
Terms for subject Economy containing issue | all forms | exact matches only
a live issue尚在争论中的问题
a prospectus on an issue of security发行证券的计划说明
a prospectus on an issue of security发行证券的招股说明书
Ad Hoc Committee on Reform of the International Monetary System and Related Issues国际货币基金组织理事会的国际货币制度改革和有关问题特设委员会 (of the Board of Governor of IMF)
adjourn the granting of leave to issue execution改期宣布强制执行判决令
An official in the Department of Foreign Affairs will hold a press conference on the issue外交部某一官员将就这一问题举行一次新闻发布会
authorized issue against securities有保证金批准的税款
bank notes issue ordinance银行券发行条件
bond issue发行债券
bonus issue发放奖金
capital issue发行股票
capital issue集资
capital issue资本流出
capitalization issue债券股票的发行
centralized issue system纸币集中发行制
certificate issue voucher商品产地证明书
commission on issue and public offerings募债手续费
conversion issue更换债券发行 (发行新债券兑换旧债券)
conversion issue’更换债券发行发行新债券兑换旧债券
date of issue出票日
discount issue发行折扣
drawing issue instruction图纸签发说明
elastic fiduciary issue system保证发行制
elastic fiduciary issue system纸币的伸缩性
elastic limit system of notes issue银行券的伸缩性限额发行制
elastic maximum issue limit system纸币的伸缩性最高限额发行制
event at issue诉讼争执点
excess issue额外发行纸币的
excess withdrawal over issue已发行纸币的超额回笼
excluding new issue of shares无发行新股票权
expense on issue of share发行股票费用
extra-limit issue额外发行
fake debt issue虚伪的债券发行
fiduciary issue保证准备发行
fiduciary issue信用发行 (纸币)
first day of issue邮票首日封
foreign loan issue外债发行
free issue无偿交付
free issue method纸币自由发行法
government issue政府发放的补给品
government issue美国政府发给的补给品
guarantee the price of the issue公司债票发行价格保证
hot issue刚发行的
hot issue热门的
house of issue证券发行公司
house of issue公开发行证券的机构
initial issue创刊号
initial issue初次拨款
issue a summons发岀传票
issue a warning发出警告
issue bonds at a discount折扣发行债券
issue by current price时价发行
issue by denominations按面价发行
issue by tender投标发行
issue estimate发布估算
issue limit发行限额
issue margin发行极限
issue of loans发放贷款
issue price发放价
issue price新发有价证券的牌价
issue price发放率
issue prospectus发放贷款说明书
issue rate发放价
issue rate发放率
issue stocks发行股票
issue to shareholders按股分配
junior issue后续发行
live issue尚在争论中的问题
long standing issue长期存在的问题 (problem)
lottery-bearing bond issue彩票债券发行
marketable issue securities有价畅销证券
maximum issue最高发行额
maximum issue发行极度
maximum issue method最高輛发行法
monopolize currency issue统一掌管货币发行
net new issues新发行净额
new bond issues新债权发行
new capital issues新发行的资本股票
new capital issues新发行的资本股票
new foreign bond issue新的外国债务发行
new issue新发行的证券
new issue新发行股票
new issue新发行纸币等
new issue bond新发行的债券
new issue department新发行部
new issue market新发行证券市场
note issue钞票发行
note-issue monopoly货币发行垄断制
on tap issue of debenture bonds信用债劵的直接发行
open-end issue bond不定额公司债
original issue stock原始发行的股票
points in issue诉讼争执点
political issue政治问题
premium on an issue发行溢价
presently authorized to issue formal financing proposal提出正式的贷款方案
privilege of note issue发行钞票的特权
rate of issue发放价
rate of issue发行价
rate of issue发行价格
rate of issue发放率
red-herring issue非正式上市的股票
refuse to issue a visa拒发签证
revenue of issue发行收入
rights issue先买权发行
rights issue权利股发行
rights issue增股 (以优惠条件,并按比例发给公司现有股东的认股权利证书,股东如不认购,通常按相当于其溢价的价格出让该权利)
rights issue认股权证
scrip issue发放红股
security for fiduciary issue纸品发行担保 (品)
settle an issue解决争端
Singapore issues新加坡议题
special issues特别公债发行
strategic issue战略问题
system of maximum issue最高限额发行制
tap issue无限量发行
tap issue of treasury bill英国国库券的内部发行
The association shall have the right to issue transferable instruments本协会有权签发可转让证券
the extralimit issue限外发行
The organization has the following powers to issue promissory notes, bills of exchange, drafts and all kinds of obligations该机构具有下述权力签发期票、汇票、支票和各种契约
the privilege of note issue发行钞票的特权
the question at issue争论中的问题
the refunding bond issue偿债或调换债券发行
the tap issue直接发行 (指不通过证券市场而直接向政府及其他部门发行的债券)
Three companies underwrite the share issue三家公司承包这次股票的发行
to issue bond发行债券
value on issue发行价值
We are trying to find the final solution to this issue我们正在努力寻找最终解决这个问题的办法
We shall issue fully paid-up shares in the capital stock of the company to make payment我们应发行占公司股本的完全的实收股份来进行支付
We wonder if you can issue an open policy for $10.000 at a rate of about 1 % to 2% on general shipments by approval vessel to New York我们想知道你们是否按1%至2%左右保险费率对核准的船只运往纽约的杂货开具预约保单,金额约为一万美元