
Terms for subject International trade containing interest | all forms | exact matches only
accrual of interest应计利息
accrued bond interest应付未付债券利息
accrued interest应付未付利息
accrued interest待付利息
accrued interest on bonds应付未付债券息
accrued interest on mortgage应付抵押息
accrued interest on notes payable应付未付证券息
accrued interest payable应付未付利息
accrued interest receivable应收未收账户利息
add-on interest加息
affiliate interests联号与分支机构的权益
affiliate interests联营股权
affiliated interest联号或分支机构的权益
all interests有关利益方
anticipatory interest预期利息
assignment of interest保险权益转让
attachment of interest起期
bear interest行息
bear interest出息
bear interest负担利息出息
beneficial interest受益权益
bond interest债券利息
British interest group英国财团
business interests商业界
business interests企业界
buyer's interest买主权益
buying out an interest购出股份
buying out an interest购入股份
capital interest资本利息
capitalization of interests利息还原
capitalization of interests滚利资本
cargo interests货物利益与货物有关的保险权益
cargo interests贷方
carriage interest附带权益
carry interest起息
carry interest单息
certificate of interest息票
committee on interest and dividends利率和股息委员会
community of interest共同利益集团
community of interest共同利益
community of interests共同利益集团
community of interests共同利益
compound interest复利
compound-interest method of amortization复利摊销法
compound-interest method of depreciation复利折旧法
concern interest关联公司
contract interest合同规定的利息
contract interest约定利息
contract rate of interest合同规定利率
contract rate of interest约定利率
contracted interest rate合同规定利率
controlling interest统制股权
controlling interest有控制力的权益
controlling interest多数股权
controlling interest控制股权
controlling interest控制权益
cost, freight and interest货价,运费与利息
cost, insurance, freight and exchange interest到岸价加汇费利息价
cost, insurance, freight and exchange interest货价,保险费、运费加汇费利息在内的价格
cost, insurance, freight and interest C.I.F. and I成本、保险费、运费加利息价到岸价格加利息价
cost, insurance, freight and interest到岸加利息价格[成本加保险费、运费及利息后的 价格]
cost, insurance, freight and interest到岸价格加利息价成本、保险费、运费加利息价
cost, insurance, freight commission and interest C.I.F. and I成本、保险费、运费加佣金及利息价到岸价格加佣金及利息价
cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest到岸价加佣金及利息价
cost, insurance, freight, commission and interest到岸价格加佣金及利息价成本、保险费、运费加佣金及利息价
credit interest存息
cum interest带利息
cum interest附有利息
current interest通行利息
current interest现行利息
daily interest每日利息
debit interest欠息
debt interest欠息
declaration of interest in delivery代收货价交货利息声明书
defeasible interest可废止利益[保]在航程中的可保利益
delay interest迟延利息
depreciation compound interest复利折旧
discounted present value of the future flow of repayments of principal and interest未来各期偿付本金和利息的折现值
earned interest已获利息
earned interest赚得利息
earned interests挣得股权
economic interest经济利益
economic interest经济权益
economic interests经济权益
economic interests经济利益
effective interest rate有效利息率
effective rate of interest实际利率
equitable interest衡平权利
ex interest无利息不论是否到期
exact interest实计利息
fixed interest bearing securities固定利息证券
fixed-interest investment固定利息投资
fixed interest investment固定利息投资
fixed interest stock固定利率的股票
floating prime rate of interest浮动基本利率
fluctuating interest rates波动的利率
free of interest免收利息
full interest admitted享有全部可保利益
full interest admitted承认一切权益
general rate of interest一般利率
government grant for paying a fixed rate of interest支付定息的政府拨款
gross interest毛息
gross interest利息总额
gross interest总利息
high interest rate高利贷
hypothetical interest假定利息
implicit interest内隐利息
imputed interest应归利息
imputed interest推算的银行利息
imputed interest当负利息
imputed interest估算利息按资本额
imputed interest估算利息
in rem or property interest物权
installment and interest charges分期还本付息
insurable interest可保利益
insurable interest可保权益
interest account利息账
interest accrued应收利息
interest and amortization charges还本付息支出
interest arbitrage套息
interest-bearing bank debenture附息银行债券
interest-bearing demand deposits有息即期存款
interest-bearing note附息票据
interest bills附息汇票
interest charged to cost计入成本利息
interest charges利息费用
interest charges收取的利率
interest claim利息债权
interest clause利息条款
interest compound复利息
interest cost利息成本
interest coverage ratio盈利对利息的倍数
interest due到期利息
interest during construction建筑期间利息
interest earned已获利息
interest equalization fund利息平准基金
interest equalization tax利息均等税
interest exchange利息费用
interest exchange利息支出
interest free credit无息信贷
interest free credit无息贷款
interest-free deposit无息存款
interest-free loans无息贷款
interest fund利息基金
interest group利益集团
interest in black应收利息
interest in dividends分红红利
interest income利息收益
interest method of account current金额分类计算法
interest money附息的货币
interest on a market variable basis行市通用可变利率
interest on arrears欠款利息
interest on borrowings借款利息
interest on calls通知借款利息
interest on calls活期借款利息
interest on capital资本利息
interest on consumers' debt消费者债务利息
interest on deposit存款利息
interest on inter-branches accounts联行往来利息
interest on investment投资利息
interest on loans贷款利息
interest on loans from other bank向其他银行借款利息
interest on payment for purchases.进货付款利息
interest on premium reserve保险费准备金利息
interest on sum in arrears累欠利息
interest on syndicated Eurocurrency credits欧洲货币辛迪加贷款利息
interest on the general government debt一般公债利息
interest paid付出利息
interest parity利息平价
interest pass-book自摺
interest payable reserve应付利息准备
interest per annum年息
interest per diem日息
interest per mensem月息
interest policy利息政策
interest rate differentials国内外利率的差别
interest rate differentials利率差额
interest rate on loans secured by export trade bills岀口汇票担保借款利率
interest rate policy利率政策
interest rate swap利率交换
interest rates of secured loans of banks其他银行质押放款利率
interest receivable应收未收利息
interest received收入利息
interest reserve利息准备
interest spread利息差额
interest statement息单
interest subsidization利息补贴
interest subsidization利息津贴
interest subsidy fund利息津贴基金
interest surcharges加收利息
interest suspense利息暂记
interest tax利息税
interest to maturity满期前都附利息
interest upon loans放款利息
interim interest临时利息
investment interests投资股权
leasehold interests租赁权益
legal interest法定利息
lend at interest放出有息贷款
lend money on interest放钱取息
liberalization of interest rates放宽利率
liquidity-preference theory of interest流动性偏好利息理论
loan interest贷款利息
loan interest借贷利息
loan interest rate贷款利率
Loanable-Funds of Interest可贷资金利息论
local trade interests当地贸易界
long interest多头
long interest买方
long-term interests rate长期利率
lose one’s interest in对…失掉兴趣
loss one's interest in对…失去兴趣
low interest policy低利政策
low interest rate低利率
majority interest多数股权
making an investment to secure an interest投资合伙
marine interest海商利率
market rate of interest市场利率
minority interest少数权益
minority share holders interest少数股东利益
monetary interest货币利息
money rate of interest货币利率
moneyed interest金融业者
moneyed interest资本家
moneyed interest财界人物
moneyed interest金融界
moneyed interest金钱上的利害关系
moneyed interests资本家
moneyed interests财界人物
mutuality of interest互利关系
native interest本地利息
native interest拆息
natural rate of interest自然利率
negative interest逆利率
negative interest倒利息
negative interest倒付利息
net income after interest charges计息后净收益
net income before interest charges计息前净收益
net interest纯利
no interest免付利息
nominal rate of interest名义利率
non-interest bearing and free of charge account无息无费账户
non-interest-bearing demand deposits无息即期债务
non-interest bearing deposit无息存款
non-interest-bearing notes不附息票据
non-interest-bearing notes无息票据
open interest未结清权益未冲销的合同
optimum rate of interest最适度利率
ordinary interest普通利息
over interest过期利息
overdraft interest透支利息
overriding royalty interest开采权益
partial interest部分保险权益
participation of interest互利
participation of interest利益均沾
party at interest利益相当人士
payment of interest付息
policy proof of interest仅凭保险单证明的保险利益
policy proof of interestP. P. I.保险单证明可保利益
pooling of interest共同经营
pooling of interest共负盈亏
pooling of interest权益联营
pooling of interest method合营法 (approach)
pooling of interest method权益联营法 (approach)
pooling of interests共同经营
pooling of interests method权益入股法
pooling of interests method联营法
pooling of interests method共同经营法
preferential interest deposit优利存款
preferential interest deposit优惠存款
prepaid interest预付利息
prime interest最低银行利率
prime rate of interest优惠利率
problem of common interest共同感兴趣的问
proprietary interest资本权益
public interest公众利益
pure interest纯利息
pure interest rate纯利率
pure rate of interest纯利率
quantum of interest利益总量
quantum of interest利益范围
ratio of interest expense to sales利息费用与销货比率
ratio of interests and expenses on deposit to deposits存款利息及费用与存款比率
regulated interest rates管制利率
regulated interest rates规定利率
reserved interest保留利息
right of various interests各种事业单位的配合协调
royalty interest产区权益
royalty interest石油的产区权益
royalty interest特权权益
royalty interests on leaseholds租赁权的收租利益
safeguarding of parties, interests保障当事各方的利益
security interest担保物权
security interest物权担保
security interest in goods贷物的货权担保
security interest in goods货物上的担保物权
security interest in property财产上的担保物权
seller's interest卖方利益
shipping interest航运界
shipping interest航运业
shipping interest海运事业
shipping interest装运利益
short interest空头者
short interest卖空者
single interest单利
single interest policy单方利益保险
single interest policy单项利益保险单
special interest account特种利息账户
square the accounts both principal and interest本息付清
stipulation for of interest关于利息的合同规定
table of compound interest复利表
third party interest第三方利益
times-interest earned盈利对利息的倍数
times-interest ratio盈利对利息的倍数
transit interest邮程利息
transit interest中转利息
true rate of interest实际利率
U.S. interest group美国财团
value of insurable interest保险价值
vested interest既得利益
vital interest切身利益
vital interest重大利益
weighted average effective interest rates加权平均实际利率
West German interest group西德财团
working interest开采利益