
Terms for subject Business containing investment | all forms | exact matches only
ability to repay investment in foreign exchange外汇偿付投资能力
acting as an intermediary foreign currency investment代办外汇投资
active traded securities investment热门证券投资
actively traded security investment热门证券投资
additional allocated to the budgetary investment预算内投资追加拨款
additional investment in the means of production追加生产投资
adjustment of inventory investment库存投资调整
admission by investment接收投资
admission by investment投资认可入股即增加股份外投资入股
aggressive investment进取性投资
aggressive investment有胆识的投资
aggressive short-term investment technique进取性短期投资法
amortization of discount on long term investment长期投资折价摊销
amortization of premium on long term investment长期投资溢价摊销
amortization premium on long term investments长期投资溢价摊销
amortization short-term investment摊销短期投资
amount of capital investment投资额
amount of capital investment by the owner业主投资额
amount of investment capital投资额
annual investment年度投资额
annual rate of investment年投资率
annualized rate of return on the average investment held持有投资平均额的利润按年率计算
assessment of investment environment投资环境评价
assets acquired by given investment securities以投资证券取得资产
average amount of investments in funds and equipment per employed worker在职雇员按劳力平均的资金装备程度
average rate of profit on investment平均投资利润率
average rate of return on investment平均投资报酬率
average return on investment平均投资报酬
average social profit rate on investment平均社会投资利润率
average social return rate on investment平均社会投资报酬率
basic aspects of investment投资基本方向
bigger investments巨额投资
chancy investment靠不住的投资
changing the distribution of investment调整投资布局
Chinese investment中方投资
closed end investment trust定额投资信托
closed-end investment company固定股份的投资公司
closed-end investment company不公开招股的投资公司
close-end investment company限额投资公司
collective investment instruction集体投资机构
commingled investment account综合投资账户
committee of investment投资委员会
committee of investment control投资管理委员会
constant-ratio investment plan固定率投资计划
contribute the right to the use of land as part of its investment以土地使用权入股
contribute things as investment实物投资
Convention on the Settlement of Investment Disputes between States and Nations of Other StatesWashington, 18 March 1965关于解决国家与他国国民之间投资争端公约华盛顿,1965 年 3 月 18 日
corporation investment公司投资
counter investment对等投资
cut back investment削减投资
decrease of long term investments减少长期投资
defensive investment抗衡性投资
deferment of investment延期投资
deferred investment tax credit递延投资减税额
designated investment exchange指定投资交易
designed investment计划投资
desirability of investment投资需要性
desired-return on investment预期投资报酬
dimension of investment投资规模
direct investment dividend直接投资股利
direct investment flow直接投资流量
direct investment flows直接投资流量
direct investment in foreign countries对外直接投资
direct investment return直接投资报酬
discretionary investment spending可自由支配的投资支出
dollar investment pool美元投资组合
domestically-owned investment abroad本国企业在国外的投资
dual effect of investment投资的双重效果
dual nature of investment投资二重性
earning of investment投资收益
earnings on investment投资收益
economy led by private investment民间投资主导型经济
effectiveness of capital construction investment基建投资效果
efficiency of investment投资效率
encouragement of foreign investment鼓励外国投资
encouragement of investment鼓励投资
endogenous investment内在投资
enlarge the scale of investment扩大投资规模
enterprise of joint investment合资经营企业
environment of investment投资环境
ex ante investment事前投资
ex post investment分析过去经济发展后投资
excess of book value over cost of investment in subsidiary子公司投资账面价值超过成本额
exogenous investment外来投资
expansion of investment扩大投资
expected rate of return on investment期望投资收益率
expected rate of return on investment预期投资收益率
extension of the investment扩大投资
extensive investment扩大投资
external investment principal insurance对外投资本金保险
extra investment追加投资
extra-budgetary investment预算外投资
farm investment corporation农业投资公司
feasibility analysis of investment projects投资项目可行性分析
feasibility report of investment projects投资项目可行性报告
feasibility research of investment projects投资项目可行性研究
feasibility study of investment projects投资项目可行性研究
fiduciary investment信托投资
field investment矿田投资
field investment矿区投资
field investment产地投资
field of investment投资场所范围
final evaluation and investment decision最后评价及投资决定
final investment期末投资额
fluctuation in investment securities投资有价证券的价格变动
forecasting of investment risk投资风险预测
franked investment income免税投资收益
fulfilling task with fixed amount of investment定额投资包干
gain from investments投资收益
gain on conversion of investment投资变换收益
gain on conversion of investment投资转换收益
gain on investment投资收益
gestation period of investment投资孕育期间
gross fixed investment固定投资总额
gross private domestic investment国内私人投资总额
gross private fixed capital investment私人固定投资总额
Grunfeld's investment theory格伦费尔德投资理论
guide-line for investment activities in developing countries发展中国家投资活动准则
guidelines for international investment国际投资指南
guidelines for investment activities in developing countries发展中国家投资行动指南
hazardous investment风险投资
hazardous investment冒险性投资
high-priority investment projects最优先投资项目
high-risk investment高风险投资
housing investment company住宅投资公司
housing investment guaranties住宅投资保证
impaired investment无效益投资
incorporating foreign direct investment吸收外商直接投资方式
independently raise investment自筹投资
indicator of investment投资指标
indicator of investment return投资报酬指标
ineffective investment无效投资
inferior agricultural investments低利农业投资
inflation and investment通货膨胀与投资
inflation of investment投资膨胀
inflation of investment scale of fixed assets固定资产投资规模膨胀
innovation investment技术革新投资
institutional investment团体投资
intercorporate investments公司间投资
inter-corporate stock investment公司间股份投资
interest receivable on investments应收投资利息
introducing foreign investment引进外资
introducing foreign investment引进外国投资
investment abroad对国外投资
investment advisers act投资顾问法
investment advisor投资顾问
investment advisory company投资咨询公司
investment advisory contract投资顾问合同
investment agreement投资协议
investment allowance投资补助
investment allowance投资减免
investment analysts投资分析师
investment and miscellaneous各项投资
investment and trust投资与信托
investment and trust company投资信托公司
investment assets投入资产
investment bank投资银行指为新证券买卖双方服务的中介机构
investment banker投资银行
investment banker〈美〉证券包销行
investment banking company投资金融公司
investment banking firm投资金融公司
investment behavior投资行为
investment behavior of pursuing short-term interests短期利益投资行为
investment capital资本
investment capital投资资金
investment centre投资中心即企业内各核算单位
investment classifiable as current assets投资归属流动资产类
investment club投资俱乐部
investment company信托公司专门从事买卖有价证券
investment company act投资公司法案
Investment Company Institution投资公司协会
investment company share投资公司股票
investment consultancy company投资咨询公司
investment consumption投资耗费
investment consumption cost投资耗费
investment contractual plan投资契约计划
investment contribution投资税
investment cost投入成本
investment cost投资费用成本
investment counsel投资商讨
investment currency投资货币通货
investment currency market投资货币通货市场
investment decision投资决策判断
investment decision of firms厂商投资决策
investment decision-making投资决策
investment demand curve投资需求曲线
investment dollar投资美元
investment environment analysis投资环境分析
investment environment survey投资环境调查
investment expenditure to be written off应核销的投资支出
investment financed融资性投资
investment financed筹款投资
investment financing投资性融资
investment financing筹措投资资金
investment follow-up投资后续行为
investment for business工商业投资
investment for export and import进出口投资
investment for foreign trade对外贸易投资
investment for nonproductive purposes非生产性目的投资
investment for transforming改造投资
investment fund投资资金
investment fund source from outside units外单位投资基金
investment goods投资物资
investment grade投资等级
investment grade securities投资级证券
investment in a partially owned subsidiary对部分所属子公司投资
investment in a partnership对合伙企业投资
investment in additional current asset追加流动资金投资
investment in affiliates对附属公司投资
investment in associated company对联营公司投资
investment in banking银行业投资
investment in bond债券投资
investment in brains智力投资
investment in business工商业投资
investment in capital资本投资
investment in capital account投资账户
investment in capital construction of enterprise企业基本建设投资
investment in capital construction within the budget预算内基本建设投资
investment in capital of affiliated concerns附属公司资本投资
investment in cash现金投资
investment in commerce商业投资
investment in construction建筑投资
investment in construction and installation project建筑安装工程投资
investment in default债券信用较差的投资
investment in depth全面投资
investment in depth深度投资
investment in depth集约投资
investment in enterprise对企业投资
investment in equipment设备投资
investment in equipment and plant设备投资
investment in equity股份投资
investment in finance金融投资
investment in fixed asset固定资产投资
investment in foreign country国外投资
investment in foreign country向国外投资
investment in foreign trade对外贸易投资
investment in gold黄金投资
investment in human resources人力资源投资
investment in intangible property无形资产投资
investment in inventories库存投资
investment in machinery and equipment机械设备投资
investment in management of international communication satellites国际通讯卫星经营投资
investment in outside units外单位投资
investment in plant and machinery设备投资
investment in production生产投资
investment in productive capacity per unit单位生产能力投资
investment in productive enterprise生产企业投资
investment in protective projects保护项目投资
investment in public utilities公共事业投资
investment in real estate房地产投资
investment in research科研投资
investment in research and development研究开发投资
investment in security证券投资
investment in security有价证券投资
investment in stock of affiliated company附属公司股票投资
investment in subsidiary对子公司投资
investment in subsidiary对附属公司投资
investment in substitution for labour劳动替代投资
investment in the business营业投资额
investment in the business对企业投资
investment in the development of operation经营开发投资
investment in the development of products产品开发投资
investment in the development of talent智力开发投资
investment in the development of technology技术开发投资
investment in trade贸易投资
investment incentive act投资奖励条例
investment incentive law投资奖励法
investment income surcharge投资收益附加所得税
investment income tax投资所得税
investment information投资信息
investment information system投资信息系统
investment interest投资利得
investment interest投资兴趣
investment interest投资股权
investment invitations招股
investment lag投资滞延
investment letter stock投资信股
investment level投资水平
investment level movement投资水平变动
investment linked policy人寿险连系保单投资其部分保费,转用于投资,如购买证券、股票等
investment made in intangible property无形财产投资
investment made in tangible property有形财产投资
investment managing agency投资经营代理行
investment manuals投资指南
investment marketing投资市场经营
investment middleman投资中介人
investment middlemen投资中介人
investment model投资模式
investment motive投资动机
investment multiplier投资收益增殖率
investment-national income ratio投资国民收入比率
investment-net income ratio投资纯收入比率
investment of labour人工投资
investment of money货币投放
investment of sinking fund偿债基金的投资
investment opportunity curve投资机会曲线
investment oriented project投资导向项目
investment outlay coefficient投资支出系数
investment outlay function投资支出函数
investment outside the state plan国家计划外投资
investment per capita人均投资额
investment per unit of productive capacity单位生产能力投资额
investment per unit product单位产品投资额
investment performance requirement投资促销
investment period投资周期
investment phase of a project项目投资阶段
investment pool投资集团
investment portfolio投资搭配
investment portfolio投资有价证券
investment profit insurance投资利润保险
investment profit rate投资利润率
investment program投资规划
investment project already undertaken继续投资项目
investment promotion work促进投资活动
investment property投资财产
investment proportion投资比例
investment proposals投资方案
investment protection投资保护
investment protection measurements投资保护措施
investment protection policy投资保护政策
investment purchased register购入有价证券登记簿
investment rate投资增长率
investment recovery rate投资回收率
investment reference services投资参考服务
investment register投资登记簿
investment reserves投资准备金资金
investment resources投资来源
investment return投资报酬
investment return投资收益利得
investment return rate投资报酬率
investment risk control投资风险管理
investment risk research投资风险研究
investment security投资证券
investment service投资服务公司
investment service center投资服务中心
investment share投资股票
investment surcharge投资所得附加税
investment tax投资所得税
investment tax credit rules投资税抵免规定
"investment thirst disease""投资饥渴症"
investment trust price投资信托价格
investment unit投资单位
investment value model投资价值模式
investment warfare投资战
investment worth of compensation应得报酬的投资
investments classifiable as current assets归属流动资产投资
investments made in exclusive technical secrets专有技术秘密投资额
involuntary investment强制投资
irrecoverable investment不能收回的投资
joint capital investment联合投资
joint venture enterprise with foreign investment中外合资企业
joint venture using Chinese and foreign investment中外合资经营企业
joint venture with Chinese and foreign investment中外合资经营
joint ventures involving Chinese and foreign investment中外合资经营企业
joint ventures using Chinese and foreign investment中外合资经营企业
keen to investment渴望投资
key industry investment trust基础工业投资托拉斯
knowledge in international investment国际投资知识
labor-saving facility investment省工设备投资
labor-saving investment节省劳力投资
land and real estate investment房地产投资
land investment corporation地产投资公司
leeway investment资金投资充裕度
lessor's gross investment出租方总投资
lessor's net investment出租方净投资
listed investment证券投资
loan and investment金融投资
loan for financial investment金融投资贷款
loan investment放款投资
local government investment pools地方政府投资组合
loss from investment in business企业投资损失
loss from investment in commerce商业投资损失
loss from investment in construction基建投资损失
loss from investment in finance金融投资损失
loss from investment in industry工业投资损失
loss from investment in security证券投资损失
loss on investment in security证券投资损失
lucrative investment可获利投资
lump-sum investment一次性投资
major individual investment project重大单项投资项目
major investment project重大投资项目
make middle and long-term investment中长期投资
management of foreign investment对外投资管理
management of internal investment国内投资管理
management of international investment国际投资管理
management of securities investment证券投资管理
manual of foreign investment对外投资指南
manual of international investment国际投资指南
market for international investment国际投资市场
market value of investment securities投资证券市值
medium-term investment cycle中期投资循环
method of international investment国际投资方法
middle and long-term investment中长期投资
model of input-output in investment投资投入—产出模式
monetary over investment theory货币投资过剩理论
multiple channels of investment多种投资渠道
net foreign investment国外投资净值
net investment净投资额
net present value of income from investment投资收益净现值
net private domestic investment国民私人净投资额
net profit rate on investment投资纯利率
net profit rate to investment投资纯利率
nongovernment investment非政府投资
nonproject investment非项目投资
nonrecoverable investment不能收回的投资
nonrecovered investment未收回投资
offshore investment海外投资
open investment trust不定额投资信托
open-end investment company股额不定投资公司
open-end investment company开放型投资公司指可随时兑现股票的投资公司
open-end investment corporation不定额投资公司
open-end investment trust开放投资信托
operate investment and trust经营信托投资业
opportunity for international investment国际投资机会
optimal investment最适宜投资
optimal investment最适当的投资
optimum investment最适投资额
optimum investment condition最适投资条件
other capital construction investment其他基本建设投资
outlet for investment投资市场
outlets for investment投资场所
output-investment ratio产岀—投资比率
packaged investment一揽子投资
payback of investment投资回收率
payback period method of investment投资回收期法
percent return of investment投资回收率
personal investment私人投资
plan for investment投资计划
plan for investment in fixed asset固定资产投资计划
plan of investment投资计划
planning for capital investment设备投资计划
planning for capital investment规化资本投资
plant and equipment investment工厂设备投资
plant and equipment investment厂房与设备投资
plant investment turnover工厂投资周转率
portfolio foreign investment有价证券国外投资
practice of international investment国际投资实务
private investment company民间投资公司
private investment multilateral insurance私人投资多边保险办法
profit from direct private investment私人直接投资利润
profit of investment投资利润
profit or loss rate on investment投资损益率
profit to investment ratio投资利润率
profitable investment有利可图的投资
program of investment投资计划
program of investment promotion促进投资方案
public bond investment trust公债投资信托
public investment credit公共投资信贷
rate of income on investment投资收益率
rate of return of investment投资收益率
rate of return on average investment平均投资额收益率
rate of return on incremental investment追投资收益率
rate of return on investment投资利率
rate of return on investment method投资收益率法
rate of return on total investment总投资报酬率
rationing problem in capital investment投资方案合理性排列问题
regulations of foreign investment外国投资条例
regulations on investment control投资管理条例
report of international investment国际投资报告
reserve for increased investment in plant增加设备投资准备
restricted investment限制性投资
rule of investment投资条例
saving in investment cost投资费用节省
saving-investment theory储蓄—投资理论
scale expansion investment按比例扩大投资
scheduled investments计划投资额
sectoral rate of investment部门投资率
secured investment稳妥投资
securities and investment证券及投资
securities for investment trust投资信托证券
securities investment证券投资
securities investment ledger证券投资总账
securities investment trust management company证券投资信托管理公司
self-liquidating investment自偿投资
self-liquidating investment能迅速还本生利的投资自动偿还投资
small investment小额投资
social intelligence investment社会智力投资
social premium on investment投资社会溢价
specialized investment专项投资
split-level investment trust双重投资信托
statutory investment法定投资
strategy of foreign investment对外投资策略
temporary investment短期投资主要指有价证券的投资
tendency of investment投资趋向
terminal value of investment最终投资价值
tourism investment旅游投资
trade investment贸易投资
treasury investment and loan国库投资与贷款
treasury investment and loan program财政投资与贷款计划
trust and investment business信托投资企业
trust and investment company信托投资公司
trust and investment enterprise信托投资企业
turnkey investment"交钥匙"投资
turnover of all investment总投资周转率
unamortized discount on investment未摊投资折价
unamortized premiums on investment未摊投资溢价
unlisted investment非挂牌证券投资
unrecovered investment balance未收回投资差额
wage difference in joint venture with foreign investment中外合资企业工资差额
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