
Terms for subject Technology containing interest | all forms | exact matches only
absolute interest绝对权益
accrued bond interest receivable应计未收债券利息
accrued interest待收利息
accrued interest on bond sold应计未付售出债券利息
accrued interest on bonds应计未付债券利息
accrued interest on mortgage应计抵押利息
accrued interest on notes payable应计未付期票利息
accumulate at interest复利计算
accumulate at interest将利息滚入本金计算复利
actual annual interest rate实际年利率
actual interest income实际利息收入
add-on interest分期付款的附加利息
add-on interest利上加利
affiliated interests联络股权
affiliated interests联营股权
annuity of compound interest复利年金
antagonism of interest利益的对抗性
antagonistic interest相互对立的利益
arbitrated interest rate裁定利率
arrear of interest滞纳利息
assignment of interests转让利益
assumed interest rate预定利率
audit interest and amortization charges of bonds债券还本付息情况审计
average interest rate on total contracted平均订约利率
banking interest银行利率
basic interests根本利益
bear interest负担利息
bear interest承担利息
bearing interest负担利息
beneficial interest受益利息
beneficial interest可享用的利益
bond interest expenses债券利息支出
both principal and interest本利合计
broken-period interest截期利息
building loan interest建设贷款利息
building of historic interests有历史意义的建筑
business interest rate经营利率
calculated interest估算利息
capitalization of interests以利息化为资本
capitalization of interests滚利作本
capitalized interest滚利作本
capitalized interest本金化的利息
capitalized interest资本化利息
capitalized interest rate资本化利率
cargo interest货主部门
cargo interest货方 (利益)
cash deposited for bond interest备付债券利息存款
cashing interest利息兑现
cashing interest领取利息
certificate of deduction of interest tax扣除利息税证明书
claim for interest索取利息
common interest双方的利益
common interest共同权益
community of interest财务共管组织
compound interest curve复利曲线
compound interest estimate复利估计值
compound interest factor复利因子
compound interest law复利法则
compound interest method年金折旧法
compound interest method of amortization复利摊销法
compound interest method of depreciation复利折旧法
compound interest method of depreciation折旧复利法
contract rate of interest合同利率
contractual interest明息
contributory interest分摊利益
controllable interest可控权益
controlling interest控制股权 (权益)
controlling interest可控制权益
controlling interest控制权益
conventional interest rate协定利率
cost, insurance, freight, commission, exchange and interest到岸价格加佣金,汇费及利息
cost, insurance, freight, interest and commission到岸价格加利息和佣金
cost, insurance, freight, interest and exchange到岸价格加利息和汇费
covered interest提存利息
cum interest利息
cumulative interest累加利息
debitor interest借方应付利息
decentralization of power and interest权力和利益的分散
default interest过期罚金
deferred interest递延利息
deferred interest延期利息
deferred interest mortgage延缓利息抵押贷款
deferred repayment of capital and interest延期还本付息
delay interest延迟利息
deposite interest rate存款利率
discount rate of interest贴现率
earnings before interest and tax付息及税前利润
earnings before interest and tax减除利息和税款前收益
economic rights and interests经济权益
effective annual interest rate实际年利率
effective interest实际利息
employment interest就业利息
equilibrium interest rate均衡利率
equilibrium rate of interest平衡利率
equitable interests平衡法上利益
ex interest不带利息
exact interest实利计息
expense associated with the earning of interest与利息收入有关的费用
expiry date for interest结息日
explicit interest直接以货币支付的利息
explicit interest明息
explicit interest rate名义利率
expression of interest显示其重要性
external interest rate境外货适用的利率
face rate of interest名义利率
fixed interest security定息债券
flat interest charges粗利率
flat interest rate统一利率
flexible interest rate弹性利率
floating prime rate of interest浮动优惠利率
fractional interest部分利益
free of interest不计利息
full interest admitted承担全部保险利益
full interest admitted承认全部利益
general bonded-debt and interest group of accounts普通债券本息账类
general interests全局利益
gross interest毛利息
gross interest纳税前的投资利息收入
guaranteed annuity interest保证年利息
harmony of interest利益协调
high interest高利
high interest高息
high-density point of interest高密度特征点
illegal interest非法高利
implicit interest内在利息
implicit interest charges内含利息的开支
implicit interest revenue内含利息收入
implied rate of interest内含利率
imputed interest被转嫁的利息
imputed interest设算利息
imputed interest估算利息推算利息
imputed interest应付利息
installed and interest charges分期还本付息
instalment and interest charges分期还本付息
insured interests被保险物
interest accruing from land funds土地资金利息
interest and tax利和税
interest arbitrage利息套戥
interest based on each installment按每期等额付款计息
interest based on uncollected balance按未收余额计息
interest-bearing account计息账户
interest-bearing assets计息资产
interest-bearing capital借货资本
interest-bearing capital生息资本
interest-bearing eligible liabilities附息合格负债
interest-bearing load生息贷款
interest-bearing securities附息证券
interest bill附利息票据
interest clause bill附利息条款票据
interest cover利息偿付
interest coverage ratio利息偿付比率
interest date付息日
interest differential息差年率
interest during construction施工期利息
interest during construction建筑期利息
interest earned已取得的利息
interest escalation利率自动上调
interest expenses利息支出
interest expenses支付利息
interest-extra loan分期还本付息贷款
interest-extra loan增息贷款
interest extra note利息另计借据
interest factor本利系数
interest field权利范围
interest for delay滞付利息
interest for delinquency滞付利息
interest formula计息公式
interest free不计息的
interest free deposit无息存款
interest free investment无息投资
interest free loan无息贷款
interest free loan无息信贷
interest-free loan fund免息贷款基金
interest groups利益集团
interest in arrears滞付利息
interest in block应收利息
interest induced note利息合计借据
interest-in-general depreciation method一般利息折旧法
interest margin利差幅度
interest method of account current金额分类计息法
interest money附息货币
interest on arrears延期利息
interest on borrowing借款利息
interest on call活期借款利息
interest on condition附有条件的权益
interest on consumer debt消费者债务利息
interest on debit balance借方应付利息
interest on interbranches accounts联行往来利息
interest on loans借入款利息
interest on overdue payments逾期付款利息
interest on payment for purchases进货付款利息
interest on payment for purchases进货款利息
interest on tax underpaid or postponed欠缴或滞纳税款利息
interest on the principal本金的利息
interest only mortgage只分期付息而到期后一次偿还本金的抵押方式
interest paid已付利息
interest passbook息折
interest payment支付利息
interest payment and amortization分期还本付息
interest payment date付息日
interest payment of foreign loan国外借款利息支付
interest payment period付息期
interest payment period利息偿付期
interest period利息期
interest policy固定利益保单
interest prepaid预付利息
interest rate cap最大利率
interest rate differential利率差异
interest rate differential subsidy利率差别补贴
interest rate effect利率效应
interest rate on borrowing借款利率
interest rate option利率期权
interest rebate退息
interest receivable应收未收利息
interest received已取得的利息
interest reserve利息准备 (金)
interest restriction利息限制
interest subsidy fund利息补贴基金
interest subsidy home利息补贴住宅
interest table利率表
interest with holding tax利息预扣税
interests of the whole全局利益
investment interest投资权益
lawful interests合法利益
legal interest法定权益
legal maximum of interest rates法定最高利率
legitimate interests合法利益
lend at interest计息贷款
lessor's interest出租人权利
letter of interest意向书
life interest终身财产所有权 (指非世袭的财产)
load interest in constructional period建设期贷款利息
loan interest借款利息
loan on interest息债
loan repay capital with interest statement借款还本付息计算方案
local interest当地利息
local interest局部利益
long end interest较长期的利息
low interest credit低息贷款
low interest fund低息资金
low-density point of interest低密度特征点
lower bank interest rates for savings deposits and loans降低银行存贷款利率
lowest interest rate最低银行利率
marine interests航运界
marine interests海商利率
marine interests航海利息
maritime interest航运界
maritime interest航海利息
market interest rates市场利率
material interest物质利益
mean annual rate of interest平均年利率
method of sample interest单利计算法
mutual interest双方的利益
national interest国家利益
natural interest rate自然利率
navigation interests航运界
net effective interest rate净有效报酬率
net interest净利
neutral rate of interest不赢不亏的利息率
non-interest-bearing note无息票据
non-interest-bearing securities无息证券
non-operating interest非生产权益
non-operating interest非营业权益
non-taxable interest income免税利息收入
normal interest rate一般利率
oil interest石油业
open interest未平仓合约
open interest未结清权益
open interest开放权益
optimum rate of interest最适利率
optimum rate of interest最优惠利率
ordinary compound interest method复利法
ordinary interest rate自然利率
other interest rate其他利率
ownership interest所有者权益
partial interest局部利益
partner's investment interests投资人权益
pattern of interest rate利率模式
pay the interest accrued支付所生利息
penal interest违约利息
place historic interest古迹
place historical interest古迹
place of historic interest古迹
point of cultural interest文物遗址
point of interest名胜
policy proof of interest保险单权益证明
policy proof of interest信用保单
pooling of interest method联营法
positive interest加仓费
postponed interest延期利息
preferential interest优惠存款
prime interest rate优惠利率
prime rate of interest最优惠利率
private interest私营企业
profit and loss on capital and interest本利的盈亏
public interest公营企业
pure interest rate纯利润率
quarterly interest季度息
question of common interest共同关心的问题
railway interest铁路部门
railway interest铁路业务
rate of interest
rate of interest per annual年利率
ratio of interest expenses to sales利用费用与销货比率
readjustment of interest rate调整利率
real interest rate实质利率
real interest rate真实利率
reduced interest cost减低利息成本
region of interest感兴趣区
repay principal and interest within the current year当年还本付息
responsibilities and interests of an enterprise权责利
reversionary interest可归回收益
royalty interest矿区特许使用权益
ruling rate of interest基准利率
ruling rate of interest主利率
security for interest物权担保
security interest抵押权益
self-interest in economic management经济经营中的本身利益
shadow interest rate影子利率
shipping interest航运业者
simple interest单利 (息)
simple interest线性增长
simple interest formula单利公式
single interest单利 (息)
sinking fund interest rate偿债基金利率
site of special scientific interest有特殊科学价值的地区
special interest edition statement专业版本说明
stoppage of interest停付利息
structure of interest rate利率结构
sundry interest paid已付杂项利息
sundry interest received已收杂项利息
table of interest rate利率表
tax-free interest免税利益
teaser rate of interest引诱利率
term structure of interest rate利率的期限结构
terminable interests可中止的产权权益
terminable interests有限期的产权
time charterer's interest期租人的股息
to have common interests共同的利益关系
true annual interest实际年息
unamortized interest during construction未摊还建造期利息
unity of interest同等利益
unreasonable interest rate不合理利率
usual interest普通利息
usual interest rate普通利息率
usurious interest高息
valuation of insurable interest保险权益定值
vested interests既得利益 (集团)
wild interest难以追索的产权变迁
working interest石油业的开采利益