
Terms for subject Economy containing interest | all forms | exact matches only
accrual of interest计利息
accrued interest应付专付利息
accrued interest on bonds应付未付债券利息
accrued interest on bonds sold应计未付出售债券利息
accrued interest on loan应付未付借款利息
accrued interest on mortgage应计抵押借款利息
accrued interest on note payable应计期票利息
accrued interest on note payable应付未付证券利息
accrued interest payable应付未付应收未收利息 (receivable)
accumulated interest累计利息
accumulated interest累计利益
additionally collected interest on loans and bills票据贷款加收利息
add-on interest附加利息
affiliate interest联营股权
affiliate interest联号的权益
affiliated interest联号子分支机构的权益
agri-industry interests农用工业利息
an agency coupled with an interest结合利害关系的代理
annual compound interest年复利
annual interest年息
annual interest年利
annual percentage rate of interest有效利率-
annual percentage rate of interest利息
anticipated interest预期利息
appropriate interest rate适当利率
arbitrary rate of interest任意利率
area of exploratory interest勘探权益区
area of mutual interest相互利益范围
as interest may appear可能利益
assumed rate of interest假定利率
attachment of interest起息期
attention, interest, desire, action表示贸易政策要点注意、兴趣、愿望、行动
attention, interest, desire, conviction, action and satisfaction注意、兴趣、需要、信服、行动和满意
average contracted interest rates on loans and discounts of all banks全国银行平均贷款和贴现订约利率
average interest平均利
average interest rate平均利率
balance of interests利益均沾
balance of interests利益均衡
banking interests银行界
bank's interest calculation银行利息计算
bear no interest无息
bearing interest附息
bearing interest有息
before interest and taxes利税前
beneficial interest受益利益
beneficial interest受益权
benefit oneself at the expense of public interests损公利私
biased by interest因利益关系而有偏差 (见)
biased by interest因利害关系而有偏差
Borrowers from the national bank pay definite interest向国家银行贷款的人支付定量利息
British Bankers Association interest settlement rate英国银行业协会利息结算率
capitalization of interest滚利作本
capitalization of interest资本还原
capitalization of interests利息还原!
capitalization of interests利息资本化
cargo interests货物利益 (与货物有关的保险权益)
change in interest level利率水准的变动
CIF and interest到岸价格加利息价
CIF interest and port of destination目的港交货的到岸价格加利息价
classical theory of interest古典派利息论
common interest共同利益 (利害关系)
community of interest财政公管
composite interest rate综合利率
composite rate of interest综合年息
composite rates for interest综合利率
compound interest复利息
compound interest annuity复利年金
compound interest depreciation复利折旧法
compound interest formula复利公式
compound-interest methods复利法
compound interest note复利券
compound interest rate复合利率
conflict of interest违背公众利益的行为
conflict of interest利害
consumption rate of interest消费值利率
contingent interest不确定利息
contingent interest或有利益
contingent interest或有利息
covered interest已经抵补的利息
covered interest arbitrage轧平的套利交易
covered interest differential轧平的利率差异
cumulative interest累加利息指逾期不付追加利息
current interest本期利息
current interest活期利息
current rate of interest现行利率
debt interest payment债息支付
declaration of interest in delivery交货利息声明书
declaration of interest in delivery交货利息申明书
declare an interest宣称有利害关系
defeasible interest可废止利益
defeasible interest可废除利益
deferred payment of interest on note receivable应收票据上的延期利息收入
deferred payment of interests on notes receivable应收票据上的延期利息收入
delayed repayment of capital and interest延期还本还息
delayed repayment of capital and interest延期还本付息
dividends interest递延利息
earning interest生息
earnings before interest and taxes付息和纳税前收益
earnings before interest and taxes付息的税前收益
earnings before interest and taxes缴付息税前盈余
earnings before interest and taxes缴付息税前盈利
earnings before interest taxes, depreciation and amortization付息 、纳税、折旧和摊销前收益
effective annual interest rate有效年利率
effective interest有效利息
effective interest income实际利息收益
effective interest method有效利息法
effective interest method有效利息计算法
effective interest method实际利息法
effective interest rate per interest period有效利率
effective interest rates实际利率
effective interest rates有效利率
effective rate of interest有效利率-
effective rate of interest有效利率
effective rate of interest利息
efficient rate of interest有效利率
equalization of interests on borrowing平衡利息
equilibrium rate of interest均衡利率
equitable interest公平的利息
equitable interest产权
equitable interests衡平权益
equitable interests公平权益
erratic shallow interests肤浅的兴趣
erratic shallow interests变善
ex interest无利息 (without interest)
exempt-interest dividends免息股利
export interest account出口利息科目
external interest rate境外货币适用的利率
favourable interest rate优惠利率
fee for interests in extractive industries采掘工业中的收费权益
fee interests收费权益
fee interests in extractive industries采掘工业中的收费权益
flat interest charge粗利率
floating interest rate浮动利寄
floating prime rate of interest浮动基本优惠利率
foreign economic interest外国经济权益
foreign majority interest外资占多数
foreign majority interest外资为主
free interest不计利息
free of interest免息
free of interest不计利息 (bearing no interest)
function of interest rate利率职能
function of the interest rate利率的功能
general long-term debt and interest group of accounts普通长期债务本息账类
general theory of employment, interest and money就业、利息与货币的一般理论
gross interest毛利总收入
gross interest除税前利息总额
guaranteed annuity interest保证年金利息
high interest foreign loans高利外债
high interest loan高息贷款
I am not in favour of this arrangement because it might be detrimental to the interest of our company我不赞成这项安排,因为它可能会损害我们公司的利益
identify of interest利害一致
identity of interest利害一致
immediate interest直接利益
interest allowances for financing credits资助信贷利息津贴
interest and discount income a/c利息和贴现收入账户
interest annually年利率
interest arbitrage有利息的套汇
interest arbitration利益仲裁
interest based on每期付款额计算利息 (each installment)
interest bearing附息
interest bearing有息
interest-bearing check account有息支票账户
interest-bearing deposit account付息的银行存款账户
interest bills付息汇票
interest bond作为支付利息而发行的债券
interest calculation利息计算
interest charges收取的利息
interest compounded quarterly按季度复合的利息
6% interest compounded quarterly6%四次复利
interest cost利息支出
interest coupon分红领单息票
interest coupon债券息票
interest coupon息票
interest coverage利息收人倍数
interest coverage ratio利率偿付比率
interest determination利息的决定
interest differential利息差额
interest due利息费
interest earned but not collected应收待收已得利息
interest element in business profits企业利润中的利息成分
interest expense支付利息
interest factor本利系数
interest factor利息因素
interest-free loan of commodities无息商品贷款
interest in a business在某一企业中的权益
interest in black应收 利息 (red)
interest in blank应收利息
interest in dividend分红利
interest in dividends利息
interest in dividends股息
interest in dividends分利
interest in issued share capital拥有发行股本
interest in red应付利息
interest insured保险财产
interest insured被保财产
interest int
interest int行业
Interest is paid on money that is invested按投资付息
interest lag利息迟变
interest method实际利息计算法
interest method利阜法
interest method in general一般复利法
interest method of account current往来账计息法
interest of public loan公债利息
interest on资本、存款利息 (capital, deposit)
interest on a loan债款利息
interest on arrears远期利息
interest on bond公债利息
interest on consumers debt消费者债务利息
interest on current debt当期债务的利息
interest on current debt短期债款利息
interest on inter branches accounts联行往来利息
interest on inter-branch accounts联行往来利息
interest on loans outstanding未偿贷款利息
interest on overdue payment远期利息
interest on premium reserve保险准备金利息
interest on rediscount转贴现利息
interest on rediscount再贴现率
interest on stock公债利息
interest on the general debt一般公债利息
interest on the unpaid balance未还余额的利息
interest only限于【仅付】利息
interest or internal rate of return利润利率或内部收益率
interest payable on member's shares按成员股票支付的利息
interest payable to creditors应付利息
interest paying date付息日
interest payment period利息期
interest payments利息支付
interest period计息期
interest policy利率政策
interest rate利息率
interest rate adjustment调整利率
interest rate affecting decision利率影响的决策
interest rate cap利率封项买方支付一笔费用或保险金,以保证一种特定利率上涨幅度不超过一定水平
interest-rate cycle利率循环
interest rate for agriculture农业信贷利率
interest rate for longterm deposit长期存款利率
interest rate guarantee利率担保
interest rate of return收益利率
interest rate of return利润利率
interest rate on loans secured by export trade biUs出口汇票担保借款利率
interest rate rebate利息回扣
interest rate subsidy利息津贴
interest rate subsidy利率津贴
interest-rate-of-return method the internal rate of return method利息报酬率法内部报酬率法
interest rebate利息回扣
interest receipts利息收人款
interest received in advance预收利息
interest-reduced loan减息贷款
interest return利息收入
interest statement利息单
interest subsidy利息津贴
interest subsidy利率津贴
interest surcharge on accumulated earnings reserve累积收益储备的附加利息
interest swap利率互换
interest table利息表
interest test兴趣测验
interest theory利息学说
interest to一直到期满都带有利息 (their maturity)
interest to maturity一直到满期前都带有利息
interest upon放贷利息 (loans)
interest value附息货币
interest-velocity relation货币流通速度与利率的关系
interest warrant股利券
interest yield利息收入
interim interests临时利息
Investment income, an invisible transaction, covers dividends and interest on loan投资收入是无形贸易项目,包括股利和贷款利息
investor's interest rate投资者利率
irrevocable adj., nonnegotiable, non-interest-bearing promissory note不可撤销、不可转让的无息期票
It is to our common interest to agree on this term在这一条款上达成协议对我们双方都有利
It would prove most conducive to your interest to charter a vessel in your port在贵港包租一条船对贵方非常有利
joint interest data exchange共同利息数据交换
landed interest地产权利
landed interest地产上的利益
landed interest地产利益
level of interest rates利率水平
life interest终身利息
life interest终身财产所有权
limited right to dispose of interest权益处理权限制
liquidity preference theory of interest流动性偏好利息理论
loan interest放款利息
loan interest债利
loan interests贷款利息
loanable-funds theory of interest可贷资金利息论
lose interest不再引起兴趣
lose interest不再感兴趣
make interest with从利害关系出发施加影响于某人 (sb.)
market interest市场利率
market interest市场利息
market interest rate市场利息率
mature interest payable到期应付金额
method of compound interest复利计算法
method of simple interest单利计算法
minority holders' interest少数股东权益
minority interests in the retained profit of the year年度内少数股东权益的保留利益
minority interests in the retained profit of the year年度内保留利润的少数股东利益
monetary interest货币利益
monetary interests of the day眼前利益
mortgage interest抵押利息
national self-interest民族私利
native interest本地利益
native interest国内利益
native interest折息
natural interest自然利率
natural interest自然利息
natural rate of interest正常利率
negative interest负利息
negative rate of interest负利率
net cash flow after interest and tax利税后净现金流
net cash flow before interest and tax利税前净现金流
net interest margin净利息边际
net profit interest净利润权益
net revenue interest净收入利息
net working interest净经营收益
no common interest无其利息
no common interest无普通利息
nominal interest名义利息
nominal interest income名义利息收益
nominal interest rates虚利率
nominal interest rates名义利率
normal interest规定利息
normal interest正常利息
normal interest rate名义利率未随物价水平调整的
Not only all present debts and liabilities but all future advances shall be secured by the security interest hereof此处的物权担保既担保一切现有债务和责任,又担保一切今后的垫款
open interest未结权益
opportunity interest rate机会【代替】利率
optimum rate of interest最适当利率
origin of interest利息的起源
original interest原始利息
Our commercial practice should not be injurious to the public interest我们的商业行为不应该损害公共利益
outstanding interest未偿利息
participation of interests利益均沾
party at interest利益有关方
party at interest利益相关人士
party at interest利益柑关人士
pattern of interest rates模式利率美政府债券
pattern of interest rates利率模式
penalty interest惩罚利息
Please credit our account with interest on the loan monthly请按月把贷款利息记入我方账户
policy proof of interest保单证明权益
policy proof of interest名誉保险单
policy proof of interest保险凭单
policy proof of interest保险单证明可保利益
pool the interest合作
pooling of interest method共同经营法
prevailing rate of interest现行利率
prime interest银行优惠贷款利率
prime rate of interest最低利率
principal and interest本息
principal and interest本利
private interest私人利益
production payment interest产品支付权益
public interest公众利益公益
public interest in the program大家对此计划之关心
public interests公益
pure interest纯利
pure rate of interest"纯"利率
quantum of interest利益范围 (总量)
rate of interest on loans from private per private persons从私人得到贷款的利率
ratio interest and expenses to deposits存款利息及费用与存款比率
ratio of interest and expenses on deposit to deposit存款利息及费用与存款比率
ratio of interest expenses to interest bearing liability利息费用对付息负债之比
rebate on interest利息回扣
receivable interests应收利息
regulation of interest利息条例
regulation of interest利息管制
repayment of the principal and payment of interest on loans贷款还本付息
rights, responsibilities and interests of an enterprise企业权、责、利
rights, responsibilities and interests of an enterprise企业责权利
risk-adjusted interest rate按风险调整的利率
royalty interest矿区使用费份额
royalty interests专利特权、开采权益
savings and interests存款与利息
sectional interest局部利益
sectional interests局部利益
security interest in goods or property货物或财产的担保物权
seek private interests at the expenses of public interests损公肥私
senior interests优先权益
set interest rate固定利率
set rate of interest固定利率
Shareholders' equity interest is determined according to bylaws of corporation股东的股息将根据公司的章程来决定
short interest欠缺头寸
short interest抛空差额
short interest卖空总额
short interest空头权益
short interest卖空头
short interest短期债总额
short interest行情看跌的人士
short interest不足被保险的利益
short-term interest rates短期利率
significance of interest for investment利息对投资的重要性
significance of interest rate changes for investment利率变动对投资的重要性
significance of interest rate for liquidity利率对流动性的重要性
simple interest一次性的利息
single interest policy单方利益保险单
site of special scientific interest特殊科技意义的场地
subsequently created interest随后产生的权益
subsequently created interests随后产生的权益
take an interest in对…感兴趣
taxation of interest利息税
taxation of interests利息税
tax-free interest免税的利息
terminable interests可终止的产权权益
terms of interest利息加算法
The above articles are of no interest to us at present我们对以上各项商品目前均无兴趣
the abstinence theory of interest利息节欲论
the add-on interest追加利息
the advance free of interest无息垫款
the agio theory of interest贴水利息论
the apportionment of interest利润分配
the assumed interest假定利息
the attachment of interest起息期
the batement of interest低利息
the benefited interest受益利息
The company got a long-term loan from the bank at a high rate of interest该公司从银行获得一笔长期高息贷款
the contradiction between partial interests and individual interests局部利益和个人利益矛盾
the deregulation of interest rate取消对利率的管制法令
the explicit interest规定支付的利息
the explicit interest显性利息
the explicit interest现付利息
the explicit interest明确利息
The flow of dividend, royalties, and interest is likely to be in only one direction利润、技术转让费和利息往往是单向流动的
the furtherance of mutual interests促进双方利益
the gale of interest到期利息
the gale of interest按期付息的责任
the going rate of interest in the capital market资本市场的现行利率
the harmony of interests利益和谐
The interest adjustment clauses should not be waived without their approval未经他们同意,利率调整条款不得撤销
The interest of the loans will vary from 3% to 5%这些贷款的利息从3%到5%不等
The interest of the money will become due and payable on Sep. 5, 1999利息将于 1999 年9月5日到期并予以付讫
the interest on premium reserve保险费准备金利息
the interest to maturity直到满期前都带利息
The interests of the intermediary shall be protected中介的利益应得到保护
the interests of the whole全局利益
the moratory interest延期偿付款利息
the moratory interest损害赔偿利息
the neutral rate of interest中性利率
the outside activity and interest外界活动和权益
the overdraft interest透支利息
the overdraught interest透支利息
the party at interest利益相关人士
the pattern of interest rates利率模式
the penal interest违约利息
the preferential interest deposit优利存款
the principal and interest本利
the principal and interest本息
The rate of interest on overdrafts is geared to the minimum loaning rate透支额的利率应适合于最小放款利率
the refundable interest可退还利息
The right and interest can be transferred in a definite form of embodiment权利和利益可以用一种确定的表现形式加以转让
The rights and interests of labourers are guaranteed by the Labour Law劳动法保障劳动者的权益
The samples given above are of interest to us对上述样品我们有兴趣
the true rate of interest实际利率
the usurious interest重息
the variable interest rate可变利率
the vital interest重大利益
the vital interest切身利益
the waiving interest免付利息
There is full tax relief om mortgage interest payments用来偿付抵押贷款利息的收入免予交税
They were under the impression that we show little interest in their products他们原以为我们对其产品没有什么兴趣
They will pay interest to you upon the amounts of money that are overdue他们对过期未付的金额将付利息给你方
This pawnshop lends money to individuals at a low rate of interest这家当铺为个人提供低息贷款
times interest计时利息
true interest rate真正利率
true interest rate实际利率
ultimate interest最终利益
unpaid interest未付的利息
unpaid interest未付红利
usurious interest高利贷利息
usurious rates of interest高利率
variable interest-bearing debenture可变利息债券
variable interest rate可变利率
variable interest rate浮动利率
various interests各种权益
vested interest占有利益
vested interests特权阶层
vested interests既得利益集团
vested interests既得利益
vital interests重大利益
vital interests切身利益
We are enclosing a copy of our recent catalogue of plastic kitchenware which may possibly interest you现送上我公司最近发行的塑料厨房用品目录,贵公司对此可能感兴趣
We don't vary the interest rate to different debtors对一切债务人我们的利率都一样
We had a warm and friendly exchange of opinions to further mutual trade interests我们在热烈友好的气氛下交换了意见,以促进双方业务
We have a special interest in this commodity我们对这种商品特别有兴趣
We hope you will cooperate in fostering interest for this new technology of ours希给予合作推销我方这项新工艺
We look to you to safeguard the interest of our shareholders我们指望你方能维护我们股东利益
weighted average effective interest rate加权平均实际利率
with interest有兴趣的
with interest付利息
with interest附利息
working interest经营【作业】权益
yield no interest不带利息
yielding interest带来利息的
yielding no interest不带利的
Your offer is too high to kindle interest你方报盘太高,无法引起兴趣
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