
Terms for subject Nursing containing joint | all forms | exact matches only
activating joint manipulation运动关节类手法
artificial joint replacement人造关节置换术
ball and socket joint轴承关节
burns of bones and joints骨关节烧伤
cicatricial contracture at ankle joint足踝部疤痕挛缩
contusion of temporo-mandibular joint颞颌关节挫伤
degenerative joint disease变性关节病
dislocation of temporo-mandibular joint颞下颌关节脱臼
distal interphalangeal joint远侧指间关节
disturbance syndrome of temporomandibular joint颞下颌关节紊乱综合征
examination of joint mobility关节活动检查
false ankylosis of temporomandibular joint假性颞颌关节强直
hinge joint单一平面关节
hinge joint枢纽关节
joint aspiration关节抽吸术
joint position关节位置
joint stiffness关节僵直
locked joint关节交锁
measurement of range of joint motion关节运动范围度量
nursing care of dislocation of temporomandibular joint下颌脱臼护理
nursing care of tuberculosis of bones and joints骨、关节结核护理
prevention of joint deformity预防关节弯曲变形法
proximal interphalangeal joint近侧指间关节的
temporomandibular joint颞颌关节
temporomandibular joint disturbance syndrome颞下颌关节功能紊乱综合征
total joint replacement全关节置换
true ankylosis of temporomandibular joint真性颞颌关节强直
tuberculosis of bone and joint骨与关节结核
tuberculosis of elbow joint肘关节结核
tuberculosis of sacro-iliac joint结核性骶髂关节炎
tuberculosis of shoulder joint肩关节结核
two plane joint双平面关节