
Terms for subject Environment containing interest | all forms | exact matches only
balancing of interests Considering, weighing or counterbalancing the competing political or financial concerns of different parts of society, including industries, consumers, trade unions and other groups or organizations利益平衡 (思考、权衡或平衡包含工业界、消费者、贸易协会与其他团体或组织等不同社会部门互相竞争的政治性或财务性议题。)
conflict of interests Clash between public interest and the private pecuniary interest of the individual concerned. A situation in which regard for one duty tends to lead to disregard of another利益冲突 (公共利益与个人所关心的私人财务利益的冲突。其情形为﹐考虑其中一项任务时,会倾向于忽略另一项任务。)
interest group A group of people who share common traits, attitudes, beliefs or objectives and who have formed a formal organization to serve specific concerns of the membership利益集团 (有共同的特点、态度、信念和目标的一些人,并且这些人已组成一个正式的组织来服务于成员们的具体关注点。)