
Terms for subject Finances containing interest | all forms | exact matches only
accounting for pooling of interest股权联营会计
accounting rate of interest会计利率
accrual of interest利息累计
accrued bond interest应计债券利息
accrued bond interest receivable应收未收债券利息
accrued interest应收未收利息
accrued interest on bonds应计债券利息
accrued interest on investment应计投资利息
accrued interest on mortgages应付未付抵押债券息
accrued interest on notes payable应付未付期票利息
accrued interest payable应付利息费用,应付未付利息
accrued interest receivable应收利息收入,应收未收利息
accumulation at interest dividend option累计利息红利选择权
add -on interest加息均摊法
advance free of interest无息垫款
agio theory of interest利息贴水论
assumed interest rate人寿保险预定利率
average rate of interest平均利息率
average rate of interest平均利率
bank interest银行利息
bank interest certificate银行息单
bank interest certificate银行利息证书
bank loan interest银行贷款利息
bank overdraft interest银行透支利息
be in body's interest对各方都不利
be in China's interests符合中国的利益
be in China's own interests符合中国自身利益
bear no interest不计息
bearing no interest计息
beneficial interest certificate受益凭证
beneficial interests实益权益
big interest rate cuts大幅降息
both principle and interest连本带利
broaden common interests扩大共同利益
calculated interest估价利息
calculation of interest利息计算
calculation of interest on banking account银行账户利息计算
calculation of interest on banking account银行利息计算
calculation of interest on current account活期存款利息计算
calculation of interest on the balance of exchange外汇余额利息计算
calculation of interest on the balance of exchange汇兑尾利息计算
capitalization of interest利息资本化
cash paid for distribution of dividends, profits or interest分配股利、利润和偿付利息所支付的现金
cash paid for interest偿付利息支付的现金
ceiling limit for deposit interest rates存款利率上限
certificate of beneficial interest受益证书
change in interest rate level利率水平的变动
compound-interest method of depreciation复利法折旧
compound-interest method复利摊销法 (of amortization)
compound interest with uniform payments and receipts每年增加定额之复利终值
conversion factor in compound interest calculation复利计算中的换算因数
covered interest arbitrage无风险套利
covered interest arbitrage抵补套利
covered interest rate parity抵补利率平价
credit interest借贷利息
credit interest利息收入
credit with interest有息信贷
cross currency interest rate swap货币利率交叉互换
cut in interest rates降息
cut in interest rates利率下调
cut interest rates下调利率
cut interest rates together联手降息
cutting interest rates降息
debit interest借项利息
debt interest payment债务利息支付
default interest拖欠利息
default interest rate违约利率
default-free interest未违约拖欠利息
deferred-interest bond递延利息债券
deferred-interest certificate欠息凭证
deferred interest income account.递延利息收入帐户
deferred-interest warrant欠息凭证
delayed repayment of principal and interest延期还本付息
deregulation of interest rates放宽利率管制
detachment of interest无利可图
difference between interest rates at home and abroad国内外利息差
differential interest rate差别利率
direct investment interest直接投资利息
director's interest董事权益
divergence in interests between China and the US中美的利益分歧
divergent interests利益分歧
drive down long-term interest rates压低长期利率
earnings before interest after tax息前税后收益
earnings before interest and tax息税前收益
earnings before interest and tax扣除利息及税项前收益
earnings before interest, depreciation and amortization扣除利息、折旧及摊销前收益
earnings before interest, income tax, depreciation,amortization and restructuring costs扣除利息、所得税、折旧、摊销及重组成本前收益
earnings before interest, tax, amortization and exceptional items扣除利息、税项、摊销及例外项目费用前收益
earnings before interest, tax and depreciation扣除利息、税项及折旧前收益
earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, amortization and rent cost扣除利息、税项、折旧、摊销及租赁成本前收益
earnings before interest, tax, depreciation and amortization扣除利息、税项、折旧及摊销前收益
earnings before interest, tax, depreciation,amortization and restructuring costs扣除利息、税项、折旧、摊销及重组成本前收益
effective interest rate实际利率
effective interest rate有效利率
effectively safeguard national development interests有力维护国家发展利益
era of ultra-low interest rates超低利率时期
Eurodollar fixed interest bond欧洲美元固定利率债券
Eurodollar interest rate欧洲美元利率
ex interest无利息
ex interest bond无利息债券
ex interest date除息日
ex interest ex int. ;X. in.无利息
ex interest quotation无息行情
ex interest transaction无利息交易
excess interest spread超额利差
excluded interests豁除权益
expand mutual interest扩大共同利益
export interest a/c科目
export interest a/c出口利息
floating basic interest rate浮动基本利率
floating-rate interest浮动利率利息
floor limit for lending interest rates贷款利率下限
forward interest rate远期利率
forward interest rate agreement远期利率协议
forward-forward interest rate复远期利率
funded debenture interest债券利息
further liberalize interest rates进一步放开利率
gain from interest利息差益
general-interest depreciation method普通利息折旧法
high interest rate credit高息信贷
high interest rate loan高息贷款
high market interest rates高企的市场利率
indications of interest投资意向
interest account利息帐户
interest accrued应付未付利息
interest accrued应收未收利息
interest accrued but collected应计未收利息
interest accumulation table利息滚存表
interest and discount income a/c利息和贴现收人账户
interest and discount income a/c利息和贴现收入帐户
interest and penalties receivable on tax应收欠税利息及罚款
interest and profit利息和利润
interest and salaries in excess of net income超出净利的利息及薪水
interest and/or salaries in excess of net income利息与薪水超过净利
interest arbitrage套利又称时间套汇或利息套汇
Interest Arbitrage Transaction套利交易
interest as a percentage of net earning收益相当利息倍数
interest based on cash installment按分期付款额计息
interest based on each instalment照每期付款额计算利息
interest based on equal periodic payments照每期相等之付款额计息
interest based on uncollected balance照未收余额计息
interest-bearing assets生息资产
interest-bearing balance有息结余
interest-bearing bank accounts银行计息帐户
interest-bearing bank debenture计息银行债券
interest-bearing bank deposit计息银行存款
interest-bearing bond附息公司债
interest bearing bond附息债券
interest-bearing capital借贷资本
interest-bearing check account计息支票账户
interest-bearing demand deposit计息活期存款
interest-bearing deposit计息存款
interest-bearing deposit account计息存款账户
interest-bearing eligible liabilities附息合格债务
interest-bearing investment带息投资项目
interest-bearing loan计息贷款
interest-bearing loans生息贷款
interest-bearing note计息票据
interest-bearing note生息票据
interest-bearing note附息票据彡生息券
interest-bearing period计息期
interest bill附息汇票
interest bill利息单
interest bill of exchange附息票据
interest bill of exchange附息汇票
interest burden利息负担
interest-change effect利息变化效应
interest change for carrying证券收领展期息
interest charge利息支出
interest charge利息费用
interest charged to cost计人成本利息
interest collar利率衔接
interest collection ratio利息回收率
interest-conversion period转换利息期间
interest conversion period利息转换期间
interest coupon ratio息票率
interest cover利息偿付倍数 (指公司总收益与公司利息费用的比率,一般以年为单位进行计算,是衡量公司偿债能力的指标之一)
interest coverage盈利对利息倍数 (指上市公司息税前利润相对于所需支付债务利息的倍数,可用来分析公司在一定盈利水平下支付债务利息的能力)
interest coverage ratio涵盖比率
interest coverage ratio利息覆盖率 (与"利息保障倍数、已获利息倍数 (times interest earned)"含义相同,指上市公司息税前利润相对于所需支付债务利息的倍数,可用来分析公司在一定盈利水平下支付债务利息的能力)
interest coverage ratio盈利对利息之倍数
interest coverage ratio利息
interest date计息日
interest deduction利息抵税
interest differential subsidy差别补贴
interest during construction建造期利息
interest during construction施工期中利息
interest during corporation建立公司期中利息
interest elasticity of demand for investment投资的需求利率弹性
interest expenses利息费用 (charges)
interest export ratio利息对出口比率
interest factors利息因子
interest factors利息系数
interest for delay延滞利息
interest formulas利息公式
interest-free aid免息援助金
interest-free credit无息信贷
interest futures利息期货
interest gearing利息比例关系
interest group财团
interest imputed应付利息
interest included本利合计
interest income利息收益 (received)
interest income on deposits存款利息收人
interest-in-possession trust附息信托
interest int权益
interest int股份
interest int所保险的货物
interest int财产所有权
interest int利害关系
interest int股权
interest int利息
interest loan有息贷款
interest note利息单
interest of government bond公债利息
interest of public loans公债利息
interest on arrears延期过期利息
interest on bond公司债券利息
interest on capital资本利息 (investment)
interest on capital股本利息
interest on capital投资利息 (investment)
interest on current debt短期债务利息
interest on current debt短期债款之利息
interest on debenture公司债券利息
interest on interest利滚利
interest on loan贷款利息
interest on loan capital放款利息
interest on loan from other banks银行同业借人款利息
interest on loans债利
interest on loans from other bank同行借入款利息
interest on money利息
interest on money息钱
interest on outstanding amount未偿还贷款总值的利息
interest on overdue account逾期账款利息
interest on payment for purchase进货付款利息
interest on premium reserve保费准备金利息
interest on principal本金利息
interest on public debt公债利息
interest on rediscount转贴现息
interest on syndicated Euro-currency credits欧洲货币辛迪加贷款利息
interest on tax postponed滞纳税款利息
interest on tax underpaid欠缴税款利息
interest-only loan仅付利息贷款
interest-only mortgage仅付利息抵押贷款
interest-only option仅付利息期权
interest-only yield仅有利息收益
interest option利息选择权
interest paid-in account利息账户
interest pass-book息折
interest payment allowance支付付息免税额
interest payment date计息日
interest payment period付息期间
interest-rate adjustment利率调整
interest-rate adjustment scheme利率调整计划
interest-rate agreement利率协议
interest-rate arbitrage套息
interest-rate arbitrage套利
interest-rate basket利率篮子
interest-rate cap利率封顶
interest-rate cap利率上限
interest-rate capping利率封顶
interest-rate ceiling利率上限
interest-rate ceiling利率封顶
interest-rate collar利率上下限
interest-rate contingency mechanism利率应急机制
interest-rate contract利率合约
interest-rate control利率管制
interest-rate cuts降息
interest-rate cuts减息
interest-rate derivative instruments利率衍生工具
interest-rate differential利率差别
interest-rate differential subsidy利率差别补贴
interest-rate effect利率效应
interest-rate floor利率下限
interest-rate floor利率封底
interest-rate futures利率期货
interest-rate futures contract利率期货合约
interest-rate guarantee利率保证
interest-rate implicit in a lease租赁隐含利率
interest-rate level利率水平
interest-rate liberalization利率自由化
interest-rate management利率管理
interest-rate margin利率差
interest-rate market reform利率市场改革
interest-rate marketization利率市场化
interest-rate mechanism利率机制
interest-rate mismatch利率不相配
interest-rate mismatch ladder利率不相配梯形表
interest rate of concessional loan of commercial bank商业银行优惠贷款利率
interest rate of market市场利率
interest rate on debenture公司债券利率
interest rate on deposit存款利率
interest rate on loan secured by export trade bill出口汇票作担保的贷款利率
interest-rate option利率期权 (是一项规避短期利率风险的有效工具,其持有人即期权买方通过买人一项利率期权,可以在利率水平向不利方向变化时固定其利率水平;当市场利率向有利方向变化时,获得利率变化的好处)
interest rate option contract利率期权合约
interest-rate parity利率平价
interest-rate parity theorem利率平价理论
interest-rate policy利率政策
interest-rate rebate退息
interest-rate regulation system利率管理体制
interest-rate rises利率上调
interest-rate risk利率风险
interest-rate risk management利率风险管理
interest-rate sensitive assets利率敏感性资产 (指那些在市场利率发生变化时,收益率或利率能随之发生变化的资产)
interest-rate sensitive financial instruments利率敏感性金融工具
interest-rate sensitive liabilities利率敏感性负债 (指在一定时限内到期或需要重新确定利率的负债)
interest-rate sensitive ratio利率敏感比率 (指利率敏感资产与利率敏感负债的比率)
interest-rate sensitivity gap利率敏感性缺口 (指在一定时期(如距分析日1个月或3个月)以内将要到期或重新确定利率的资产和负债之间的差额)
interest-rate spread利率差
interest-rate structure利率结构
interest-rate swap利率互换
interest-rate swap利率掉期
interest-rate swap agreement利率互换协议
interest-rate table利率表
interest-rate test利率测试
interest rate-swap futures利率掉期期货
interest recapture clause利息重新定位条款
interest receipt利率收人
interest receipt利率收据
interest receipts利息收入款
interest receivable a/c应收未收利息帐户
interest receivable account应收利息账户
interest receivable on investment应收投资利息
interest received已收利息
interest relief grant loans利息补贴贷款
interest revenue利息收人
interest risk利息风险
interest-sensitive annuity insurance policy premium rates利息敏感年金保险费率
interest-sensitive cash flow利息敏感现金流
interest sensitive industry利息敏感产业
interest-sensitive insurance policy利息敏感保险单
interest-sensitive policy利息敏感保险单
interest-sensitive rate利率敏感率
interest-sensitive stock利率敏感股票
interest-sensitive whole life insurance利息敏感型终身人寿保险
interest-sensitive whole life insurance policies利息敏感型终身人寿保险单
interest-sensitive whole life policies利息敏感型终身人寿保险单
interest sensitivity利息敏感性
interest slip息单
interest statement利息报表
interest step down bond利息递减债券
interest step up bond利息递增债券
interest surcharge on accumulated earnings reserve累积盈余准备金的附加利息
interest suspense预计利息
interest tax shield利息税盾
interest turn借贷利差
interest warrant利息支付通知书
interest withholding tax利息预扣税
interest yield equivalent利息收益率现值
interests in associate对联营公司权益
interests in subsidiary对附属公司权益
interests in subsidiary对子公司权益
issuances between interest dates两个付息曰间的发行项目
leasehold interest insurance租赁权益保险
lending at interest计息贷款
liabilities with interest带息负债
liability with interest附息负债
liability with interest有息负债
liberalization of interest rates利率自由化
lift benchmark interest rates上调基准利率
lift controls on lending interest rates取消贷款利率管制
lift interest rates加息
limited right to dispose of interest权益处分权之限制股权转移受限制
loan interest payable应付贷款利息
loan on interest有息贷款
loan repayment and interest供款偿还与利息
loan repayments and interest供款偿还与利息
loan with low interest低息贷款
loan with no or low interest无息或低息贷款
loan without interest无息贷款
loanable funds theory of interest可贷资金利息论
long rate of interest长期利率
long-term interest rate futures长期利率期货
loss from difference of interest rate利差损失
market segmentation theory of term structure of interest rates利率期限结构市场分割理论
minority interest少数股东权益
minority interests小股权利指股东而言
minority interests少数权益
minority stockholders' interests少数股东权益
monetary theory of interest货币利息论
mortgage interest relief scheme按揭利息免税计划
mortgage interest relief scheme抵押利息免税计划
mortgage loan interest按揭贷款利息
mortgage loan interest抵押贷款利息
mortgagee's insurable interest受押人保险利益
mortgagor's insurable interest出押人保险利
much lower-than-expected interest rates远低于预期的利率
Multilateral Interest Equalization Fund多边利息平衡基金
multiple interest rate problem多种利率的问题
national interest and people's livelihood国计民生
negative real rate of interest负真实利率
negotiated interest rate协议利率 (又称"自由利率")
net income after interest charge扣除利息后净收益
net income before interest charge扣除利息前净收益
net interest纯利息
net interest margin净利差
net interest spread净利差
net profit interests净利计算的产权
no interest无利息
nominee interest代理人利息
number of times bond interest earned盈利相当于公司债利息的倍数
number of times interest earned盈利相当于利息的倍数
official rate of interest官方利率
offshore interest rates离岸利率
offshore supplies interest relief grants离岸供应利率优惠
open interest未平仓权益
overdue interest过期利息
payment of interest偿付利息
payment of interest and repayment of the principal还本付息
penalty interest rate惩罚利率
pooling of interest approach权益合并法
pooling of interests权益集合
pooling-of-interest approach权益集合法
pooling-of-interest method权益集合法
profit after taxation and minority interest除税及少数股东权益后溢利
profit and loss on capital and interest本利之盈亏
progressive increase interest of financial bond累进利息金融债券
promote shared interests促进共同利益
protect investors' interests保护投资者利益
pure-interest rate纯利率
quarterly interest季度利息
raise interest rates提高利率
raise official interest rates上调官方利率
rate of interest per annum年利率
rate of interest per diem日利率
rate of interest per mensem月利率
rate of overdue interest过期利率
ratio of interest expenses to interest bearing liabilities利息费用对付息负债比率
ratio of times-interest earned利息保障倍数比率
realized interest rate已实现利率
register of interests in shares and short positions股份权益及淡仓登记册
required interest earning应赚利息
respect the interests of investors尊重投资者利益
retention interest存留利息
rise in interest rates加息
risk-adjusted interest rate风险调整利率
role of interest rates in resource allocation利率杠杆的调节作用
safeguard investors' interests保障投资者利益
safeguarded development interests维护发展利益
salaries and interest as expenses视薪水与利息为费用
salaries and interest in excess of net income薪金及利息超过净利
savings and interest rate银行利率
securities interest证券利息
security interest担保权益
seek a balance among the interests of all parties平衡体现各方利益
senior interest优先权益
Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities记名证券本金和利息分离交易美国财政部
Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal of Securities证券本息分离交易
separate trading registered interest and principal securities本息分离债券
serve the fundamental interests of China -U.S. peoples符合中美两国人民的根本利益
set interest rates设定利率
short interest空头余额
short interest借人股余额
short interest短期利息
short-interest concept空头余额概念
short-interest hedge空头余额套期
short-interest ratio空头余额比率
short interest ratio空头余额率
short-interest theory空头余额理论
short open interest未平短仓合约
short-end interest付款额计息法
short-end interest rate risk短期利率风险
short-term interest rate futures短期利率期货
short-term risk interest rate短期风险利率
simple interest单利
single interest单项利息
sinking fund depreciation plus interest on first cost approach偿债基金折旧加原始成本利息法
special interest account特种利息帐户
special interest group特殊利益群体
stated interest rate票面利率
steadily carry out reforms to make interest rates and the RMB exchange rate more market-based稳步推进利率、汇率市场化改革
subsidize interest rate贴补利率
term of interest利息加算办法
term structure of interest rates利率的期限曲线
times interest covered利息保障倍数
times interest earned利息保障倍数
times interest earned ratio利息保障倍数比率
times-interest ratio获益对利息之倍数
Treasury Separate Trading of Registered Interest and Principal Securities财政部利息本金分离交易注册债券 (简称"国债零息券",指利息剥离后的政府固定收益债券)
true rate of interest真正利率 (effective rate of interest)
true rate of interest实际利率 (effective rate of interest)
ultimate controlling interest最终控股权益
unamortized discount on non-interest-bearing debenture未摊还公司无息债券折价
unamortized interest during construction未摊还建设期间利息
uncovered interest arbitrage无抵补套利
uncovered interest differential无抵补利差
uncovered interest rate parity无抵补利率平价
usurious interest重息
variable interest investment浮动利息投资
variable interest investment可变利息投资
variable interest securities浮动利息证券
variable interest securities可变利息证券
waiving interest免付利息
weighted average interest rate加权平均利率
wide range of common and overlapping interests广泛的共同利益和交汇利益
with no interest除息
with no interest无息
withholding tax on interest利息预提款
without interest不含利息
without interest除利息
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