
Terms containing iron- back | all forms | in specified order only
tech.back iron刨刀护铁
tech.back iron背铁
el.mach.back iron磁轭
el.mach.back iron保磁衔铁
tech.back iron护铁 (木工刨刀)
tech.back iron整修刀
archit.backing up back iron刨刀护铁
house.I love the soothing sound of a steam iron as it glides back and forth removing wrinkles and sending back a clean, fresh smell蒸汽熨斗在衣服上来回滑动清除褶皱,让衣服散发出干净、清新的气息,那温和舒缓的声音我很喜欢
archit.iron-back护铁 (刨刀的)
tech.plane with back iron带盖刃刨
tech.plane with back iron双刃刨