
Terms containing items | all forms | exact matches only
shipb.acceptance items验收项目
textileacceptance of repeating quantities and items接受反复性订购 (同数量、同项目)
busin.acceptance of repeating quantities and items再接受数量与品种
shipb.according to mooring test program to test following items按系泊试验大纲进行下列项目试验
fin.account items帐目
busin.account items账项
busin.account items账目
fin.account items帐项
busin.account items应计项目
securit.accounting items账项
securit.accounting items账目
fin.accrued items前期债务
fin.accrued items应计项目
tech.accrued items of expenses应付费用项目
tech.accrued items of expenses应计开支项目
interntl.trade.accrued items payable应付应计项目
interntl.trade.accrued items receivable应收应计项目
busin.acquiring minor items of fixed assets零星固定资产购置
libr.acquisition of waiting list items缺本采购
avia.action items行动项目
avia.action items活动项目
fin.added items of expenditure追加支出
busin.added items of expenditure追加支出项目
tech.added items of expenditures追加支出
railw.Advanced Speech Call Items先进语音呼叫业务
avia.air force standard items and equipment空军标准项目及设备
avia.airworthiness limitation items适航限制项目
commer.All these items are unavailable for the time being所有这些商品目前暂时无货可供
econ.allocation of items项目分配
China, lawalter the relevant items擅自变更有关事项
China, lawalteration of any of the items事项变更
tech.amended items更正的项目
econ.an annotated list of items附有说明的项目表
busin.analysis by nature of cost items按费用项目性质分析
UN, tech.and items that directly or indirectly support personnel次要装备是指支助特遣队的装备,比如伙食供应、住宿、非专家通信和工程及其他与任务有关的活动
UN, tech.and items that directly or indirectly support personnel直接或间接支助人员的物品
UN, tech.and items that directly or indirectly support personnel次要装备分为两类:支助主要装备的物品
interntl.trade.annotated list of items附说明的项目表
tech.annotated list of items附有说明的项目表
securit.annual earnings per share excluding extraordinary items非常项目外的每股年盈利
fin.arbitrage items被套利项目
avia.area inspection task items区域检査工作项目
tech.big construction items大型建设项目
tech.big ticket items高价商品
busin.big-ticket items高价商品
securit.big-ticket items大额项目
econ.bonus for single items of merit单项奖金
tech.breakdown of lump sum items包干项目的分项
fin.budget items预算项目
tech.build-in items In masonry砖石工程中的嵌入件
tech.built-in items镶入设施
tech.built-in items固定装置设施
tech.bulk items list散装货物清单
interntl.trade.business items营业项目
busin.calculated in terms of comparable items按可比口径计算
gen.Can I request some items to be brought up?我能不能请您拿些东西上来?
nautic., tech.cancelled repairing items减账工程
busin.cannibalize for good items拆卸有用零件
tech.capital account items资本账户科目
busin.capital construction unit using only purchased items单纯购置的基建单位
econ., construct.capital items资金分类
interntl.trade.capital subscription items认缴股本项目
securit.cash equivalent items现金等价物项目
fin.cash items现金帐项
econ.cash items现金科目
interntl.trade.cash items现金账项
securit.cash items现金账目
securit.cash items账上现金项目
fin.cash items department现金票据处美国银行
econ.cash items department现金票据处 (美国银行)
busin.cash items department现金票据处
securit.cash items department现金票据部
busin.cash items in process of collection托收中现金
econ.cash items in process of collection在收现金项目
tech.cash items in process of collection托收中款项
securit.cash items in process of collection收款过程中的现金
busin.catalogue of necessary commodity items必备商品目录
tech.cave archaeology and paleontology items洞穴考古和洞穴古生物
China, lawchargeable business items营业收费项目
tech.check investment items审定投资项目
UN, tech.checklists or load list items清单或装载清单
fin.classification of balance sheet items资产负债表项目分类
busin.classification of balance sheet items资产负债项目分类
tech.classification of items项目分类
busin.classifying items of work划分工作项目
manag.classifying the items of work分类工作项目
busin.clear of bad items不良产品修理
securit.clearing house items票据结算行到期票据
econ.clearing items交换物件
busin.clearing items清算项目
tech.coded items条目检索号
interntl.trade.collection items收帐项目
busin.common use items共同采用品
China, lawcompensation for several items数项赔偿要求
tech.composite items综合项目
railw.compulsory monitoring items必测项目
China, polit.a law consist of parts, chapters, sections, articles, paragraphs, subparagraphs and items法律 分编、章、节、条、款、项、目
UN, tech.consumable items消费品
avia.consumable parts/items list消耗件/品清单
tech.contingent items不可预见项目
securit.contra items对冲项目
avia.contract end items合同最终项
avia.contract items specifications and schedule合同项目说明书和进度表
avia.control over limited life items限寿项目的控制
manag.convenience items方便日用项目
busin.convenience items日用品
busin.conversion cost of overstock and stockpile items超储与积压物资改制加工成本
econ.correction items订正登记
tech.correction items of magnetic measurement磁测改正项目
econ.cost items成本项目
tech.cost items费用项目
commer.cost items in overhead costs管理费用项目
tech.cost of over-stock and stockpile items超储积压物资
econ.cost outlay items成本支出
fin.cost outlay items physical assets; current non-monetary assets成本支出项目实体资产,非货币性流动资产
busin.cost outlay items成本支出项目
interntl.trade.credit items贷项
interntl.trade.credit items贷方项目
busin.credit items贷方账项
interntl.trade.critical imported items关键进口项目
busin.current items经常项目
avia.customer concerned items客户关注项目
tech.damage items损坏项目
fin.debit items借项
interntl.trade.debt items收项
interntl.trade.debt items借方项
tech.deductible items可减项目
busin.deduction of the tax-exempt items扣除免税项目
commer.deferred availability cash items递延可用现金项目
tech.deferred debit items债务项目滚存
fin.deferred debit items滚存借项
fin.deferred debit items滚存费用
busin.deferred debit items递延借项
interntl.trade.deferred debit items滚存债项
securit.deferred debit items延期借项
busin.deferred debt items递延借项
econ.deferred debt items滚存债项
busin.deferred debt items延期债务项目
securit.delayed items迟付款项
securit.delayed items递延项
securit.delayed items过期账
busin.delete of items项目删除
interntl.trade.deletion of items项目的删除
econ.deletion of items删除项目
tech.deletion of items项目删除
tech.description of items项目说明
tech.details of work items工程数量单价表
tech.details of work items工程项目明细表
UN, tech.detecting, identifying and categorizing persons or items within a range of 1,000 metres or more在1 000米或更远的范围内探测和确定人或物并将其分类
busin.determining the items of business决定营业项目
manag.determining the items of work决定工作项目
busin.determining the items of work确定工作项目
tech.developing favorable export items发展具有优越性的出口产品
avia.discrepant items-ship's record偏差项目架次记录
China, lawdiscriminatory charging items歧视性收费项目
tech.disparity items不等式项
interntl.trade.disparity items差距项目
econ.disparity items不等项目
tech.disparity items不同项目
tech.displaying items展览品
busin.distribution of items项目分布
securit.drawn against uncollected items出票人托收款项未到
China, lawdual-purpose items两用物项
fin.earnings before interest, tax, amortization and exceptional items扣除利息、税项、摊销及例外项目费用前收益
interntl.trade.entry billing of postal items邮件登记单
tech.environmental items环境项目
interntl.trade.exceptional items例外条款
interntl.trade.exceptional items例外项目
fin.exchange gain of monetary items货币性项目的汇兑收益
fin.exchange loss of monetary items货币性项目的汇兑损失
avia.exchangeability of items项目互换性
UN, tech.expendable items消费品
tech.expenditure items消耗品
tech.expenditure items开支项目
shipb.export items出口项目
securit.extraordinary and nonrecurring items临时和未发生项目
fin.extraordinary items特殊项目
econ.family of items同一类的项目
manag.family of items同一族的物料
econ.family of items同一类的物料
busin.family of stock items同族项目
China, lawfee collection items收费项目
fin.financial items金融项目
China, lawfollowing items下列事项
econ.following items not available以下各项短缺
commer.following items not available下列各项目前无货可供
busin.following items not available下列各项现在没有
avia.following items not available以下物品不能提供
commer.For all these items, we allow a flat rate of commission of 2%对所有这些商品,我们一律给予2%佣金
econ.forecasting of key balance-sheet items资产负债表各主要分项预测
fin.foreign currency monetary items外币货币性项目
fin.foreign currency non-monetary items外币非货币性项目
fin.foreign items外汇票据类
manag.fractional items allowed料项可分割
tech.funds for non-commodity items非商品资金
auto.general application items通用横向商品常指润滑油、防冻剂、轮胎等
China, polit.government revenue and expenditure items政府收支
libr.Graphic Materials: Rules for Describing Original Items and Historical Collections【美国】绘图资料著录规则
fin.hedged items被套期项目
gen.Here in the closet is a safe. You can use it if you have valuable items这边衣柜里有一个保险箱。如果您有贵重的物品,可以寄存在里面
tech.hot items热门货 (品)
tech.hydrogeologic observation items in drilling钻探水文地质观测项目
tech.hydrogeological observation items in drilling钻探水文地质观测项目
gen.I am carrying some items that will require paying a customs duty. How should I calculate the approximate duty and where should I pay the customs duty?我带了一些需要付关税的商品。我应该怎么计算这些关税呢?还有我应该怎么支付它们呢?
avia.identification of open items开口项确认
econ.idle items呆滞材料
China, lawimportant items重大事项
China, polit.important items on the agenda重要议程
China, polit.important items on the agenda for this session本次人民代表大会的大会的重要议程
railw.important monitoring items必测项目
econ.in and out items往返转账的项目
busin.in and out items往返转账项目
busin.in-clearing items交换进来的项目
interntl.trade.inclusion of items项目的列入
securit.income before extra items非常项目之前的收人
China, lawincrease fee collection items in a disguised form变相增加收费项目
econ.indeterminate engineering items未定工程项目
avia.indeterminate engineering items未确定的工程项目
econ.indirectly traded items间接贸易项目
fin.individual items个别项目
busin.individual safety items个人安全用品
avia.integration testing items and plan综合试验项目、大纲
China, lawinternational postal items国际邮递物品
commer.introduced items引进的项目
commer.introductory items市场调查导言
avia.inventory items used for production生产用库存项目
econ.invisible items无形项目
busin.invisible items账外项目
interntl.trade.invisible items of trade贸易外收支项目
econ.invisible trade items无形贸易项目
UN, tech.issue items拨发物品
fin.items applicable to principal适宜列为本金或收益的项目 (or to income)
securit.items applicable to principal适合列为本金的项目 (or to income)
busin.items below the line线下项目
securit.items covered涉及事项
manag.items do not become obsolete各项不会变为陈腐过时
China, lawitems exclusively for the postal use邮政专用品
busin.items for export as part of foreign aid出口援外项目
tech.items for export as part of foreign aid出口援外产品
China, lawitems for information disclosure信息披露事项
China, lawitems for interrogation询问事项
China, lawitems for monitoring监测项目
chem.items in stock库存物件
fin.items in tariff运价表项目
tech.items in transit在途物品
busin.items in-transit在途物品
fin.items master file库存主栏
tech.items master file库存主档
interntl.trade.items not requiring or providing cash无须动用现金的项目
busin.items of account账目
busin.items of below the line线下项目
textileitems of business贸易条件
textileitems of business经营项目
interntl.trade.items of business营业项目
busin.items of cost成本项目
textileitems of costs成本项目
busin.items of data数据项
textileitems of duty税目
interntl.trade.items of expenditure支出项目
busin.items of information信息项
textileitems of insurance承保项目
textileitems of insurance保险项目
busin.items of nonstandard stock非标准原料产品
textileitems of payment支付项目
textileitems of receipt收入项目
busin.items of repair job修理项目
shipb.items of shipyard business船厂营业项目
busin.items of stock存料项目
tech.items on display展览品
busin.items on hand现有项目
interntl.trade.items received in advance预收项目
fin.items received in advance预收款
tech.items received in advance预收款项
fin.items remitted for collection托收款项
econ.items scissored from the budget从预算中削减的项目
interntl.trade.items sent for collection托收款项
busin.items sent for collection已送出托收款项
tech.items sent for collection托收项目
China, lawitems subject to inspection检验项目
anim.husb.jumbo sausage items缝合肠衣包的特大型香肠
fin.key items重点项目
busin.key research items重点科研项目
China, polit.legislative items立法项目 (projects)
avia.life limitation items时寿项目
tech.list of bidding items招标项目
tech.list of bidding items and quantities投标项目与数量清单
econ.list of items项目清单
tech.living related items生活污水分析项目
econ.loan-purchased items贷款购买物品
econ.long-lead items历久项目
busin.loss on price reduction of overstock and stockpile items超储积压物资削价损失
China, lawmain items主要事项
UN, tech.maintenance rate means the reimbursement rate to compensate the government for maintenance costs comprising spare parts, contracted repair, and third and fourth line maintenance that is required to keep major equipment items operational to the specified standards, and return the item to operational condition upon return from the mission area保养费率是指补偿政府的保养费用的偿还费率,适用于备件、合同保养及保持主要装备运作符合特定标准并在从任务区运回时能恢复运作状态所需的第三、第四线保养
tech.major items of expenditures重大支出项目
commer.make a check of all the items in the list核对表中所有项目
avia.manufactured items supervised by customers客户监督项目
tech.measurement items测量项目
nautic., tech.minimum list of items for the inventory of hazardous materials有害物质清单最少应列项目
fin.minimum tax on items of preference优惠项目最低税额
econ.minimum tax on preference items优惠项目的最低税额
busin.minimum tax on preference items优惠项目最低税额
UN, tech.minor equipment means equipment in support of contingents, such as catering, accommodation, non-specialist communication and engineering and other mission-related activities. minor equipment is divided into two categories: items designed to support major equipment次要装备分为两类:支助主要装备的物品
UN, tech.minor equipment means equipment in support of contingents, such as catering, accommodation, non-specialist communication and engineering and other mission-related activities. minor equipment is divided into two categories: items designed to support major equipment直接或间接支助人员的物品
UN, tech.minor equipment means equipment in support of contingents, such as catering, accommodation, non-specialist communication and engineering and other mission-related activities. minor equipment is divided into two categories: items designed to support major equipment次要装备是指支助特遣队的装备,比如伙食供应、住宿、非专家通信和工程及其他与任务有关的活动
busin.minus items负项
securit.minus items扣除项目
tech.miscellaneous items杂项
avia.mission-oriented items按任务需要的硬件项目
China, lawmodification of registered items登记事项的变更
textilemonetary items货币项目
fin.monetary items货币性项目
fin.money value items current monetary assets货币价值项目货币性流动资产
fin.money-value items货币价值项目
textilemulti-items of products多品种
fin.net income before extraordinary items计算特殊项目前之净收益
fin.net income before extraordinary items扣除非常项目前净收益
econ.net income before extraordinary items扣除特殊项目前净收入
interntl.trade.non-cash items非现金项目
fin.non-cost items非成本项目
tech.non-cost items非造价项目
econ.nonexpendable items非消耗品
interntl.trade.non-monetary items非货币性项目
fin.non-recurring items非经常项目
fin.non-recurring items临时项目
econ.non-restricted items无限制性条款联合国
China, polit.notify the deputies of the date of the session and of the main items on the proposed agenda通知代表开会日期和建议大会讨论的主要事项
avia.nuclear ordnance items核军械项
tech.number of items项数
busin.number of items in a sample货样抽验项目总数
econ.number of items in a sample货样抽査项目总数
busin.number of items in a sample货样抽查项目总数
tech.observation items on testing field试验场观测项目
tech.observed items实测项目
tech.observed items观测项目
gen.Of course, we have child meal for infant which is suitable for infants less than 2 years old. Those items are easy to bite, chew and digest当然有。我们专门准备了婴儿餐。适用于两岁以下的小孩,易于咬嚼和消化
fin.off-balance-sheet items表外项目
fin.off-balance-sheet items资产负债表外项目
econ.offer a 13% rebate on these items这批货物可提供 13%的优待 (回扣)
sel.breed.optional items[可]选择项目
chem.optional items可选择项目
econ.ordinary items普通项目
econ.origin of cost items成本分项来源
busin.other items其他项目
interntl.trade.other items其它函件
busin.other items其他函件
econ.overstock and stockpile items超存积压物资
busin.overstock and stockpile items超储积压物资
busin.paired items成对项目
econ.partially crated items部分装箱物
interntl.trade.partially crated items部分装箱的货物
busin.partially crated items部分装箱货物
interntl.trade.partially encased items部分包装的货物
econ.partially encased items部分包装货物
tech.peculiar and non-standard items特殊的和非标准的项目
avia.peculiar and nonstandard items特殊的与非标准的项目
tech.perishable items易腐食品
econ.Please quote your lowest prices CIF San Francisco for each of the items below, inclusive of our 3% commission请就下列各项开报包含我方3%佣金在内的旧金山到岸最低价 (成本、保险费加运费)
econ.Please send us the missing items by air freight so as to complete the shipment请将所缺项目空运给我们,以资补足
busin.plus items正项
securit.plus items正号项目
China, lawpostal items邮递物品
busin.postal items邮件
tech.precision of format items格式项精度
interntl.trade.preliminary list of items暂定项目表
tech.prepaid items预付项目
tech.prepaid items of expenses费用预付项
interntl.trade.presentment requirements for imports and other items进口结汇保证金及其它项目净额
tech.price index of service items服务项目价格指数
fin.price level adjusted of monetary items货币项目按物价水平调整
busin.price level adjustment of monetary items货币项目物价水平调整
fin.price-level adjustment of monetary items货币项目按物价水平调整
busin.prior year adjustment items上年度调整项目
gen.Prized Swarovski crystals are usually used to create elegant items of jewelry or sculptures珍贵的施华洛世奇水晶常被打造为优雅的珠宝首饰或者雕刻品
busin.product items产品项目
avia.production stock items产品库存项目
nautic., tech.provision for doubtful items不可预见费
tech.railway survey in selected items from totality at random铁路抽样调查
China, lawregistered items注册事项
China, lawregistered items登记事项
econ.reject items拒付项目
tech.repairable items可修复部件
avia.repair/reworking of supplier items供应商项目的返修返工控制
busin.replacement of failed items失败项目替换
account.reporting extraordinary items对非常项目的报告
China, lawreturn the pledged items返还质物
railw.safety inspection facilities to items carried by passenger旅客携带物品安全检查设施
manag.salvage-value at time T for left items在时间T所剩项次的残余价值
busin.sampled items抽样项目
busin.scarce items短缺商品
econ.scheduled items预定的项目
met.scientific research items科研课题
textileseasonal items季节性项目
textileseasonal items季节性产品
tech.segmentation of fixed items principle固定项目划分原则
busin.segregation of fixed items principle固定项目划分原则
fin.segregation of items项目的划分
interntl.trade.segregation of items项目的分类
fin.segregation of items项目之分归
tech.sensitive items敏感项目
China, lawservice items服务项目
econ.Several items on your invoice are found not included in the goods arrived你方发票中有几项货物未到
shipb.ship-repair items船舶修理项目
shipb.ship-repair main items船舶主要修理项目
shipb.ship-repair plan, items and expenses船舶修理计划、项目和费用
shipb.ship's acceptance items船舶验收项目
China, polit.significant items of China's historical and cultural heritage重要历史文化遗产
China, lawsignificant items of historical and cultural heritage重要历史文化遗产
busin.similar items相同项目
tech.single-service items一次性物品
econ.small retail items小的用品
busin.small retail items小日用品
gen.Some stores even offer express lane for customers with 10 items or less有些商家会为购物数目为十件以内的顾客提供快速收银服务
econ.specific content of the items covered by the loan货款项目具体内容
econ.specific contents of the items covered by the loan贷款项目具体内容
shipb.specific contents of the items covered by the loan贷款项目的具体内容
interntl.trade.specific items具体项目
interntl.trade.specific items特殊条款
econ.specific items特殊款
busin.specific items特殊项目条款
securit.specify the relevant items of the claim说明有关债权的事项
busin.standard items and equipment标准项目与设备
busin.statement of items项目表
econ.statement of loans on capital constructions and specific items基建借款及专项借款表
China, lawstatistical investigation items统计调査项目
China, lawstatistical investigation items of a department部门统计调査项目
China, lawstatutory items for registration法定登记事项
chem.stock items库存物件
busin.sub-items of treasury account国库账科目
busin.subcontract items分包合同项目
anim.husb.sundry items杂质
anim.husb.sundry items杂物
tech.sundry items杂项
tech.sundry items杂项项目
work.fl.supplementary items补充问题
shipb.supplementary items补充项目
busin.suspended items中止项目
busin.suspense items暂停项目
tech.tally items现货工作项目及内容
shipb.tally items理货项目
interntl.trade.tax items税目
busin.tax preference items优惠税率项目
econ.taxable items税目
tech.tax-exempt items免税项目
tech.tax-exempt items allowance免税项目
avia.technical management items技术管理项目
avia.test items of system试验项目
busin.testing until all items fail整个产品失灵检验
gen.The airport will consider a depreciated value of items and often ask for receipts for things you claim to have been in the baggage机场通常会低估物品价值,并要求出示丢失物品的收据
econ.The coming of Christmas has brought about a revival of the demand for these items圣诞节到来,此类商品的需求又活跃起来
commer.The investment projects should dovetail with the items of technical renovation of existing enterprises投资项目应与现有企业技术改造项目相一致
econ.the segregation of fed items principle固定项目划分原则
econ.the segregation of items项目的划分
econ.The shop sent the items to a wrong place by mistake由于差错,商店把货物发错了地方
house.The use of electrical appliances like electric heaters and electric pads, as well as flammable items like gas cylinders is not allowed in the hostel旅舍内严禁使用电暖气、电热垫等电器设备,以及煤气罐等易燃易爆物品
gen.These items are for personal use这些东西都是私人物品
commer.These two items are identically priced这两种商品定价相同
securit.trading items期货品种
securit.trading items交易品种
econ.traffic items吸引顾客的热门货
econ.transfer items过账
econ.transfer items调拨项目
econ.transfer items转让项目
commer.transfer items过账项目
textiletransfer of budget items预算项目转用
securit.transit items托收款项
securit.transit items过手款项
econ.transitory items暂悬项目
tech.transportation cost and fee plan in terms of cost items分要素编制的运输成本费用计划
tech.transportation cost and fee plan in terms of main items按主要项目编制的运输成本费用计划
commer.two items o£ commission两笔佣金 (但可用下列形式 all commissions 所有佣金)
commer.two several items两个不同的项目
busin.unclaimed items disposition无主项目处置
securit.unclaimed items disposition无主项目的处置
econ.uncollected cash items未收妥票据
busin.uncollected cash items未收取现金项目
securit.uncollected cash items未收现金项目
commer.uncommitted items不受约束项目
tech.unforeseen items不可预见项目
UN, tech.uniform items制服套件
tech.unpredictable items不可预见项目
busin.unusual and nonrecurring items特殊偶发项目
fin.unusual and nonrecurring items异常偶发项目
securit.unusual and nonrecurring items特殊和偶发项目
UN, tech.used and expired items within first-aid kits急救包中用过和过期用品
libr.valuable non-print items有价值的非印刷品
econ.valuation items价目
commer.visible items有形项目 (与无形项目 (invisible items) 相对)
interntl.trade.visible items of international trade国际贸易有形项目
econ.We are interested in the following items of yours, viz. vanishing cream, pearl powder, face pack and hair conditioner我们对你方下列商品感兴趣,即美容霜、珍珠粉、面膜和护发素
econ.We cannot explore new items because we lack capital我们因缺乏资金而无法开发新项目
econ.We need your assurance that these items should be sent in sealed containers请保证将这些商品装入密封容器内运输
econ.What is the difference between these two tax items?这两种税目的区别是什么?
econ.What we shall discuss in the following paragraph is the nature of the business and the items proposed to be transacted我们在下面一段要讨论的是业务的性质和建议成交的商品项目
econ.Will you please send us a list of items that you import?请寄本公司一份贵公司的进口商品清单
avia.work in transit items外协项目
busin.Would you tell me the main items you export?你们主要出口的产品是什么?
econ.You have overcharged on the following items specified in your invoice No215你方第 215 号发票所列以下项目多收了费用
gen.You have to pay duty on these items你需要为这些商品付税
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