
Terms for subject Securities containing interest | all forms | exact matches only
accrued interest on mortgages应计抵押债券利息
accrued interest on notes payable应付票据应计利息
accrued interest payable应计待付利息
accrued interest receivable应计待收利息
act in the best interest of shareholders为股东的最佳利益而行动
additional interest for overdue Ioan过期贷款追加利息
amortizing interest rate swap摊还利率互换
and interest price期间利息价格
assumed interest rate假设利率
bank prime interest rate银行优惠利息
bank prime interest rate银行最低利率
base interest rate基础利率
beneficial interest certificate受益权益凭证
beneficial interest in property财产的受益权益
beneficial interest in shareholding持有受益股份
bond interest coverage债券利息偿还系数
bond interest income债券利息收人
bond valuation between interest dates两付息日之间的债券估价
bond with interest lottery有利息奖的债券
British Bankers Association Interest Settlement Rate英国银行家协会结算利率
burden of interest on bank银行负担的利息费用
call option on interest rate swap futures利率交换期货的认购期权
cheap interest rate低利率
compound interest bond复利债券
conflict of interest in listed company上市公司内利益冲突
conflict of interest transaction利益冲突交易
conflict-of-interest situations利益冲突情况
continuity of interest requirement权益要求的持续性
contractual interest rate契约约定利率
contrary to the interest of the investing public与公众利益背道而驰
contrary to the interest of the investing public违反投资公众利益
covered interest arbitrage有保护的套利
covered interest parity无风险利率平价
covered interest rate parity无风险的利息平价
cross-currency interest rate swap跨国货币利率互换
currency interest rate swap货币利率掉期
currency interest rate swap货币利率互换
debt financings and hiding interest costs债务融资及隐形利息成本
deep discount stepped interest loan stock逐级大幅度减息债券
default-risk structure of interest rates利息违约风险结构
deferred interest bond缓息债券
deferred interest bond延付利息债券日后付息的债券
deferred interest warrant欠息凭证
differential-interest banking经营利率差价的银行业务
downward sloped interest expense line趋降的利息费用曲线
earning before interest and tax息税前利润
earning before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization利息、税收、折旧和摊还前的收益
earnings before interest, tax and depreciation息、税、折旧前的收益
earnings before interest, tax and depreciation and amortisation息、税、折旧和摊销前的收益
economic interest in shares股份经济权益
economic interest in shares股份中包含的经济权益
effective interest cost有效利率成本
emergency interest rate cuts紧急减息
enterprise value/earning before interest tax, depreciation企业价值与息税和折旧前的收益之比
ex interest quotation无利息报价
exempt interest dividends免息股利
expectation theory of interest rates利率预期理论
explicit interest rate名目利率
explicit interest rate显性利率
face interest rate面额利率债券票面规定的利率
far eastern interest clause远东利息条款
fixed interest bearing security固定利息证券
fixed interest investment固定利息投资如买债券
fixed interest loan stock固定利息债券
fixed interest security定息证券
fixed interest stock定息股票
flat interest rate平息
flat interest rate低息
flat interest rate单利
forward interest rate transaction远期利率交易
future value interest factors for annuity年金终值利息系数
hedging interest rate risk规避利率波动风险
high interest foreign loans高息外债
high interest loans高利借款
high interest loans高利贷
high quality stock withholding interest income tax预扣利息收益税的高质量股
Hong Kong dollar interest rate futures港元利率期货
Hong Kong interest rate futures港元利率期货
identification of interest rate exposures利率风险识别
implicit interest charge隐含远期利率
implicit interest cost隐含利息成本
implicit interest revenue隐形利息收人
implied forward interest rate潜在的远期利率
implied forward interest rate隐形远期利率
imputed interest rate假设利率
imputed interest rate估算的利率
in the interest of...符合……的利益
index-linked interest rate保值利率
index-linked interest rate指数关联利率
inflation-proof interest rate保值利率
interest accrual period利息增值期
interest accruing累积的利息
interest and dividends due到期利息及分红
interest assumption假定利率
interest based on each instalment按每期付款额计算利息
interest based on uncollected balance以未收金额计息
interest-based product利率衍生产品
interest-bearing account有息账户
interest-bearing account带息账户
interest-bearing asset生息资产
interest-bearing balance生息结余
interest bearing bank debenture付息银行债券
interest-bearing bill of exchange付息汇票
interest bearing bond有息债券
interest bearing capital生息资本
interest bearing capital借贷资本
interest-bearing debt certificate记息债券证明书
interest-bearing instrument有息金融工具
interest bearing investment生息投资
interest bearing investment付息投资项目
interest-bearing liability有息负债
interest-bearing negotiable certificate of deposit有息可交易存单
interest bearing note有息票据
interest-bearing obligation记息债务
interest bearing security附息证券
interest bearing security带息证券
interest bill of exchange附息汇单
interest bond利息债券为支付债券利息而发行的新债券
interest change for carrying证券展期股息变化
interest charged to cost计人成本的利息
interest clause bill带有利息条款票据
interest collar利息上下限
interest collar利息衔接
interest collected in advance预收利息
interest conversion period转换利息日期
interest cover利息支付率
interest coverage ratio利息复盖率
interest coverage ratio利息支付比率
interest coverage test利息保障测试
interest coverage test利息保障比率测验
interest deduction利息减扣
interest elasticity of investment投资的利率弹性
interest equalization model利息平衡模型
interest flow利息流量
interest for delay/delinquency滞后付款利息
interest for delay/delinquency为延迟而支付的利息
interest-free grace period无息优惠期
interest-free loan fund无息贷款基金
interest from investment投资收人
interest gearing利息结合
interest gearing利息搭配
interest group共同利益团体
interest holidays免息期
interest in arrears欠款利息
interest in arrears延迟付款利息
interest in dividends分红
interest in dividends股利的利息
interest in expectancy预期利益
interest in issued share capital发行股本的权益
interest in possession trusts拥有收益信托
interest in red待付利息
interest in security证券权益
interest in share股份权益
interest in shareholding持股拥有的权益
interest in suspense未定利息
interest incentive effect利息诱发效应
interest included利息计人
interest income利息收人
interest lag利息滞后
interest losses of small investors小投资者权益的丧失
interest money付息的货币
interest motives利益动机
interest motives私利动机
interest of remainder剩余权益
interest of reversion复得权益
interest of the venturer股东切身利益
interest of the whole全局利益
interest on bond债券利息
interest on debenture短期债券利息
interest on equity capital股本利息
interest on equity capital股东资本的利息
interest on external bond公司外债利息
interest on government bond/security公债利息
interest on interest复利
interest on interest利息的利息
interest on loan from other banks银行同业借款利息
interest on moneys payable应付款项利息
interest on past due account逾期未付账款利息
interest on stock股息
interest on stock股票红利
interest on sum in arrears拖欠利息累计
interest on tax free security免税证券利息
interest on the general government debt普通公债利息
interest only纯利息
interest only只付利息
interest only唯利式证券
interest only只付利息证券
interest only利息剥离证券
interest only loan无本金贷款
interest only loan只付利息的贷款
interest only mortgage只付利息的抵押贷款
interest only option只支付利息选择权
interest only security只付利息证券
interest only strip利息分拆债券
interest only tranches只收利率部分
interest paid in advance预先支付的利息
interest passbook利息存折
interest profits利息利润
interest rate agreement利率协议
interest rate and fee calculation利息和费用计算
interest rate arbitrage套息
interest rate arbitrage套利
interest rate cash adjustment利率现金调整
interest rate ceiling利率上限
interest-rate class只付利息类
interest rate collar利率下上限
interest rate convertible instrument利率可转换工具
interest rate derivatives利率衍生工具
interest rate differential利率差额
interest-rate environment利率环境
interest rate exposure利率风险
interest rate floor最低利率
interest rate futures利率期货合同
interest rate futures market利率期货市场
interest-rate hedging利率套期
interest rate hike利率高调
interest rate linked structured security与结构证券相关的利率
interest rate margin利率差距
interest rate market利率市场
interest rate mismatching利率错配
interest rate on debt债务利率
interest rate options利率期权合约
interest rate options contract利率期权合同
interest rate options valuation model利率期权估价模型
interest rate parity line利率平价额
interest rate peg利率盯住
interest rate peg利率挂钩
interest rate peg利率钉住
interest rate peg利率联系制
interest rate return利息回报
interest rate rules利率规则
interest rate sensitivity利率的敏感度
interest rate spread利差
interest rate swap agreement利率掉期协议
interest rate swap futures利息掉期期货
interest rate swap valuation利率互换估价
interest rate trend利率变化趋势
interest rate trend利率走势
interest receipts利息收人
interest receivable on investment投资应收权益
interest reserve ratio利率对准备金的比率
interest risk利率风险
interest sensitive assets对利息敏感的资产
interest sensitive liability利率敏感负债
interest sensitive stock利息敏感股票
interest shortfall利息亏空
interest spread利率差额
interest spread利差
interest subsidization/subsidy利息补贴
interest tiering利息分级
interest warrant利息证明
interest withholding tax预扣利息税
interest yield利息收人
interest yield equivalent等值利息收益率
interest yield equivalent收益率等价
investment year interest rate投资年度收益率
issuance between interest dates两个付息日之间的发行
key interest rates关键利率
liquidity preference theory of interest rates利率的流动性偏好理论
local interest rate本地利率
long term interest free loan长期无息贷款
long-term interest rate options长期利率期权
long-term interest rates长期利率
low interest currency低息货币
low interest rate currency低利率货币
making interest deductions in advance预扣利息
market value of interest rate swaps利率互换的市值
matured non-interest bearing debt到期无息债务
maximum limit for interest rate最高利率限制
meeting bond interest and principal到期偿还债券本息
midcurve interest rate contracts中曲线利率合约
money market interest rate货币市场利率
Morgan Interest Group摩根财团
mortgage interest deduction抵押利息减扣
national interest rate全国利率
net income after interest charge扣除利息后净利
net income before interest charge扣除利息前净利
net interest cost净利息成本
net interest income净利息收益
net interest margin security净利差证券
net interest paid实付的利息
net interest position risk净利息寸头风险
no interest in possession不拥有收益信托
no interest in possession无权益
non-interest-bearing account无息存款
non-interest-bearing account无息账户
non-interest-bearing account不生利存款
non-interest bearing bonds无利息债券
non-interest-bearing debt security无息债券
non-interest-bearing debt security无息债务证券
non-interest bearing debt security无息债券
non-interest-bearing discount bonds不附息贴现债券
non interest bearing discount bonds不附息贴现债券
non-interest-bearing obligation无利息债务
non-interest bearing obligation不载明利息债券
non-interest bearing obligation无息负债
non-interest bearing obligation无息债券
non-interest bearing promissory无息期票
non-interest bearing security不附息证券
non-interest income非利息收人
non-manufacturing non-interest bearing demand obligations不可转让的无息即期债务
non-manufacturing non-interest bearing note不可转让的无息票据
non-negotiable and non-interest-bearing promissory note不可转让的无息期票
nostro interest claims receivable应收往来账利息
nostro interest claims receivable我方账户应收利息
officially-set interest rate官方利率
open interest distribution未平仓量的分布
option on interest rate swaps利率互换期权
periodic interest payment定期的利息支付
permanent interest bearing share永久附息股
pooling of interest and merger权益联合与兼并
power to regulate interest rates调控利率的权力
prescribed interest in share规定的股份权益
prescribed interest schemes规定的权益投资计划
present value interest factor利息现值系数
present value interest factor for annuity年金现值利息系数
prime interest rate优惠贷款利率
principal, interest, taxes, and insurance本金
principal, interest, taxes, and insurance税款和保险
principal, interest, taxes, and insurance利息
principal, interest, taxes and insurance本金、利息、税金和保险
public interest representative公众权益代表
put option on interest rate swap futures利率交换期货看跌期权
qualified terminable interest property合格定期利息财产
qualified terminable interest property trust合格定期利息财产信托
real interest rate有效利率
realized interest rate实现利率
redemption capital and interest of bonds债券的还本付息
registered as to interest only只付利息注册债券
repayment of the principal and payment of interest on loans对贷款还本付息
residual interest bond残余利息债券
return on interest rate risk exposures利率风险承受回报
risk free interest rate无风险利率
risk of interest conflicts利益冲突的风险
risk structure of interest rate利率风险结构
risk structure of interest rates利率的风险结构
role of interest rates in resource allocation资源配置中利率调节作用
semi-annual interest payment每半年支付利息一次
separate trading of registered interest and principal of securities注册证券本息分离出售
separate trading of registered interest and principal of securities注册证券本息独立交易
shifting interest structure利益转移结构
short interest position欠缺的仓量
short interest position短缺的头寸
short interest ratio卖空余额比率
short-term interest free loan短期无息贷款
short-term interest rate options短期利率期权
spectrum of interest rates利率范围
spectrum of interest rates利率排序表
stated annual interest rate法定年利率
substantial interest rate premium很高的利率溢价
TAC interest-only IO bond目标偿还级别只付利息债券
tax-exempt deferred interest security免税延期利息证券
three-cornered interest swap三角利息调换
time interest and preferred dividend earned所得利息和优先股股利倍数
time interest earned已获得的定期利息
time interest earned ratio所获利息倍数比率
times interest earned利息所得倍数
tracking short-term interest rate跟踪短期利率
transpose of interest rate利率倒挂 (长期贷款和债券利率低于短期信贷的情况)
true interest cost实际利息成本
true interest cost债券实际利息成本
true interest cost真实利益成本
uncovered interest arbitrage未抵补的套利交易
uncovered interest parity非补贴利率平价
underlying interest rate相关利息
valuing interest rate options利率期权估价
variable interest investment浮息投资
variable interest plus可变加息
variable interest securities浮息证券
withdraw where having interest in securities trade在证券交易中有利害关系之处要回避
yield curve in interest rate market利率市场中的收益率曲线
zero interest dual-currency loan无息双重货币贷款
zero interest rate policy零利率货币政策