
Terms for subject International trade containing investment | all forms | exact matches only
active investment能动的投资
additional investment追加投资
ancillary investment辅助投资
Atlantic Community Development Group for Latin America Investment Company大西洋共同体拉美开发团投资公司
Australian Finance and Investment Corp澳大利亚金融投资银行
autonomous investment自主投资
bilateral portfolio investment双边有价证券投资
board of investment投资委员会
bond investment债券投资
bond investment trust债券投资信托
businessman's investment商业性投资
capital investment基本建设投资
Caribbean Investment Corporation加勒比投资公司
center for settlement of investment disputes解决国际投资争执中心
China International Trust & Investment Corporation中国国际信托投资公讀
closed-end investment company不公开的投资公司
closed-end investment company限额型投资公司
closed-end investment company股份固定投资公司
closed-end investment company股份固定的投资公司
closed-end type investment trust资本额固定投资信托
closed-end type investment trust闭锁投资信托
commercial investment trust company商业投资信托公司
competitive investment竞争投资
conscience investment道德投资
contractual investment合同性投资
contractual type investment trust合同式投资信托
Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States关于解决各国和其他国家的国民之间的投资争端的公约
current investment当前投资
current investment本期投资
current investment流动投资
current investment短期投资
dics-debt investment conversion scheme债务投资兑换计划
direct foreign investment直接国外投资
direct investment flows直接的投资流动
direct private investment私人直接投资
diversified investment多样化投资
dollar investment pool"美元投资"帐户
domestic investment国内投资
encourage of foreign investment鼓励外国投资
entry controls relating to foreign investment控制外围投资流入
equity investment股票投资
equity-type investment资本性投资根据美国小企业投资法,向小企业提供资金,主要协助小企业的成长与繁荣
ex ante investment有意识的投资
export investment出口投资
fixed capital investment固定资本投资
fixed interest investment固定利息投资
fixed investment固定负债
fixed investment固定投资
fixed-interest investment固定利息投资
foreign investment国外投资
foreign investment translationals外国投资跨国公司
gestation period of investment投资酝酿阶段
government investment政府投资
gross domestic investment国内投资总额
gross investment投资总额
gross investment总投资
gross private domestic investment私人国内投资总额
gross private fixed investment私人固定资产投资总额
high-priority investment projects重要优先投资项目
housing investment guaranties房屋投资保证
income from investments投资收益
income on investment投资收益
indirect investment间接投资
induced investment诱致投资
initial capital investment创办资本投资
innovating-type investment创新的投资
intensive investment集约投资
interest on investment投资利息
international centre for settlement of investment disputes国际投资争执调处中心
international equity investment国际证券投资
international investment国际投资
International Investment Insurance Association国际投资保险机构
international investment trust国际投资托拉斯
intra-African investment非洲内部投资
introduction of foreign investment引进外国投资
inventory investment存货投资
inventory investment cycle存货投资周期
investment abroad国外投资
investments abroad对外投资
investment account投资账
investment adviser投资顾问 (or consultant)
investment allowance投资减免税
investment appraisal投资估价
investment assets投资资产
investment association投资协会
investment banker证券包销商
investment banking firm投资公司
investment boom投资景气
investment boom投资高涨
investment buying投资购买
investment center投资中心
investment corporation投资公司
investment currency market投资通货市场
investment dislocation投资失当
investment expenditures投资开支
investment function投资函数
investment fund投资基金、
investment goods投资设备
investment goods投资货物
investment guarantee投资保证
investment guaranty program投资保证计划保证投资得到一定利润和不受损失的计划
investment house投资公司
investment in enterprise企业投资
investment in foreign countries国外投资
investment in human capital人力资本投资
investment in public sector公共部门投资
investment in securities证券投资
investment incentives投资刺激
investment intention投资意图
investment interests投资股权
investment ledger投资分类账
investment market投资市场
investment multiplier投资乘数
investment of reserves准备金投资
investment of sinking fund偿债基金投资
investment-oriented project以投资为目标的项目
investment outlays投资支出
investment per capita人均投资
investment portfolio投资业务
investment programs投资计划
investment promotion促进投资
investment rates投资率
investment reference services投资参考事务
investment reserves准备金投资
investment reserves投资准备金
investment securities traded投资证券买卖
investment tax credit投资赋税优惠企业因投资而在缴税方面得到的优惠
investment trust投资信托
investment value投资价值
investments abroad国外投资
investments not traded in the market which were valued at their cost不在市场买卖而按成本计值的投资
joint investment联合投资
joint venture investment合营企业投资
joint venture investment联合经营投资
joint venture investment短期合伙投资
joint ventures with Chinese and foreign investment中外合资经营
key-industries investment trust基础工业投资托拉斯
land investment co.地产公司
liquid investments短期投资
liquid investments临时投资指对有价证券的投资
liquid investments流动投资
make an investment投资 M 于N (of M)
make an investment在N上投资 (of M, M)
make an investment投资
making an investment to secure an interest投资合伙
management investment company经理制投资公司
management investment company管理投资公司
management-investment company经理制投资公司
marginal investment边际投资
market value of investment securities投资证券的市值
mutual investment company共同投资公司
mutual investment company合股投资公司
National Investment Commission利比里亚国家投资委员会 (Liberia)
negative investment减少投资
negative investment负投资
net foreign investment国外投资净额
net investment投资净额
net investment净投资
new investment新投资
Nordic Investment Bank北欧投资银行
open-end investment company追加型投资公司
open-end investment company股份不定投资公司
open-end investment company公开投资公司
open-end investment company mutual fund company随时买卖证券的投资公司
original investment原投资额
over investment theory投资过多学说
overseas investment海外投资
Overseas Private Investment Corporation海外私人投资公司
overseas private investment corporation海外私人投资
package investment一揽子投资
pattern of investment投资形式
pattern of investment投资格式
payable for investment securities purchased买入投资证券应付款项
permanent investment永久投资
permanent investment长期投资
phasing of industrial investments分阶段工业投资
plant and equipment investment厂房和设备投资
portfolio foreign investment国外有价证券投资
portfolio foreign investment有价证券的国外投资
portfolio investment间接投资
portfolio investment有价证券投资
portfolio of investment股资清单
pre-investment assistance投资前援助
pre-investment programmes投资前方案
pre-investment project投资前项目
private direct foreign investment私人对外直接投资
private direct investment私人直接投资
private foreign investments外国私人投资
private investment私人投资
Private Investment Co., for Asia, S.A.亚洲私人投资股份公司
private investments私人投资
productive investment生产投资
profit and loss on securities and investments证券及投资损益
prudent investment明智投资、审慎投资
public investment政府投资
public investment expenditure公共投资支出
public investment expenditure政府投资支出
public investment program公共投资计划
public investment program政府投资计划
public investments政府投资
public investments公共投资
rate of gross investment总投资率
rate of investment投资率
rate of return on new investment新投资所得率
ratio of gross investment to gross national product总投资对国民总产值的比率
Real Estate Investment Trust不动产投资信托公司
replacement investment更新投资
replacement investment更换投资
reproductive investment of capital再生产投资
return on investment投资报酬率
risk investment风险投资
routine-type investment死板的投资
sales of investment securities出售投资证券
sectoral distribution of investment按部门的投资分配
securities and investments证券及投资
securities investment trust证券投资信托
share and property investment证券地产投资
short term investment短期投资
sinking fund investment偿债基金投资
size-investment ratio规模投资比率
small business investment company小型企业投资公司
small-business investment company小企业投资公司
specific piece of private foreign investment外国私人投资的特定项目
speculative investment投机活动
State Investment Bank Turkey国家投资银行土耳其
stock investment trust股票投资信托
Task Force on Private Foreign Investment对外私人投资特别工作组
tax incentives for investment投资税收减让
tax investments避税投资
temporary investments临时投资指对有价证券的投资
temporary investments临时投资
temporary investments短期投资
the European Investment Bank of Brussels and Luxembourg布鲁塞尔和卢森僅欧洲投资银行
total investment总投资
trade investment商业投资
treasury investment and loan国库投资与借款
trust investment投资信托业
trust investment信托投资
trust & investment corporation信托投资公司
trustee in investment受托人投资
turnkey investment启钥投资
unit investment trust单位投资信托公司
volume of foreign investment国外投资额