子指令
gymn.jump to support跳上成支撑
gymn.jump to upper arm hang跳上成挂臂撑
gymn.jump to upper-arm hang跳上成挂臂撑
gymn.jump uprise backward to rest跳起后上成支撑
el.jump-to-contact phenomenon跳动碰线现象
gymn.legs lifted highly to jump over the rope in order依次高抬腿跳绳
bridge.limit jump raise to show a singleton显示有单张的限制性跳加叫
bridge.limit jump raise to show a singleton显示单张限制性跳加叫
skydive.permission to jump允许跳伞
skydive.signal for permission to jump允许跳伞信号
athlet.sink prior to the jump跳跃前降低重心
idiom.wait for the cat to jump观望形势后再作决定