
Terms containing joining | all forms | exact matches only
tech.basaltic joining玄武岩节理
tech.boiler band joining bolt锅炉带圈连接螺栓
tech.boiler band joining eye bolt锅炉带圈连接眼螺栓
spacebooster joining trailer助推器对接拖车 (在技术阵地进行导弹与助推器对接用的)
agric.breakage joining model断合假说这是基因重组机制的一种假设
genet.breakage-joining model断裂-重接模型
agric.breakage joining model断合模型
el.mach.broaching and joining the coupling对轮铰孔连接
repr.biol.bull joining rate公牛配种率
repr.biol.bull joining rate公母牛比率牧区牛群中公牛对母牛的比例
anim.husb.bull joining rate公母牛比率指牧区牛群中公牛对母牛的比率,例如1:25
tech.butt joining对头接合
tech.coarse joining method毛接法
busin.date of joining service入关日期
telecom.digit joining并位自动电话
tech.edge joining adhesive边接粘胶剂
tech.edge joining adhesive对接胶
agric.end-to-end joining末端对末端连接
avia.expending joining胀接
expl.explosive joining爆炸接续
expl.explosive joining爆炸聚合
tech.explosive joining爆炸接合
tech.explosive joining爆炸连接
plast.field of joining并接技术
tech.four eyed joining piece四眼联结板
tech.frictional joining摩擦连接
plast.functional joining构造接合
tech.gasketed joining system加密封垫接头法
tech.heat joining热接合
polygr.highlight exposure ; joining-up exposure高光曝光
genet.homopolymer tail joining同聚体尾连接
plast.hot joining热粘接
tech.hot joining热接
sport.I'm a bit out of shape and I was thinking of joining your gym我身材有点走样,考虑加入你们的健身俱乐部
avia.insert joining嵌接
met.irregular joining of wire接头不良 (钢丝绳缺陷)
tech.joining balk联系木梁
tech.joining balk系梁
textilejoining band缝合带孑
tech.joining beam联结杆
tech.joining beam联系梁
tech.joining beam系梁
textilejoining bias strips接斜条
textilejoining blouse and skirt at waist缝合上身和裙子腰部
wind.joining bolt连接螺栓
bridg.constr.joining by bolts螺栓接合
hydroel.st.joining by mortise and tenon榫槽接合
archit.joining by mortise and tenon樽眼接合
tech.joining by mortise and tenon榫眼接合
tech.joining by rabbets企口接合
tech.joining by rabbets槽舌接合
tech.joining by screws螺丝接合
plast.joining by welding连接焊
textilejoining center back seam合背缝
dermat.joining chainJ 链
dermat.joining chain连接链
textilejoining collar interlining拼领衬
textilejoining crotch合前后裆缝 (seam)
textilejoining cuff and sleeve绱袖头
transp.joining device连接装置
textilejoining elastic缝合橡筋带
textilejoining elastic缝合松紧带
anim.husb.joining enzyme连接酶
anim.husb.joining enzyme接合酶
el.joining equations连接方程
textilejoining facing pieces缝合两片贴边
plast.joining force焊接力
plast.joining force连接力
textilejoining front edges合止口
mol.gen.joining geneJ基因 (J gene)
anim.husb.joining gene连接基因
genet.joining gene连接基因J 基因
mol.gen.joining gene连接基因 (分生)
anim.husb.joining geneJ 基因为连接区 J 区编码的基因
agric.joining geneJ基因
genet.joining gene segment连接基因区段
genet.joining gene segmentJ 基因区段
agric.joining gene segment连接基因节段
plast.joining glue粘接胶
textilejoining hood seam合帽缝
tech.joining indicator连接指示器
textilejoining inside seam合下裆缝
textilejoining inside seam合裙缝
tech.joining iron连接铁件
textilejoining-join up把相配的皮连在一起
textilejoining joke to shirt缝衬衫覆肩
textilejoining knitting针织缝合
mil., air.def.joining-line distribution link连接线分配链路
textilejoining mark搭头痕
telecom.joining method连接方法
tech.joining nipple接合螺管
archit.joining nipple接合螺管
tech.joining nipple接口螺管
met.joining of dissimilar materials异质材料的连接
met.joining of dissimilar materials不同材料的连接
tech.joining of microcrack微裂相接
plast.joining of plastics塑料连接
met.joining of rope钢丝绳接头
gen.joining of two dissimilar metals两种不同金属并到一起
el.joining of wires接线
el.joining of wires接合连接
construct.joining on butt对头接
hydroel.st.joining on butt对接
hydroel.st.joining on butt平接
archit.joining on butt对头接
tech.joining on butt对头接 (合)
tech.joining on skew斜向接合
textilejoining or securing seam搭头缝或保险缝
textilejoining overlap strips叠接带子缝合
textilejoining panels缝合衣片
gymn.joining part连接部分
textilejoining parts of unequal contour不等轮廓材料的缝合
tech.joining piece连接片
wind.joining pipe连接管
tech.joining plane修边包
telecom.joining point焊接点
tech.joining pointer连接指示器
tech.joining polyline封闭接线
plast.joining pressure焊缝压力
plast.joining process连接方法
genet.joining region连接区J区
agric.joining region连接区
mol.gen.joining region连接区 (J region)
mol.gen.joining regionJ 区 (J region)
agric.joining regionJ区
textilejoining right and left yoke缝合左右育克
wind.joining rivet接合铆钉
wind.joining rivet连接铆钉
textilejoining seam缝合缝
textilejoining seam接合缝
textilejoining seamline接缝线
anim.husb.joining season配种季节
anim.husb.joining season交配季节
agric.joining season交配期
tech.joining seed拼接籽晶
genet.joining segment of immunoglobulin gene免疫球蛋白基因的连接片段
tech.joining shackle锚链连接卸扣
tech.joining shop拼接工场
textilejoining shoulder缝肩
textilejoining shoulder seam合肩缝
textilejoining side seam合摆缝
textilejoining side seam合裙缝
textilejoining side seam合侧缝
textilejoining sleeve bottom合袖头
textilejoining sleeve seam合袖缝
met.joining stainless steel可焊接不锈钢
textilejoining stencil mark手工模版印花搭头印 (疵点)
auto.joining technique连接接缝工艺技术
earth.sc.joining to steam pipeline蒸汽管线连接
avia.joining together拼接
textilejoining top collar合领面
textilejoining under collar and top collar合领子
archit.joining up接线
archit.joining up连接
tech.joining-up differentially差接
tech.joining-up exposure高光曝光
telecom.joining-up in parallel并接
telecom.joining-up in series串接
textilejoining waistband and lining合腰头
textilejoining waistband to skirt接裙腰头
auto.joining wire连接线束 (harness)
tech.joining with keypiece键连接
textilejoining with overlapping strip叠接带子缝合
archit.joining with passing tenon穿樺接头
tech.joining with passing tenon穿榫接合
tech.joining with passing tenon穿榫接头
tech.joining with peg-shoulder直榫接合
tech.joining with peg-shoulder直榫接头
tech.joining with swelled tenon扩榫接合
archit.joining with swelled tenon扩樺接头
tech.joining with swelled tenon扩榫接头
tech.joining work shop装修木工车间
tech.joining yard装修木工场
tech.joining yard拼接场
textilejoining yarn缝合线
textilejoining yoke绱过肩
plast.joining zone连接区
tech.Kenter type joining shackle肯特型连接卡环
tech.mechanical joining机械方法连接
spacemechanical joining technique机械连接工艺
spacemultistation joining tracking system多站联用测量系统
avia.multistation joining tracking system多站联用追踪测量系统
textilepad joining〔工〕上衬垫
textilepad joining上衬垫
textilepad joining缝合衬里
avia.pin joining销钉连接
avia.pin joining销连接
gen.position joining并席
met.rubber glove for bar joining接电极橡皮手套
avia.screw joining螺接
water.res., ecol.sewage joining well集污水井
tech.sewage joining well污水连接井
textilesleeve joining seam拼角袖缝
textilestitching joining线缝
footb.two joining stars distribution二连星布局
textiletwo thread chain stitch joining seam and two thread overedge seam双线链状接缝与包边缝
el.ultrasonic fusion joining超声熔接
textileultrasonic melt-joining超声波熔接
oilunderwater riser joining水下立管连接
genet.VC joiningVC 连接
genet.VC joining hypothesisVC 连接假说
genet.VDJC joiningVDJC 连接
genet.VJC joiningVJC 连接
auto.weld joining焊接
tech.wire joining导线接点
tech.wire joining导线连接
tech.wood joining method木接合方法