
Terms for subject Oil / petroleum containing investment | all forms | exact matches only
accelerated income investment加速收入投资
aggregate investment投资总额
capital investment decision资本投资决策
Committee on Foreign Investment in the United States国外在美投资委员会
Committee on International Investment and Multinational Enterprises国际投资与跨国企业委员会
construction and installation investment建筑安装工程投资
contractual investment合作投资
cooperative investment合作投资
curtailment of investment缩减投资
development investment开发投资
discounted profit to investment ratio折现利润投资比
discounted return on investment投资利润率贴现
downstream investment下游投资
dynamic investment动态投资
enterprise investment企业投资
enterprise with foreign investment外资企业
equipment investment设备投资
expanding investment投资扩张
expected return on investment预期投资回报率
final investment decision最终投资决策
fixed assets investment rate固定资产投资率
foreign investment外方投资
foreign investment对外投资
front-end investment前期投资
front-end investment初期投资
initial investment初期投资
innovational investment技术革新投资
intelligence investment智力投资
intended investment拟议投资
international investment trust国际投资信托
introduction of investment引进资本
investment abroad对外投资
investment budget estimate投资概算
investment cast熔模铸造
investment chain投资链
investment commitment投资承诺
investment direction投资方向
investment economics投资经济学
investment evaluation投资评估
investment in innovation更新改造投资
investment in securities有价证券投资
investment in the technical renovation更新改造投资
investment intention投资意向
investment interests投资权益
investment leftover投资存量
investment on bonds债券投资
investment payback period投资返本年限
investment per unit capacity单位生产能力投资
investment portfolio投资组合
investment portfolio投资的搭配组合
investment rating投资分级
investment recovery oil投资回收油
investment strategy投资策略
investment tax投资税
joint equity investment合股投资
joint investment合资
liquid investment短期投资
liquid investment动产投资
long term investment长期投资
mutually exclusive investment互斥投资
net investment income投资收益净额
nonconventional investment project非常规投资项目
nonmanufacturing fixed-capital investment非生产用固定资产投资
open-end investment开放投资
open-end investment trust相互信托
open-end investment trust开放信托投资
original investment初始投资额
overlapping investment重复投资
oversea investment海外投资
oversea investment对外投资
pattern of investment投资结构
period of investment出资期限
plant and equipment investment厂房和设备投资额
portfolio investment证券组合投资
portfolio investment一揽子投资
productive investment生产性投资
profit and tax investment ratio投资利税率
profit ratio of investment投资利润率
rate of return-on-investment投资回报率
rate of return-on-investment投资盈利率
rate of return-on-investment投资报酬率
ratio of investment contributions出资比例
reconstruction investment改建投资
recovery period of investment投资回收年限
related investment相关投资
renovation and reformation investment更新改造投资
results form investment投资效果
return on investment投资回报率
return on investment capital投资资本回报率
runaway investment投资失控
scope of investment投资范围
self-financed investment自筹投资
single subject of investment单一投资主体
size investment规模投资
specific investment单位投资
subject of investment投资主体
supplemental investment补充投资
tax incentive for investment投资税收优惠
timelag of investment投资时滞
total investment投资总额
volume of total investment投资总规模