
Terms for subject China containing investigation | all forms | exact matches only
carry out a special investigation专题调研
a special investigation of专题调研
accept the accident investigation接受事故调查
according to the result of investigation依据调查结果
anti-dumping investigation反倾销调查
appoint committees for the investigation of specific issues组织关于特定问题的调查委员会
assist in investigation协助调查
be subjected to investigation, prosecution and trial受侦查、起诉、审判
carefully carry out investigations and studies深入开展调查研究
carefully carry out investigations and studies深入调查研究
carry out extensive investigations and studies深入开展调查研究
carry out investigations on specific issues特定问题调查
case investigation concluded侦査终结的案件
cases calling for supplementary investigation补充侦查的案件
conduct a thorough investigation明察暗访
conduct in-depth investigations深入调查研究
conduct investigation开展调查
conduct investigation and study on special subjects专题调研
conduct investigation on affiliated business进行关联业务调查
conduct investigation to verify the evidence调査核实
conduct investigations进行调查
conduct investigations进行调查研究
conduct investigations and make proposals on对问题调查研究提出建议
conduct investigations and make proposals on对问题调査研究提出建议
conduct the investigation oneself自行侦查
confirmed upon investigation査明
court investigation法庭调查
criminal investigation侦查犯罪
criminal investigation追查刑事犯罪
data needed for investigation调查材料
detained for investigation拘留审查
entrust investigations委托调查
escape from investigation逃避侦查
exemption from investigation of criminal responsibility免予追究刑事责任
exercise the power of investigation行使侦查权
file the cases for investigation立案侦查
findings of investigation调查结果
follow-up investigation跟踪调查
follow-up investigation跟踪检查法律实施情况
further investigation继续侦查
further investigation继续査证、审理
have the right to refuse to accept investigation有权拒绝调查
hinder the investigation有碍侦查
independent investigation committee独立的调査委员会
interim investigation临时性调查
interrogation and investigation询问查证
investigation and disposition调查和处理
investigation and handling査处
investigation and prosecuting査究
investigation commission调査委员会
investigation committee on specific question关于特定问题的调查委员会
investigation committee on specific questions特定问题的调查委员会
investigation data调查资料
Investigation Form of Maritime Accident海事事故调查表
investigation in a criminal case刑事案件的侦查
investigation into any crime of money laundering追究洗钱犯罪
investigation into one's crime and obtaining of evidence侦查取证
investigation of the accident liabilities事故责任调查
investigation of the case案件的侦查
investigation of the case be concluded侦査终结
investigation organ侦査机关
investigation over the marine environment海洋环境的调查
investigations and studies on special topics专题调研
carry out investigations and studies on special topics专题调研
investigations into price and cost价格成本调查
investigations of compliance with a law执法检查
investigations of compliance with the law执法检查
investigations related to legislation立法调研
involve judicial assistance in investigation of drug-related crimes涉及追究毒品犯罪的司法协助
lawful investigation依法调查
legislation-related investigations立法调研
local statistical investigation item地方统计调査项目
make investigation and collect evidence调查取证
make investigation and take evidence调查取证
matters relating to a case under investigation与被调査事件有关的事项
needs of investigation into criminal offenses追查刑事犯罪的需要
non-governmental statistical investigation民间统计调查
obligation to assist in investigation有义务协助调查
on the basis of investigations经调査
on-the-spot investigation实地调查
participate in the investigations of accident参加事故调査
pass a motion for investigation立法会通过进行调查
personnel under investigation涉嫌人员
power of investigation侦査权
present an investigation report提出调查报告
refuse to accept investigation拒绝调查
refuse to submit to or obstruct investigation拒绝、阻碍调査行为
results of investigation调查结果
resume investigation恢复调査
special topic investigations and studies专题调研
statistical investigation items统计调査项目
statistical investigation items of a department部门统计调査项目
study and investigation调查研究
supplementary investigation补充侦查
supplementary investigation补充调查
surveillance and investigation侦查
suspend terminate investigation中止调査
suspend investigation of a case停止对案件的侦查
the committees for the investigation of specific questions关于特定问题的调查委员会
the Investigation and Research Department调研室
the power to carry out investigations调查权
time for investigation办案期限
time limit for holding a criminal suspect in custody during investigation侦查羁押期限
under investigation at appointed duration and place双规
under statistical investigation统计调查对象
units under investigation涉嫌单位
verify through investigation查证
written record of an investigation调查笔录