
Terms for subject Project management containing interest rate | all forms | exact matches only | in specified order only
basic interest rate基本利率
excessive interest rate过高利率
external interest rate境外利率
fixed interest rate mortgage固定利率抵押
fixed interest rate securities定息证券
fixed interest rate securities固定利率证券
futures contract in interbank interest rate银行同业拆息期货合约
If it is not feasible to adopt the effective interest rate method for the amortization. the straight-line method may be adopted若采用实际利率法进行摊销是不切实可行的、 那么可以采用直线法进行摊销
If the expected inflation rate rose by a notch or two, wages and interest rates would shift up to match it如果预期通胀率上升1〜2 个点、则工资与利率调整率应与之相匹配
interest rate arbitrage利率套购
interest rate arbitrage套利率
interest rate collar利率上下限
interest rate contract利率合约
interest rate derivative利率衍生工具
interest rate differential息差
interest rate parity利率平价理论
interest rate swap agreement掉期息率协议
local interest rate当地利率
nominal interest rate额定利率
preferential rate of interest优惠利率
retail deposit interest rate零售存款利率
retail interest rate零售利率
This fact could explain the large jump down in the inferred real interest rate when the Treasury changed the raw bond data it uses该事实可以解释当财政部改变其原始数据之后、 估测出的实际利率明显下降