
Terms for subject Securities containing investment | all forms | exact matches only
Administrative Measures on Operation of Securities Investment Fund证券投资基金运作管理办法证监会制定
aggregated amount of investment投资总额
alternative investment另类投资工具
alternative investment替代投资
alternative investment market替代投资市场
alternative investment market备选投资市场
amortization of discount on long term investment长期投资折价摊还
amortization of premium on long term investment长期投资溢价摊还
assets of securities investment fund证券投资基金的资产
authorized investment核准的投资项目
authorized investment经授权代办投资
Automated Real-time Investments Exchange Ltd.自动实时投资交易所该交易所通过计算机处理大宗证券交易
Automated Real-time Investments Exchange Ltd.阿瑞尔
automatic investment自动投资
automatic investment plan/program自动投资计划
automatic stock investment plan自动股票投资计划
average rate of return on investment投资平均收益率
balanced investment strategy平衡投资策略平衡投资组合风险及回报的方法
basic investment基本投资
blindness in investment盲目投资
bootstrap investment自力更生投资
broad investment-grade bond index广泛的投资级债券指数
broaden investment channels拓宽投资渠道
Central Huijin Investment Ltd.中央汇金投资有限责任公司
Central SAFE Investment Ltd.同"Huijin"中央汇金投资有限责任公司
certified investment management consultant注册投资管理顾问
certified securities investment analysts注册证券投资分析师
chartered investment consultant特许投资顾问
chartered investment counsel注册投资咨询师
Chinese Association of Securities Investment Funds, the中国证券业协会基金公会
collective investment fund联合投资基金
collective investment scheme欧式集体投资计划公司
collective investment schemes on the internet互联网上集体投资计划
committed amount of foreign investment外方承诺的投资金额
contribute the right to the use of land as part of its investment以土地使用权人股
debt investment with equity kicker element带股权衍生因素的直接投资
decrease of long term investment减少长期投资
default and recovery values in asset backed investment资产担保投资违约价值和偿还价值
deferred investment推迟投资
deferred investment延期投资
delegate of the investment manager投资经理代表
direct equity investment at mezzanine stage在中间阶段进行直接股本投资
direct investment dividends直接投资股利
direct investment funds直接投资资金
direct investment interest直接投资权益
discretionary investment management operation全权委托投资管理运作
discretionary management of collective investment全权管理集体投资
dual effect of investment投资的双效应
dual-purpose investment company双重目标投资公司
dumbbell investment哑铃式投资
earnings on investment投资收人
emotion investment情绪化投资
employee investment plan员工投资计划
employment investment员工投资 (计划)
European Investment Trust欧洲投资信托证券
exclusive investment独资
exclusive investment单股
exempt investment adviser获豁免的投资顾问
expanding investment扩大投资
expense attributable to the investment income因投资收人而发生的费用
extensive investment外延的投资
feasibility studies reports for direct investments直接投资可行性研究报告
fees and royalties from direct investments直接投资的费用和特许权使用费
flow of investment投资流量
forms of investment投资方式
fulfilling tasks with fixed amount of investment执行投资包干
future investment opportunity未来投资机会
general management investment company综合管理投资公司
generic-investment-style indices普通投资风格指数
global investment performance standard全球投资业绩标准
global investment strategy全球投资战略
gold indexed investment黄金指数投资
gold linked investment黄金关联的投资
gold-linked investment黄金关联投资
greenfield investment新投资项目
haphazard investment盲目投资
high demand for investment需求过热
high leveraged investment高比率贷款投资
high leveraged investment高杠杆效应投资
high priority investment project优先投资项目
hold investment in bond以债券形式投资
holding company for investment投资性控股公司
illiquid investment非现金投资
impair investment亏损投资
incorporating foreign direct investment吸收外商直接投资
independently raise investment自筹资金投资
individual investment adviser个人投资顾问
informed investment decision信息充分的投资决定
innovating-type investment创新型投资
institutional organization of industrial investment credit工业投资信贷机构组织
investment adjustment rules unaffected未受影响的投资调整规则
investment advertisement投资广告
investment advice投资意见
investment advice投资咨询服务
Investment Adviser Act of 19401940 年投资顾问法
investment adviser representative投资顾问代表
investment adviser/advisor投资顾问
investment adviser's partnership投资顾问合伙人
investment advisers' reports on stock prices投资顾问对股票价格的报告
Investment Advisers Supervision Coordination Act投资顾问监督协调法
investment advising投资咨询服务
investment advisory opinions投资顾问的意见
investment advisory team投资顾问团队
investment advisory team投资顾问组
investment allowances投资补贴
investment allowances投资税减免
investment along proper lines朝正确方向投资
investment along proper lines沿正确路线投资
investment and borrowing restrictions投资及贷款限制
investment arrangement in relation to property other than securities非证券财产投资安排
investment bank证券包销商
investment bank collapsed倒闭的投资银行
investment bank relied on commercial paper market依赖于商业票据市场的投资银行
investment banker证券承销商
Investment Bankers Association投资银行商协会
Investment Bankers Association证券包销商协会
investment banking投资银行服务
investment banking fees投资银行业的收费
investment banking firm投资银行
investment banking house投资银行公司
investment basis投资基准
investment benchmark投资基准
investment bill汇票
investment binge投资热潮
investment binge投资狂热
investment boutique小证券商
investment buying投资收购
investment certificate投资凭证
investment choice投资选择
investment client投资客户
investment club投资集团
investment coefficients投资系数
Investment Company Act of 19401940 年投资公司法
Investment Company Amendments Act of 19701970 年投资公司修正法案
Investment Company Institute投资公司学会
investment consulting company证券顾问
investment contractural plan投资契约计划
investment control mechanism投资制约机制
investment credit投资纳税减免
investment credit rating投资信用评级
investment criteria投资标准
investment decision process投资决策过程
investment demand schedule投资需求曲线图
investment discount投资贬值
investment discretion投资自由决定权
investment dislocation投资失误
investment diversification投资多样化
investment effect投资效应
investment error投资失误
investment estimates投资估算
investment estimates投资估计
investment executive投资主管
investment executive投资执行人
investment feature投资特点
investment financed投资资金筹措
investment firms as partners作为合伙人的投资银行
investment fitting the needs of funds资金需求配套投资
investment fitting the needs of funds满足资金需求的投资
investment for nonproductive purposes非生产性目的的投资
investment function投资作用
investment fund management company投资基金管理公司
investment funds management投资基金管理
investment goods投资实物
investment grade投资级
investment grade bonds投资级债券
investment-grade debt投资级别债务
investment-grade preferred stock投资级别优先股
investment-grade rating投资级别信用评级
investment grade ratings投资信用等级
investment-grade security投资级别证券
investment guaranty program保证投资不受损失的方案保证投资得到一定利润和不受损失的计划
investment guru投资巨头
investment guru投资权威
investment holdings投资控股
investment holdings投资持有股份
investment horizon投资期限
investment horizon effect投资期限效应
investment impairment allowance投资亏损补贴
investment implementation投资执行
investment implementation投资落实
investment implementation投资实施
investment in a partially-owned subsidiary对合资子公司的投资
investment in a wholly-owned subsidiary对独资控股子公司投资
investment in additional current assets追加流动资产的投资
investment in affiliates对联营附属公司投资
investment in associates对联营公司投资
investment in breadth扩大投资
investment in capital account资本账户上的投人
investment in capital goods基本设备投资
investment in capital of affiliated concerns投人到附属公司的资本
investment in default投资于信用较差的项目
investment in default对信用差的债券的投资
investment in education教育投资
investment in infrastructure基本建设投资
investment in intangible property无形财产投资
investment in outside start-ups投资于新建企业
investment in outside start-ups投资于外部新建企业
investment in outside unit对外单位投资
investment in productive capacity per unit单位生产能力投资额
investment in productive enterprise对生产企业投资
investment in property对房地产投资
investment in protective project保护性项目投资
investment in stock投资股票
investment in stock of affiliated company对附属公司的股票投资
investment in subsidiary对附属企业的投资
investment in technological upgrading技术改造投资
investment in the business对工商企业的投资
investment in the development of talent智力投资
investment in the development of talent人才开发投资
investment incentive law奖励投资条例
investment incidental advice附加投资意见
investment income投资收人
investment income of non-financial listed company非金融类上市公司投资收益
investment income ratio投资收人比率
investment income surcharge投资所得附加税
investment intermediary投资中介机构
investment intermediary投资中介
investment invitation引资
investment invitation招股
investment lag投资的时间滞后
investment law投资法律
investment letter投资函发行人与投资者之间签署的协议,投资者保证购股后持股时间
investment letter投资保证书
investment letter stock投资登记股票
investment level movement投资水平变化
investment limit投资限制
investment-linked assurance schemes与投资有关的人寿保险计划
investment-linked product投资关联产品
investment-linked savings plan与投资关联的储蓄计划
investment liquidity投资的流动性
investment makeup投资构成
investment management regulatory organization投资管理监管组织
investment management regulatory organization投资管理监督组织
investment management style投资管理风格
investment manager's regulatory authority投资经理监管机构
investment media/medium投资媒介
investment methodology decision matrix投资方法决策矩阵
investment methods投资方法
investment middleman投资居间人
investment mix资产混合
investment multiplier effect投资乘数效应
investment-national income ratio投资与国民收人比率
investment-net income ratio投资与纯收人比率
investment norm投资规范
investment of foreign capital国外资本投资
investment of foreign capital外资投人
investment of fund基金投资
investment of fund资金投资
investment of money货币投资
investment of reserves储备投资
investment opportunity schedule投资机会安排
investment opportunity schedule投资机会一览表
investment opportunity set投资机会集合
investment options投资期权
investment orientation投资导向
investment orientation投资定向
investment-oriented project以投资为导向的项目
investment paradigm shift投资思维习惯的变迁
investment paradigm shift投资方式的变化
investment peer comparison投资同业比较
investment performance requirement投资业绩要求
investment philosophy投资哲学
investment pipeline投资顺序
investment pipeline投资先后安排
investment pipeline投资管道
investment policy statement投资政策声明
investment policy statement投资政策报告
investment pool投资联合
investment pool投资池
investment pool投资集合
investment portfolio manager投资组合经理
investment powers资金投资受托人的权力
investment powers投资权力
investment priority优先投资项目
investment process投资程序
investment product金融产品
investment project proposal投资项目建议书
investment promotion agreement促进投资协议
investment propensity投资偏好
investment property以获取利润为目的的不动产
investment property投资性资产
investment proposals投资建议
investment protection fund company投资保护基金公司
investment-purchase register购人有价证券登记簿
investment pyramid投资金字塔 (资金配置结构如金字塔一样的投资配置方案)
investment quota投资限额
investment reserve投资储备
investment resource投资资源
investment restriction投资限制
Investment risk mechanism投资风险机制
investment schedule投资计划
investment security traded交易的投资证券
investment, services directive投资服务指令欧盟
investment services directive投资服务指令欧盟
investment shares投资股票
investment situation投资情况
investment skeleton投资残骸不能达到预计目的的证券
investment spending投资花费
investment stock投资性股份
investment stock投资性股票
investment stock价高利低但可靠的投资性股票
investment strategies投资策略
investment strategy committee投资策略委员会
investment style投资风格
investment subject投资主体
investment success concepts投资成功概念
investment success concepts投资成功的要诀
investment supervisory service投资监督服务
investment tax credit投资税收减免
investment tax credit投资税收优惠
investment that returns good profits回报高的投资
investment that returns good profits利润大的投资
investment thirst disease投资饥渴症
investment to invest投资诱因
investment trust投资托拉斯即合股投资公司
investment trust on security证券投资信托
investment under the plan计划内投资
investment valuation model投资估值模型
investment value model应得投资价值模型
investment value of a convertible security可转换证券投资价值
investment vehicle投资媒介
investment venture风险投资公司
investment venture创业投资公司
investment verification report验资报告
investment volume投资额
investment watch list投资监督名单
investment watch list投资监督表
investment worthy of compensation应得报酬的投资价值
investment year interest rate投资年度收益率
investment yield投资收益
investments classifiable as current assets作为流动资产的投资
investments classifiable as current assets归属流动资产的投资
investments in brain智力投资
investments in real estate房地产项目投资
investments made in exclusive technical secrets排他性技术机密投资
investments made in exclusive technical secrets独家技术秘密投资
involuntary investment非自愿的投资
inward investment国内投资
inward investment外地投资
irrational investment behaviors非理性投资行为
Japan rating & investment information, Inc.日本信贷评级与投资信息公司
Japan Securities and Investment Trust Association日本证券与投资信托协会
joint ventures involving Chinese and foreign investment中外合资企业
key industries investment基础工业投资
key investment personnel关键投资人员
key investment project重点投资项目
land counted as investment土地作价投资
listed collective investment schemes上市集体投资计划
listed investment上市投资
listed securities investment fund上市证券投资基金
loan and investment adjusted已调整的贷款和投资
loan for financial investment财务投资贷款
loan investment债券投资
loans and investments adjusted调整后的贷款和投资
local investment地方投资
local investment company bond地方投资公司债券
losing control of investment of financial derivatives投资金融衍生产品失控
lump sum investment一揽子投资
lump sum investment整笔投资
make optimal investment decision最佳投资决定
make the investment yield results使投资产生效益
make transenterprise, transsectoral and transregional investment跨企业、跨行业、跨地区投资
management focus on return of investment管理重点在投资回报
mental accounting investment pyramid投资心理账户金字塔
method of standard profit rate of investment标准投资利润法
mishandling of investment order forms不当地处理投资订单
model of standalone investment bank独立投行业务模式
modem investment theory现代投资理论
modern investment theory现代投资理论 (MIT)
multiple investment多元投资
mutually exclusive investment相互独家投资
mutually exclusive investment排他的互斥投资
mutually exclusive investment decisions相互斥资决定
mutually exclusive investment decisions相互独家投资决定
National Association of Investment Banks ANBID, Brazil全国投资银行公会巴西
National Association of Investment Clubs美国投资俱乐部协会
National Association of Investment Clubs投资俱乐部协会
National Association of Real Estate Investment Trust asset values不动产投资信托协会资产价值
National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts全美房地产投资信托协会
National Association of Real Estate Investment Trusts不动产投资信托协会
National Association of Securities Dealers and Investment Managers全国证券交易商和投资经营者协会
national investment funds全国投资资金
nature of investment投资性质
net international investment国际投资净额
net investment income投资收人净额
net investment income证券投资净收益
net investment income per share每股净投资收人
net present value of future investments未来投资净现值
new investment technology新投资技术
number of securities investment fund证券投资基金种类数量
offer of investment投资要约
optimize investment structure优化投资结构
other investment其他投资项目
outlet for investment投资网点
package investment打包投资
PE investment私募股权投资
percent return on investment投资百分比回报率
permissible investment核准的投资
pooled investment vehicle集体投资工具
pooled investment vehicle集合投资工具
portfolio foreign investment多元国外投资
portfolio foreign investment国外证券组合投资
portfolio investment多元投资
primary investment高质量投资
primary investment高收益投资
priority of investment投资顺序
public investment政府投
public market investment公开市场投资
public-format investment上市公司格式化投资
publicized investment target上市的投资目标
radical change for Wall Street investment banks华尔街投行最为剧烈的转变
rate of return on investment投资回报率
rate of return on new investment新投资回报率
realize returns on an investment实现投资回报
recognized investment exchange认可的投资交易所
recognized investment scheme认可的投资计划
recommended investment decision推荐的投资决策
recovery period of added investment追加投资回收年限
registered exempt investment adviser豁免注册的投资顾问
registered investment adviser注册的投资顾问
registered investment advisers' partnership注册的投资顾问合伙
registered investment company注册的投资公司
registered investment representative注册的投资代表
REIT equity investment不动产投资信托股本投资
REIT investment strategy不动产投资信托投资策略
repayment of the investment and interest还本付息
report on risk assessment for investments投资风险评估报告
restricted investment受限制投资项目
Reuters monitor equity investment service路透社证券投资信息服务
risk free investment无风险投资
risk investment product风险投资产品
risk premium on investment投资的风险溢价
risk-adjusted investment performance风险调整投资业绩
savings and investment theory储蓄与投资理论
savings investment equilibrium储蓄投资平衡
Securities and Investment Board SIB UK证券和投资管理局
Securities and Investments Board证券和投资管理局
securities held for investment投资证券
securities investment adviser证券投资顾问
securities investment consulting organization证券投资咨询机构
securities investment fund custodian证券投资基金托管人
Securities Investment Fund Law证券投资基金法
securities investment fund management corp.证券投资管理公司
securities investment fund management institution证券投资基金管理机构
securities investment trust enterprises fund manager证券投资信托公司基金经理
self-liquidating investment还本生息的投资
self-managed investment scheme自行管理投资计划
sharebuilder investment plan建仓者投资计划
single collective investment scheme单一集体投资计划
social responsibility investment社会责任投资
specialized investment fund专项投资基金
specialized investment fund特殊性投资基金
split capital investment分割式资本投资
split investment company分割式投资公司
split level investment trust两级投资信托
spread of investment投资分布
steep rise in investment投资猛增
steep rise in investment投资大幅度增长
sterile investment无利投资无任何收益的投资
study of investment opportunity投资机会研究
study report for investment feasibility可行性投资研究报告
synthetic investment合成投资
systematic investment plan系统投资计划
take the initiative in making middle and long term investment自主进行中长期投资
target investment定向投资
target investment mix目标投资组合
tax free investment免税投资
tax on net investment income投资净收人税
tax shelter investment税收减免优惠投资
tax-advantaged investment有税收优势的投资
temporary investment暂时投资
terms and conditions for investment participants投资参予人规定与条件
the CASIF Chinese Association of Securities Investment Fund中国证券业协会基金公会
trade and investment liberation and facilitation贸易和投资自由化和便利化
trade investment行业投资
trade investment同行投资
trust and investment business信托和投资企业
trust investment company信托投资公司
turnover of securities investment fund证券投资基金成交金额
unawareness of investment risk投资风险意识薄弱
unawareness of investment risk无投资风险意识
unregulated collective investment scheme不受监管的集体投资计划
value investment价值投资
value investment concept价值投资概念
value line investment services价值线投资服务公司
Value line investment survey价值线投资调查
value line investment survey价值线投资调查评估按证券的盈利及价格波动,把证券分为五类:最高等级、次高等级、平均等级、次低等级和最低等级。价值线综合指数是按这样的1700种证券计算所得出的股价指数
variable interest investment浮息投资
variable ratio investment plan可变比率投资计划
venture capital investment风险资本投资
venture capital/private equity investment风险投资/私募权益投资
warrant investment权证投资
withdraw investment撤资
withdraw investment撤销投资
Working Party 5 on Investment Management IOSCO投资管理的第5号工作小组国际证监会组织
zero investment零投资
zero investment零投人
zero investment无资金投人
zero investment portfolio零投资组合证券
zero investment supply零投资供应
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