
Terms for subject Commerce containing investment | all forms | exact matches only
accounting return on investment投资账面报酬
aggregate investment总投资
Association of Investment Trust Companies英国投资信托公司协会
broad investment proposition粗略投资建议
By careful investment of his capital, he obtained a good income因其稳妥投资,他获得极好收入
Canadian Pacific Investment, Ltd.加拿大太平洋投资公司
check investment item核定投资项目
China Industry and Commerce Trust and Investment Corporation中国工商信托投资公司
classification of investment投资分类
closed-end investment company股份固定投资公司 (与股份不定投资公司 (open-end investment company) 相对)
closed-end investment fund定额投资基金
Commission to Regulate Foreign Investment中国外国投资管理委员会
Committee on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises国际投资及跨国企业委员会
contribute the right to use land as part of investment以土地使用权作为投资入股
Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nationals of Other States解决国家间与各国国民间投资争执公约
counter investment反投资
cover for investment overseas海外投资保险 (E.C.G.D 英国出口信贷署承保没收险,战争险及限制汇款险)
creditor's investment债权投资
current investment短期投资 (指有价证券 (marketable securities) 的投资)
default in investment投资违约
defensible investment正当投资
defensive investment竞争性抗衡投资
diversified investments多种投资
effect of investment投资效益
effectiveness of investment投资有效性
effects of investment投资效果
efficiency of capital investment资本投资效率
entry of portfolio investment有价证券投资记录
estimate of investment cost投资费用估算
European Investment Casters Federation欧洲投资者联合会
European Investments Bank欧洲投资银行
expanding investment扩展中的投资
expansion investment扩展投资
extra-budgetary investment国家预算外投资
favourable investment legislation投资法的优惠条款
financing of investments投资筹措
fix an amount of investment确定投资额
fixed capital investment固定资产投资
fixed investment固定投资 (指土地,厂房,设备,工艺投资)
foreign investment laws外国投资法
General Investment Corporation加拿大投资总公司
guaranteed investment受保障的投资
hazardous investment冒险的投资
He cashed in on his real-estate investments他在不动产投资中赚了钱
high demand for investment对投资的高度需求
induced investment诱发的投资
initial capital investment初期资本投资
initial fixed investment初期固定投资
intensive investment集约化投资
International Association for the Promotion of Private Foreign Investments国际促进及保护私人国外投资协会 (缩为 APPI)
International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes国际解决投资争端中心
International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes解决投资争议国际中心
International Investment Insurance Association国际投资保险协会
international trust and investment corporation国际信托投资公司
introduction of foreign investment引进外资
investment allowances投资减税
investment bonds投资性债券
Investment Commission联合国投资委员会
Investment Company Act美国投资公司法
investment cost for civil engineering works土木工程投资费用
investment cost for equipment设备投资费用
investment cost for land and site preparation土地购置及厂址准备投资成本
investment cost for technology and equipment工艺设备投资成本
investment criterion投资标准
investment effect coefficient投资效果系数
investment estimate投资估价
investment expenditure投资支出 (与生产支出 (production expenditure) 相对)
investment expenditure投资支岀
investment guarantee agreement投资保证协定
Investment Guaranty Program美国投资保证计划
investment in affiliates对联营公司的投资
investment in education智力投资
investment in housing住宅建设投资
investment in intangible property无形财产投资 (与有形财产投资(investment in tangible property) 相对)
investment in public sector公用部门投资
investment in the business工商企业投资
investment incentive law鼓励投资法
investment item投资项目
investment multiplier effect投资乘数效果
investment multiplier theory投资乘数理论
investment outlay and sales revenue投资支出与销售收入
investment phase投资时期 (包括:规划与工程设计 (project and engineering designs)、谈判与签约 (negotiation and contracting)、建筑施工 (construction)、工厂投产 (plant commissioning)、培训 (technical training))
investment plan投资规划
investment privileges投资特殊优惠
investment profitability analysis投资利润率分析
investment project投资规划
investment proposal投资建议
investment rate of return投资收益率
investment shares股票投资
investment tax credit投资税抵免
investment trust on securities投资证券信托
Investors should diversify their investments投资者应做多种投资
Kuwait Investment Co科威特投资公司
long-term investment长期投资 (亦指资本资产 (capital asset))
miscellaneous investments各种投资
miscellaneous investments杂项投资
model of input-output in investment投资的投入产岀模型
mutual investment company发行随时可换成现款的股票投资公司
mutual investment fund共同投资基金
National bonds are a safe investment公债是一种安全可靠的投资
national investment company国家投资公司
national investment legislation国家对投资的立法
net foreign investment外用投资净额
new investment proposal新投资建议
non-priority sectors of investment非优先投资部门
off-shore investment centre海外投资中心
open-end investment company股份不定投资公司 (指共同基金公司 mutual fund company)
original investment原投资金额
output investment ratio产岀投资比率
over-investment in fixed assets过多固定资产投资
Overseas Development Investment Co.海外开发投资公司 (美国)
Overseas Private Investment Corporation美国海外私人投资公司
payback on investment投资回收
payback period of investment投资回收年限
permanent investment长期投资 (亦指资本资产 (capital asset))
plan for investment in fixed assets固定资产投资计划
planned investment计划内投资
present value of investment required所需投资现值
present value of the investment required所需投资现值
profitability of the total investment总投资盈利率
profitable investment获利投资
rate of total investment总投资率
real investment产权投资
Regulations on Labour Management in Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment中外合资经营企业劳动管理规定
Regulations on the Registration of Joint Ventures Using Chinese and Foreign Investment中外合资经营企业登记管理法
replacement investment更新改造投资
reproductive investment再生产投资
research and development investment研究与发展投资
return of capital investment投资收益率
Saudi Investment Banking Corporation沙特阿拉伯投资银行公司
scope and depth of the pre-investment study投资前研究的广度与深度
short-term investment短期投资 (指有价证券 (marketable securities) 的投资)
short-term investment pools短期投资组合
size and composition of investment and production costs投资费用及生产成本的数额与构成
socialized network of investment社会化投资网络
sole investment独家投资
specific investment cost单位投资成本
standard recouping year of investment标准投资回收年限
standard recovery period of investment标准投资回收年限
Stock Convention and Investment Trust英国证券兑换投资信托公司
stock investment股票股份投资
sum of investment in fixed assets used固定资产投资完成额
swap and investment换汇与投资
temporary investment短期投资 (指有价证券 (marketable securities) 的投资)
The accuracy of estimates of investment and production costs varies greatly at different stages: at the opportunity study, it is ± 30%不同阶段的投资费用与生产成本估算精确度不同:机会研究阶段为±30%,初步可行性研究阶段为 ±20%,可行性研究阶段为±10%
the amount of one's investment on commencing business开业投资额
The investment brings us in 5 percent interest这项投资可使我方获取5%盈利
The investment projects should dovetail with the items of technical renovation of existing enterprises投资项目应与现有企业技术改造项目相一致
total initial investment outlay初期投资支岀总额 (指 total initial investment costs (项目)初期投资费用总额,包括:期初固定投资 (initial fixed investment)、生产前资本支出 (pre-production capital expenditures)、经营基金 (operating fund))
total investment costs投资费用总额 (包括:土地和场地准备投资费用 (investment cost for land and site preparation)、土木工程投资费用 (investment cost for civil engineering works)、技术和设备投资费用 (investment cost for technology and equipment)、生产前资本支岀 (pre-production capital expenditures) 、周转资金 (working capital))
total investment costs总投资额
trade-related investment measures与贸易有关的投资措施缩写为TRIMS
treasury investment and loan program财政投资与借款计划
turnkey investment成套包建投资
unconsolidated investment不合并计算投资
volume of investment costs per unit of production单位产品投资费用