
Terms containing jogging | all forms | exact matches only
textileawkward jog不雅观的凹凸面
athlet.cool-down jogging整理活动慢跑
met.dislocation jog位错的割阶
met.dislocation jog位错割阶 (【技】两位错交割时,当交割产生的小段位错不在所属位错的滑移面上,则称为位错割阶。)
sport.easy jog放松跑
sport.easy jogging放松慢跑
met.energy of jog割阶能量
sport.He jogs in the park every morning before going to work他每天清晨上班前都要在公园慢跑
met.intersection jog交截割阶
met.interstitial jog填隙式位错割阶
tech.jog bolt地脚螺栓
anim.husb.jog cart单座两轮马车
met.jog concentration割阶密度
mil., air.def.jog detection conical-scan jamming锥扫微动检测干扰
mil., air.def.jog detection cross-polarization检测抖动交叉极化
met.jog diffusion割阶扩散
tech.jog down嵌入
phys.jog formation in dislocation位错割阶形成
met.jog formation in dislocations位错上割阶的形成
bodybuild.jog in place原地慢跑
athlet.jog-in start of the run-up慢跑进入助跑
polygr.jog; jogging撞纸
tech.jog method缓慢进场法
tech.jog method迂回航行
textilejog seam变宽缝
athlet.jog single file成单行慢跑
steel.jog speed慢速
steel.jog speed精密送料速度
tech.jog strainer平筛
gen.jog trot小跑
equest.sp.jog trot慢步
gen.jog trot例行常规
agric.jog trot缓行
agric.jog trot缓步
gen.jog trot单调的进程
gen.jog trot缓行
tech.jog-trough conveyer振动槽式输送机
tech.jog-trough conveyer振动槽式输送器
agric.jog-trough conveyor振动槽式输送器
telecom.jogging control微动控制
sport.Jogging is good for our health慢跑对我们身体有好处
textilejogging outfits跑步套装
textilejogging outfits慢跑服
textilejogging outfits慢跑衣装
textilejogging pants慢跑长运动
sport.jogging pants慢跑运动裤
textilejogging set慢跑运动套装
textilejogging set运动套装
textilejogging shoes漫步鞋
textilejogging shoes慢跑运动
textilejogging shoes慢跑鞋
textilejogging shoes跑步鞋
sport.jogging shoes慢跑运动鞋
textilejogging shorts竞走短裤
textilejogging shorts夏天短跑裤
met.jogging speed慢动
met.jogging speed慢速度
textilejogging style慢跑服款式
textilejogging running suit跑步服
textilejogging suit慢跑服
textilejogging suit跑步装
textilejogging suit慢跑运动套装
textilejogging suit运动套装
nautic., tech.jogging track慢跑道豪华邮船
heavy.eq.jump while jogging边慢跑边跳跳绳
textileknitted jogging suit针织运动套装
athlet.light jog轻松慢跑
spaceno jogging无记录
met.non-conservative motion of jogs割阶的非守恒运动
textilenylon jogging suit尼龙运动套装
textilenylon jogging suit锦纶运动套装
athlet.post race jogging赛后慢跑
athlet.slow jog慢跑
textiletrack and jogging suit田径服
textileunisex jogging clothes男女通用的跑步装
textileunisex jogging clothes男女皆宜跑步装
textileunisex jogging suit男女通用的跑步装
textileunisex jogging suit男女皆宜跑步装
met.vacancy jog空位式位错割阶
tech.yield point jog屈服平台